[RP] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

Sir Fratley
Dreams End

Fratley looked a bit puzzled as the boy looked down at Fratley's feet. Fratley stood at 6ft tall, 6.4ft including his ears. However, his slight apprehension melted when he saw Yuna and the boy seemed to know each other. "Well, it seems you know my acquaintance. That saves a bit on introductions. I am Fratley, dragon knight of Burmecia. And if we are to return to our worlds, we should make our way towards our enemy, the dragon responsible for all of this mess." Fratley spoke with a calm voice. He looked up a bit at the sky and sighed a little bit. "I'll be home soon, Freya. I'll keep my promise to you." he spoke softly before looking at his two companions, giving them some time to reunite.
A Source of Darkness
The Rift

As Rydia continued to walk she heard footsteps behind her, so she turns around to see what it was. to her surprise she saw a man holding a gun in his hand, he looked like he was thinking to himself like if he was decided on what to do. after looking at the man in a confused matter, she heard the man say 'Better keep an eye on this one' before he walked off into the distance

"Was that man, a Warrior of Chaos? a Warrior of discord" she said. "if he was, why is he 'keeping an eye' on me, what is he planning" she thinks on what to do, should she follow the man, should she approach him all alone with nobody on hand to help. "No, I need to find somebody to help me before I go after him, he didn't attack me, soo i should leave him".

"I should really find somebody to travel with". So Rydia walks on into open fields to start looking for someone to help her out.
"Loves journey forward"
"Dreams end"
Yuna smiled into Tidus shoulder has His hand was brushed though Her hair. It was comforting and she felt safe. As though nothing was going to happen. It was a calm feeling. such as the wind on a Hot day. She heard sir fratley introduce himself. She smiled and wiped away Her tears. and gave Tidus a winning smile to rival the sun.

"As he said Tidus. This id sir fratley. a Burmecian Dragoon From his home world Gaia. He helped me out of a Tight situation some time ago." She gave anohter smile to Fratley. "We really should travel together" She repeated. It benefits all of us..." She trailed off as she watched Tidus for his answer.
The Lion's Awakening Part III

Squall:...This is too easy..Is the Person I'm supposed to defeat really this sloppy..?

Squall looked to the middle of the Water covered Area and see's a Woman.Who's that..?He keeps hidden for a moment to make sure no one is around.

Squall:..This Woman...She's so..Pure..

He Approaches the Woman and Cautiously looks at her..Is this who Im supposed to Kill..

Squall:Are you the Creator of Light for this World?
If So I have a Few Questions for you.

To Prove he come's in peace He stabs his gunblade into the ground and walks away from it

((OOC: Lady Yuna Need a Cosmos Chat))
"Finding a Minion"
"World of Darkness"
Hyne got of His throne. His plans were complete. He was too launch an sudden attack on Cosmos. He used this stratagey with King argus in his own world. He Captured the king and His subjects were than easily brainwashed. This stratagey would work the same with cosmos. All he needed was a Minion or two.

"Of all the pawns of Chaos I saw and know about many would work...A simple Spell will have them controlled and another would have them set to face cosmos. But which one..." Hyne made no motion to fiz this problem. opting too check the surrounding Area for a portal. A simple Ticket to start his Search. and that simple Ticket he found.

"A portal. interesting. Quite the way to start my search. Then the massacre beings." Hyne entered the portal in a swish of his cloak and Vanished. Leaving nothing but the now destroyed remains of The world of Darkness behind.
Lover's Journey Forward
Dream's End

Tidus glanced around at Sir Fratley, nodding to him, grinning. "Hehe, nice to meet you Dude. Sorry, Didn't know whether to trust you or not, but If Yuna know's you, then your cool with me...And yeah, I agree with Yuna." He held Yuna close to him. "I think we should Travel together...Question is, do we actually know where we need to go first, or are we just travelling Blind?" He asked them both, tilting his head slightly.


Smart Girl
The Rift

Balthier Raised an eyebrow as he saw Rydia look his way. It seemed as If he had been spotted, but he heard her speak. "No, I need to find somebody to help me before I go after him, he didn't attack me, soo i should leave him". HE couldn't help but admire her Intelligence. "...She certainly has the Brain's to belong in a Battlefield...well, I say that, but the Archadian Soldier's had Wolf Dung for Brain's more often than not...nevertheless, She could be more problematic than I first thought...Especially IF she bring's back reinforcements..." He decided to follow after her, but keeping out of her Sight this time, so that she wouldn't see him Following her.
A meeting with a Pawn of Discord

just after Cosmos sends her warriors off, she sits there and thinks to herself about the Pawns of Chaos "so I wonder if these warriors summoned by that beast of a dragon really do exist". "If so will the light I given to the Warriors be enough to defend the world from them"

then a man walks towards her, the bloke has short brown hair, and wears a sleeveless top. he also's carries a sword, but it seems to have a trigger and a revolver on it, almost if it was a gun with a blade at the end

"Are you the Creator of Light for this World? If So I have a Few Questions for you" the man spoke to her as he puts the gun like blade in the ground, seeming to prove that he will not attack her

"Who are you? And why do you come here, I gather you are a Warrior of chaos". she then goes on to say "I'm not the creator of light, but the source of light"

(OCC: I wonder what gonna happen... squall talking to her and another planning an attack)

Finding a peaceful resolution
Location: Open fields​

Ramza slowly started to leave seeing that most people were just going fight, Ramza thought that there had to be some way... a better way than to fight. 'The people on Chaos side are just as human as all of us, we shouldn't have to fight...' Ramza was thinking to himself, not understanding the need for the pointless upcoming battles.

Ramza looked at the way that was blacked out in darkness, the way that lead to Chaos domain. 'There has to be a peaceful way to solve this before the battles begin... I will find one!' Ramza decided and ran off into the Discord to get his answers....

Taking a gamble
Location: Discord​

Setzer saw a man in front of chaos who looked confused and upset about something. Setzer realised if he wanted to keep ship alive he had to have help destroying the light that chaos wanted gone. He looked at the man, and thought maybe the two of them could work together towards the same goal, they both seem to want something enough that they would do anything for it. Setzer walked up to the man and talked to him. "Hey hows it going. The name is Setzer whats your name?"

(OOC: Setzer talking to Zack)
Pushing Forward
Sir Fratley
Dream's End

"While it may seem aimless, the only way that makes sense is to go away from the source of light. We are bound to come across some sort of clue or enemy that will help us get our bearings on our target. Once we get close enough, I'll be able to smell and sense the dragon. While different dragons have slightly different scents, they all have a core, similar scent to them. Of course, my nose is much more powerful than a human's would be, so you probably won't smell anything until we get to him." Fratley explained. With that he began traveling directly away from where Cosmos' light was eminating from.
A Meeting of a Pawn of Discord.

"Who Are you,And Why do you come here? I gather your a Warrior of Chaos"

Squall: My name's Squall Leonhart,Ive come to talk to you to hear your side of this Twisted World's Story,I dident get any information just that I should Kill you and keep your warriors from attacking Chaos...

Though I Dont really care about this world or being dragged into this War of yours..

Squall places his hand on his forehead and closes his eyes looking mad..This is so Annoying..but I need more information.. He looks back at her and remembers the shadow that attacked him

Squall:So Will you tell me why I was summoned here,Who is this Dragon that call's us Pawns,and why I was attacked by this Shadow Form of myself..?
"Following the scent of Discord"
"Dreams end"
Yuna listened to Sir fratleys reply. and tensed for a second when He suggested going into the Area of discord itself. but didnt protest. She Tugged on Tidus Hand(which was holding hers) and started following Fratley. He sprit was becoming wary. she could Tell Her Aeons were sensing the approaching Darkness and issuing warnings. She gripped her Rod tighter and walked after Fratley. all the while she kept giving Tidus furtive glances and worried looks that plainly said.

"Dont go off and do anything Stupid." or "dont die on me."
Tension in the air
Dream's End

Tidus also wasn't sure that Just Charging on into the Land of Discord was a good idea, but at the same time, he was pretty eager to get all of this sorted out as quickly as possible, so that he and Yuna could go back to Spira together. "...Well, I have an odd feeling I won't wanna smell him, bet the Dude Reeks If his the Master of Bad and Evil and what not..." He said to Fratley, frowning slightly.

He glanced down a little, seeing the looks Yuna kept giving him, and he rolled his eyes. "Relax. You know I won't leave you behind Yuna...Don't worry, I'm your Guardian Remember? It's my job to keep you safe, and that's Exactly what I plan to do!" He said, pumping the air as he always usually did, grinnign at the Summoner.
A Meeting of a Pawn of Discord II

"My name's Squall Leonhart,Ive come to talk to you to hear your side of this Twisted World's Story,I dident get any information just that I should Kill you and keep your warriors from attacking Chaos...". "Though I Dont really care about this world or being dragged into this War of yours.." Can I trust this Squall, all I could know that he could just be planning to strike me, and how did he find me so easily. "I know little more than what you just told me, all I know that this dragon you speak of is looking for some kind of power. and so he created this world". "I'm just a product that was created during the creation of this world. just like your god chaos is".

then another question came from Squall "So Will you tell me why I was summoned here,Who is this Dragon that call's us Pawns,and why I was attacked by this Shadow Form of myself..?""So Will you tell me why I was summoned here,Who is this Dragon that call's us Pawns,and why I was attacked by this Shadow Form of myself..?" I remain sitting here wondering why this warrior of chaos stands here with the chance to strike me at any moment, yet he remains to ask questions. "I myself do not know why the dragon summoned you, i can only assume that he needed protection, and he wanted you to do something" she then thought about this shadow he mentioned. "A Shadow you say, i can only think at this is yet another product produced by the creation process, just like me and your god chaos" she wonders what Squall gonna ask next?
The Ascending Pawn
Sky Fortress Bahamut

Delita walked along the vast deck of the Bahamut, a ship unfamiliar to him that he found himself on. "So, i'm now another man's pawn in their pathetic game of power, I suppose such beings exist everywhere, even amongst gods. However, I won't allow such tragedies to happen again. Birth should never designate position in life, and I shall prove I hold such power..."

Delita began to leave the Sky Fortress, his next destination would be 'Sanctuary' though he'd have to cover some obstacles along the way...
A Meeting of a Pawn of Discord II

Squall looks at her face and see's that shes nervous..

Squall:..I'll Say it so you know,Im not here to pick a fight..

"I know little more than what you just told me, all I know that this dragon you speak of is looking for some kind of power. and so he created this world". "I'm just a product that was created during the creation of this world. just like your god chaos is".

Squall:I see..so you were created by a by product of this worlds creation..

"I myself do not know why the dragon summoned you, i can only assume that he needed protection, and he wanted you to do something"

Squall:Protection..?Why He created all of this I dont see why he need's "Pawn's" To protect him when he's powerful enough to create a world..

"A Shadow you say, i can only think at this is yet another product produced by the creation process, just like me and your god chaos"

Squall:Yes..On my way here I was attacked by a Shadow Form of myself I first thought you sent it so it could kill intruder's but I did not sense Light nor Darkness from it..

Squall Ponder's these things and gets a frustrated look again..Ugh I get Answer's but they lead to more question's...Squall Walks over and picks up his sword

Squall:Well..Thank's Im not sure if I want to fight you but you helped me get some answer's,I'd be careful these "Stigma's" are starting to appear closer to your part of the Realm...

Since I got my questions answered do you have any for me..uhh..

((OOC:Since Cosmos never introduced herself 8D But I enjoyed this part))
"Following the scent of Discord II"
"Dreams end/?"
Yuna gave a meek nod at Tidus and Focused Her eyes on Fratley. The world was slowly changing and leaving Yuna with a sense of Dread rather than the somewhat Farmiliar feeling of the past area. Her Aeons spirits were Pulsing on Her chest. Sensing a lot of Danger. She warned the duo.

"Tidus! Sir Fratley! my Aeons...Their sense Great danger. please becareful!. Something bad is going to happen. i can feel it!" She cast a wary glance around Her. Something was going to happen.

"finding a Minion"
"Open fields"
Hyne appeared in an expanse of open field. a gentle breeze blew the soft tuft of grass against his black boots and his bone legs walked across the feild. He sensed a vestige of Hateable light. and was surprised(yet delighted) has he saw a warrior of cosmos. the perfect minion. He walked at a faster pace eventually floating towards the warrior.

"Your mine now...Pathetic warrior of light.."

with that he launched a Ice spell over the head of his target. sucessfully having it explode and bar his path. He swooped over to the shoked warriror and froze his feet. Making him unable to move.

"such a pity your used for cosmos...Well this will change it." He left no time for the warrior to speak.

with that he gathered up an orb of darkness and pushed it against the boys Head. starting to control him.

(OOC) That boy is Ramza. so Dp. you can make a post about resisting right. (had this planned out). Also Sir fratley=Auron.
A Meeting with a Pawn of Discord III

"Well..Thank's Im not sure if I want to fight you but you helped me get some answer's,I'd be careful these "Stigma's" are starting to appear closer to your part of the Realm... Since I got my questions answered do you have any for me..uhh".This guy going to let me ask questions, I wonder if he even wants to be here, or work for chaos

"I'm only known as Cosmos, and I do have one question Squall, if you wanted these questions answered, why didn't you go to your own god, Chaos to ask these questions". She sits their waiting for an answer from the pawn of chaos, awaiting to see why he went to light rather than darkness

-Of Hot dogs and fighting
-Zell Dincht
-Garden - Sanctuary

Act 1 Scene 1

Zell - so it looks like its time for me to enter the fray at last!

[excitement and a hint of glee in his voice as he thought the next part]

'yes this was war and war was bad, but he got to be part of it, had a chance to shape the battle to his will, and by god he was wiling to take it'

[He adjusts the tightness of his gloves before flipping down into the building below where Cosmos is currently occupying a space within]

Zell - So where do you want my twins to lend their help?

[he begins shadowboxing giving off the aura that he is generally pumped and ready for anything. he turned slightly and nearly dies of shock, showing that he really wasnt ready for ANYTHING]

Zell - Yo Squall what are you doing here?
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A Meeting of a Pawn of Discord III

"I'm only known as Cosmos, and I do have one question Squall, if you wanted these questions answered, why didn't you go to your own god, Chaos to ask these questions".

Squall Turned his back to Cosmos with his blade lowered

Squall:...Because I don't want to be misled...since your a Goddess of Harmony I took a chance and decided to see if your truthful..Chaos would not tell me anything he would either attack me or tell me to follow orders..

From what I saw your face does not lie to me..Since Im a mercenary I can tell when someone lies to me..

He throws his sword over his shoulder and looks back at her

Squall:...Thank's Cosmos...I'll come talk to you again sometime..For now I think I'll plan my movement's if I trust you enough I can try to help end this war fast..

Squall Begin's to walk off and return to the Land of Discord to plan his next move to put a End to this war
Seeing Darkness
Open Field

Rydia arrives at an Open field where she continues to search for someone. But she continues to think about the reasons why she was summoned, and about the man that was behind her back at the rift “What did that man want from me? Did he want to kill me?” She wonders why the man was a warrior of darkness yet he decided to leave her alone? Rydia had so many questions that she needed to be answer, she only a 7 year old girl, summoned into a war of the gods.

Just then she saw two people up ahead, she stayed in some long grass to stop her from being seen. She could see that a man had his feet frozen, like he had a spell put on him. ‘Why has the bloke froze the man feet, he’ll end up with a cold’ she thought to herself. Just then the bloke put his hand on his head and what looked like putting darkness into him. “he in trouble, wait, that was the boy that shouted out when I was at the place with the god” she thinks for a bit to see when she could do “I need to get help now, I know, I’ll go to Cosmos to ask for help”

So Rydia runs off back to find Cosmos and ask for help