Phobias Inc.


Apr 15, 2007
I'm telling you guys now that I am a complete arachnophobe ~scared of spiders~

"What a wimp! :P"

Any of you out there who'd like to share what they're scared of.
I got my arachnophobia after seeing this gigantic spider in my bathroom....of course, I didn't use it after a month, but they still kept coming.

I have a phobia of Needles (because they just freak me out)

Birds (especially pigeons) for the same reasons as needles.

And the number 13....

cant explain the bottom one :P
I have the same exact fear. That and the fear of heights. Ugh. I cannot stand them. lol. Spiders are worse though...even a small one can freak me out. I can see one on my front porch and be paranoid from then on out. lol.
I am also an arachnophobe. I nearly go into a panic attack when I see a spider especially it it's really big.

One time there was one at the bottom of my steps and I refused to go down them. What was even worse was that my parents were out of town. So I had to call my cousin over to kill it.

I seriously swear that when I get my own place, I'm buying spider spray and spraying it all over the outside of my house twice a day.
I used to be afraid of centipedes, but after staring a mouse down face to face in my apartment, then killing it, centipedes don't scare me at all anymore.
Spiders like these freak me out the most. I mean, see the long, skinny legs? That provides them with extra speed, so it's hard to smash one when you're threatened or something. Sometimes they dash out, say under your computer or something and gives you a near heart attack. :lol:
It's not funny -_-
When I have a spider that big coming for me, I throw things at them and hope they get crushed. Then if it does happen to hit the spider, I never touch it again.
I crush everything with my thick books, but eventually I forget and touch it again.....I don't even know where some of the bloody stains come from sometime. 0_0
But I know I've crushed hundreds of tiny spiders.....

I know they're helpful to the environment and stuff, but.......
When I have a spider that big coming for me, I throw things at them and hope they get crushed. Then if it does happen to hit the spider, I never touch it again.

Then what does that leave you with? A dead spider sectioning off a room in your house.
OMGG! I hate it when you lose sight of them and they dissapear. I awayyyy! haha.

When they are that big I feel like they can jump at me. They do have jumping spiders now-a-days. lol. It's crazy.
OMGG! I hate it when you lose sight of them and they dissapear. I awayyyy! haha.

When they are that big I feel like they can jump at me. They do have jumping spiders now-a-days. lol. It's crazy.

The thing about all the places I've lived in is that there's nowhere to run! :lol:
It's always balcony and death or spider and fear.......
That's too much.
I hate it when I let an insect get away when I'm sleepy, I can't help but think it'll go up my nose when I'm asleep or something.
I'm not afraid of Spiders but i have a huge fear of cats. :lol:
I can't say I'm seriously scared of cats, but I had a terrible encounter with one once, but I'm not gonna say, unfortunately -_-.
At least I'll say the doctor became my best friend for a while.

But seriously though, sometimes cats do get a bit creepy, well, the strays anyway, just slinking around somewhere....

They just have creepy glowing eyes. And stalk around so quiet as if they're ploting to attack us all :nod:
My phobia would be a terrible fear of flying.

Unfortunately I find it out the hard way on trip I took to England a few years back. I had never really flown before, so I had no clue what to expect or that the flight would bother me the way it did. In short, I started to have terrible anxiety halfway through the flight there and the worst part was that I had to do it all over again just to get home. Needless to say, the flight home was probably the worst 10 hours of my life. :blink:
Not sure how I feel about spiders but I definitely know what I hate. COCKROACHES, it is kind of nasty seeing those things, they go around everywhere. It is scary, one of them almost when up to my ear in my old cousin's house. I was scared to hell, I seen a video that cockroaches eat bat droppings in caves. Now who else would eat that, only cockroaches.