Rinoa to Ultimecia?

hmmm ive read all the post and evidence and both sides of the story. and personally i kinda dont like the idea that Rinoa will go insane etc. and become Ultimecia. but as many have said it is plausable for either arguments as nothinb concrete has been said by the creators. now to add fuel to the fire: have anyone ever considered that it is possible that Ultimecia is a decendent of Rinoa and Squall. Even only enough generations that the story of their adventure is still retold and that a great-etc.grand daughter may have lost her knight and i dont know, somehow became Ultimecia. Just a thought....especally if the griver (sp?) ring has passed on as an heirloom.

You know, I wrote my very own sequal to FF8 and in the sequal, Rinoa and Squalls granddaughter becomes Ultimecia towards the end of the story. We're on the same page me and you...:cool:

Well, I've read the posts (mmm, Its seems a quite desesperate battle of different points of views), and the only thing I must say It's, please, that never put your point of view like certain. The probability EVER exist!

I'm "half-switzerlander", so I considered I'm "neutral" (hahahaha).
Both parts have interesting things to defend, but, all that discussion will be unfolded if the fact proposed by Gaia Branford that SQUARE said officially RINOA's NOT ULTIMECIA will be showed.

Have you seen it? Or heard the voices of the creators said that?
Cuz I haven't!!!!

Please If anybody can mostrate it, with a physical proof, please SHOW US! And then all our doubts will finish.

Meanwhile, the Theory stills OPENED!

My Opinion:
Sincerely, on my own point of view, It's more probable RINOA=ULTIMECIA.
This is not the first time a Story left opened facts to think about and imagine with.
In the game, The GF's characteristic of erase memories,
the necessary company of a Witch-Bodyguard to prevent her mad transformation,
(and other more I can't remember now)
are unnecessary plots for the game's story-line if the SQUARE unit tried to tell us that it is no links between Rinoa and Ultimecia (or simply if they haven't thought about it), cuz that plots entails to open doubts about that relationship between the two witches.

What I'm trying to say It's that If Square makes the story making the player-viewer thought that Ultimecia and Rinoa are clearly two different people, the facts of the GF's and Witches-Bodyguards would have been totally unnecessary and illogical to put in the storyline.

You know, I wrote my very own sequal to FF8 and in the sequal, Rinoa and Squalls granddaughter becomes Ultimecia towards the end of the story. We're on the same page me and you...:cool:

lol yeah same here though i think it may have been a great-grand daughter... i think, i was a long time ago when i thought it up. there were lots of other stuff like Rinoa lost her daughter when the daughter was three (she was killed by the bad guys) and there was another sorceress(sp?) in the world
actually that brings up another posiblity: there is no where (as far as im aware) that actually states that by the end of the game Rinoa is the only living sorceress. i mean it is possible that there are still a few out there in hiding???
but seriously has anyone else thought maybe it was a descendant of rinoa, given the various pieces of evidence from both sides as i mentioned in my ealier post.
Yeah you know what...it´s not going around in circles but the fact still remains that Squall and the rest of the team would have recognized Rinoa if she was Ultimecia in the future!

So there!
lol yeah same here though i think it may have been a great-grand daughter... i think, i was a long time ago when i thought it up. there were lots of other stuff like Rinoa lost her daughter when the daughter was three (she was killed by the bad guys) and there was another sorceress(sp?) in the world
actually that brings up another posiblity: there is no where (as far as im aware) that actually states that by the end of the game Rinoa is the only living sorceress. i mean it is possible that there are still a few out there in hiding???
but seriously has anyone else thought maybe it was a descendant of rinoa, given the various pieces of evidence from both sides as i mentioned in my ealier post.

Well, that's what I think. But can sorceress power be passed on or created at birth to a sorceress' child?
i dont think so. but im sure a sorcesess(sp gone heywaire) could possibly train up an apprentice which to eventually pass on the power to and would be like a heiress kinda thing, especally if in this case, Rinoa was like 'oh um gee i still look like twenty yet im 30 (or whatever)' i think she would pick up on the immortailty thing and plan that while she remains young, Squall doesnt and sees the possible future delimma thus starts to plan for it. passing it through the bloodlines would be the easiest thing to do.
Both parts have interesting things to defend, but, all that discussion will be unfolded if the fact proposed by Gaia Branford that SQUARE said officially RINOA's NOT ULTIMECIA will be showed.

Where in this thread did I propose that?
Sorry Gaia Branford, it wasn't you, I was mistaken!! Sorry x 1000! :)

It was said by Julius Argexis in the page 5; April 23, 2007, 10:22 PM:
(sorry I don't know how to put a QUOTE)

<<But, then again, someone asked the big boys in Japan from Square-Enix about Rinoa being Ultimacia and they answered: "Rinoa is not Ultimacia.">>

That was the Report number 69 :P
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I honestly think maybe one of Rinoa's distance offspring could be Ultimecia. It makes a lot of since. More since than Rinoa herself becoming Ultimecia due to the fact that their Generations apart from each other...
*revives. Ok i have found new evidence! :O


in it it says something about Rinoa's wings, if you look closely at the part it mentions you see the 2 areas next to Rinoa's back that you can see the memories jumbled look like wings, and they go from light or white to dark. Rinoa's wings= White, Ultimecia's Wings= Black :O
The wings thing has been known for awhile now. I do believe them to be one and the same.

Also Ultimecia summonds Griever in the final battle. Griever is the summon in Squalls ring if I recall and Rinoa had the ring. But I cant quite remember if it was returned to Squall or at least the orignal cause Rinoa had one specially made.
oh really... :P i thought i had found something new with this video... I thought perhaps that they were the same, which is why i made the video that Aerith posted in the first post, but really didn't think like diehardly that they were the same... until i saw this with the wings.

if ultimecia is rinoa
and at the moment u are at the space rinoa has possesed
and if not squall he died
rinoa dead= ultimecia dead
ultimecia cannot do a stupid move like that to kill herself

and she try to kill squall dont even look to him and think a 2 time or somenthing like that
like she dont know him
The Rinoa Ultimecia theory is one i like to belive, it adds more to the plot and gives Ultimecia more of a purpose.

because, if Ultimecia is NOT Rinoa who is she? just some random sorceress from the Future?
The Rinoa Ultimecia theory is one i like to belive, it adds more to the plot and gives Ultimecia more of a purpose.

because, if Ultimecia is NOT Rinoa who is she? just some random sorceress from the Future?
Well yeah, of course. I mean, it makes so much sense to let your protagonists fight an antagonist that has no affiliation to the protagonists whatsoever & has no reason to hate SeeD. :P [/sarcasm]

Anyway, I agree with you it does add a lot more to the story, not to mention it turns a plot that's already a love story & brings it full-circle into a revenge story. It just doubles the complexity, whereas otherwise there wouldn't be anything.
I always thought that the Rinoa=Ultimecia theory was always interesting. I don't know if I believe it or not but some of the facts make it very strange. There was a huge argument over this at another forum I always visit and it ended up getting closed lol. I would like to believe it is true just to make things more intriguing but if Square didn't say anything about it then I guess it's not true. It's a great addition to the storyline anyway! :D
Square doesnt mention much about Cloud/Aeris/Tifas relationship, yet fans call it into question. Just because Square dont confirm something, doesnt mean that it isnt possible.