
Oh gawd. Squall got annoying himself with his character change. -___-;;

I liked his tough guy, emo, persona. It was awesome. Then Rinoa made him all soft.
this is very true, he was pretty corny when he started getting all mushy with rinoa. buuuut, if it wasn't for him falling for rinoa, she would have probably become a full-time sorceress and they migth not have been able to stop ultimecia from taking over.
Yeah, I guess so.

I am not saying Rinoa didn't have a major part, she did.

I just think her character didn't have to be so annoying or clingy. She was a lead role, ya know?

Yuna, Ashe, and Aerith were not even like that.
yeah i suppose as far as a lead role is concerned, you might expect a more emotionally strong and mature woman. she just seemed like a very realistic teenage girl to me, and maybe thats why i like her.
I guess so. lol.

Yeah, she was more realistic. I just wished she took a tad bit more charge and had more confidence in herself.
Lol like I said, typical girl-next-door. Her quirkiness never really bothered me. I thought it was a change and damn how I love changes. I don't think she actually took being happy and positive to the extreme though...I mean, it's up there, but not to the extreme.

And yes, her character was realistic, which I also like. Fun, annoying...anything that teenage girls can relate to.
I liked Rinoa. I didn't feel she was spoilt. I took most of the clingy moments as her simply joking around. If I had felt she was serious, I probably would dislike her. However, I feel her to be caring and almost an inspiration for Squall. She does demand, at times, but don't you feel that's necessary with Squall? I think she's just trying different methods from which to get Squall out of his shell. Acting spoilt, acting romantic, caring, treating him like a leader, treating him like an equal...All sorts.

Rinoa was the one person who allowed Squall to open up. She tried with him and didn't want to accept that he was this cold, hard idiot. She knew that there was a reason behind him being so cold, and wanted to help melt the ice by embracing him and giving him a chance to reveal, accept and overcome his reasons.
Hrmm...I see. All good points.

I can see how she would appeal to alot of teenage girls. As she was one herself, and acted like one at that. It was a change from the Strong Independent, "I can do everything myself" type girl. lol.
It really depends on how you interpreted her character. Many of her lines can seem clingy and weak, whereas they might seem genuine and raw to another player. This especially applies to her dialogue with Squall.

Example: the scene where Squall and Irvine save Rinoa from the Iguions. Rinoa clutches to Squall, repeating that she was scared because she was alone.

You can choose to hear her say it in a genuinely fearful voice, trying to hold on to something to keep her steady if only for the moment.

You can also choose to hear her whine, in which case she exudes the unsubtle subtext of "Squall! Look at me! Pay attention to meee!"

You can see her scoldings of Squall as a girl trying to get a friend to open up so that he can be happy, or as a deluded narcissist trying to get him to open up so she can be happy.

It all depends on how you choose to interpret her actions in the mind's eye.
i interpret her as someone that just wants to be loved, i mean she clearly didn't have a very good relationship with her father, and we never see her mother in the game. so maybe, she really just doesn't wanna be alone. i think people are too hard on her.
I can see that... but I can also see why people are saying that it's a bit spoiled to think that way. It can get annoying when you've got those "poor little rich girl" type characters always wanting "more to life." You can sympathize with them, sure, but there's always a little part of you that just wants to smack them for complaining, too.
Oh god ! were do I begin:|
I can't say that I hate Rinoa ,but I really did't like her either. She 's too annoyin for me and she says the dumbest things in the game like : You Meanly or something childish. When I first started playing this Game I thought that he would end up with Quistis but when I found while still playing the game that starts to like Rinoa I swear I Shouted -ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME:huh:
I think it's just the way that she acts in the game. Like a child who needs meds to be normal.
I didn't hate Rinoa. I thought at times she could be kinda difficult. And quite argumantative..but I can't criticise since I'm quite argumentative. Overall she has a good heart, and tries to do the right thing, even if she goes about it in the wrong way. Her and Squall make a good couple, she seems to cheer him up. As a fighter I found her to be quite strong, but I wasn't keen on her limit breaks, as her Angelo one is kinda silly, and her Angel Wing one is uncontrollable. Anyway, I liked her background, and her connection to other characters e.g. the fact that her mother Julia was once romantically linked to Laguna, Squall's dad.
Rinoa is awesome!! Her weapons are great and shes a happy lovable character....and thats right SHE HAS THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS ME!!!
In some ways I liked Rinoa, and in some ways I couldn't stand her.

She was whiny and immature, but sometimes she seemed fairly likeable. Her character design was rather pretty.

The love relationship between her and Squall seemed rather abrupt and unrealistic. It was like one moment he was irritated by her, and the other minute he's telling her he's her knight in shining armor.

Still, it was sweet.

Bah, I have mixed feelings on her character as well as the relationship... >_<
i interpret her as someone that just wants to be loved, i mean she clearly didn't have a very good relationship with her father, and we never see her mother in the game. so maybe, she really just doesn't wanna be alone. i think people are too hard on her.

Correct, and that's the reason why I've always liked her as a female character. Yes, she's spoiled...however isn't everybody at one point? Rinoa is a girl who wants a compaign that has personal flaws herself, which is why she was a compatible female for someone who was so unopened like Squall.

I believe sometimes it was Rinoa's outright wanting to be the one to open up Squall that gave her the edge over the other female character (Quisitis). Honestly, I liked that about her character, because there's nothing wrong with being spoiled sometimes, because again, it happens, and I'm glad that they interpreted that to her character.

Rinoa was one of my favorite characters in VIII honestly.
there were a few moments when i disliked her because of the nature of her character is caring relli but on disc 1 where she found the secret exit i was like no u stupid women dont do tht but oh well
on disc 1 where she found the secret exit i was like no u stupid women dont do tht but oh well

When did she find a secret exit, I can't remember that.

I really don't see whats wrong with Rinoa, she was sweet and funny, though most of my friends are like that so maybe it's the people we know in real life that effect whether or not we like Rinoa. She was the perfect girl for squall and was fun throughout the whole game-even in space when she almost died.
If anything, Rinoa acts pretty much like a typical girl I thought!! And it would be unrealistic if all the girls had the same linear personality :]
I really liked her, she was feisty and independant but obviously loved to be the damsel in distress, what girl doesn't?
She's my second favourite to Tifa :D
I don't like Rinoa, I just found her character to be annoying and bossy.