

Shi no Tenshi
Mar 3, 2010
Draken White
FFXIV Server
Okay, so it appears that Obama hates Israel, and is not going to aid it in war. He hates them because of their customs. There are people telling the Jews the get the hell out of Israel, I mean, Israel (Palestine) is where the Jews are originally from.

So do you agree with me that Obama is not making the right choice? Should he be aiding Israel, or not helping them? If he doesn't support Israel, the UN will be pissed (the US with the help of the UN made Israel a country)
Yes, I do. My dad, who was/is on Obama's side is starting to think he's making a lot of bad choices. About the oil spills and this.
I think the president is always in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" position. Personally, I think the United States should stop being the god damn world police.
The only difference with Israel is, it's supposed to get aid from the UN, at least, if I remember right.
I think the president is always in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" position. Personally, I think the United States should stop being the god damn world police.
Pretty much what I think. People are already yelling at Obama to withdraw soldiers from Iraq, so even more people would get pissed off if he just started sending people to Israel.
He has a discontent for the UK, he's voiced his opinion about David Cameron in the past about him being a "lightweight" and made it clear that when the SNP Scottish government and UK government made a decision about the Lockerbie bomber he was " outraged" ; he forgets himself about all the UK has done to make America's international grip that bit easier (Iraq-Afghanistan troops, secret terror flights to prestwick airport, US training bases in argyll and bute). The point of the matter is that a world leader doesnt talk shit about their friends... Obama didnt get that message. Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron never said anything bad about Clinton, Bush or Obama because its called respect among foreign leaders. Again, Obama didnt get the message. Oil spill and Israel are other issues I could go on about but my main gripe is his attitude to us in the UK.
Okay, so it appears that Obama hates Israel, and is not going to aid it in war. He hates them because of their customs.

I think that's a bit of a stretch. It's more that he disapproves and cannot support of some of their recent actions.

Oblivion said:
There are people telling the Jews the get the hell out of Israel, I mean, Israel (Palestine) is where the Jews are originally from.

Agreed. I don't see how they could justify this, except through some sort of survival of the fitter ideology. (Since Israel was a construct, not a nation that came about on its own, etc.)

Oblivion said:
So do you agree with me that Obama is not making the right choice? Should he be aiding Israel, or not helping them? If he doesn't support Israel, the UN will be pissed (the US with the help of the UN made Israel a country)

It depends on his reasoning. If he's withdrawing aid in reaction to the recent attack on the humanitarian ship, as well as some of its terroristic actions against the PLO and Palestinians in general, I think he has some legitimacy. In general, though, I think it's a bad idea to disrupt ties with the only really U.S.-friendly nation in the Middle East.

Travnia said:
The point of the matter is that a world leader doesnt talk shit about their friends...

I would disagree. Whether a nation is an ally or not, if they do something that is blatantly "wrong," I think another nation has the responsibility to criticize them for it. If the U.S., for example, attacked China tomorrow, I would expect England, France, et al, to publicly criticize us, and vice versa.
I think the president is always in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" position. Personally, I think the United States should stop being the god damn world police.

I think aiding a country that is in war, is a bad idea for many reasons.

We shouldn't be helping when we have a problem(s) of our own.....
Doesn't he also hate Us citizens? What about the Reformed Health Bill? Wasn't it supposed to be the greatest thing on Earth for all the US but now he's making you lot pay taxes of some sort if you don't have Health Insurance? What's that all about?
Doesn't he also hate Us citizens? What about the Reformed Health Bill? Wasn't it supposed to be the greatest thing on Earth for all the US but now he's making you lot pay taxes of some sort if you don't have Health Insurance? What's that all about?

/frantically tries to close can of worms.

Instead of paying $X in premiums to a for-profit health insurance company who will do everything in its power to screw you out of money, and who won't even cover 100% of the costs anyway, now you'll pay $X (in actuality, less than X) in taxes to the government, who will provide health care. Like.... all of it. To everyone.

Terrible idea. Just terrible.
I'm sorry but maybe you should just move to Canada. :monster:

What's the point of the Bill if what you'll end up paying in taxes for more coverage is less than the regular Health Insurance. Effed. Up.
What's the point of the Bill if what you'll end up paying in taxes for more coverage is less than the regular Health Insurance. Effed. Up.

The real point is that there are 50-ish million Americans without health insurance, a good portion of them being children. Obama's already enacted CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program, I believe is what it stands for), so that the uninsured children are more or less covered by the government. Now what he's trying to do is make it so that if I, as someone without health insurance, have a significant injury/illness, I can actually go to a hospital and get treated.

The fact that it would likely be less expensive and more inclusive than the current system is just a beautiful added bonus.
Talking politics on a forum usually leads to more problems than anything it solves.


I don't blame Obama for the oil spill.

It's silly imo to say Obama hates jews when he has a Jew as chief of staff..Rahm Immanual....or to say he hates whites when he is half white or anything of the kind.

He's a transitional person and those kind of people always face jealousy, envy, and hostility due to the fact they aren't understood.

He has made mistakes..healthcare should have waited.It wasn't as important as getting the US economy turned around.The economy should have been his priority , instead he let himself be diverted by side issues like healthcare.
Plus he's got the Republicans and conservatives..like Rush Limbaugh and others seeking to make him fail.

I certainly wouldn't vote for a Republican or conservative for President under any circumstances.

A republican would have the US at war with North Korea and Iran and we can't stand any more wars right now. We need to get out of the ones we are in..and don't need any new ones.

So I hope Obama turns things around and succeeds.
Alright... so is your insurance dependent on your job down there? Why would you suddenly lose your insurance (if you were covered by this main one) if you got an illness? That's one misconception that's been floating around that I don't understand. =/

Also wtf is up with this oil spill? Why is it his fault exactly?
The oil spill isn't his fault, and he handled it just fine imo. People are just morons who believe that he can somehow conjure magical powers via his presidential powers to stop the leak. BP is better equipped in terms of knowledge and capital than our government hands down. Whenever something goes wrong there are always idiots who just point a finger at the president without any kind of background research. Pretty much the same people who yell socialism at reformed health care, assert he's not an American citizen (wtf?), etc...fucking retarded.
Alright... so is your insurance dependent on your job down there?

Kind of. Obviously, you have to have an income of some sort to afford the monthly premium payments, and some companies offer health benefits as a perk, which are deducted straight from the payroll. But you can also individually purchase health insurance directly from a provider. The payroll deduction is the most common version.

Channy said:
Why would you suddenly lose your insurance (if you were covered by this main one) if you got an illness? That's one misconception that's been floating around that I don't understand. =/

I'm not sure I follow. The only way you'd lose coverage is if you couldn't afford the payments for some reason. Or if you never had coverage to begin with. Having an illness wouldn't force you to lose coverage. But, in virtually all cases, insurance companies will only cover a percentage of costs. For example, on average, insurance companies will only cover about 40% of costs of a person diagnosed with cancer.

There are, however, some cases where an insurance company will deny coverage to a person that owns a premium, such as preexisting conditions, or just deciding that a procedure isn't necessary.

Channy said:
Also wtf is up with this oil spill? Why is it his fault exactly?

Search me. Although, he has been on record as saying this particular drill site was safe, and he did open up and/or plan to open up off-shore drilling. So this kind of gets thrown in his lap. I dunno. I don't blame him for this. I blame, you know, BP. And itsh happens.
Okay, so it appears that Obama hates Israel, and is not going to aid it in war. He hates them because of their customs. There are people telling the Jews the get the hell out of Israel, I mean, Israel (Palestine) is where the Jews are originally from.
He doesn't hate Jews, nor does he hate Israel. The Jews were forcibly removed from Israel, and for the last 1500 years it has been Arab land. Native Americans have an equal right to reclaim their land. The Jews began immigrating en masse to Palestine so that they could create a homeland. I think it's worth mentioning this because the Jews are often portrayed as victims, rather than agents. The whole anti-semite stuff is standard Israeli rhetoric, if you criticise Israel, you are an anti-semite. The people telling the Jews to get out are the people who lived there in 1947. Hamas are freedom fighters, and also terrorists.

So do you agree with me that Obama is not making the right choice? Should he be aiding Israel, or not helping them? If he doesn't support Israel, the UN will be pissed (the US with the help of the UN made Israel a country)
You couldn't be further from the truth, the UN has tried to draft criticisms of Israel over 40 times, but every time the US has vetoed it.

CassinoChips said:
In general, though, I think it's a bad idea to disrupt ties with the only really U.S.-friendly nation in the Middle East.
You don't think that does more harm than good? Countries in the Middle East hate Israel, and by extension the US.
You don't think that does more harm than good? Countries in the Middle East hate Israel, and by extension the US.

In a vacuum, yes, it probably does do more harm than good. But at this point, I think we're inextricably linked to Israel (and now Iraq), that cutting ties would be tantamount to saying "Screw it, you're on your own." I don't think that's a viable option. And we have so many interests now in the Middle East that we have to be there in some fashion. And having an ally helps.

Ideally, yes, it would be best for all if there was no U.S. influence there. Realistically, I don't think it's plausible. Moreover, they'd find another reason to hate us. There are plenty to go around.