OFFICIAL NFL 2009-2010 SEASON THREAD (iggles got vick)

Oh really? What's your team? And I know right?? That's what the kickers train for like come on they should be expected to get the field goal >_> from that distance. As a whole kickers aren't doing so hot. (from what I heard) That one guy from the Cowboys I think ended up getting fired because he sucked so much. When your the kicker you either Hero or Zero. Either you make it or you dont. Break it or make it. Lotof pressure.
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I'm a Broncos fan. I haven't heard anything about anyone getting fired, but I also haven't been paying attention to that either. That's why I could never be a kicker: I have always been known to fold under the pressure.
Broncos eh?? I've rooted for them before in a couple of games. Sorry 'bout them not making it. =/ Always next year! =) I watch footyball with my dad and hes a Cowboys fan so that's where I heard it from xD dun't member the guys name though...:hmmm: and yeah even if I could play football I wouldn't want to be a kicker.
Nothing to be sorry about. They couldn't pull it together when they needed to. You are right, though. Always next year.

Actually, now that I think about it, I do remember hearing something about their kicker. I think his name was Nick Folk or something like that. But hey, he gets paid millions of dollars to make kicks, so he should be able to make them.
Just trying ta cheer ya up a bit since your team is already out. With more pratice i'm sure they'll be better next year =) And yeah that kid!! I never could watch him I was just like :ffs: and yeah like he should get them guess it wasn't his year... but he was just pathetic.
Being a New Englander, the AFC Championship was tough because we hate the Jets and Colts. :mokken: With that said, I was rooting for the Colts because at least they should have been in the playoffs to begin with, unlike the Jets who made it by miracle. I predicted a huge blowout, and it was a 13 point win, but so long as the Jets lost.

I also wanted the Saints to win, as most did because Favre is a tool. When I see him, I think the same fate as Roger Clemens (I can almost guarantee something will come out about him and his whole career will be disregarded). So I was glad to see the Saints win and to have Favre's last play before his 8th retirement be yet another interception.

So I pretty much didn't want 3 of the 4 teams to be there. But the 2 teams I wanted to win, did win, so I am happy about that. As for the Superbowl, I think it will be an awesome game. But truth be told, I'm not much of a football fan anyways, so I won't sit down to watch it (I'll only watch it to support the Patriots). As for who I want to see, I want the Saints to win it. It would be a nice story, and I would like to see a great QB like Drew Brees get a title for his ability. But even if the Colts win, that's fine as well, even if I have to sit through all the Manning/Brady comparisons.

Go Saints!
as i expected the colts won. they will win the championship agian this year. im actually hoping the super bowl is gonna be a high scoring game slug fest with the colts winning. it should just be like constant scoring every 3-4 plays going back and forth for the whole game. that would just be awsome. to make things fun both team should not even play defense in this game, thats what everybody wants anyway

also as expected, supposedly farve last throw ends up as and interception again. i just had a feeling he was gonna throw a pick and they should've just ran the ball and at least let their kicker try a long fg.
Yeah, he really screwed up on that play. He was trying to be the hero instead of the old smart man. He'll probably come back next year though and make another run.
yeah maybe farve should come back again just to end his season\career with another interception. that would be totally awesome.
I think I totally switched sides... :wacky: sorry colts (manning) but i'mma have to go with the underdogs who haven't won a super bowl yet... :wacky: so damn close if they can just get through the colts they take it all!=)
Anyone wanna predict the final score? I'm pretty bad when it comes to that xD
I think I totally switched sides... :wacky: sorry colts (manning) but i'mma have to go with the underdogs who haven't won a super bowl yet... :wacky: so damn close if they can just get through the colts they take it all!=)
Anyone wanna predict the final score? I'm pretty bad when it comes to that xD

wrong move switching side. colts is gonna win

score i want to see would be like colts 69, saints 63. now that would be a great game

score im guessing will be colts 31, saints 28, still pretty interesting with the colts winning on a last second fg
yeah maybe farve should come back again just to end his season\career with another interception. that would be totally awesome.

I would laugh if that actually happened.

One report I heard online was that his return next year was "highly unlikely". We'll see if that is true and he STAYS retired this time.
well we already heard like how many times farve said its unlikely that ill be back or even anounce his retirement just to come back again. im pretty sure by july/august, will start hearing about farve thinking of coming back again. i personally think he should just retire already, im tired of hearing stuff about him
I'm tipping the Colts to win, I think they'll have too much experience of the big occasion. New Orleans almost managed to lose to Minnesota even when Minnesota were handing the game to them on a place with all their turnovers. Maybe they were a bit nervous and will be more relaxed in the Superbowl though.

I think Favre will come back, he won't want the final action in his career to be that interception.
wrong move switching side. colts is gonna win

score i want to see would be like colts 69, saints 63. now that would be a great game

score im guessing will be colts 31, saints 28, still pretty interesting with the colts winning on a last second fg
Well I'm not saying I think that they're going to win however, I just want to support them =) Colts is a pretty good team though, I like rooting for the underdogs and whatnot :monster:
Last second field goal you say? If that was the case then the saints would put up a pretty hard fought fight.
And for Farve it is getting a bit old with him retiring coming back etc. That's what bugs me although for such an old dude he's a pretty good QB IMO.
i know everyone thinks the saints is the underdog, i don't really see it that way. the way i see it, both teams are pretty even in all aspect, well saints special team might be better since they have bush. but offensively and defensively, i see it pretty even. both team is gonna score at will.

but i guess there is always a need for a team to be the underdog team and honestly if it was the same exact team and players but they were in another state not in new orlean, i don't see them being the underdog then. the saints is the underdog becasue most people root for the underdog and since they are new orleans with all of their problems they had that is why they are labeled as the underdog to get more fans/or easier to get fans to root for them. but that just my opinion
And that's totally cool =) I mean A lot of people that I know seem to want the Colts to win and they favor them. Another thing why I want the Saints to win is because they have yet to win a Super Bowl. I don't see them as the underdog because I think they're a bad team because their obviously good enough to even come this far. I just see more Colts fan when really the Saints are just as a good team as the Colts. I don't really mind who wins but I just think it's time for the Saints to shine since the Colts have already won before.
well the super bowl is a couple weeks away but the pro bowl is this weekened. so is anyone gonna watch it? do you think its a good idea to have it this week instead of the week after the super bowl in hawaii?

for me, not really excited about the pro bowl at all. charles woodson made it but i don't think he's gonna be playing in it. then not having the super bowl players in it, it just not really a pro bowl with out the best player. and how aobut vince young making the afc team, thats is actually quite hilarious, but i do like him though.

also should never have moved it out of hawaii, sure nobody goes to watch the game and half the stadium is empty but still yet, you still don't move. and beside being from hawaii, it was great going to the stadium on saturday to see the players and hoping they would autograph your ball for you or just seeing them in real life is pretty cool already. so they should bring it back to hawaii
also should never have moved it out of hawaii, sure nobody goes to watch the game and half the stadium is empty but still yet, you still don't move. and beside being from hawaii, it was great going to the stadium on saturday to see the players and hoping they would autograph your ball for you or just seeing them in real life is pretty cool already. so they should bring it back to hawaii

Er...if nobody is going to watch the game, why should they keep it there? 'You don't move'? That sounds like a pretty feeble reason to be to not do something. It sounds like you just want it in Hawaii because you're from there.

The Pro Bowl is pretty daft anyway, nobody takes it very seriously and the choices for it are often ludicrously based on popularity rather than actual form.
The Pro Bowl is pretty daft anyway, nobody takes it very seriously and the choices for it are often ludicrously based on popularity rather than actual form.

Most of the time, that is the case. You got some people that are just in there because everybody loves them. I mean, yeah, they have good seasons, but there are people that have better seasons as far as stats go.

And the fact that it's a week before the super bowl is pretty stupid. The guys that can't play because they made it to the super bowl still have to go and get recognized, so why can't they play? They are already there and ready to go, so they should be able to participate.