Random Facts About Yourself

I got you beat Aztec. I'm the least motivational person that you... well I guess you don't really know me so... uhmmm. I'd try to explain it but... yeah. Motivational issu-whatever-'s.


I am like a black hole to motivation. Tons of it comes my way, and I suck it all up and destroy it. Not only my motivation, but of those around me, of those miles and miles away even. Odds are, if you find yourself lacking motivation, I was somehow the cause of it.
It's so hard to find motivation about things though. Nothing really matters in life. The only things I really consider important are being happy with myself and trying to help others achieve that happiness. If I make a lot of money or none at all, it won't realy change anything at the end of the day. That's why I'm so willing to take risks, I think. Because no matter how much drama might be stirred up while you're taking the risk, nothing ever matters in the long run. If the risks you take might add to your or someone else personal happiness, why not take that risk?
If I make a lot of money or none at all, it won't realy change anything at the end of the day. That's why I'm so willing to take risks, I think. Because no matter how much drama might be stirred up while you're taking the risk, nothing ever matters in the long run. If the risks you take might add to your or someone else personal happiness, why not take that risk?

^^ Well spoken.
I got my unrestricted (Full) drivers license today :)

Passed all my license tests in one go.

I'm Filipino

I have no pets but ysed to have 2 budgies but they died.

I like long walks on the beach :p
I'm Fat
I'm Lazy
I hate my college Professor
I have a guy hitting on me every day I go to college(and i'm a guy, so it bugs me)
and I jsut blew up a lawnmower last weekend.
(forgot to drain the gas tank before trying to weld the exhaust back on)
Let me see...:
I study Computer Games at university.

My summer job is a games tester.

So with those two points in mind, no matter how social I may be I can't escape the fact I'm a huge geek.>_<

Asides from that;
I'm a Catholic.

I take great interest in the zodiac and horroscopes, worryingly so that I could tell what another persons' star-sign was without knowing their birthday.

I'm a closet heterosexual.

I have an irrational fear of sea creatures. Anything along the lines of giant squids orr sea serpents creeps the hell out of me. Despite that I love swimming....

I hate one sided arguments, if one side seems to be getting ganged up on by another then it's likely I'll take their side just to balance things out, so my viewpoints ( or at least what I publicly speak ) can often change depending on the company, which can make me seem rather argumentative.
-My hobbies are drawing/making avatar/sig sets, role-playing/writing, playing video games, and the occasional origami.
-The things I find most ridiculous are internet drama and closed-minded redneck-wannabes/gansta-wannabes/badass-wannabes.
-My favorite characters tend to lean more towards those with a sad story behind them (Vincent Valentine, Vivi, Itsuki, Chitose, etc.).