
Edward Elric

Mar 19, 2007
does anyone not hate her?

cause i didnt, i thought she was a good character. i liked how she was a general's daughter leading a resistance movement against his empire. i also thought she was strong in battle with her limit breaks. finally, i liked her and squall together, and i believe i may be the only person that didn't mind saving her multiple times. after all, the game would have been nothing without her ;)

PS: please dont post RINOA SUXX QUISTIS 4 LYFE LULLZ !!.
if your gonna do that, make a rinoa hate thread, this is a rinoa love thread.
I agree, she was a great character, the general's daughter thing was cool an her limit breaks were pretty strong. Squall an her made a great couple aswell, plus i liked her personality.
I didnt hate her, I really liked her. I did prefer her to Quistis, but Im a Selphie fangirl also. As main heroines go, shes second next to Yuna for me.

People can see her as annoying and possibly bossy, but I seen her as someone who was protected most of her life and wanted to break free of her father and have full independence. Hence her creating her own group.

I think she wanted to show Squall and Co she wasnt some little dare I say, rich kid, and was able to hold herself in battle and could be like SeeD members. Plus I love her charater design.
I like her too but when i asked my friend's friend(he hates rinoa) He says that "She's a whiny little slut with no skills! Her weapons are lame, i mean seriously, wtf is with a pinwheel! And she's such a wimp! Why doesnt she just admit her feeling to Squall(I dont understand that part :dry:)! I mean shes just the worst character ever!!!" I didn't understand that-her weapons are cool and so what if it's a pinwheel? How is she whiny slut? How is she a wimp! :dry::mad:
I use to like Rinoa when I first played FFVIII. Since last year I replayed it again for the 5th time, or whatever, I actually did not like her. She reminded me of an ex-friend of mine.

Rinoa seemed way too pushy towards Squall. She was an 'attention whore'. Also Rinoa to me seems childish and spoiled.

Rinoa: *Pushes Squall* Ehhh Squall give me attention! Your not looking at me! I hate you now!

Squall: ....What?

One part of the game that really annoyed me about Rinoa is when before Quistis, Zell and Selphie got locked in her home. (The part before Rinoa meets Edea.) Quistis was demanding Rinoa to corporate but Rinoa wanted to do things her way.
Yeah sorry, Rinoa is one of the main reasons I dislike VIII so much. I can understand why someone would like her, from the 'protected girl who's trying to be free' point of view, but I just....couldn't get into her so to speak xD

I found her entirely to clingy, and this right here is a great example of a scene that made cringe

Mystrila said:
Rinoa seemed way too pushy towards Squall. She was an 'attention whore'. Also Rinoa to me seems childish and spoiled.

Rinoa: *Pushes Squall* Ehhh Squall give me attention! Your not looking at me! I hate you now!

Squall: ....What?
I've never really hated any character out of the FF Series *I mean like hate hate* because after all, they are just a character following a role. But Rinoa does sort of annoy me at time's.

But I also like the sort of lovey thing between her and Squall and some of her Limit's are superb ^^ . So I don't hate her but I don't really like her so much either...
I liked Rinoa. She was one of my strongest characters, and i felt like she was a very likeable character.
The problem with Rinoa is that you have to safe her about 4 or 5 times in the game, plus she is forced into Squall who in one second completely ignores her and on the other she is the most important thing to her...

Plus she acts like a super sweet 16 girl who decides to have a fit atack and form a rebellion because her father didn´t give her a brand new car for her birthday or something like that...
Rinoa didnt throw a fit because of a car (what a ridic thing to say), she formed the rebellion because she was agaisnt Edea whislt her father wasnt.
She didn´t even know that Edea existed at the time so i´m going with the car option it´s much more reliable!
She didn´t even know that Edea existed at the time so i´m going with the car option it´s much more reliable!

Yes she did, she knew who the Sorcessores (sp) was, everyone did. They didnt know it was Edea, I used Edeas name there instead of the word Sorcessoress.

Post something senseible or not at all Jimmy. Black Rose and Orichalcon, both posts are spam.
As a character she was O.K. She didnt really shine as she played second fiddle to Squall, Seifer and Zell who were great characters.
How dare you!? Of course my post is sensible she as a fit atack when they sre in Galbadia because she is left out for the mission, she stays seating on the floor winning and that´s the thruth!!!

And let´s look at the time when you meet her in Timber those two losers Watts and the other guy saying it´s the "Princess nap time"

You´re 17 year old girl who is adressed to others as princess and have a nap time pathetic!
How dare you!? Of course my post is sensible she as a fit atack when they sre in Galbadia because she is left out for the mission, she stays seating on the floor winning and that´s the thruth!!!

And let´s look at the time when you meet her in Timber those two losers Watts and the other guy saying it´s the "Princess nap time"

You´re 17 year old girl who is adressed to others as princess and have a nap time pathetic!

You challenging a mod Jimmy? Yes I do dare, as you claim Rinoa throws a fit about not getting a car, then you say what Ive said is wrong, yet her throwing a fit over a car is more realiable then the truth!

Yes I know she gets angry when she isnt allowed on the mission, but you were going on about her throwing a fit over a car?! Which doesnt happen!
I won´t bow down because you are a mod!!!

So the example of the car was kind of far out but still it´s clear to me she only joined the group because she wanted to challenge her father as simples as that!
Jimmy, you better watch your attitude. You will repsect mods as any other member on the forum. I never asked you to bow down to me, so grow up.
I believe what you said about the car unrealistic and contributes nothing to the topic.

Ive been saying all along that she was rebelling agsint her father, hence she has her own group. But you were going on about hating her cause she thorws a fit about not getting a car!
And that´s a good as a reason, she fits perfectly in a super sweet 16/17 girl attitude, i assume she is rich because her father is general and leaves in a mansion, she probably had everything she ever desired until her mother died, and then she blames her father and runs away leaving the poor man all alone!

Proof of that is the fact that she calls Caraway "that man" instead of father or dad, even when he comes and safes her she still calls him by "that man" showing that like a stuborn and thick headed person she fails to recognize just how much her father sacrificied himself for her!
How is it a good reason why there is no car involved whatsoever?! Its silly as you are hating her for assuming she would do that if she didnt get a car.

Her mother died when she was 5, 5 is a young age to lose a parent and Rinoa had no female role model and her father would go OTT and watch over her in case something wnet wrong. rinoa resented this as she wanted to be free and independent. She was called Princess because she comes from a well off background and yes can get her own way, but mainly because she is leader of the Timber Owls.

Her father saves her because Rinoa is still his daughter and would do anythign to protect her. Rinao isnt being a prissy princess when she doesnt acknowledge this, shes simply stubborn. Hence she goes to help the SeeDs, even when Quistis tells her that her plan is unplanned and ridiculous.