OFFICIAL NFL 2009-2010 SEASON THREAD (iggles got vick)

Ah, well rested after last night's craziness and still just as excited. Great "end" to the season.

Contrary to my belief after the first half, this turned out to be a very exciting superbowl.

For starters, congrats to Garret freaking Hartley for coming up big on three occasions he was called to action. Haven't seen him get too much recognition, but I definitely think he deserves it. I'm sure it felt great for the Saints to be able to turn to a guy like capable of execution like that after having cut Carney last year.

Huge respect given to Drew Brees who, despite being rather conservative and maybe entative in his decisions the first half, really started to press his authority, go bigger on the plays, and hit his marks.

And then of course, there's the big game clencher. Tracy Porter with that pick and 74 yard touchdown. He shut down Favre towards the end of their NFC championship game to ensure the Saints' victory and he snuffed Manning's would-be drive in an incredibly pronounced fashion here. That man is a big part of why this team's been considered one of the best at pass coverage this season. That was a true glame clencher. Colts had no real chance after that.

And as was suggested above, Sean Payton certainly was ballsy. Not only with the onsider that followed the first half, but in other instances, and even in choosing to use those timeouts and go for it in the last 24 seconds of the first. There was very little margin for error there. Incredibly risky game he played throughout the night, but man did it pay off.

I'm very happy to see the Saints take it, and hope that this will keep Manning's diehards mummed about the "greatness" for a while.

Good end to the season, I'd say. Will be looking forward to the pro bowl.
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It was a great victory for the Saints, this was the first time ever making it to the Super bowl and to win on top of that was even better. My whole family tuned in to watch and were quite excited for the Saints. My favorite part that I didn't really see coming was the Interception in the 4th quarter. That alone won them the game, especially since there was only 3 mins left in the 4th quarter.

Colts and Saints played a great game, hats off to both of them. I personally was cheering for the Saints and am glad to see them win the Super Bowl.

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I wanted the Saints to win, and I felt like they had a great chance, even if Dwight Freeney was healthy. Sure enough, they managed to pull off the upset! I suppose not being a fan of either team really and not hating either one, I really don't have much to say or comment about. I really didn't watch most of the game anyways.

Congratulations to the Saints and the city of New Orleans! A well deserved win. :ryan:
Not as good as the last two Superbowls maybe but a good game. When Indianapolis went 10-0 up I was starting to wonder if New Orleans were going to get blown out, but their defence really stepped up after that. Brees was great, and their kicker just nailed those three longish field goals.