Rate The Sig And Avatar Above You V2

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Set - 7/10

There's just too much stuff going on, and the colors are all over the place. I'm not keen on the bubbles on the signature, but on the avatar, they look nice.

I do, however like the duplicates of Noctis, especially the one by his face, makes it look cool.
Ken :reptar:

Avatar-I'm all for moving avis, but I don't like it too much, I find it creepy :( So I give it a 5/10

Sig-I like the top one, don't like the original image but love the effects, 8/10.
The bottom one :ohoho: 10/10 :ryan:

Nice image. I love how dark it is and the purple works in nicely. =) I do think it's a little on the simple side though.



Awesome! Love the purple used again and the lighting focused on the girl and text.

I really like how that hand on the left stands out too. Not too much so that it takes the focus away from the girl, but enough so that the space on the left isn't left empty and unfinished looking.

Awesome font used as well! It really suits the theme of the signature.

Fantastic work!

Since your avatar and Sig are the same pic, I'll just rate both as a set.

Overall: 9/10

Let me start off with the signature. It's vibrant, colourful, and warm, if those words mean all the same, then they're the right description xD. Anyway, I love the effects on the side of the signature, and the size is very fitting. The text is also nice, and it doesn't take too much attention away.

The avatar is a simple cut out of the sig, with a slight difference, but nonetheless, the same. Yuna's hair looks all fuzzy, that could be smoothed out.

Very nice work to Micci. And great set Kandy. (y)
Ken Again :reptar:
Avatar-I really like it. It's not boring at all, and usually I find black and white avatars boring.
Sig (Spose)- It's awesome :jess: (get it? awesome? :ohoho:)The text fits perfectly. If anything it looks a little cut off, but that's just cuz of the image, and a border wouldn't really look good. But very nice. :hmmm:
Sig (Angry dude, already did this one)- :britt:
p.s. The guy was raging his fists to the beat of my music :lew:
Your set is so purpalicious Mar Mar I love it :jess:

For the avatar I give it 8/10. Its kind of one of those artsy abstract pictures and I like that. I like the deep purple background though, it really makes it pop a bit.

For the sig, its very pretty. I love the purple background, and the stock is very nice. It has a really abstract feel. The lighting is also pretty near perfect. I just wish it were a little bigger. I'm so used to my giant sigs I can't help it :gasp: ! 8/10.

Simple crop from the signature but still pretty. =)



Lovley image and I really like the faint scan lines.

Pretty and simple text and the nice natural colours suit the image well.

I like how the light is shining down onto her from the top too. Looks awesome. =)

The candles do look a little out of place but other than that it's a lovely piece. =)

It's a very good piece of work, I am not really sure how to go about saying what I love about it. The image is great, the effects look great, the text forming a background is cool and looks well, and I like the small line of text at the bottom. Just great altogether
Licky :gasp:
I see no avatar :sad3:

Sig- It's simple and I like it, and I love aqua blue/turquoise against black and white :gasp::jess:
Avatar - 8/10

Clean and simple, I especially like the duplicate.

Sig 1 - 10/10

Very smooth and I like the colors used. I also like that soft glow on the right side of his shirt. Nice work by Ari as always.

Sig 2 - ???

I don't get it lol.
Raul :ohoho:

I love both of your new sigs and your avvy :jess:

Okay for the first sig and the avvy...I give 9/10. I love how the eye is the focal point and how appropriate the lighting is done. I'm not particularly crazy about the small black and white pieces on the far left side but thats okay. I also love the effect bubbles and how clear this sig is. Very nice :ryan:

For the second sig I give another 9/10. Its anime but its really well done :lew: I like the coloring, text, how clear the image is, and the small black boarder. You are getting really good at your gfx now Raul and its really showing :lew:
I really like the icon, the red lighting works quite well even though it looks like the girl has a bit of a cold, Though that could just be the image I guess, a very nice avatar altogether anyways. The signature is really really good, just in every facet of its design. The positioning of the people, the faded decoration, and the perfect font and text placement. Hemsy is so talented
Icon: The icon is good. ^_^ I just don't like the light flare thing. 7/10 ♥

Love the colors, and I like the size too. The font placement is excellent but I really really like the green words, they look amazingly shiney and glossy.

9/10 ♥
The picture's cool, though I'm not sure who it is, 8/10

sigs cool, and like your name on it plus I like Naruto :) 9/10

EDIT: oops sorry, didn't come up with the last two posts. Still, loving the romance thing with Cloud and co. The sig's bril as well.
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