Nintendo NDS Friend Codes

Hi My friend code is 219131044804 if anyone wants to add me. I'll add whoever wants to add me.:)
I have added several friend codes to my DS and have tried to send messages and so fourth but it will not let me... I'm using a WIFI connection to attempt this... Any ideas???
Friend code: 176 181 507 392

I've added everyone else who has posted in this thread so far. Please add me!

I cannot send mail until others have added me to their list's.

Double edit: I've also beaten the game, aside from the side-quests, so if anyone has any questions, feel free to use mog-net to hit me up for help.
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I'm new here - this whole Mognet business has sent me looking for a good forum and this one definitely takes the cake. I'll edit this post and stick my code in when I get there (currently in the final-ish dungeon, nowhere near a Moogle).

Depending on whether or not this wireless router works, I may be on and able to exchange mail tonight. It's making weird rattling noises when I shake it, so I have a feeling it might be broken.

Dumb question - I can't find the freaking space bar when writing mail.. where is it?
It's annoying, but you have to switch to symbols to find a space button.

I'll check back later to see if your code is up.
Add me please, hehe im using my gf's DS (hope she's not gona yell at me for connecting this :P ) ...but anywayz mine is :
2191 3133 3425
Caveman, I've already added you, but I can't seem to send you mail yet. Don't know if you've added me as well: 176 181 507 392

I've also added conada as well.

I still can't seem to send mail to anyone. This whole system is bloody annoying.