f a r f a l l a said:Did you guys all know that when the heartless attacked Hollow Bastion that Cloud was left behind when Cid and the others escaped? Nomura was asked if Cid left Cloud behind when they all escaped to which Nomura said "Cloud was just lost in confusion" isn't that so sad?![]()
XD That is pretty sad. Poor Cloud is always getting the short end of the stick. A madman burns his house down. His team mates automatically volunteer him to climb the high-voltage tower. Now his pilot leaves without him!
If I were Cloud, I'd definitely be looking a solid insurance plan, let's just say that.
But then again, of all the characters that would be most likely to not bat an eye at a horde of monsters, and just wipe 'em out with barely breaking a sweat, I gotta admit, that'd be Cloud.
Omgoodness! I knowwww, right?5 feet and 8 inches just doesn't live up to who he is as a person. But I kinda like it. He's this cool person but has this body height that most people don't equate to "cool" or "strong" and I think that's why I appreciate Cloud's 5'8" height so much. He doesn't let that make him feel weak and he always lets others know not to take him lightly.
Just like when he got in Barret's face in the beginning of VII. For a person of short stature like Cloud to get in the face of a bigger built(6'5") person that just shows how cool and kick ass Cloud is.
Well, in 1997, 5' 7" may have been a fairly respectable height! But now, more than 15 years later, it's not quite as impressive. We get so much taller, it's sad. I can cite another character from another game that has grown at least 7 inches from game 1 to game 4. SENSE, THIS MAKES NONE.
I always liked that he had average height as well. I mean, Cloud wasn't hand-picked for the SOLDIER program like Zack was (who was undoubtedly in the top percentile, including speed, strength and the like) but he still kicks way more ass than all the other SOLDIERS. Tiny, but fierce.
Hmm, never heard of it, I'm sorry.I'll look for it though, that sounds interesting.
Does that make sense though? At the time Cloud joined Soldier, he wasn't facing any mental problems?
It makes sense. Cloud said as much himself, that physically he's identical to anyone in SOLDIER. But I can definitely buy that he didn't pass the mental tests. We know he's got some very low self-esteem, thus his whole venture to prove himself by joining SOLDIER in the first place. It would take a strong mind and will to resist overexposure to mako.
Yeah, I would blame perfect CGI for that though. I think it can be agreed that when we all played VII for the first time we envisioned a much rougher and grungy version of him. But honestly, I think AC did a pretty good job of it.He's still the manliest FF hero IMO.

But like I said earlier, he's still quite young. I cannot, for the life of me, imagine Cloud sporting a mustache just yet.
I like Cloud in darker colors.Although, I would love to see Cloud in some worn/old denim jeans and a nice t-shirt(whether white, gray, black, military green, tan, or blue) it does not matter, as long as I see him in them I will be happy.
Don't get me wrong, Cloud looks positively edible in darker colors. But would it kill him to wear.... I dunno..... light blue now and then?
Something to bring out the color in those gorgeous eyes...