Anime Naruto

I love Naruto, one of my favorite animes. However I also hate it, a lot of characters are well-rounded and well thought-out, but there's always the handful of characters that get on your last nerves.

My favorite characters are Gaara, Naruto, Rock Lee, Hinata, Kiba, and Neji, in that order. However two characters I can never stand are Sasuke and Sakura.

Sasuke is your typical Emo OCD little orphan brat whose whole family was killed off and, you guessed, it, he only seeks revenge. He's freaking 12! Even if his family was killed off by his older brother, he has to have some fun, God! And, besides that, I personally think that the clan actually deserved to get killed off. Half of Konoha had their symbol all over the place, which indicated an overly narcissistic, arrogant, and prideful clan.

As for Sakura, though she is considered the 'smartest student of their class' she didn't even know Genjutsu when it was first used on her outside of the academy (despite the warning of whirling leaves associated with it), and she never does anything of use. She only acts when she is the only one who can do anything, and, even then, she fails at life. Not to mention, in the second series, she gets some uber godlike powers and abilities after only 2 and a half years.
I've seen a few episodes of Naruto. They are all pretty decent. I really don't have a favorite character. I even bought a poster of Naruto from WalMart the other day, I have yet to hang it up.

I love Naruto, I've seen all 220 episodes of Naruto when he was 12 years old, Now watching Naruto shippuden and waiting for episode 5 of it (episode 225) to be out.
I only have the first 3 books of the manga, although HMV are selling the first uncut series 1 for £8 which is very, very tempting!
In my opinion, "Naruto" is an amazing anime, blending not only the best aspects of Japanese Animation and the ninja culture, but also, film. Naruto is the first anime I've seen to employ a variety of impressive and rarely seen in anime, camera techniques (or, in this case, "jutsu"). The characters are flawed, and all too real, the staggering amount of episodes, chocks full of fillers presents a great opportunity for emotional growth, not only for the title character (Naruto) but for the entire supporting cast as well. I've followed most of the episodes religiously and can't wait to see where it takes us next.

My personal favourite character is Hatake Kakashi. Dudes with gray/ silver hair are the coolest characters in their respective animes hands down, take, for example, Sephiroth from FFVII, coolest character there. Meeting this prerequisite and just his all around B.A. (Bad@$$) nature make him, imo the coolest character in Naruto.
Naruto is a pretty good anime, if I was to rate Naruto on a scale of 1-10 I would give it a soild 9. The characters are well drawn and the story gets better with each episode.
lol i rekon its funni az. he kan turn himself into a chik. lol n hiz fat frend trys n he turns into lik a fat blob. n were the guy with blak hair dat al d girls lik whoz name i kant memba kisses naruto dats funni az wel.
dats ryt n he d 1 hu gt dat eye thing that i kant spell. i like naruto even tho most of the time nuthin happens.
Try talking in English first of all. Second, things do happen on Naruto, you shoudl watch the japanese episodes. They're further ahead than the Americans. Third, a new series has already started, it's called Naruto Shippuuden (translated: Naruto Hurricane Chronicals) and it's already up to episodes 6-7. This Thursday at 7:30 in Japan is when it airs. basically, wait til friday before watching.
dats ryt n he d 1 hu gt dat eye thing that i kant spell. i like naruto even tho most of the time nuthin happens.

Please speak in English on the forums. We're getting to the point of not permitting typespeak because we just can't simply understand what you people are saying when you use it.
Please speak in English on the forums. We're getting to the point of not permitting typespeak because we just can't simply understand what you people are saying when you use it.

Right on!!! *looks left and right then down*


I love Naruto! It's funny and gripping even though I'm on episode 77 or so and they are JUST starting to reveal a plot! XD

Kakashi has to be my favourite character; he's funny, sarcastic and he loves his "Come come paradise" books!

In conclusion: Naruto = <3, guaranteed to make nearly anyone a Narutard!
Naruto is a pretty good anime, if I was to rate Naruto on a scale of 1-10 I would give it a soild 9. The characters are well drawn and the story gets better with each episode.
Here here, I give it a 9/10 as well! ^_^

I've been really addicted to, especially lately that more episodes have been out in my region. Kakashi is the best! :D He's so funny and strong.
Right on!!! *looks left and right then down*


I love Naruto! It's funny and gripping even though I'm on episode 77 or so and they are JUST starting to reveal a plot! XD

Kakashi has to be my favourite character; he's funny, sarcastic and he loves his "Come come paradise" books!

In conclusion: Naruto = <3, guaranteed to make nearly anyone a Narutard!

So, what do you watch? The American version? Like I said before, the Japanese version is way further ahead than the American version.
I'm currently watching the Japanese version. it's so far ahead of the english version. just this Saturday they showed the episode when the third hokage died in english on toonami. I'm also currently watching Naruto Shippuden and also reading the manga.
Kakashi has to be my favourite character; he's funny, sarcastic and he loves his "Come come paradise" books!

Werd. Kakashi is one bad @$$ cat.

I'm currently watching the Japanese version. it's so far ahead of the english version. just this Saturday they showed the episode when the third hokage died in english on toonami. I'm also currently watching Naruto Shippuden and also reading the manga.

Be advised, in the Manga, there is a filler between the original "Naruto" anime and "Naruto Shippuden" titled "Kakashi Gaiden". It basically explains the story of Kakashi's one "Sharingan" eye, and sheds a little more light on his past. The anime, sadly, forgoes this great episode and continues on past Narutos training. I would highly recommend that you find and read this filler arc as soon as possible.

Be advised, in the Manga, there is a filler between the original "Naruto" anime and "Naruto Shippuden" titled "Kakashi Gaiden". It basically explains the story of Kakashi's one "Sharingan" eye, and sheds a little more light on his past. The anime, sadly, forgoes this great episode and continues on past Narutos training. I would highly recommend that you find and read this filler arc as soon as possible.
I've heard of this and was wondering where I could actually find it. Was it posted in an issue of the american manga? How far is the american manga?