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XII's battle system was always going to be controversial, I hated it, loved it, hated it, loved it through my whole 120 hours. I don't understand the gripes with leveling up, I thought XII was MUCH better than X in that aspect.

I thnk that SE took a bit of a gamble, they wanted to speed up combat and eliminate random battles. X-2 was there first attempt of speeding it up, IMHO it failed miserably. Unfortunately, XII didn't manage to get around the 'random battle' enigma. You needed to fight in order to level up so avoiding combat only became a real option in the latter stages of the game.

Despite its shortcomings, I still think XII ranks as my 3rd favorite FF in terms of gameplay.
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i got the game only a few days after it came out and i was extremely disapointed as were many others. they should definetly not have brought in the new battle system it made the game rubbish. me and my brother was saying tht they should done it so tht you can actually see the monsters but it the n it goes into the old battle system tht made the game so popular. the story line was ok but gambits was a big mistake. all in all i think tht its the worst ff tht ever came out and im glad to hear tht 13 has gone back to the original battle sytem
Played though twice, one soloing with vaan and the other I used 3 characters
After some time I might replay this game with the weapons I never bothered to use... just to see if it will give the game a different feel at all. If I happen to get a bunch of money I don't feel like holding onto, I might even try the international version since it seems to have so many needed improvements.
i got the game only a few days after it came out and i was extremely disapointed as were many others. they should definetly not have brought in the new battle system it made the game rubbish. me and my brother was saying tht they should done it so tht you can actually see the monsters but it the n it goes into the old battle system tht made the game so popular. the story line was ok but gambits was a big mistake. all in all i think tht its the worst ff tht ever came out and im glad to hear tht 13 has gone back to the original battle sytem

I'm sorry, but your proof for XIII returning to "Ye Good Old Random Encounters" is where? If it's true, then that's quite sad.

Let's see if this will work again:

Ah, found this on wiki (yes, wikis information isn't always 100% right, but, I doubt this will be incorrect hm?)

The battle system in Final Fantasy XIII is an attempt to recreate the type of battle seen in the pre-rendered movie, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.[5] Final Fantasy X battle director Toshiro Tsuchida will return as the battle system director for the game. He has reaffirmed that random encounters will not return, while suggesting his intent that individual enemies may be given personalities and background stories.[9] It will also use the series' traditional Active Time Battle system, which was designed by Hiroyuki Itō and first featured in Final Fantasy IV.
No random battles, return of ATB.
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I would've stormed in here bitching about why people don't finish a game they've started, however I've stumbled across the issue with FFVIII. The game, story, playability... it just doesn't grip me enough to play through it entirely. I've given it chances to pick up, and the Edea phase was cool, but really... for my personal preference it's by far the least compelling RPG I've ever played. I'd have called it shit if I didn't like the Junction system as much as I do - and even that is fleeting.

Each to their own I guess, but I generally play through all the games I buy to the end. As for XII, I enjoyed it, so naturally I completed it post-haste. I'll most likely do the same with VIII eventually, but I can't see it happening any time soon.
i got the game only a few days after it came out and i was extremely disapointed as were many others. they should definetly not have brought in the new battle system it made the game rubbish. me and my brother was saying tht they should done it so tht you can actually see the monsters but it the n it goes into the old battle system tht made the game so popular. the story line was ok but gambits was a big mistake. all in all i think tht its the worst ff tht ever came out and im glad to hear tht 13 has gone back to the original battle sytem

If you want people to take you seriously, talk intelligently and use proper grammar. Otherwise people will write you off as an ignorant n00b.

Also...what game are you guys playing? o_O The battle system in XII is in no way like the old system, so are you even sure you're playing XII?

I dont care for the gambit system, but i wouldnt go so far as to call it a mistake (X-2 and the VII Compilation are mistakes). It's simply an experiment SE did.
I’ve only completed it fully through once…

Eventually, like all the others, I’ll give it another go through.
i gave up when ghis killed me the first time and afew months alter im finally playing thru it again - im preferring the side quests to the main story tho but im getting bored now and have just got to that cataract place -i think i will just complete it as soon as i can and prob leave it gathering dust. I dont think i willget round to ever playing it again, i'd rather play VII, VIII or X
i gave up when ghis killed me the first time and afew months alter im finally playing thru it again - im preferring the side quests to the main story tho but im getting bored now and have just got to that cataract place -i think i will just complete it as soon as i can and prob leave it gathering dust. I dont think i willget round to ever playing it again, i'd rather play VII, VIII
Simialr thing I got bored with it so I quit playing, just started playing again, at 1st i was forcing myself to play but now im starting to enjoy it. Wierd lol:wacky:
I've played through and beaten the game maybe three times now, although after the first time I played the game and started a new file, afterwards it was really hard to keep playing because it got so repetitive battling to raise my character's levels all over again and I ended up quiting that time through.
wow some of you people really must suck.. too much lelving the game can be beaten at really low levels. there is no excuse for "it takes too much levleing" come on people. this game was amazing. it wasnt so linear as 10. and the story was good. thats the thing i hate aboujt most final fantasy fans they have stupid grudges over some of them for extremly stupid reasons...
Whaaat? Ok, I guess I'm in the minority here because I love just about everything about this game. I'm on my second playthrough now, and I'm having just as much fun as the first time. There were a few gambit glitches that were really annoying, but whatever. I got over it.
I didn't exactly "quit". I just took a break 'cause I had many games to play, and still do. I took a break from Twilight Princess to play XII, and a break from XII to, I think, play VIII. And that's how I play games. I dip in and out of them. Haha. I never play one single game all the way through before playing another. I just play the game I feel like playing and then continue it at a later date. I never forget a story, so it's alright for me to do that. ^_^
i have started multiple newgames on this due to when i get toa certain part in the game i dont have the gil to buy all the new armour and stuff you need and i never seem to be a high enought level to get any futher
Do you sell your loot?... Getting money on XII is fairly easy if you do.
wow some of you people really must suck.. too much lelving the game can be beaten at really low levels. there is no excuse for "it takes too much levleing" come on people. this game was amazing. it wasnt so linear as 10. and the story was good. thats the thing i hate aboujt most final fantasy fans they have stupid grudges over some of them for extremly stupid reasons...

Dont say people suck because you continued on. People are allowed their opinions, but saying people suck is uncalled for. Ive stopped playing it for awhile as I have a new game and Im trying it out. I havent quit. Allow people to quit and dont resort to calling them. At the end of the day, theres no point.

And at the end of the day, loot is there to sell really. Dont think it serves any other purpose.
im not saying all people suck just thoes people who complain about the game talking to much time to lvl up. i just dont hear it here i hear it whenever ff 12 comes up. do i have a unatural patients lvl or people are complainers


i this final fantasy is on my top 5 games of all time i love every minuet of it
Ive beat it twice....1st just done storyline and a few hunts, 2nd i beat all the hunts and all the elite marks and the storyline....wow does the elite marks sure eat up ur gametime