Ardis let out a small sigh as the frustration built up. Here they were mostly all together again and now some of the group wanted to split up again, not to mention Crimson throwing her little spat there and storming off. Looking at the witch who barked orders at him and not be one to back down from the intimidation it seemed she was trying to instill to them he pointed at the flames.
"Just how do you expect us to follow her now. More then likely shes far gone by now, shes had more then enough time to go who knows where. So unless you have a way of tracking her I think it would be best to think of how to find her, or better yet maybe find what this poppy person wants. Also if you want something there are better ways of asking then just ordering someone you don't know."
Shaking his head Ardis went to the nearest wall and leaned up on it. Crossing his arms and his right foot over his left he tapped his right foot impatiently. He had to be screwing something up, normally he wasn't like this. His thoughts turned towards how Crimson stormed off, why didn't he stop her and why didn't he try to do anything. As he thought more and more on it he came to the conclusion. Laughing a bit he just thought to himself, "I'm so boned or really messed up. Here I find myself falling for what is supposed to be one of my sworn enemies. If it wasn't for seeing what she did just now, hell I would still think of her as...what would I think of her? I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid?"
"Just how do you expect us to follow her now. More then likely shes far gone by now, shes had more then enough time to go who knows where. So unless you have a way of tracking her I think it would be best to think of how to find her, or better yet maybe find what this poppy person wants. Also if you want something there are better ways of asking then just ordering someone you don't know."
Shaking his head Ardis went to the nearest wall and leaned up on it. Crossing his arms and his right foot over his left he tapped his right foot impatiently. He had to be screwing something up, normally he wasn't like this. His thoughts turned towards how Crimson stormed off, why didn't he stop her and why didn't he try to do anything. As he thought more and more on it he came to the conclusion. Laughing a bit he just thought to himself, "I'm so boned or really messed up. Here I find myself falling for what is supposed to be one of my sworn enemies. If it wasn't for seeing what she did just now, hell I would still think of her as...what would I think of her? I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid?"