Anime Naruto

It's an awesome anime however Naruto which is hero is almost like a sore loser if they made him at least stronger then I would think again, Sasuke is way stronger than him and the hero seems like a bug to him. O_O
HAHA Don't let DA see this thread... He'd go on and on about how great Naruto is...

I got up to about episode 200 and I loved but I suddenly stopped watching... Oh well.
To be honest i didn't like that much the show, i found it entertaining but isn't the big deal that most people tell me.

I star reading the manga and it's Ok; however i think that there're several better manga/anime than this.
i dont realy like naruto but its okay in a way. i want better epipodes and and games so i dont acctually like it...anyway rock lee ROCKS!!!!!:D

deathnote is so much better then naruto
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Some of the battles are pretty cool. I skip straight to the fights since I'm not interested in the filler. Overall, I don't care for the show much. Maybe I'd like it more if I didn't watch the english version. Something about Naruto's voice makes me want to kill myself. It's horrible.
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I hate the fillers so I haven't watched in a long time.I do read the manga though.The story is becoming confusing and maybe what everybody would expect to happen but I myself like it this way,even if it's predictable what's gonna happen next.
The story confuses me every now and then as well. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised...seeing as I really don't pay attention to it.

I was watching some random episode, and the entire time I was thinking, "Is this show gonna go anywhere anytime soon?" As much as I love watching Sasuke sit in trees acting like he's better than everyone else, I'd rather see some action.
I haven't seen any of the episodes, but I have watched the first movie,a nd can't say I'm a huge fan... I guess it just isn't my kinda thing, like InuYasha wasn't. Ok, I liked the basic story of that, but the fillers took up over 50% of the series!! ¬_¬ And I hear Naruto is much the same. :/
Naruto is awesome! It's very suspenseful, but not as suspenseful as DBZ, which is good >___>

Right now, it seems as though it's going to be a VERY long story, because Naruto still doesn't even know 10 Jutsu. Uh yeah, so I like it very much
I used to love this anime a few years ago and the first 130 odd episodes were great.......and then came the filler, some of the most god awful crap ever to leave the shores of Japan. Now that Naruto Shippuuden has started it has certainly gotten better than the filler but it is by no means as good as the original series once was.

Whats more is now I sometimes have to wait 3-4 weeks for a single episode to be released, they drag out everything so it takes 5 fukkin episodes for the series to progress anywhere, plus they spring another fukin filler ark on me, i'm actually amazed that the show hasn't been cancelled yet. I am enjoying some of the latest episodes (70's) though.
I'll have to agree with SaShman, Naruto nowadays has way too much small annoying fillers in them, not to mention that shitty arc they randomly put in... Of course it's gotten a little, notice a LITTLE better now at least.
i'm sorry but i'll have to disagree with yall.. naruto was okay but how it last for like 50 seasons is annoying i especially hate how they copy moves from other animes! and i especially hate how zabuza died so early.. i mean he's the coolest character and he dies like 20 episodes into the anime!!!
I always thought Naruto as an anime was really poorly thought out, but the thing that happens with Itachi is really unsuspected--but if you look back on all the flashbacks with him, everything fits like a puzzle piece! I think it's really good d(-.-)b

Hey, hey! Is anyone updated with the manga so we can talk in super-spoiler-codez?
I actually don't really like Naruto. I guess it's okay, but it just seems to be a tad bit boring to me. Ooh, an anime about ninja's.. How original <sarcastic tone>. Bleach is waaay better. Actually, I think I'm gonna start a thread about Bleach Vs. Naruto...

Those of you who like Naruto, watch Basilisk: The Kouga Ninja Scrolls. It kicks ass.
I was sucked into the Naruto craze when it premiered in the States. I'm never getting out, and that's okay. I really like this show, and the characters caught my attention. The story has been compared to Harry Potter a lot...

Konoha = Hogwarts
Sasuke = Harry
Naruto = Ron
Sakura = Hermione
Orochimaru = Voldemort
Sasuke's cursed seal = Harry's scar

And so on. But I still find it original in the way it develops. My favorite character is Sakura, and close behind her is Sasuke. I liked the Land of Water story arc with Zabuza and Haku, too (HAKUUU!!! :cry2: ).

*well everything heres seems accurate :D and naruto being ron is genius :D haha cheers mate...but one things desturbs me :)

*how could voldemort be Orochimaru? i mean voldemort is a wuss compared to him :) voldemort aint got nothin on Orochimaru. i say voldemort can be compared to... sasori :D thats how different theri level is with Orochi :D

*Orochimaru rocks and is 100 times cooler and badder than voldemort :)
naruto is really a great anime, and some of the episodes are exellent but some are just boring, and the thing that i hate the most is that it lasts forever, too many episodes... but all in all i really love it next to full metal alchemist witch is the best anime ever made:P
Naruto is the best and dbz comes 2nd, but dbz does have much better attacks :)