
OOC: Two short ones until hell breaks loose


The inn Rune picked was a good one. It was one of the few that she had as choice. Just as she was about to follow Rune into the Inn and go up the normal way, Saethos grabbed them both by the waist.

"Up we go!"

Of all things her eye could see, this was definitely not one of them.


A rare cry of shock escaped from Akira's lips as the ground suddenly slipped from beneath. It wasnt a long flight, but nonetheless, Akira was not used to it. Even after landing, it took a few seconds for Akira to regain her composure. Quietly, Akira hissed at Saethos

Mr Saethos. i most deeply hope you refrain from drawing attention to yourself and then to us. you know our background, hence any attention could cost us.

With that out, Akira turned and faced the castle. It should be about time now.... a horn sound through the air. It was bad sign. There was no commotion from the castle, but an alert has been sound. It was not smart to stay where they were.

Damnation. I do not like this one bit. Rune, Mr Saethos, i think we should move to a more hidden location. I smell trouble in the air...



"She should be in her room now...Shall we?"

Let's go then.

It was easier than anything sneaking in. Security wasnt great and the two assassins easily made their way through the hallways and up towards the princesses room. Slowly, Remus drew the bastard sword from his cloak and planted his back against the wall next to the door. He placed a hand on the knob, ready to open the door for Reya to go in. For all his talk, he rather Reya's hand be the one stained with the girl's blood. This way, he fulfills his obligation to the mission. Commotions began to occur in the distance and there seemed to be people already in the room.

Something is off....i hear more voices than one. Do we proceed?

OOC: Did i do this right? If i did, bust open the door if we go through Oliver.

Saethos’ sudden move certainly caught Rune by surprise. She was just about to turn and head into the inn to begin the climb to the roof when the demon took her by her waist, and instantly leapt up into the air. Surprisingly enough, Rune was rather cool and composed despite even the suddenness of this move. As soon as they landed on the roof, she grinned broadly, chirping,” Nice!”

Mr Saethos. i most deeply hope you refrain from drawing attention to yourself and then to us. you know our background, hence any attention could cost us.”

Rune couldn’t resist giggling at this to herself, but she kept the comment to herself. Akira turned to look towards the castle as soon as she said that. ‘Indeed, it should be happening fairly soon,’ Rune thought to herself. Looking over to Saethos, she was about to speak when a horn interrupted her.

The girl threw a quick glance over at the castle. There was no clear sign of mass movements, but Rune didn’t need much logic to be wary.

Damnation. I do not like this one bit. Rune, Mr Saethos, i think we should move to a more hidden location. I smell trouble in the air...”

Rune responded with a brief nod as she looked around. “There’s no one here,” She noted.

“Allow me then.”

She raised an arm, facing it perpendicular to the ground below her. “Arise,” She muttered, and a circle of light formed around her. She retracts her arm, clasping both her hands together and held it close to her chest. Closing her eyes, she continued,” And let the energies flow.” At this, the circle of light faded, merely becoming a glowing line that formed a circle. Almost immediately, a triangle formed, with Rune at the center.

Some wavy lines fill the empty spaces between the triangle and the circle, before the patterns began forming at an accelerated pace, almost as if with a life of its own.

“Open the gates, and let us through.”

Clapping her hands once resulted in the magic circle turning into a crimson red. “Get in, we’re getting out of here,” Rune said, smiling triumphantly. “Saw that, Akira? Another successful teleportation spell!”
General Kethos followed the suspicious group with the demon. They had made their way towards the Starfall Inn. The streets were packed with partygoers. Afterwards the demon grabbed the other two and flew upon the Inn's rooftops. Frightened screams erupted from the citizens who saw this. "Don't worry, calm down. Calm down!" the general shouted at the citizens.

This group was up to something, and he did not like it one bit. His rifle was shaking and fragile as he ran into the hotel and up it's steps towards the roof. He would have to stop them, he could not do it himself. Pushing buttons onhis audio device he shouted, "Get soldiers in here now! I have a rouge demon in Idunblime!"

He finally reached the top of thesteps and opened the door to the rooftop slowly. A member of the group was casting a spell! Kethos spoke once again into his device. "I've also got a Bithian problem."

"Delpoying all units now" came the voice from the device.

Kethos stepped out ontop the rooftops his rifle drawn as he stepped out behind the group. “Saw that, Akira? Another successful teleportation spell!”

"I don't think so Bithian Scum." he voiced so that the others could hear him.

Kethos stepped into the glowing red circle along with the girl who created it. "It's no use in escaping. You hear that horn? In mere seconds, this city will be crawling with Thelmacain soldiers weeding out Demons, and you Magicked freaks along with anyone you may be working with. There's no point in escaping."


Reyu gazed back at the soldier. "Don't proceed. The Thelma government can't look bad by being known as the ones who tried to kill the princess. This is supposed to be a covert operation. Not even the other soldiers know about it."

Reyu walked over to a wall and leaned. "We can always kill her later. Who said it has to be so sudden? We just have until she marries tomorrow, plenty of time."

Reyu then heard the sound of a crowd in uproar. "It looks like we've got ourselves a bit of a commotion tonight..."


Sophia followed the woman going into the castle. She muttered "Levita" before jumping in the air and getting a huge boost with the spell she had cast. She landed on the other side of the wall a bit noisily but gathered herself together...Sneaking behind the woman, Sophia tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey! Aren't you the lady from the bar? Whatcha doin?"

Sophia had an interest like no other to help this woman out upon her solo mission. "If you wanted to get into the castle I'm sure I could help you with that!" she smiled as the loud horn from afar began to blare loudly.


Laleth sat upon her floor, dazed and staring out the window. She wiped whatever makeup was left on her face upon her nearby bedsheet and stood. "Ready my things Melissa."

Her maiden had risen at an instant and took out a small suitcase. "I would have never let you live with your father if I knew you'd be in this kind of trouble." Melissa spoke. "Are you going back to the Church orphanage?"

"No," Laleth said as she cut the large gown's bottom half into a knee length dress and took off her heels.

She changed into black rubber traveling boots and took out her hair from the ribbons. Strolling to her closet she pulled out a bow and her quiver full of arrows. Tying her hair into a ponytail with a black ribbon and strapping the quiver across her waist, Laleth strapped a side bag with her things on her shoulder and was ready to leave. "If the throne causes me this much stress, then I don't want it."

Melissa hugged the young girl quickly before gazing once more at her. Laleth climbed upon the window ledge as the loud horn got louder and louder. Laleth smiled back and without words she jumped out into the night and onto a tree branch below...

He was right...I was too quick to waste my life...And so I figured running was the best solution. The night was dark. I stood on the tree branch for a while. At an instant the streets full of people were busting with soldiers taking everyone's ID, testing them, and arresting anyone suspicious. It felt almost impossible for me to escape my fate.


Escape Idunblime!: Rune-Saethos-Akira
-The city is bustling with soldiers! Find a way to escape without getting caught. If caught fight your way out before the city is barracaded!

Rescue?!: Mary
-The princess is upon the grounds of the castle nearby. Do you dare help her escape the city in it's state?!

Cornered!: Rune-Saethos-Akira
- You've been cornered. You can choose to fight Kethos or teleport away or run.

Mary felt someone tapping on her shoulder, quickly turning around, she saw that same waitress from the bar.

"Hey! Aren't you the lady from the bar? Whatcha doin?"

She quickly looked around to see if there was anyone else who found her. "Wha, What are you doing here?" She raised her voice in frustration, "I'm on a very important mission."

"If you wanted to get into the castle I'm sure I could help you with that!"

"Wait, how did you know I was get..."
Suddenly, Mary heard a rustling amidst the loud, blaring horns, there was no wind, which means someone landed on a tree. She quickly turned to the waitress, "Alright, you can follow me, but keep quiet, I need to check something." With that Mary headed in the direction of that ruffling. Due to the number of trees in the area, it would prove quite difficult. Taking out her bow and arrow, and having it at the ready. Mary slowly walked in, hoping to find whoever it is that fell through.
Akira seemed slightly uncomfortable with what he had done, but Rune seemed to have thought it was somewhat amusing. But the Akira had told him that they best try to keep a low profile. To Saethos, this was kind of a stupid thing to say. Large black wings never kept a low profile, but he soon dropped it to hear a loud horn. It slightly scared him and made him jump a little as he looked to see where it came from. This horn was the horn that sounded the alarms. This was most definitely not good.

Then he watched as Rune began to cast a spell. Saethos had never seen magic before. Not once in his entire life. That made this an intriguing sight to him. He stared in awe at this. Apparently, from what she said, it was a teleportation spell. He was too distracted by the spell casting to see or even hear another man come to the top. While Rune was going through this portal of sorts, this man came out of nowhere to join her.

Whoever he was, he warned them it was NOT ok to escape. Clearly this man was against demonic presences. He grabbed his wrist and began to pull him out of the portal. "Now now, not all of us demons are bad guys." There was a sort of mockery in his voice. "I just defend the underdogs." He readied one of his knives in his left hand and gripped as tight as he could with his right hand. He brought it up like he was going to stab this man.
(OOC: Shit post but I'll edit it since I didn't have a keyboard when I wrote it)

As soon as the demon touched him Kethos shot at him with his rifle. How dare something so foul even look upon him? He broke free of the mans grip and stood firmly on the ground. As the demon mocked him he shot once again at the creature.


"Alright, you can follow me, but keep quiet, I need to check something."

"Aha! Yay!" Sophia said happily.

She always wanted to go on an adventure of her own. She followed the woman cautiously as she heard a rustle in the sky. Seeing the woman take out her bow and arrow, Sophia took out her book of spells at the ready, the glow in the night radiant. As she did so a girl seemed to jump from the trees in the space in front of them. Sophia saw the girl gaze at them with yellow eyes. "It's, it's her!" Sophia gasped. "The princess!"

As she said this the girl hastily took out her bow and arrow and pointed it towards them. "There won't be any more assassinations tonight." Laleth spoke.
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Things changed almost in an instant, with the sudden appearance of another stranger. Even as he spoke, Rune paid him no heed. His presence meant little especially since the spell was already completed. She had full control of the spell, and could decide who stays, and who goes, after all. However, her demon companion didn’t seem to want to leave without a fight. Or rather, he seemed to have thought the fight to be inevitable.

“I guess, we have scarcely any choice now,” Rune sighed, as she looked over to Akira, just as Saethos drew his weapon of choice in a motion that seemed like an offensive strike. Sure enough, the stranger, apparently some kind of military man retaliated, firing a gun shot at Saethos.

“Hey Akira, don’t go easy,” Rune muttered, as she raised a hand in the direction of the gun shot swiftly. The wind responded to her mental control, rushing between the bullet and Saethos, slowing down the bullet significantly. As it dropped to the ground harmlessly, Rune continued,” Shouldn’t be wasting too much time here now that we’ve been noticed.”

Remembering Saethos, Rune stepped over to Saethos’ side,” Well, let’s do this.”

“Behold, the legions of death storming forth. Stare, and await your death…”

Rune closed her eyes, loudly chanting as she did. She was casting yet another spell, but who knows what this spell would do. Around the group, the shadows on the ground were now quavering unnaturally, not in sync with their movements. “For the time has come… I, harbinger of Doom, herald your death…”

((OOC: The incantation isn’t over yet. :D ))

Just as she expected, the festival went down the drain faster than she could blink. An assailant had appeared before they could have escaped unnoticed via Rune's magic. It was definitely not the stealthy, observation plan she had thought up of when she got here. Already, Saethos engaged with the man holding the firearm. He seemed formidable, even without the weapon.

“Hey Akira, don’t go easy,”


She could not take risk. Bullets were deadly and flew faster than an arrow ever could. While giving herself maximum agility would enable her the ability to dodge, it was not at a 100% success rate.

Invoke! Steel Skin!

A green flame erupted above her left eye, blazing and flaring. It has been invoked. Bullets were nullified, though Akira went on the defensive. Rune was casting a spell and with steel skin, she could take the hits while she chanted. She slid Tenchu from its sheathe and planted herself between the opponent and Rune. There was enough space for her to see, but if anything came in their direction, Akira was there to take it.

Let us hurry with this and flee. Guards will descend on us within a few moments!



"We can always kill her later. Who said it has to be so sudden? We just have until she marries tomorrow, plenty of time.It looks like we've got ourselves a bit of a commotion tonight..."

Remus nodded in acknowledgement and pulled back from the door. Just as he thought, things were becoming rowdy. Footsteps echoed all along the corridors and an emergency horn rang outside in the main streets. It was not in their interest to be caught inside the castle. He himself was rather suspicious looking, carrying a bastard sword in the midst of confusion. Remus rather not have to kill fellow Thelmacian.

Very well. This opportunity has been wrecked. Lets get out of here before the guards show up snooping. i suggest getting out of the castle entirely and slip into the crowd in the chaos.... unless you have a better idea...

"There won't be any more assassinations tonight."

Mary lowered her bow and arrow, pointing it towards the ground. "Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you." She said, though it would be difficult to convince her considering if what she said was true, someone must've tried to kill her earlier. "I came here to help you escape, I'll explain it to you along the way, we need to get away from this city as soon as possible."

Turning towards the waitress, she said, "With all this commotion going on. I doubt it's safe for you to return to your bar. If you like, you could come with me too."

Sophia exclaimed happily, "Come on, lead the way!!"

Mary showed a weak smile before turning back towards the Princess, "Your Majesty, if you are coming with us, I suggest we head out now."
"Your Majesty, if you are coming with us, I suggest we head out now."

Laleth looked in suprise. Lowering her bow she gazed at the two. They didn't look harmful or decietful. "Well, then lets go. This city should be crawling with guards. Be careful."

Laleth thought as she began to follow the woman speaking to her. "Lets see..." she mumbled. "The closest towns would be Hautou, Relfhia, Cia, and Earoke. Lets keep get out of here."

My first impression of Mary? Quick and to the point...I knew at once I could trust her despite being surrounded by enemies.


Tourists screamed as the soldiers barged through town, roughly handling anyone who looked suspicious. Revilo walked casually towards his bar. He would try to avoid the soldiers until he got the chance to lock up. People in the streetsbustled to their homes. Some hid in alleys, others in trashcans. Bithian's who had been caught by the guards were fighting in the streets. Bullets rang out, screams were herad. Idunblim was anything but peaceful at the moment. Revilo could heard crashes in the street up ahead nearby his bar. He saw soldiers running towards it about to shoot through the windows...Sophia! She was inside!

As the officers shot's ran out andthe bullets went flying towards the glass of the Falacore, Revilo's heart skipped a beat before snapping his fingers. As his fingers connected, his eyes glowed a brighter green and he summoned the bulletes that were once flying in his bar's direction towards the mn who were shooting.

The officers who had shot were dead withtheir own bullets. Revilo ran towarsds the bar and a man ran from the ajar door. "Hey!" Revilo screamed as he grabbed the man and thrust him up against the wall. "Where is my sister? The girl staying in this bar?"

"I don't know man!" the mysterious man said before blasting Revilo back with a gust of magic.

"You're a Bithian!" Nobody was here when I ran in for cover.

"I know thanks for the help!" said the man as he took off amougst the stirring crowd.

Revilo was stunned. Maybe Sophia got out in time? He would be terrified to think of that others would do to her when they found she tampered with magic a while back. "Over here! I saw it! A Magicked scum!" a soldier in the distance yelled pointing at Revilo. He ran at an instant amoung the streets trying to get away. Shots flew past him. He ran through a fight between Bithians and Soldiers, summoning projectiles out of his way.

Revilo could see two men chasing him. He ran into the nearest building. It seemed to be an Inn. Revilo hustled up steps. This should buy him some time. He found the doorway to the roof and burst through it.

It seemed that the roof was not empty. There were people already on it who looked like they were fighting...

For the time has come… I, harbinger of Doom, herald your death…”

"Ehehe, Silly girl. You should really brush up on your history." Kethos said as he took out a small device and activated it by pushing a button.

He threw it down on the ground lazily. "A Mana pod is more than enough to drain out all those nasty powers of you spellcasters. How else could we have won the war? Then again pof course it too is powered by magic."

"Now dance for me." said Kethos in a nasty sneer as he sprayed the ground around their feet full of bullets.

Spells were now the least of his worries. As he did this someone else burst through the rooftop door from behind.
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"The closest towns would be Hautou, Relfhia, Cia, and Earoke. Lets keep get out of here."

Mary immediately said, "We make for Hautou. I know a few friends of mine who will keep you safe. Best to cut through the forest. Come on." As she said the last line, she immediately headed deeper into the forest, followed by Sophia.

"I never did manage to introduce myself through all the commotion, my name is Mary Waltham."

"I'm Sophia, and it's is very nice to meet you."
She said, beaming with confidence.
The spellcasters had protected him. He was thankful for that, otherwise he would have had to gone beastly to get away from a gunshot. It was a wind spell that stopped the bullets, while the other had had caste a defensive spell seemingly making her skin like steel.

However out of nowhere, the man pulled at a strange device and pushed a button on it. The device dropped. Saethos did not feel a thing happen to him, it seemed useless to him, until it was explained. Unfortunate for this man, Saethos had already used Animals Rein on himself while he spoke. Saethos then took up his card and spoke aloud, "Card of fate." In an orange flash one side of the card showed a red rose with a black stem in green background and the other side displayed a bloodbath full of bodies. He showed this other man and said, "This is how you will die. That thing may stop spells, but I don't use magic."

Now preparing his second knife, he attempted using his right hand to get that gun out of this mans hand when someone else blasted in.

OOC: I don't consider Saethos' abilities to be magic.
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The situation soured, but it wasnt lost. Her magic was ebbing and her Steel Skin was dissipating, but still had a few seconds left. Akira smiled when the soldier fired at their feet. Arrogance was costly in a fight and he had just prolonged their life. If it was her, she would have shot them while they were in shock from the loss of their magic. Just as Saethos went for the man's gun, Akira was about to support him by going towards the other side of the soldier. An attack on two sides would have at the very least pressure him, but her attention was drawn to another man that had burst onto the rooftop.

Tch... More complications...

Akira turned her attention to the man, leaving the soldier to Saethos and advanced forward to meet him. She pointed Tenchi squarely at him as he ran onto the rooftop. He didnt look like a soldier but they could never be careful.

Identify yourself! Are you a guard of this town?



Both Remus and Reyu stuck to the shadows in the garden and moved silently. Their route was through the Garden, using the trees and hedges as cover from sight from the guards. Already, they had passed by three guards and was almost out of the gardens and over the wall when a group of three guards stood around at the gate. Two blazing torches bracketed the door, lighting the thing as if in daytime. Remus signaled Reyu to hold for a second as he observed. Two of the guards left but the third stood diligently at attention next to the door with no intentions of moving

Hey, whats the hold up? A lone guard? We'll just off him and be through the gate before anyone knows. Lets go.

Remus grabbed Reyu by the wrist, and dragged her back into the shadows.

That man is a Thelmacian soldier. We cant just arbitrarily kill him. Its a waste of a life and a waste of a soldier. Let me deal with it.

Remus slid to the side and drew out a knife. A slight rattle against the far wall should draw his attention enough for them to run up and knock him out before he raises an alarm. With a slight grunt, the knife sailed through the air and rang soundly against the wall to the right. The guard instinctively turned and thats when Remus barreled out and caught him in a shoulder charge, bashing him against the wall. The guard dropped, out cold, but there was commotion to the rear. The two guards nearby must have heard the scuffle and were beginning to return.

Lets go!

Before the two guards could even round the corner, the two assassins had escaped the castle and slipped back into the crowd of the town.

Tch. Where to now? Meet back with the general?

Of course. What else are we going to do? Enjoy the scenery?

Reyu walked off ahead as if she had a clue about the general's whereabouts. Remus sighed and reluctantly followed after
“Pity the fool who doesn’t listen. I, harbinger of Death, bring forth a destiny mortals will inevitably meet.”

As she ended her incantation, Kethos’ mana pod landed on the ground. However, while it seemed to have dispelled Akira’s ability, it barely did anything to Rune’s magical capacity. Raising both hands, she spread out all five fingers. “Apparently, you don’t really know history that well.”

Smiling, she released the spell. From around her hands, the shadows on the ground all rushed around her and then moved towards Kethos. The shadows surrounded Kethos, and then erupted into a mass of tentacles. About two of the tentacles tied his legs down, while another one was about to whip him from behind.

“And if you thought such pathetic little device can stop me, then you’re wrong. There’s a reason why my name’s Rune Realmroamer, you know.”

As she spoke, yet another stranger joined the fray. This person seemed like he was escaping from something, but Rune barely cared. “Saethos, Akira,” She hissed. “That spell may have taken a while to cast, but it isn’t meant to take that guy down, do something quickly!”

It was only then, she set her eyes on the stranger. His bright green eyes were the first thing she noticed; before she goes on to admire his handsome features. “Hey, handsome,” She jokes, almost instinctively. “Are you friend or foe?”
"We make for Hautou. I know a few friends of mine who will keep you safe. Best to cut through the forest. Come on"

Laleth followed with caution. Just who were these two? She didn't know exactly their purpose and she wanted to trust them. Hautou was not far from their current location.

"I never did manage to introduce myself through all the commotion, my name is Mary Waltham."

Laleth smiled as she followed them. "I'm Sophia, and it's is very nice to meet you."

"I don't know if you are friend or foe...But if you really are friends, I'm grateful for your help." Laleth said.

Mary also had a bow and arrow just like her, and the younger girl carried just a book and seemed very cheery. "I hope I don't cause you two trouble."


Revilo paused at the scene when a very serious looking woman taking an offensive position towards him began speaking.

Identify yourself! Are you a guard of this town?

"I don't need identification." Revilo stated being put off with the way he was addressed. "But there are soldiers after me..."

Just then a woman had cast a spell upon an officer binding him to the floor. "Is that an officer?" he said suprised looking down. "You do know it's an offense to use magic? Especially in the Thelmacain empire. Are you trying to get yourselves killed?!"

"Hehe that's right. Reinforcements should be on their way!" the officer muttered upon the ground as he managed to struggle free of magical tentacles binding him.

As this was said three officers who were chasing him had made their way up to the rooftop. Revilo turned to face them along with the Bithia and the odd looking creature that seemed to be a demon.

"There he is! And he's got accomplises!" They shouted.

The three officers faced the four upon the roof with nothing but swords and sheilds. They helped the officer binded upon the ground get free and helped him up. Revilo saw him and looked at his rifle pointed towards the group.

“Hey, handsome, Are you friend or foe?”

Revilo glared at the girl before turning back towards the Thelma warriors. "It doesn't look like I have a choice." Revilo said drawing his Saksore towards his enemies.

"Kill them all, don't leave any survivors." Commanded Kethos.

"Yes sir!" the soldiers obeyed as they went charging towards the group...

Escape!: Revilo-Saethos-Rune-Akira
-You have each been attacked by a soldier. Defeat them and retreat the town of Idunblim.

Night Run: Mary-Sophia-Laleth
-Retreat to Hautou in the night. Soldiers may follow! Be careful.

Bloodhound: Reyu-Remus
-Rescue General Kethos from the dreadful Bithian/Demon threat!
“Aw,” Rune pouted as she said, smiling at Revilo’s stare as she looked over to Kethos, who managed to struggle free from her spell. “It could have been worse, but never mind.” Reinforcements arrived as she said these to herself, but it didn’t bring much change to her expression. Still bearing the cheerfully naughty expression, she teased the soldiers,” Aw, what a commotion today… We’re just here for the parade too…”

Shaking her head in mock disappointment, Rune raised a finger at one of the soldiers, blasting a jet of water that sent him tumbling back through the door behind. The sounds of thuds easily suggested what happened to him, but Rune didn’t bother too much about that as she clasped her hands for yet another spell. “And who cares about the Thelmacian laws? Especially if it’s already known that we’re Bithians,” She wondered aloud, before whispering the chant for her teleportation spell.

“Won’t take too long, but best do what you would want to before we get out,” Rune chirped before she focused back on her spell. The magic circle marked on the ground began glowing once again, and this time, there was a magical aura of crimson around Rune, Saethos, Akira, and Revilo.
More soldiers came about. He was with some good fighters, but to him it seemed sloppy. Everyone seemed to be having an 'on my own' chemistry other than Rune and Akira. Whatever, it's not like they have ever got the opportunity to fight alongslide a demon. He was an odd fighter anyway. But no matter, now he was teaming up with his former foe and taking out some soldiers. He couldn't help but respond to Rune's remark, "The irony is that is all I came here for!" there was quite the laughter in his voice. He had a soldier coming from behind him, but he could hear the footsteps with his ability and knew his exact location. He temporarily had the hearing of a bat.

He subtlety linked a chain to his right cuff and when the soldier got close enough he swung it around and caught the soldiers ankle. The chain wrapped around quite a bit, and Saethos began to lift him into the air. Despite Saethos' thin complexion, he was strong and ended up spinning the soldier in the air until the chain loosened up and the man went soaring in a random direction.
"I don't know if you are friend or foe...But if you really are friends, I'm grateful for your help. I hope I don't cause you two trouble."

Mary responded "Think nothing of it. Truth be told, I was actually assigned to do this job." She pulled out her bow and arrow, in the event that soldiers were sent into the forest to track them. "They told me to escort the Princess of Idunblim to Hautou so she can be protected against those trying to assassinate her."

Sophia half-listened to what Mary was saying, she was looking around the forest, making sure to stay with the group. "So whose been trying to kill her." She said, maintaining her cheery attitude.

"According to my leader, the order was carried out by order of the Thelmacain Imperial Government."
OOC: Almost missed the event!


More soldiers poured out after the man that came up through the staircase. Akira was fuming underneath. Not only did they have the man behind them, now soldiers from all over town was gathering up here as if its been lit up like a bonfire. However, it seemed that the enemy's enemy was an ally. Rune had Saethos so Akira could at the very least go after the men coming up the stairs.

A simple lunge thrust pierced the closest officer that came at them when what appeared to be the commander ordered their slaughter. As she was about to slide the blade from the flesh, the officer gripped it by the blade with a death grip whilst another soldier from behind attempted to chop down at her head. Akira front kicked the dead soldier, his fingers sliced off the dead body as it flew backwards. His friend was too close for Akira to use her nodachi. Instead, she raised her left hand and let off a simple snap of her finger.

Instantly, the man was engulfed in flames. His steps stopped as he began to burn, dropping his sword as he uselessly tried to put out the fire. Akira was not a cruel person despite her strict personality. With a swift swing, she sliced her blade straight across his chest, instantly killing him.

Let us be done with these plebeians and escape. The longer we stay, the less likely we will survive.

Akira sliced down the next two that approached, which proved a warning to the others as they began to treat her with caution, trying to flank her. This came as a surprising opportunity. She had noticed Rune's circle glowing yet again, meaning they were almost ready to depart. Akira had to tell the new man of this so he could clear his side for the teleportation.

Sir, clear your sector so we may flee via magic! Rune is almost ready to initiate the spell!

Some movements in the crowd down below distracted Akira. Two figures raced across the road. From what she saw, they held themselves in a straight manner. Obviously military or trained. Very trained. If they joined the fight, they would be hard pressed.


Remus and Reyu

Damnation! An emergency Ms Reyu! Commander Ketho is engaged in combat! Let's go!

You don't need to tell me! Ill tear those guys a new one for what they're doing!!

Remus saw the demon that Ketho was fighting. Demons were dangerous. From down where he was, he couldnt see clearly, but there seemed to be a bigger commotion up there than just the two of them. Suddenly, the roof lit up slightly before dissipating. It worried Remus. Without any attempt at hiding his presence, he drew his bastard sword and rushed forward. There were more soldiers converging, but both pushed and barged their way through. The steps to the roof was clogged up with soldiers trying to advance, delaying them both.

Damn it! Move aside! Commander Ketho needs our help!

Sir, clear your sector so we may flee via magic! Rune is almost ready to initiate the spell!

"Right!" Revilo nodded to this woman and ran up to the soldiers remaining giving a roundhouse kick to thier heads.

He used his magical power of summoning to take a wall from a building and place it in between the soldiers and himself along with the strangers. He looked at the other woman doing the magic and shouted as the crimson lights glowed strong. "Let's go!"

Revilo awaited for the spell to activate.


The night moon shined bright as Laleth walked along with the other two.

"According to my leader, the order was carried out by order of the Thelmacain Imperial Government."

Laleth was quiet. She didn't see how that made sense. Why her own people was trying to kill her. "Are you sure it wasn't the Bithians?" She walked thinking hard.

"I don't think the Bithians could do too much harm. All they've been trying to do is use magic to help our world." the girl Sophia said.

"There are rouge ones out there." Laleth said. "I've decided that I'm going to live a free life. A life away from this royalty nonsense."

"Hehe! Freedom!" Sophia smiled as she walked with a bounce in her step. "I've wanted that for a long time. I want to see the world!"

Laleth chuckled. This girl had the spirit Laleth once possesed a while ago. Maybe now that she was on the run, she could see the world also...


Reyu thrust other soldiers aside and bolted up the stairs as fast as her legs could carry her. She burst through the door to the roof just in time to see a huge wall standing in front of her and unconcious soldiers. Kethos stood near the doorway. "Commander Kethos!" Reyu yelped and she saw his tattered and torn clothing.

She was angry. She was going to kill whoever did this. With her nunchaku now in her hands she swung it aroun dher gathering speed before she finally struck the wall with the criminals on the other side. It cracked and with her anger she did it again this time blasting a small hole through the wall. Kethos stood behind her and began shooting at the barrier himself.

Escape!: Revilo-Saethos-Rune-Akira
-You have each been attacked by a soldier. Defeat them and retreat the town of Idunblim.

Night Run: Mary-Sophia-Laleth
-Retreat to Hautou in the night. Soldiers may follow! Be careful.