[RP] Dissidia: War of the Dragon


England's Answer to A Epic Wheelchair Driving Arml
Feb 25, 2010
Southend, UK
Yuno Mizuno
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Silver Lining
Welcome to Dissidia: Wars of the dragon, when you post can you please place the following on the top of your posts XD

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The Creation of a New World
An Unknown Realm
The Dragon, Chaos and Cosmos

In a far and distance realm, where there were many world, lived a dragon, who looked over the worlds. Over the years the dragon saw the different worlds within the realm go through changes, see people try and claim power within the world, some were able to. Seeing this, the dragon thought to himself about the fact that he could one day gain power, and maybe take control of the whole realm. He also realized one thing when looking over the worlds and seeing people have power, all of them seem to cause war due to this. Overtime the dragon decided that to have power he needs to start a war, and win this war as well.

So the dragon decided that he needed to create a world where this ‘war’ could take place. So he took some of the magic and create a world to hold this war, this world has a small amount from each world that the dragon saw, from a section of Gaia, to a part of Spira. So the world was created, but as the dragon knew, when something is created in the realm, bi products are produced, and thus a god was born. This god looked to have the power to create the ultimate discord. So the dragon called this god Chaos.

In the land of Discord

A few days later Chaos came up to the dragon that created the world and told the dragon “if you are for any reason defected, you will not retrieve the power you desire, master you need protection” the dragon agreed saying “Yes, I need warriors, pawns of discord to protect me from defect, and to make sure I can get the power that I desire” he started casting a spell, like a summon, but much bigger, then creatures and people started appearing before the dragon, the creator of this world. The dragon said “pawns of discord, I need you to protect your master from and forces of light, can you promise me this” the pawns nodded their heads. The dragon then turns to Chaos and said “You will be in charge of these pawns, I’ll give you a place at the land of discord where you can stay and look over the pawns”. “Also we need you and your pawns to watch out for the light, we don’t know if anything else was created as an bi product of the creation process” then the dragon disappeared before Chaos’s eyes. Chaos then looks at the summoned warriors and went on to say “pawns of discord, start searching the land for any sign of the light, if you see anything, show them the way to discord” the warriors went on their way, as the dragon and chaos disappeared and went their own ways.


What the dragon didn’t know that another product was made during the creation, in a unknown place, where light lays all around a woman sits in her throne. She called this place Sanctuary, and she was only known as Cosmos, A day before a unknown person told her of the dragon and what it plans, she also found out about the warriors and Chaos. So just like the dragon did, she starts a spell, but with the power of harmony rather than the power of discord. A number of shimming lights appeared before her before the light faded to revel warriors. “Warriors of Light, you must stop the dragon and the god Chaos, of the world will fall into the ultimate discord” she then let off another spell, this time letting off Orbs of light all around Sanctuary. Then, a orb of light went to each warrior; they held their hands open to take this orb of light before it going inside them. Cosmos then looked up, “I given each of you some of my Light, use this to gain your Crystal, after each of you retrieves your Crystal, only then you can go and face Chaos and the Dragon”. The Warriors nodded, and then walked off and out of Sanctuary.

And so the Warrior’s journey in this unknown world begins, Warriors of Chaos head of to find any sources of light, and to take them out. The warriors of Cosmos start the journey for their crystals and to find and defect the God of Discord and it master, the Dragon.

I hope this is good enough for the first post XD I been working on this for two days :wacky: the bits that are in the centre are locations for the second and third paragraph.
((OOC:Looks Epic LY!))

The Lion's Awakening Part I
Location:Ultimecia's Castle,Throne Room​

Squall:...So I got Summoned here by some Dragon in order to do his bidding...I dont know why I was brought here but if defeating the Forces of Light Get's me home..I Guess I'll destroy them..

Squall puts his gunblade on his shoulder and walks off to Survey the Area,Glareing forward mad at how he got summoned to do the dirty work of a Monster. He then see's someone ahead of him

((OOC: yay first Squall Post))
"Destroying the light"
"Edge of Madness"
Hyne Walked after the group of Chaos members. His Cloak Concealing his Body. He was called from His castle on the floating contenient to fight in this war. or the feeble traces of light fighting back.

"Really" he scoffed.

What is the point? Darkness envelopes all in time. Light has no hope to survive in darkness. it can only scream and beg for mercy. Mercy which its never given. He scoffed again. pointless hope and love. Xande taught Him of the destruction Light causes. He would be doing the world a Favour by stopping the warrios of light and Its fragments. He turned Sideways and walked off away from the Other chaos warriors. He was going to ahillate the Warriors of Cosmos alone. No one need share his glory. and with that He walked off into the distance Towards a Vestige of Darkness. the perfect start to a Murdering spree. How enjoyable.

"For the hope of the world"

Yuna trailed behind the other Cosmos warriors. some looking excited. others Calm. some Wary. and one Frightened. The one being Herself. She was never used to being alone. she always had some beside Her. and she was called from Her loneliness in the Via purifico to surffer More loneliness in a war.

Yuna only knew one thing. That a force of madness and discord is hoping to destroy all the light in this realm. in order to control it. Naturally She was aginst this idea. and agreed to Fight when tasked by cosmos. However She didnt expect to Be alone Right after the task was given. Everyone else was walking away while she stood frozen and contemplated her thoughts and feelings. Sighing. yuna closed Her eyes and thought about her dilemma. lost and confused She consented to follow the now far away cosmos warriors into the Blizzar Teeming moutains.


OOC: wow... This was harder to write than i thought.
Honor of a Knight
Sir Fratley

What horrific timing for this to occur. With the looming threat of a war between Alexandria and Lindblum on the horizon, of which Burmecia would no doubt be caught in the middle of, he was whisked away from his mission of learning Alexandria's intent, as he had learned that Lindblum only increased their military might to defend from what might be an attack from Alexandria. Not only that, he was now separated not just by distance, but by worlds, from his beloved Freya.

Only two months prior, he had proposed to his lifelong love while on leave to go and visit Cleyra. However, of what Cosmos spoke, should the dragon be victorious, then Alexandria would be the least of Burmecia's problems. "Well, tis sense that I was chosen. How better to slay a dragon than with a dragon knight?" Fratley mused calmly.

As he wandered, he noticed one of his fellow companions of Light had stopped, her face looking as though she were in deep thought. Fratley approached the summoner Yuna. "Are you alright?" He asked, resting his lance upon his right shoulder.


Death is the only truth
Edge of Madness

It was laughable at best. To create such a world only for the purposes of gaining a temporary power. "Even if one gains power over the universe itself, no one can escape death. It is the sole purpose that all life exists. It all exists to die. Only in the oblivion of the void can there ever be peace. None can escape it, not Harmony, not Chaos, not the dragon or anyone else. But if anything else, this should prove entertaining." Necron spoke with an emotionless voice. He hovered in the air, his large wings extended as his arms crossed across his chest.

"Still, I will remain here with the dragon. Should any of the light come, they will have proven themselves worthy of dying by my hand. You may go and crush the weak until you are crushed or claim victory for our benefactor." He spoke to the other members of Chaos.
A path for justice?
Location: Sanctuary​

Ramza looked at the warriors of light each here here with strength and power, yet Ramza felt he didn't belong. After his friend Delita and his sister, Tietra death. Ramza had decided to abandon the knighthood and everything else in order to find a way to make wrongs right, and to bring justice to his world.

Ramza was talking to himself outloud after everyone began to scatter, "So how am I a lonely noble man suppose to destroy this unjust dragon seeking power for his own good?"

Ramza couldn't help but to think the answer lied within the dragons territory, with the enemies of Chaos that Cosmos mentioned. He decided to begin his search there.

To regain his lost treasure
Location: Cultists' Tower​

"So all I have to do is help this dragon and I can get my old ship back!" Setzer said to himself with the most excitement he had since that day long ago when his precious ship was destroyed and his world became ruined. "This should be simple enough!"

Setzer was so excited as he climbed up to the top of Cultists' Tower to look around for any sight of any 'light' that Chaos wanted gone. He saw in the very distance a very bright light. "Could that be the light that Chaos and the dragon fear?" Setzer wondered as he started to climb down the tower now, and heading towards the 'light' in the distance.
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The Ace's opening Serve
Location: Dream's end. Middle Platform.

Having been one of the fastest of the Warrior's out of the Gate, Tidus was already well ahead of everyone...but he had slowed down, now contemplating the situation. "Urrgghhh...man, thing's are still a blur..." the young Blitz Ace put a hand to his head, still lookign confused by what he had been told. apparently this 'Cosmos' or whatever her name was had summoned them here to defeat the 'Warrior's of Discus' or something like that. "...No wait, It was Discord, right?...Jeez, What a Bummer...but wait...where's everyone else? what happened to my friends back in Spira?...well, suppose I won't get answer's just standing around..." He sighed, shaking his head. The Young Warrior then began walking, still not sure what to make of things.

The Leading Man's Grand Opening
Location: Edge of Madness

"...So, find the Light and lead them to Discord...personally I'd prefer to capture such valuble Light rather than lead them to a holiday destination..." The Man shook his head, closing his eyes as he glanced around the area, though spotting nothing of worthy interest. One of his Two Gun's, Altair, was held in his left hand, though he didn't seem to be in any need of it as of yet.

"...That creature also called me a 'pawn of discord'? I always considered the Star of the show to have a more prominent role than a Pawn...Still, Approach the enemy Diagonally and you'll still score a Defeat. Perhaps I should see how these thing's play out..." The Gunner began walking away on his own path, preferring to operate alone than with comrades, especially comrade's as odd-looking as some of the thing's he had seen.
"Meeting the Rat dragoon"
"Are you allright?"

Yuna gasped and spun around. She sighed and calmed knowing That this is one of Cosmos warriors. "Y-y-yes... i am fine. just a little lost..." To emphaises Her point she glanced around at her surroundings. she looked back at the dragoon. "w-who might you be?" she took a little more time to examine this warrior. He looked Strong and noble. Surely someone who is honored in the place He came from. She locked eyes with Him again as she awaited The answer.


"Darkness on the horizon"
"The world of darkness

Hyne walked soundless. His boots making silent thumps on the crystaline Tile of This Dark world. A World Infested with Darkness. darkness from HIS world no less.

"How interesting...."

Hyne set about exploring this desolate place. a perfect command centre. An evil smirk crossed his Skull face as Hyne Started Testing its durability. He shot Firas and Blizzaras at Pillars and More Firas to clump them into a throne.

"a throne worthy of a Great ruler." Hyne sat upon his throne and laughed has an ball of pure Magic appeared in his hand. It was time to think his approch and then anillate everything. Such is the mind of the perfect Monster.

(ooc: Yuna meets fratley and Hyne has an allusion to his time in his "Castle".
Speaking with the summoner
Sir Fratley

Fratley gave a traditional bow of his head with his free hand placed over his heart. "I am Fratley of the Iron Tail, dragon knight and champion of Burmecia. Who might you be milady?" Fratley asked as he returned to standing straight. It was a typical way for him to address a new face. While he was a warrior first and foremost, one should always show respect to a comrade. "There is no need to worry about being lost. This place is foreign to all of us. That is why we should travel in groups of at least two. We know the minions of chaos are out there, and we'd fare better with strength of numbers." Fratley suggested.
"Discussion with the Dragoon"
"I am Fratley of the Iron Tail, dragon knight and champion of Burmecia. Who might you be milady?" "There is no need to worry about being lost. This place is foreign to all of us. That is why we should travel in groups of at least two. We know the minions of chaos are out there, and we'd fare better with strength of numbers."

Yuna nodded at his words. and responded. "I am Summoner Yuna of the Besaid Isalnds in the land of Spira. You are indeed Correct that we should travel better in pairs or groups....Would you mind accompanining me for a while..Sir fratley?" Yuna looked Hopeful that He would agree. It was nice to have some company.
Of blade and sorcery
Sir Fratley

"A summoner. I've heard but tales of them. You do not seem to have a horn on your head, but that is they appear to be in my world of Gaia. But I would suspect the powers of magic you wield would be the same, the power to conjure eidolons to aid you in battle. Since my abilities focus more on physical and aerial combat, I think we would balance each other out." Fratley spoke, approving of the initial grouping.

"Well then lady Yuna, we'd best be on our way. While chaos might tear at each other, they will more than likely try and dispatch of us first." Fratley suggested. Once Yuna was ready, he would begin leading the way towards a land that appeared to look like part of Spira.
The Lost Gospel
Aerith and Zack
Aerith’s Church

Aerith opened her eyes, and rose off the floor slowing. Her head was foggy; all she could remember of the immediate past was a feeling of intense pain, and a flash of bright light. Looking around herself, she realized that she was standing in a familiar scene. This was her church from the Slums, and yet it wasn’t. It didn’t have the same warmth that the real one had, or the same feel. Odder yet, she could no longer feel the call of the Planet, which disturbed her.

She stepped forward, and looked up to see a man standing there. Her stomach lurched, as she thought the light must be playing tricks on her. It couldn’t be him. She started to run toward the doors, and as he turned to face her, she froze. It was. Zack was standing in front of her, but yet again she felt something wasn’t right. There was something different in his eyes.
He saw her as well, but no warmth entered his eyes. Who was this woman, and what was she doing here? More importantly what was he doing here? Who was he really? He tried and tried to remember but only came up blank. And this girl who was standing in front of him, who was she? Why did her face make him feel a nagging in the back of his head, as though he’d forgotten something he shouldn’t have?

“Who are you?” he asked softly

She heard his words, and her fears were confirmed. He didn’t remember her. Why did she remember him? Where was she? Why was she here? So many questions without answers, her head had begun to spin. She had faith that there was a reason, but she couldn’t see it herself at the moment.

“Zack, it’s me. It’s Aerith, Zack. Remember me?” she stuttered out around the cracking of her voice.

Zack didn’t remember her, but there was something about her gentleness, about the tears that were flowing around her eyes, that was trying to bring something back in him. He reached out to brush her tears aside, but just as his hand was about an inch away from her face, it started to fade into streaming dark clouds of what appeared to be dust. He felt a tightening of his whole body, and then it loosened, and then his sight fading out.

Aerith screamed, trying to reach out into the darkness that Zack was becoming, but at the same moment, she herself begun to fade into white light. Her body felt so light, and her eye sight starting to go white. She could see Zack moments before the white enveloped all of her vision. He had turned to darkness, and she to light. What could that mean, she wondered a moment before her thoughts went dull.

(OOC: Consider this a prologue to the actual events. Now they're going to wake with Chaos/Cosmos etc etc)
"Pairing up."
A summoner. I've heard but tales of them. You do not seem to have a horn on your head, but that is they appear to be in my world of Gaia. But I would suspect the powers of magic you wield would be the same, the power to conjure eidolons to aid you in battle. Since my abilities focus more on physical and aerial combat, I think we would balance each other out. Well then lady Yuna, we'd best be on our way. While chaos might tear at each other, they will more than likely try and dispatch of us first."

Yuna was a little shocked by this answer. she had no clue that other summoners exsisted in other worlds. Let alone had horns. but then she remember'd That alot of these warriors are from diffrent worlds and that she shouldnt be surprised. never the less she responded.

"oh! you know of a summoner too? Well yes. I belive with my summon capabilities" Her eyes shone for a second. "and your Physical Skills we would make a great team. Like you said We should leave." She smilied and gestured to the open world. "Lead the way Sir fratley."
The Lion's Awakening Part II
Ultimecia's Castle Basement​

Squall runs ahead and see's a Doppleganger of himself but it has a Shadow body with Glowing yellow Eye's

Squall:...What is this thing..Is it a Part of the Light or Somthing Else..?

The Shadow Like Copy charges at Squall and slashes at him,Squall jumps backward to dodge the Copies Blow...He's not giving me much choice..Squall Raises his sword and cuts the copy sending it into the air and chases it he then Focus' his power and smashes it against a wall,killing it

Squall:..Weird this thing doesnt feel like the Light or Darkness..

He watches the body fade into the Void and once it fades he walks away toward's a Tower of Light((Santuary))

((OOC:I'm gonna have a visit to Cosmos while the Warrior's are Away! XD))

EDIT:((OOC2:Gave the Doppleganger a template form idea stolen from .hack//G.U.))
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Tides and Sky
Sir Fratley
Dream's End

Fratley gave a nod to Yuna as he led on. The world seemed like it was actually pieces of other worlds patchworked together. One could clearly see the divide between each different setting.

As he entered the new area, he saw another warrior of the light. The kid looked like he belonged at the beaches out past Cleyra. "Let's catch up to him. The more allies we have, the better chance we have of success." Fratley spoke before he approached the youth. "It's dangerous to go alone. Would you like to come with us?" Fratley asked the boy.
Dreams End

Tidus had been looking up at the Dark Sky, still trying to figure thing's out, when suddenly he heard a Voice Nearby, and it seemed to be directed to him. He turned around, looking up at Sir Fratley, who was about 3 foot taller, blinking. "...Erm, Dude, do I know...actually don't answer that, I doubt I know anyone around this place...anyway, I suppose you might be right, though I hope you can keep up with me! I don't hang around y'know." HE said, grinning at the Small Warrior of Cosmos, before glancing up as he heard another pair of footsteps...and stopping dead. "...Whoa, Yuna?" He said, eye's wide in surprise. He had been so hasty in leaving the Sanctuary he hadn't exactly stopped to get a good look at his allies, hence the fact he hadn't realised Yuna was among them.
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A Girl with Many Questions
The Rift

As Rydia walks along what looked like a castle, but there seems to be no door, she started thinking about the first meeting with cosmos. Like a few warriors she decided to get a ‘head start’ on her journey.

“Why am I here? what happened to my home? and why was I with all them weird people?” she said to herself as she carries on walking. She thinks of the way she was summons, one minute, she was training her summoner skills, the next she was in a unknown place, with people she never met, and talking to a women she never seen in her life. “How can a god throw me into a war of the gods? I’m only a kid, I can’t even think of what to do next” she mumbles to herself.

She stops, sits down, and continue to think about what going on. “So, this woman wants me to find some crystal, wait for everybody else to find a crystal, and then go and fight a person called chaos and a dragon”. “She picks me, a 7 year old girl, to help her do this??”

She thinks of why she even gone off on her own without even talking to anybody. “Why did I even go off on my own?” she said as she continues to mumble to herself. “Everybody else looked like they were adults, anyway they wouldn’t even understand that I’m a kid, I look like an adult” she thinks of what a person shouted back at the first meeting. ‘So how am I a lonely noble man suppose to destroy this unjust dragon seeking power for his own good?“That boy was a weird one, just shouting like that”. She then remembers of a woman, standing still like a stick, looking lost and frighten, and then a mouse like figure talking to her and offering help. “That girl, Yuna, she looks real scared, but that knight came to help her in her time of need”. “I’m just like that girl, lost and scared in a strange world, but I can’t show it, I must act grown up and carry on moving forward”

Rydia got back up onto her feet, wiped off the dirt on her green cloths, and carried on walking into the distance. “I’ll just carry on walking, then I’ll find the crystal for sure” she said as she walked.
The Charge
Zack Fair
Edge of Madness

Zack found himself standing in front of Chaos. He had heard the mission, but wasn’t sure what it meant. Spread discord? That sounded easy enough to him. Balancing his oversized sword on one shoulder, he looked at the other people that were around him. If he was honest, some seemed threatening, and some didn’t. He didn’t really care.

Sighing, he thought of the girl again, and wondered who she had been. Had she been summoned too? She wasn’t around here. He swung his sword in frustration. This didn’t make any sense to him. Why had he been summoned? He couldn’t even remember who he was. He only knew his name because of her. How had she known his name?

Brooding would fix nothing he decided. Action had to be taken. Destroying light didn’t sound quite right to him, it gave him that nagging feeling in the back of his head, but what choice did he have? Perhaps his memory would be returned if he did this. Or perhaps along the way, he would find a way to do it himself. There was no point in brooding over it any long. Slashing his sword again, he resolved himself to action.

The Maiden Raises
Aerith found opened her eyes to find herself standing in a room. Looking around herself she didn’t recognize anything. And she still couldn’t hear the voice of the Planet. This was odd, where exactly was she? And what happened when she met Zack? They had both disappeared. And why didn’t he remember her? Too many questions without answers, but she had faith she would find them if she prevailed long enough.

She heard voices, and walked out of the room. There was a lady bathed in light, from which light was emitting. Aerith had heard her voice only moments ago before she’d fully awakened. Something about a crystal and defeating a dragon and Chaos, she believed. It was coming back to her more as she stood there. Looking at the different faces, she knew that they could do it if they worked together and if they tried. It was a familiar feeling to her, but she couldn’t quite explain why.

Zack. The name meant a great deal to her. She knew he was very important to her, but she couldn’t place why. She was sure she had known earlier, when they had been in the Church, but no her head was even foggy then it had been then. He had disappeared in a cloud of darkness, did that mean he was serving Chaos? She couldn’t remember exactly how she knew him, but she did that someone she held so dearly would never serve the dark. She had to do something, to prove her worth. The time for action was now.
Truly the Light?
The Rift

The Lone Gunman continued on his path, which eventually led him to a rather odd sort of...well, could it be called a Castle? It was disfigured, and the part's of the building seemed to be changing location every so often, of their own accord. He frowned, looking around at the place, still confused as to exactly what he was looking for. "...Like trying to find a Cactite in the Westersand..." He muttered Darkly, continuing on.

Eventually, He caught something out of the Corner of his eye. A young Girl with Green hair, and a lost, confused look about her. "...Could this be one of these 'Light's' that we're meant to send to Discord? an Odd choice. She doesn't look as If she'd last long in a Battlefield...though of course, I thought that about Vaan when I first saw him but he made a believer out of me...Better keep my eye on this one..." He muttered to himself, staying out of Rydia's Sight, but keeping her in his own...Still deliberating whether She was really worth Attacking or not.
"Lovers Reunion"
Yuna got a better looka t the Warrior has she caught up. She promptly gasped as she realised who it was..

"T-T-Tidus?" Tears welled up in her Eyes as she saw he Lover. She couldnt help but utter the small sob as she charged at Tidus and threw Herself into His arms.

"I-Idiidnt know you were Here...Im so glad you are though..Please Come with us Tidus..The more People we have the better..and I can make sure You wont go off an die..." at that statement she couldnt make any coherent sounds anymore. So she resignhed to bury Her face in Tidus's shoulder and sob Her heart out.

Dream's End

Tidus smiled slightly as he saw Yuna's face well up with Tears. He held his arms out for her as she hugged him tightly, holding her close to him. "Wow, I didn't expect to see you here either. Guess I must've rushed into thing's too quickly, as per usual...and yeah, of course I'll tag along, you didn't think I'd just leave you hanging did ya Yuna?...but what's that supposed to mean? YOu know I could take care of myself." HE said, grinning at the Summoner, wiping the tear's out of her eye's for her. "...I'm just glad your with me now...so I don't exactly feel all on my own out in this mad-house..." He said softly to her, running a hand through her Brown hair, smiling at her.