Anime Naruto

The English dub is horrible. Believe it or not, you can see it on Youtube now.

Most of the voices suck, and they put the same amount of emotions in all of the characters, which is a horrible way of doing it. Sasuke, Neji and Kakashi are given more emotion than their character demands, and Naruto does not sound like an annoying little brat. That just ruins it. Orochimaru sounds a bit less like an old hag (or for some of you, an evil snake villain), but it's not that much better. The pronunciations are horrible, and the tone is sometimes awkward and out of place. Even I can imagine better voice acting when I read the manga fansubs.
It is intereting, and you do learn Japense from it, before I didn't know:
Ho - Fire
Mizu - Water
Kaze - Thunder
Kage - Shadow

And a couple of other japanese words. Wonder how many episodes (and chapters of the manga) there are going to be.
Kaze is also wind. As in kazikame.

The techniques, doton, katon, suiton and mokuton are also similar to the kanji characters used for the days of the week (also based off of the same words for earth, fire, water and wood).
Sephiroth, I'm pretty sure it's Kamekazi, not Kazikame. BUt the thing that I think ruined Naruto a lot is Naruto shouting "Belive it" every 2 seconds. And whenever he isn't saying that, he makes grunting sounds that sound like he's either having an orgasm, or having a baby. It's really annoying. And the voice actors they hired suck.
hey i LOVE naruto!! its awesome as, probably my fave anime! cant stand dub version so i watch it in subs, i cant stand the fillers...but luckily they are almost over!!

this is the episode list:

196- Clash of Tears! Hot Blooded Teacher and Student Showdown
197-The Konoha 11 Gather!
198-The ANBU Also Gave Up, Naruto's Recollection
199-Missing the Mark, The Visible Target
-end of season 8-

and the third naruto movie will be out next week!
those are the fillers? Well, I kinda gave up on the anime, mainly because the manga is further ahead, so I mainly watch the movies. The first movie was ok but the second one, which I'm currently watching, is the best. Gaara owns more people in one scene then anyone probably did in the entire anime.
Naruto Anyone?

all this time i was hearing about an anime called "Naruto" and i was wondering why they like it.
in the beggining when i heard about it,i thought that it was a stupid anime and all that other stuff.
but still i wanted to see how it was this anime,so a few days ago i decided to download an episode of it,just to see how it was and if i was going to like it or not.
soon i realized that i was wrong about it and now here i am talking about it coz i really like it very much.
the main reason i decided to watch was Sazuke,he looked so cool and strong,although he's a little cold with the others.

i would like to know what do you think about it too and who's your favourite character.

you already know who's mine,is Sazuke.

so lets all of us share our opinion about this anime and its characters too,in this thread^_^
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The best anime I've ever seen. =D I too heard everyone talking about it but there were a lot of rumours suggesting that the filler stories were boring. My friend and I chose to ignore this because we like being different, and we actually liked the fillers.
The plotline is brilliant, with some real unexpected twists and turns that I wont mention otherwise I'll spoil it :P What episode are you on Sins of a Fighter? Mo matter what, keep watching, and look out for episode 101, that one is hilarious xD.

My favourite character is Naruto, not because he's the main, but because of his drive to never keep up no matter what. He's not afraid to stray off the path and follow his own way of the ninja, I like that about him.
I love Kakashi too, I can't explain why, I just find him brilliant and super cool :P Probably due to is carefree nature is a factor as to why he is one of my favourites.
And of course, Saskue. He is too cool for school :P But like mentioned, he's a little to cold. He has great ability to be passive though, and I like that mysteriousness.
Yeah Naruto is awesome. No wonder its the biggest. Well if you are watching and catch up to the episode they are on ( Episode 208) then that's inside one of the biggest fillers of all times. Most people say that it's boring but I find quite a few of them are intersting.

I do advise you watch it and as Becki said watch out for episode 101... a random funny episode xD.

One reason Me and someone else came up with about the filler is that they have to fill in a whole 3 year gap between part I and Part II.
Naruto is my favorite anime. Before that i used to think i didnt like it but then i watched the first episode in a re-run then i watched up to where it is now online. I have yet to read any Manga though
Not the best but close to it i think that this anime is great. the show havent read it but im sure its just as good.
Claire that does seem a suitable reason as to why there are so many fillers. In the manga, it just jumps 3 years and makes you wonder what happened during that period [although I'm sure you'll get some idea. I wouldn't know, I haven't read it].
I just hope the fillers don't carry on for too long otherwise some fans will be lost. Some people are already getting bored [even though I can't comprehend why] and so if they continue there's be a lot less viewers. I get the feeling though that part 2 will be kicking in soon, and I think that will be the best out of the whole Naruto story. I wont say why, because that will spoil things. But if you want details, I'll post them in a spoiler tag :P.
AH Dont' forget though Becki.. All Manga is is just the main story... yu'll find no spoilers in theere whatso ever. So if they wanted to carry on with the main story then they would have to jump ahead ion the time for ll the changes to happen for that main part. i fyou get where i'm coming from

Yeah Zach told me today that gaara Dies somehow :(
What? Gaara dies? ='[ But he's a brilliant character. :cry2:

That's just...really sad. I wonder how? And yeah I know the manga is only about the main story, hence there are no fillers.
I'm to catch up to episode 208, I can't remember the last one I watched. *Bad memo strikes again*
Does anyone find the fillers boring though? It's interesting to see how views differ.
What? Gaara dies? ='[ But he's a brilliant character. :cry2:

That's just...really sad. I wonder how? And yeah I know the manga is only about the main story, hence there are no fillers.
I'm to catch up to episode 208, I can't remember the last one I watched. *Bad memo strikes again*
Does anyone find the fillers boring though? It's interesting to see how views differ.
it depends for me...i mean there are some fillers that are kinda interesting or funny and some that are stupid,pointless, and not funny
My favorite character whould be the 4th....Yondaime... The Yellow Flash..
What ever you call him. He's the greatest:cool: