
I actually like Rinoa. Sure, she annoyed me at times...but I think it's the situation that she's in that annoyed me more than anything. For instance, she's always this "damsel in distress". Now, if we only had to save her once, then I probably wouldn't be annoyed at all...but saving her that many times kinda ruined it for me.

However, I still love her character. She may be a little naive sometimes, but I love how she's really down-to-earth - that made everything worth while for me. I like characters that are simple, not too complicated, and has a simple background story. (Cloud being an exception.)

As far as her abilities goes...well I admit, it's not exactly the greatest. She's one of the weakest character (even when she reaches level 100), but the girls are usually the weakest compared to the guys anyway. So I'm not going to make a big deal out of that.
Liked her as a character a lot, the whole reason for why she was fighting was kinda impressive. First she was just the leader of Timber Owls making half-baked plans that dont seem serious. Well she does think they are being serious ,and when it comes time to needing to save her it was because she was trying to prove that she wasnt dead wait compared to everyone else. dhe was trying to prove that she could be on the same beat with them. Only thing that really annoyed me was learning her limits, even though i know you can choose which ones not to learn, i went to learn them all. It was just all the time walking when at times you had nothing to do just to learn a limit, though it did pay off. All in all she was a great character leading a rebllion to defy her fathers goverment being to military like.
I don't think it's hate at all but more on the lines of annoyance. :P

I mean, come on, you had to rescue like what?...a billion times before the game was out; you tried to level her to a decent one, before she gets away from the party again; I never got to use her limits; she was sub-par in battle.
Not that her character is in anyway morally wrong or whatever, but I thought her character was just sub-par, in all honesty.
Well… it’s obvious from my Avatar that I don’t hate Rinoa, far from it…

I liked Rinoa’s character, but I can clearly see why other didn’t. I found her to be realistic, honest and not afraid to speak her mind. She tends to be a little emotional at times, but that just added to her realism in my opinion. In fact, that realism is what I loved most about her. I never found her too clingy as some claim, a little forceful, but not over done. Let’s face it, Rinoa complemented Squall real well, he needed some with Rinoa’s personality to break him from that anti-social mold.

Also, I clearly understand why it annoyed most players, but I actually did care about rescuing her the 5 or 6 times throughout the game. It truly never bothered me.

And… I honestly don’t she how she was forcing Squall to like her, she forced out his true feelings, but certainly not the opposite as some feel. In my opinion, it was love at first site the moment the locked eyes with each other (for those who believe in such a thing). ;)
Also, I clearly understand why it annoyed most players, but I actually did care about rescuing her the 5 or 6 times throughout the game. It truly never bothered me.

Haha, you like playing the knight in shining armor, huh? :P
Well, I guess in that light, it's not so bad, but playing from the viewpoint of an action-seeker, it certainly does get a tad annoying.

From that viewpoint, the only episode where Rinoa was remotely interesting was the time when we meet her the second time with the train mission. Action packed that one. ;)
Also, I clearly understand why it annoyed most players, but I actually did care about rescuing her the 5 or 6 times throughout the game. It truly never bothered me.

=) I think that's because you're a guy and well, guys tend to wanna play that typical hero. I know for a fact that A LOT of the female players didn't like her and I'm starting to think it's because...they're girls, lol. :rolleyes: Female players don't want to save heroines that many times! Think of it in a psychological point of view from girls.

Clearly, I'm being ambiguous again...but I promise, I actually know what I'm talking about this time around!!!
Im female and didnt mind rescuing her lol. It was part of the game and I loved the game that much to go to Rinoa's rescue over and over.
=) I think that's because you're a guy and well, guys tend to wanna play that typical hero. I know for a fact that A LOT of the female players didn't like her and I'm starting to think it's because...they're girls, lol. :rolleyes: Female players don't want to save heroines that many times! Think of it in a psychological point of view from girls.

Clearly, I'm being ambiguous again...but I promise, I actually know what I'm talking about this time around!!!

……………………………………………………………………………………………Uhhhh, Ok???

Right, right… *sigh*… I think you know damn well what I’m getting at in my post. Hell, Warborne got it. Oh wait… Silly me, he’s a guy; maybe he doesn’t understand a Females point of view either… Lol… :rolleyes:

By the way, thanks for taking my post WAY the hell out of CONTEXT!!!
I didn't hate her at all! She would have to be one of my favorite Final Fantasy female characters in the entire series. To be honest, at first I couldn't stand her but now I think she's a great character. She was interesting and just had a really cute personality. She was caring and just happy spirited person. She tried to stay positive about things and helped Squall through a lot of things.

I thought she was a powerful character as well. She was really useful in battle and I nearly always used her, she was just great!
I dont have a problem with rinoa. She is a great character and ~cough~ pretty hot ~cough~

I actually have a mate with a crush on her!!!!
Actually, Rinoa was a good character and the key to most of the game. With out Rinoa the game wouldn't make any sense. Oh, and when people say, "Rinoa is too clingy," or, "Rinoa is spoiled," IT IS JUST A GAME! It isn't like she is real or anything.
I don't absolutely loathe Rinoa, I just think she made a horrible leading female roll. She's a very big attention whore. First things first, she forms a resistance group against her own father just to tick him off. She's always arguing with general Caraway and making matters worse. She never pays attention to what he says, nor does she heed his words.

The fact that I spent half of the game going on missions to rescue Rinoa from peril completely turned me off from the entire plot. She had a very outgoing personality but she was too f-ing stupid to go through with her own ideas. Instead of fighting for a cause, she always wound up in trouble and slowed the entire group down.
hate her?
i liked her!
because of how she's drawn and how she's being so stupid but funny when squall teases her :)
I don't absolutely loathe Rinoa, I just think she made a horrible leading female roll. She's a very big attention whore. First things first, she forms a resistance group against her own father just to tick him off. She's always arguing with general Caraway and making matters worse. She never pays attention to what he says, nor does she heed his words.

The fact that I spent half of the game going on missions to rescue Rinoa from peril completely turned me off from the entire plot. She had a very outgoing personality but she was too f-ing stupid to go through with her own ideas. Instead of fighting for a cause, she always wound up in trouble and slowed the entire group down.

Indeed. I agree 100%.

Also, I must add, that she is so desperate and how she showed her feelings were so child like. How she wanted his ring, and how at first she wanted Seifer then went after Squall.

Such a confused girl.
well since squall did everything but ignore her completely in the beginning, do you really think shes gonna throw herself at him? of course she would be secretive about liking squall and getting his ring and all that, she liked him but after the way he always treated her, she didnt know how he was gonna react. and im sure the last thing she wanted to do was piss him off more. she was just doing little things to get a response out of him, to kinda let her know how he felt and if she should even try to go after him or not.

dont you love how im a video game character psychiatrist?
Hrmm...still, Rinoa's way of approaching Squall was so damn annoying! It was like "Weeee, I'm Rinoa! Let's be friends! k!?" *5 minutes later* "Omg! I so like you, lets go out!!"

Sheesh. She seems like a kid. Rinoa needs to get herself together.
Rinoa is one of two characters in FFVIII - along with Edea - that i don't totally despise. She had a different backstory, she had a friendly upbeat personality, she was kind, her outift was stolen for AC Tifa :O

I liked her as a character, and i like the Rinoa=Ultimecia theory, and i choose to believe it because it adds a lot of depth to Rinoa and i <3 that ^_^
You don't even like FFVIII, get out. xD.

I can understand being happy and positive, but I think she took that to an extreme.

Rikku was happy and positive but knew when to tone it down.
about the whole changing her mind thing. think about it, if someone was an asshole to you and seemed like an uptight emo prick when you first met them, would you ever think about liking them? i sure wouldnt, but thats the way that squall was when he met rinoa. he just wanted to be alone, and not depend on anyone else. as squall started to open up, rinoa embraced that and opened up to him. i just think that rinoa brought out the best in squall, and that squall brought out the best in everyone else. aka rinoa=key to happiness in the orphanage clique ^_^