Random Facts About Yourself

i go to college
its hard, and im studying to be a doctor
im allergic to caffien
and bees
and cats
and some flowers
i have 2 jobs, manager at CVS and GameStop
i cant leave anywhere without my cell phone
i text more than any other person you know
my fav color is green
i really really like FF3
i love all the mario games
i lvoe music and going to shows
i live in NY
im obsessed with CSI:Miami
i love baseball
i like to draw a lot
i write
i love reading
1.I'm addicted to the computer(mostly youtube,fanfiction and FFF.)
2.My best friend lives in Georgia
3.Ive had straight A's since third grade.
4.I love talking.
5.I cant sleep without my magicbunny(lol)
6.Tidus is my favorite character.
7.I'm obsessed with france.
8.I'm like a million different ethnicities.
9.My friends are completly overprotective of me.
10.My parents got divorced when I was 3
11.I hate my stepmom and my step dad.
12.Basketball is my all-time favorite sport.
13.I think cheerleading is pointless.(even though my bestfriend is a cheerleader.)
14.Darien-lake is way better than fantasy-island.
15.I have really good advice when my head isnt in the clouds.
16.My computer teacher doesnt take showers (eeewww)
17.I love to chatspeak but I try not to on here.
18.I'm talking to Emily on AIM right now.
19.The only Final fantasys I've played are X and X-2
20.Summer is my favorite season.
  1. I try to change myself all the time, while well aware that the effort is more than futile.
  2. I'm completely different people around my family, around my friends, and when I'm alone.
  3. I often make myself sick, to the point of vomiting, but can't change it, or let others know.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
Whenever I feel like puking, I hold it in, because puking thing is just the nastiest passtime in the world.
I'm a singer, for I used to be in choir.
I tend to sing along with songs, if I know them.
Though I am an alto, if there is a soprano singing in a song I'm listening to, I'll make an attempt (and sometimes succeed) to reaching those notes.
soprano singing is hard
I find most of the time that my voice gives out and I sound like a chicken. =[
You are nutty!
You sound like an alto hahaha but you still have a cute voice! XD
As stated before, I am an alto. :P
I like listening to orchestral and choir music. So soothing and (at times) haunting. If I know the song, I'll attempt to sing the alto notes of whatever song the choir is singing.

...I should make a recording with Enya's "May it Be" from Lord of the Rings. My choir sang that song as well.
What do you use to record the sound? A mic?
All I have is a digital camera. o_O
Um...yeah. Lol.

That and a lil program called Audacity. Helps me figure out where to place certain recordings. Hell, if I had the skill, I'd make entire songs using that program, the mic, and my keyboard.
Must be nice.
Muuuust beeeeeee niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. lolololl
1. A huge fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog Series (favorite in particular is Shadow)
2. Love FF
3. Trying to lose weight.
4. uhh....
5. Am working on an animation right now
6. will host it on Youtube when done
H. <--WTF?
8. Forgot to put #7
7. Puts this in the wrong order.
9. Thinking of an idea for nexty animation when current one is done
10. Have a Myspace page (PM me to find out)
11. is still waiting on BitTorrent to finish loading something
12. I think that's it.