Anime Naruto

I read the manga through all the time until something happened and now i'm reading the manga on NMR (Naruto Manga Returns). has every episode of naruto (and bleach if you're interested) and is updated weekly with new episodes.
Ive watched the first episode on YouTube and it was so-so. I wasnt going crazy over it, but I personally prefer the manga.
I Love Naruto!!!!! He Is The Beast Ninja Ever But Sasuke Comes Right Befor Him Aaaa Yaaaa
all this time i was hearing about an anime called "Naruto" and i was wondering why they like it.
in the beggining when i heard about it,i thought that it was a stupid anime and all that other stuff.
but still i wanted to see how it was this anime,so a few days ago i decided to download an episode of it,just to see how it was and if i was going to like it or not.
soon i realized that i was wrong about it and now here i am talking about it coz i really like it very much.
the main reason i decided to watch was Sazuke,he looked so cool and strong,although he's a little cold with the others.

i would like to know what do you think about it too and who's your favourite character.

you already know who's mine,is Sazuke.

so lets all of us share our opinion about this anime and its characters too,in this thread^_^
Actually his name's Sasuke. Maybe you heard his name wrong or you downloaded a japanese episode or something, but in the American version his name's Sasuke.
Actually his name's Sasuke. Maybe you heard his name wrong or you downloaded a japanese episode or something, but in the American version his name's Sasuke.

Or maybe he's just not the best speller.

But anyway, my favorite character is.. as my dp shows.. Kimimaro Kaguya. He is the last surviving clan member, and is one of the strongest ninja out there, which is why he was Orochimaru's first pick.. until he developed his sickness.. and so Orochimaru gave up on him completely, and went after Sasuke.. but even after all that Kimimaro continued fighting for him.. Even though it ended up killing him.. though Gaara and Lee were a bit shook up after that.. :lol:
Yup, i was like you ;) because my brother liked it and i always hated the shows he watched and all his friends were like saysing naruto is the best so then i wonted to know wat it is then i watched it and i liked it ;) saskuke is the best! but i mostly like naruto games for ps2 :D type in naruto arena on google and its a preety good game on the net ;)
Yargh. I'm still going through the filler arc, even though I have access to "Shippuden". I don't know what everyone kept bitching about, I dig the fillers man. I'm still watching them!

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
Naruto isn't the best anime ever but it is a relatively good one. I really hate the english Dub, but I guess it saves me from reading subtitles, and the fillers are kind of annoying which is another reason I prefer reading the manga over watching the anime.