Anime Naruto

I agree, I hate that fact that they over power Sasuke. He's definitely gotten stronger, but like you does everyone else. It's annoying. I like the anime and Manga but the characters ruin it most of the time.

I actually agree with oathkeeper in the fact that they are all stereotypical anime characters...especially Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura/ I have to admit I don't like any of squad 7 other than Kakashi and my loath for angsty, pretty boy's leads me to HATE Sasuke!

The only ones I actually like are the sub characters, Rock Lee, Gaara and Kakashi. XP
I've only seen a few episodes, but it seemed too childish from what i seen.
Im sure i would find something i like about it if i was to watch it more..
But it dident seem like something i would like at all.
I've only seen a few episodes, but it seemed too childish from what i seen.
Im sure i would find something i like about it if i was to watch it more..
But it dident seem like something i would like at all.
Are you watching the English Verison on Cartoon Network at 9-9:30; 9:30-10:00? If you are, you're not watching the one we are speaking about, this is the un-editied Japanesse one. With all the blood, curses and other good stuff. Cartoon Network's Verison has been Child-a-fied(LOL) which makes it real bad. I almost want to sue Viz/Cartoon for even doing it.... I mean they didn't do it to Bleach!
Yeah, take a look at Naruto Unleashed. I began watching the edited one and thought it was too childish and I couldn't get into it. But then I took a look at the Japanese episodes and enjoyed it much more...then I god my hands on Unleashed and all was right with the world =D
That is until you read the Manga chapters just past...
At least my two favourites are now getting some spotlight (Shino and Kakashi) but the fact that the
Itachi vs. Sasuke battle lasted for soooooo long...
Anyway, anyone reading the manga?
dbz is old naruto is deffinately cooler and fix ur grammer
i mean come on, much more cooler
im getting really tired of this.. the comment above opposed his viewpoint so he dissed his grammer.. This is not cool anymore friendly discussion is the way to go :) and ye i liked naruto until i found much better animes
I am so over this show now. What the HELL was that in the manga?

They killed Itachi!!
This is unacceptable! (Although, admittedly, the 'poke' part was kind of adorable.) I refuse to care anymore about this show.
First they kill Deidara, then they kill Itachi!
They killed off my two favorite characters! Why can't they kill characters I dislike? Like Sasuke! Why doesn't Sasuke die already?!

To be quite honest, I just don't like where this show/manga is headed -_- I liked it at first, but then...I don't know. It just went somewhere I didn't like. Oh well. I must find a new anime to like!
Naruto does seem to be heading into an holy trinity type show, its sad how much so. Naruto has pretty much become "The One" and "The Light" while Sasuke has become "The Darkness", I guess the brothers mangas are even more alike then most thought :/
Naruto has no reason to exist, but to introduce 8 year olds to Anime, they will grow up and realize that Naruto is not an anime at all.

I am disappointed by that cartoon.
Um yeah #1. I have a little 7 year old cousin who watches Naruto and tells me that this is fake... explain that...:PNote: That's the edited Version... sorry if I confused anyone lol
2. Naruto IS an anime, anime is Japanesse Animiation or animation itself if you like. If you call Bleach an anime or Death Note you HAVE to call Naruto an Anime...
3. Naruto has no reason to exist? Wow, how low can this one go... heck it was ranked numerous times on the American Anime Awards including....
- Best Long Series
-Best Manga(sure that has nothing to do with the anime but.. it's what the anime is lol)
-Best Cast
Now if you can't call Naruto an Anime after that.. I dunno who you are but you must not be able to read.... :)
I bought some of the Naurto manga few years back and never bothered. Then I found the complete first series for £20 in HMV and snapped it up!

Ive got the second series also and the 360 game. Im really getting into it.
I'm sure I've expressed my distaste towards Naruto before, but I have to say it again:

I hates it with a passion >_< I think the characters and plot are awful, as well as the actual art itself. The character designs are just ... phail. Yes, kids, STEALTHY ninjas were pink! and also bright orange jumpsuits.

What's the only good thing to come out of Naruto's production?
The Abridged Series.
I love this show. I currently have all the dvds and manga. I wasn't too happy though that
I've just started to watch Naruto and I am impressed, it is fast becoming one of my favourite animes.
*Yesh Yesh Yesh Naruto is cool weeeee :D super accelerating and exciting battles and hot women combined in to one animated thingyyy ;d

*but i do admire the drama and maturity of this anime, its sooo deep, dark and
fascinating! :) i bow down to the geniuses who created it and drew it! :)

*narutooooo rulezzzzz!!!! weeeeeeee:D :D
I used to like DBZ, but i've grown up...

Naruto rocks XD. I started watching because my brother was addicted too it so i had to try it XD.

Kakashi is the fucking bee's knee's as far as i'm conserned!
I never watch the Naruto anime I started once but I stopped after all the filler cause I started getting bored...but the manga keep me many twists
i like naruto..its an awesome anime. i dont like him in character i liks sasuke i even got the games!

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Naruto rocks
I've read all the manga.I've seen all the anime episodes.I've played all the games.
But what i would really like to do is COSPLAY...but i can't in my country ;(