OFFICIAL NFL 2009-2010 SEASON THREAD (iggles got vick)

yeah i heard about them forcing the players who made the pro bowl to be at the pro bowl. if i was one of those players, even if im there i probably wouldn't wanna play since i could get injured. but i do think its ridicoulus to force them to go to the game, and then fly back to either indiapolis or new orleans just so they could arrive back in miami with their team, which i think they are force to do
Yeah. That's just stupid. Hey, lets force these super bowl players to come with us and stand with their side to be recognized, then send them home, just so that they can come over with the rest of their team. Doesn't that sound like a good idea to anyone else?
i thought they was gonna force them to go back to their respective city but it looks like those player will stay the night in miami by themselves so i guess its not too bad.
still think the pro bowl should be in hawaii
It is returning to Hawaii next year supposedly. Personally I think it would be better if it wasn't played anywhere at all.
I never actually watch a pro bowl game before, so I was kinda surprised at the "no QB pressure" rule they have. Why do they even have a game if the QB can stand in the pocket for as long as he wants with no pressure whatsoever.
That is silly to me to >.> Only in the pro bowl? I think that it's a stupid rule. I didn't have the chance to watch the pro bowl and whatnot so, this news is new to me. I say pressure 'tis needed! :gasp:
Pressure is always needed, or else most of the defense is useless. Without the pass rush, you might as well drop 11 into coverage every play.
i didn't even bother to watch this year pro bowl. it just an exhibition game and nobody is actually playing.

now if this was like an actual game where the players are actually trying, it would be very entertaining watching the best go up against one another but its not. they should try and find a way to make the pro bowl competitive so it would actually be entertaining
I know what you mean. It should be like a normal game, the best against the best, even if those players are playing in the super bowl.

That's why I liked it better when it was after, that way everyone that was voted in would be able to play and make it a fun game to watch.
the reason why they don't allow pressuring the qb in the pro bowl is becasue they don't wanna risk getting the qb injured after all its only an exhibition game and they want points scored to make it entertaining
Screw that! They signed up to be a QB for a reason. Of course they might get hurt it's fucking football for godsake :rage: They should know that as soon as they sign up they could get injured. I still think it's stupid and without pressure there's no point.
but what do you expect from the league. just look at all the rules they've added to protect the qb. they think the qb sell the sports so they're gonna protect them.

but the pro bowl is only an exhibition so don't really care about the rules since not even gonna watch it, i wouldn't want peyton or whoever your favorite qb getting injured playing the pro bowl and have like one of those career threatning knee injury or out for like a whole calendar year
Well yeah true, but there's others that do watch the Pro-bowl and that do care for the rules. Pressure is a must have. I don't care if your the best QB in the world or not in order for there to be a fair game pressure 'tis needed :gasp:
Of course these days nothing is played fairly :hmmm: The ref's pick sides and always call bogus calls against the other team.
The Pro Bowl is pretty daft anyway, nobody takes it very seriously and the choices for it are often ludicrously based on popularity rather than actual form.

Well actually the game is a joke but the selections are usually right and on point. Those players are usually having a great year. Its not like the NBA fans voting in players that aren't even doing good in the season to start.

As for the Super Bowl, it should be a great game, a close game, both have crazy offenses. Dwight Freeney might have a torn ligament and hes listed as questionable. If he doesn't play, Drew Brees is going to kill that defense even more. Dwight Freeney can make a big difference is he is playing in that game and effective.
Saints: 31
Colts: 17

Congrats to both teams for making it and playing a tough 69 minutes, but the Saints made fewer mistakes and won the game.

There's gonna be a party in New Orleans tonight.
ridiculous that the colts loss but i guess the saints did play the better game. that onside kick to start the second half was a gutsy move by the saints but in my opinion that was the play of the game that won the saints the game.
That pick at the end sealed it, but I gotta say that was a ballsy move by Sean payton and the Saints to go for that on-sider after the Half. Craziness.

I got some friends I met down in New Orleans back in July/August and the girls down their are going crazyyy! Wish I was down their with 'em but I bet it's psycho down there right now.

Great season, but unfortunately my Chargers lost a few weeks back so I was a bit unmotivated for the rest of the playoffs after their loss to the Jets...
As soon as they did that onside kick in the third quarter and got it, I was like okay they might comeback and they did. =) I'm glad that the Saints won. Congrats to both teams for making it to the Super Bowl!!
The two point conversion and the interception helped the Saints big time as well. Then Manning just couldn't seem to pass and get a touchdown when Colts had the chance to.
I didnt stay to see the Post Game but, i'm sure it's crazy haha xD
:hmmm: And everyone thought the Colts would win.
Manning went down to Florida. He was lookin' for a bowl to steal. He was in a bind 'cause he was way behind, and he was willin' to make a deal, when he came across this young man tossin' a ball and thowin' it hot. And the devil jumped up behind his O-Line and said, "Boy, let me tell you what. I guess you didn't know it but I'm a football player, too. And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you. Now, you toss a pretty good ball, boy, but give the devil his due. I'll bet a Superbowl against your soul, 'cause I think I'm better than you." The boy said, "My name's Brees, and it might be a sin. But I'll take your bet, you're gonna regret, 'cause I'm the best that's ever been."

Brees, warm up your throw and toss that football hard, 'cause hell's broke loose in Florida and the devil deals the cards. And if you win you get this shiny Superbowl. But if you lose, Manning gets your bowl!

Manning opened up the game and he said, "I'll start this show." And fire flew from his fingertips as he showed the fans his throw. And he tossed that ball across the field and it made an evil hiss. Then a band of runningbacks joined in and it sounded somethin' like this: When Manning finished, Brees said, "Well, you're pretty good, old son, but sit down in that chair right there and let me show you how it's done.

Fire on the field. Run, Thomas, run. Manning's in the House of the Rising Sun. Shockey, will you let the Colts win? No, child, no.

Manning bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat. And he laid that Superbowl on the ground at Brees' feet. Brees said, "Manning, just come on back if you ever want to try again. 'Cause I told you once, you son of a gun, I'm the best that's ever been."
Manning went down to Florida. He was lookin' for a bowl to steal. He was in a bind 'cause he was way behind, and he was willin' to make a deal, when he came across this young man tossin' a ball and thowin' it hot. And the devil jumped up behind his O-Line and said, "Boy, let me tell you what. I guess you didn't know it but I'm a football player, too. And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you. Now, you toss a pretty good ball, boy, but give the devil his due. I'll bet a Superbowl against your soul, 'cause I think I'm better than you." The boy said, "My name's Brees, and it might be a sin. But I'll take your bet, you're gonna regret, 'cause I'm the best that's ever been."

Brees, warm up your throw and toss that football hard, 'cause hell's broke loose in Florida and the devil deals the cards. And if you win you get this shiny Superbowl. But if you lose, Manning gets your bowl!

Manning opened up the game and he said, "I'll start this show." And fire flew from his fingertips as he showed the fans his throw. And he tossed that ball across the field and it made an evil hiss. Then a band of runningbacks joined in and it sounded somethin' like this: When Manning finished, Brees said, "Well, you're pretty good, old son, but sit down in that chair right there and let me show you how it's done.

Fire on the field. Run, Thomas, run. Manning's in the House of the Rising Sun. Shockey, will you let the Colts win? No, child, no.

Manning bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat. And he laid that Superbowl on the ground at Brees' feet. Brees said, "Manning, just come on back if you ever want to try again. 'Cause I told you once, you son of a gun, I'm the best that's ever been."


That's awesome. If I would have known the lyrics to that song, I would have changed it before you.