ShinRa Guard
I have never seen Rinoa 'whine'...like ever... So it seems your problem is more with the fact of whom got with who, not really Rinoa and the rest of your rant seems to be about squall not Rinoa, you seem to be ranting about how Squalls feelings came out of "no where".
She made a mess for them once, and might I add she had the best of intentions, were it not for Quistis that wouldn't have gone on...
So because she is optimistic she is childish? having hope to better a situation makes one childish?
She wanted the ring because she loved him XD
Sorry but your reasons for disliking her are bogus.
Haha, oh my god. Talk about going off the handle. Sorry but I've seen previous posts before me that say the same thing, so their thoughts must be bogus too. This is my OPINION, and that is yours. I would respect yours more if you weren't so disrespectful in the harshway of saying "Sorry but your reasons for disliking her are bogus." I don't care for Rinoa at all, that is my opinion, but of course mine doesn't square upto yours does it? Hence all this.