Anime Naruto

I think every one should look at naruto he one of the best anime shows there is even if It came out in 1999
Sephiroth, I'm pretty sure it's Kamekazi, not Kazikame. BUt the thing that I think ruined Naruto a lot is Naruto shouting "Belive it" every 2 seconds. And whenever he isn't saying that, he makes grunting sounds that sound like he's either having an orgasm, or having a baby. It's really annoying. And the voice actors they hired suck.
Ha! There's a pretty funny video protesting about "Believe it!" I think it was on Saiyanisland?
Believe it is almost like Naruto saying Dattebayo.... except that anit annoying
DBZ.. what I have heard of it.
2 persons have different meanings.
then they use the next 20 episodes to battle it out.
I never got to like DBZ. but I let those who like it. like it.

Naruto rules. If you are to see it. I do NOT recommend You tube. Crunchyroll or any of those pages.
Get to use the Torrent system. and I can PM you directly to a site that subs it.
I have been using them since ep 120 or so..
they really know what they are doing.
and they release an ep, like 20 hours after it airs in japan..
I used to love DBZ....recorded nearly every episode on tv. I've seen a few of the Naruto episodes and they look great...but I'm reserved about buying the dvd sets as I know there's gonna be over 200 episodes and although I liked what I saw.....I think spending that much on an anime is a little too much for me. From what I gather, it would mean there's going to be 8 series and with two parts per series, that's a total of 16 parts. Although, because the early parts should be cheaper now, I may well start buying them if I can get them at £10 each.
Just seeing that closed topic in the FF General Discussion board prompted me to bump this topic ...


My best friend has just KILLED it. It's all she can talk about >_< And the fact that she screams NARUTO every time she sees some bleach-blonde haired dude is NOT helping it's cause.

I hope they all die.

I have other reasons to hate it, but this is all I feel like sharing for now.
Naruto is definitely the best anime in the world! There is not a better show! I watch Naruto everyday. IM FREAKING OBSESSED!!!!
I for my part both read the manga and watch the anime (Jap. subs) and a fact is that the plot is very good.

It is deffinatly one of the best Animes today, while DBZ was made over 15 years ago, and still rocks. However Naruto has a better story, better personalities (meaning deeper), more blood, and the variety of jutsus is awesome. Kishimoto surely made one awesome thing there, but since no spoilers allowed, I have to keep the holy secrets, cough... story wise, un-spoken =P

Well my favorite character from Naruto would have to be Kakashi, I mean how cool and laid back can someone get. [Not a question] =D
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I like naruto to. Especially the main character Naruto, he is great. I'm waching it right now.
Naruto is definitely the best anime show ever! I mean, how can you not like it? It's like a mix of a bunch of different things. It has: violence, romance, comedy, sadness, curses (which are very important) and a whole bunch of other things. I also like every character's voice. And I was so surprised how much Naruto changed in Naruto Shippuuden, he got tougher and so much cuter:inlove::ninja::duel:
Naruto has everything! Even if I've been away from the series for a long time, as soon as I pick up the latest manga volume I'm hooked right back on again. It's addicting.

Naruto. Smoke it.


I ♥ Haku, and I ♥ Neji. Woot!
I loved this series when I first started watching it (2004) and I was hooked up until the filler kicked in and I had to wait like a year for decent stuff to come out, I tried watching the filler but after about 40 episodes I just couldn't be stuffed watching it. Now shippuden is out I've kinda grown out of it a bit, I still enjoy it but not nearly as much as before, plus waiting 2-3 weeks for an episode is really a pain. But nevertheless its a great series!
Naruto the series is great, I think its a really well done manga and is written and illustrated well. But the character of Naruto kind of annoys me; "Wooh! Kage Bunshin no jutsu! Wooh! Rasengan! Wooh! You're Dead!"
I mean sure, he is a kid right now and so he has years to develop his moves, power and intelligence, but please try something else for once...
However, personally the anime (English dub) annoys the hell outta me; 4Kids Entertainment ruined the anime, editing out all the good bits; violence, swearing, blood, cool ninjutsu... Nearly Everything!
And the constant fillers... ugh...

Naruto the series is great, I think its a really well done manga and is written and illustrated well. But the character of Naruto kind of annoys me; "Wooh! Kage Bunshin no jutsu! Wooh! Rasengan! Wooh! You're Dead!"
I mean sure, he is a kid right now and so he has years to develop his moves, power and intelligence, but please try something else for once...
However, personally the anime (English dub) annoys the hell outta me; 4Kids Entertainment ruined the anime, editing out all the good bits; violence, swearing, blood, cool ninjutsu... Nearly Everything!
And the constant fillers... ugh...
I agree... the English Dub sucks, Naruto is to.... happy at sad times... Another words, he sounds like a 4-year or someone equal to Kid Goku and he was like 8 right?(I don't watch DB...) Yah sorry Naruto is 12 and sounds alike..... Suckz.

I mean seriously the worst swear they put in the anime was Speak of the devil.... I mean seriously the game had swearing (Yes, Ultimate Ninja 2 did have crap 3 times in the game. Hey it's an improvement)

The Blood is still there, except in oversea versions... So i've heard.. same as violence

4Kids..... :| :afromad: Lol
I hate Naruto. All the characters are gay besides Neji, Zabuza, and Rock Lee. The anime got boring as hell when it became a modern day Dragon Ball Z, which was leik, from episode nine.

The really only good episodes involve Rock Lee kicking ass, and being humorous. Fights involving Neji were less amusing, but he was okay.

Zabuza... He was just teh pwnage on the bridge.
Ahem...*Kefka voice*

I hate hate hate hate hatehatehatehateHAAAAAAATE Naruto.

The cast of characters is more or less the most cliche bunch of wannabe ninjas I've ever seen in my life. Seriously, everyone in that show is nothing more than a stereotypical archetype ripped off of pretty much every single Shounen anime ever created. You have your annoyingly enthusiastic main character (Naruto), your even more annoying yet incredibly useless love interest (Sakura), your emo boy toy whose sole purpose is to make fangirls nerdgasm (Sasuke)...the list goes on and on but fails to get anymore interesting. Honestly, the only tolerable characters are Rock Lee and Gai (who, by the way, deserve their own spinoff show). The rest are 2-Dimensional cliches who never display any truly unique or remotely interesting qualities.

And let's not forget that none of them act anything like ninjas. The first Story Arc was cool because the fights actually incorporated stealth, strategy, and...well...other things besides flashy energy blasts and angsty teenagers. After that, though, it just became another ripoff of Dragonball Z whose only attraction is in its aesthetic appeal. The characters became overpowered and even more shallow than they originally were, the fights grew dull, and the plot turned into a contrived mess.

Did I mention the overglorification of Sasuka, AKA Naruto's version of Sephiroth? Sure, he started off cool enough, but...well...yaoi fangirls ruin everything. Amirite? Sasuke personifies pretty much every negative stereotype related to Shounen anime characters. He's just another emo prettyboy who has a mental breakdown over every event in his "tragic" life. I honestly thought his characters was improving, too. That is until he went off to the Emo Farm with Michael Jackso-...I mean Orochimaru.

In closing, Naruto is up there with s-CRY-ed, Gundam SEED, and Post-Frieza Dragonball Z on my list of Anime I Hate. It's a terrible anime with a convoluted plot, a cast of unlikeable characters, and boring fight scenes.

Oh, the way...

4Kids Entertainment ruined the anime
Actually, 4Kids didn't dub Naruto. Furthermore, nothing major was cut out of the Naruto dub. They took out a bit of blood to keep it acceptable for children (yes, the anime has always been aimed at children). The curses that you see were added in by fansubbers who aren't very good at translating Japanese.

Phew...Well that was a meaner rant than I'm used to giving. Sorry, guys, I just get a little carried away when it comes to Naruto.
Does anyone still read the manga?
At the moment I am really sick of it and dissapointed in Kishimoto,
he builds up all the hype to the Itachi-Sasuke fight and now Itachi, who is meant to be a complete genius, is getting his total ass kicked by his weaker kid brother.
Sure, Sasuke got stronger from the time skip, but so would Itachi!!!