Random Facts About Yourself

- I love playing Guitar, I strive to be like Alexi Laiho(CoB Guitarist)
- I also play Drums
- I'm anti-right wing, but I'm not a communist.
- Hippyish
- I beat Sonic the Hedgehog at the age of 4.
- I'd like to think of myself as Celibate, but I don't intend on getting married
- I really fucking hate Nazis
- No Really
- I did my entire art exam project on an anti-nazi poster
- About the BNP
- I'm extremely tolerant of things
- I'm not a big fan of FF7
- Or VIII for that matter

Moar later.
-I'm a bit squeamish
-I find the wisecracks and shenanigans on CNBC (business news) amusing
--(also, I can understand what they're talking about on CNBC)
-I'm no good at real-time computer games: turn based or nothing.
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Thank you

Getting back to the topic:

*I am still trying to figure out how I am supposed to find three fragments of some stupid key on Rabanastre, the whole place is too big...
*I won't have spring break....not fair!!! Almost everyone I know will have a spring break...meh....
I hate soap operas
I think all soap should smell nice
I could never live somewhere where I didn't like the view
I usually end up always killing my plants by forgetting to water them
I love animals, especially black and white ones
- I hate close minded people
- Although I still believe there is such a thing as being too open minded
- Sometimes I might question things a bit too much
- I'm always in the mood for techno/electronica
- If drugs had no undesirable side effects I would take them all at once
- If I could rule the world I would
- I'm into politics a lot, but hate discussing them most of the time
- I hate guns
- Love practicing martial arts, but hate fighting
I believe Hockey is not a sport and should be banned so that there is more airtime for basketball and College and Pro (American) Football
more about me :P *stop reading now*

Fonts are my passion - i collect them
my best friend (becky) just returned off holiday
ive spent 45minutes hugging kathryn
I Hate silences
My maths teacher should burn in hell
she is also a witch who stopped the snow with her mole-magic
you can see her mole from the back of the room
most of my friends havnt played FF
the ones who have are incapable of having an intellectual discussion about it
I have been cyber patted twice today - by Mitsuki and Rydia :P
I wanna get 1000 post count by the end of the month
i want a cape
I want xmen 3 on my pc even though i have it on DVD
i want my copy of FFVII back off tanya
I want a PS1 cheat disk
i say i want a lot :P
My myspace is Cleris ^_^
only about 3 people in this world really understand me
Alexis Meade (ugly betty) has set a new bar for bitches everywhere
i get called a bitch as a compliment :P
I NEVER miss an episode of Desperate Housewives
Talk to me when that show is on and your eyes get gauged out XD

*you can now read again XD*

ill post more next time i remember too XD
Things about me:

1. I like pie (This is because Gaaramaster cursed me)
2. I like eggs (no one cursed me this time i just like them :D)
3.FFVII is my favourite of alllllllll games in the world
4. I have a cat called Sharna
5. Im 14!
6.I'm a mass murderer (lol not really)
7. I'm really mental while typing
8. I'm really mental while typing
9. Stop repeating yourself!
10. Stop repeating yourself!
I have been cyber patted twice today - by Mitsuki and Rydia :P

Haha, and you enjoyed it! ^_^

Anyway, random facts about me...

I get confused easily. Way to easily, in fact.
I'm a sleepyhead.
I watch Barney and Elmo on a daily basis. Not my fault. Daughter loves it. >.<

-I somehow end up always watching the stupidest movies
-I get embarrassed very easily
-I'm very shy
-I hate philosophy class
-I really need more sleep
-I'm a poor college student. :(

*I can't stay doing nothing for too much time and these four free days have been the longest four days that I ever had during my whole life. I wonder why....

Of topic a little: Jimmy, is that you? I mean the same Jimmy I know from FFR?
Yup it is me Squall:D

Here is another random fact:

I used to be part of FFR but people just lost interest in there:|

Nice to see you here Squall^_^
I'm trying to learn to play the guitar, but I never can find time to sit down and practice.

Damn Internet.