[RP] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

A chance encounter II
Delita Heiral

"I'm here to do what is required, no more, no less"

Even if this man was his 'ally' he had no reason to trust him with his true motives, for now he was better kept at arm's reach, everything and everyone has a use ultimately, it's how well they serve at their desired role that decides their fate in a world like this.

"I assume you have your own reasons for being here, though remaining still can easily get you killed, the sooner we eliminate the other side the sooner we can get out of here"
A chance encounter II

"I'm here to do what is required, no more, no less"

"I assume you have your own reasons for being here, though remaining still can easily get you killed, the sooner we eliminate the other side the sooner we can get out of here"

Squall:I see so you'll kill Cosmos' and the other warrior's of light then?
I saw one of my Team-mates from my world there,I Wont let you kill him but the others I dont really care about..

You should be careful you may see one of your friend's here as well..and If your moving to Santuary be warned there are "Stigma" Along the way..

Squall wasent sure if he wanted to help Cosmos just yet..But He may fight this man if he plan's on attacking Zell and who know's who else is on Cosmos' side..But He Decided to watch this knight's movements to be safe

Squall:None the less..I dont wish to fight you but be warned..If you raise your sword to my friend I'll kill you..

Squall Glared to the knight showing his Resolve to that threat..

((OOC:lol thought this would be appropriate to Delita's secretivness))
A chance encounter III
Delita Heiral

"This friend must mean a lot to you... However, this is a battlefield, you can't afford to grow close to your enemies when they would be more than happy to cut you down if you hesitate, and all that does is dull your blade"

Delita began to turn away and leave Pandemonium

"Keep in mind however that if you do get in the way, if it's not me cutting you down it could just as easily be Chaos, you could consider me cutting him down as an act of mercy, at the very least he wouldn't die in regret at a comrade slaying them, though ultimately one side has to be eliminated"

At that Delita left the area, proceeding on his way to Sanctuary, hopefully he didn't run into any other problems along the way, if he could avoid bloodshed he would do it.
A chance encounter III

"This friend must mean a lot to you... However, this is a battlefield, you can't afford to grow close to your enemies when they would be more than happy to cut you down if you hesitate, and all that does is dull your blade"


He Does have a point Zell does want to fight me at some point...

"Keep in mind however that if you do get in the way, if it's not me cutting you down it could just as easily be Chaos, you could consider me cutting him down as an act of mercy, at the very least he wouldn't die in regret at a comrade slaying them, though ultimately one side has to be eliminated"

Squall:..No Offense but you seem a bit arrogant,each one of us is very powerful,the dragon dident just pick random people from each world it picked the Strongest,If you underestimate the Warrior's of Light you may be the one dieing...

But Squall had made up his mind during this discussion,he decided to go to Chaos and see what his thoughts are..If Chaos' answer's arent good,I'll fight him least I can do is weaken him so this fight comes to a end sooner..Squall move's closer to Chaos' Throne in hopes of finding his answer to who's side to fight for..

((OOC: @Lady Yuna I'll be coming to talk to chaos next 8D))
Throwing Dice
Zack Fair

"Hey hows it going. The name is Setzer whats your name?"

Zack looked up at where the sound was coming from, and saw a man. He looked noble, maybe even trustworthy. But could Zack really trust anyone? Turning slightly, and moving his hand ever
so closer to his sword, he prepared himself for anything.

“Name’s Zack,” he replied flatly.

Dance in the Dark
Open Fields

She was walking around, trying to think, and oddly trying to avoid other people. Aerith had never felt the way she felt at the moment. There was so much going on in her head, and she couldn’t quite focus. Zack was the only thing on her mind. She hadn’t seen with the other warriors of Cosmos, and the only obvious reason he wouldn’t be with them was that he was a warrior of Chaos.

But Zack would never serve Chaos. She was starting to remember bits and pieces of him now, time they spent together. He had been SOLDIER, she remembered now, and a quite a good one at that. He’d always been kind to her during the times she now remembered. She had to find a way to make him remember.

(OOC: Sorry for the wait DP)
Throwing Dice

Setzer looked at Zack and smiled as Setzer grabbed a coin out of his pocket and kept flipping it. "So how about you and me team up for a bit and find a way to 'get rid of the light'?" Setzer looked at Zack who seemed really confused about what was going on. "Either that or we can be lost forever in this world and never get the things we seek the most." Setzer looked into Zack eyes seeing Zack wanted something too, Setzer just couldn't tell what it was.
So he wants to team up, Zack thought. It was a good suggestion. Working together they did have a better chance at achieving their goal. Plus something about working with another person felt right to Zack. Seltzer didn’t seem the type who couldn’t pull his weight in a partnership.

Sure, why not.” Zack responded.

He had mentioned the things that they were looking for the most. Zack knew he was looking for something, he could feel it, but he wasn’t sure what. It seemed Seltzer didn’t have the same problem. He knew what he wanted form this. Zack could almost envy him for that.
Lost Memories act I
Orders Sanctuary

Cloud was laying flat on the floor because of the bright flash he saw last. After 5 minutes from sleep he woke up and gazed upon the white suuroundings he saw. When he was standing straight he checked if he hadn't lost any equipment. He reached out to his back and he still had his Butterfly Edge blade.

After awhile wandering around he stopped and thought ''Whats happening? Why am I here?''
Cloud then looked at the wierd sky and started walking again to see where it would take him.

(( I'd say he is walking to Aeriths church and If I want to quickly note you all then I'll do it like this))
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Taking a chance with a new partner

“Sure, why not."Zack responded.

Setzer smiled at Zack as Zack agreed to team up with Setzer. Setzer wasn't stupid, he knew that 'the light' was going have allies of itself defending it, but Setzer didn't care, he wanted his ship back, and he was willing to do anything to get it back.
Setzer looked around seeing so many places in this new world that the dragon created, many places he didn't know so many places to explore.

"Alright bud, what do you wanna do? head straight for 'the light' or we can travel around and figure out the best way to get rid of 'the light'?"
Leading Man's Discovery
Open Field

Balthier had had to drop back significantly from Rydia, since, with the Area being such an open field, He knew he would've drawn her attention had he been too close to her.

This meant that he was very confused when he, like Rydia, came across Hyne and Ramza. Seeing a Small Rock formation near him, Balthier Hid behind them, Peering around them to observe the Situation. "...That Knight...He seem's to Radiate Light...though he's also radiating a lot of Darkness...and I recognise that one from where I awoke...Interesting plot twist this...and where might she be going?" He saw Rydia running off. He frowned slightly. "...Understandble. Such a Girl would be foolish to fight...but then, something seem's off with that Knight...Nevertheless, A Light is still Light, no matter how Dimmed it may become..." He then stood up, aiming his Altair at Ramza. "Fire!" He then Took Aim, and fired at the Knight, unaware that he was actually under an ally's control.
"Regaining Control"
"open fields"
Hyne Snarled as as Ramza fell out of his control. His plan was partially ruined! he needed the puppet! He growled at the Downed Zell. before Whipping Around and creating another Ball of Darkness. He charged at Ramza and Thurst the energy into Ramzas Heart. Having him come under his control again. He smiled and back away. before Turning back to Zell.

"anything else fool?" He said cackeling. His Mid victory was cut short when a BANG was heard alerting Hyne to the presence of Another.

"Who's there!" He shouted reading a Holy spell.

Hyne failed to notice the bullet rocketing towards his minion.

(OOC: SCHOOL SUCKS. That is all.)
Lost Memories Act I
Planets Core

Cloud was continuing to wonder. He was walking through the Planets Core stage.
''I......know this from somewhere....But where?'' Cloud said and starting to regain a little memory.
By then when he remembered the Planets Core he nearly collapsed rethinking what happened near recently. His last battle with a one winged angel or demon.
''Ugh.......But......HIM!....He still lives!?'' CLoud said to himself.
At the end of the speech he felt a presence near him. Bu he had a wierd feeling this was a hostile presence to he quickly stoof up swung his sword back in in his guard stance to see if his huntch was correct.
Controversy Reign's Supreme
Open Field

"My my...so, we have a Puppeter here do we? not exactly an act of bravery now is it?" Came the voice from behind the Rock formation. Balthier then stepped out, Gun still Raised, now pointing at Hyne, despite him Also being a Warrior of Chaos.

"...I believe the instruction's given to you pawns was to Send these Warrior's to Discord, not take control of them...Not that I care. I could care less what your planning...Though maybe you should calm yourself, as I'm not the only one who's seen your actions. A Certain 'Warrior' from the opposite side Witnessed you take control of this boy, and Left in a hurry...now wouldn't it just be a shame If she brought Reinforcement's to overpower you?" The Man said calmly to Hyne, Raising an eyebrow, a sly little smirk on his handsome face.
Looking for Help
Open Field

As Rydia ran from where the man was in trouble, she heard a loud noise them seemed to her like an Explosion 'BANGGGGG' She turns round to see what the bang was, she saw another figure near where the three men were aiming what looked like a long tube. "That face, i seen it before" She stopped for a second to see who it was,and to her surprise, it was the same man that saw her at the rift. "It's that man again, has he followed me all the way here"she rehid in long grass to see what was going on then she heard the man say something

"My my...so, we have a Puppeter here do we? not exactly an act of bravery now is it?" was the man mentioning what that darkness was? Rydia wasn't sure "Puppeter? Does that mean that the chaos man trying to control the boy?" She then heard the man start talking again. "...I believe the instruction's given to you pawns was to Send these Warrior's to Discord, not take control of them...Not that I care. I could care less what your planning...Though maybe you should calm yourself, as I'm not the only one who's seen your actions. A Certain 'Warrior' from the opposite side Witnessed you take control of this boy, and Left in a hurry...now wouldn't it just be a shame If she brought Reinforcement's to overpower you?". The man must of have seen Rydia hiding in the grass, and then run off. "Oh No, the man saw me, he could chase after me at any moment" just then she saw a path of long grass that lead to where the two cosmos warriors were "Maybe if i can sneek in the grass, I can grab the two men and then get them to safety"

Soo Rydia started sneeking along the long grass until she reached the two men, one was laying down after being hit, the other looked like he just took the darkness again "Hey, over here" she whispered to the two Cosmos warriors
((Sorry for delay for this one XD)

The Fall of his Mentor

When Tidus looked in the odd, Dark Mirror's that surrounded this odd world, his eye's widened every time. He saw Yuna, on the ground, Blood pouring from her Body, her Eye's Glazed over...and he saw a Figure standing over her, laughing, but the figure was in complete Shadow...Yuna falling to a Faceless Foe? Tidus clenched his fists, looking away, before seeing just who Sir Fratley had been Fighting. "Auron! What the!?" Tidus exclaimed.

When the fight was over, Tidus still wasn't sure what to make of all this...If Auron had Attacked Fratley, then that must've meant he was a Warrior of Chaos? "...Gah! No Way! That's Ridiculous! Auron would never serve the Bad Side!...He was too noble for that..." But then Auron explained that it was not of his Choosing, and this just made Tidus even Angrier. "...Damn Chaos! HE's gonna pay for this!...huh?" Tidus blinked when Auron Spoke. "So Yuna, Tidus, what did you both see in those mirrors?". Tidus gulped slightly, clenching his fists. "...I-I...saw Yuna, Dead...You said it was our worst fears right? That's what I always fear the most...And what's worse, The Vision didn't even show me who killed her...as If resembling Yuna Falling to some Faceless Foe..." He said, looking at the ground, biting his lip, before looking up at Auron. "...So, what do you suppose we do now Auron?" He asked him calmly.
"Open fieilds"
My my...so, we have a Puppeter here do we? not exactly an act of bravery now is it?"...I believe the instruction's given to you pawns was to Send these Warrior's to Discord, not take control of them...Not that I care. I could care less what your planning...Though maybe you should calm yourself, as I'm not the only one who's seen your actions. A Certain 'Warrior' from the opposite side Witnessed you take control of this boy, and Left in a hurry...now wouldn't it just be a shame If she brought Reinforcement's to overpower you?"

Hyne laughed. "THen let Her bring them. It works into my favour." Hyne pointed the holy spell at Balthier.

"Now...If i were you Id start leaving at this point. What i do with cosmos's warriors is of no concern to you. I can just as easily make you my mindless slave as well..." Hyne smirked. "Exit stage right i presume?" Hyne's smirk Got wider as He looked at balthier, Then to zell and to ramza.

'Two fallen warriors and a patehtic pawn of chaos. interesting...'

(OOC "=Speech '=thoughts.
Open Fields

"Then let Her bring them. It works into my favour.". Balthier Raised an eyebrow at the Sorceror's words, Rather Amused by his Confidence. "Your Favour you say? Tell me, Say the Girl was to bring an ENTIRE ARMY by her Side, an Army of Very Capable Warrior's of Light, perhaps even some resistant to this mind control you have...would it Still work into your favour then?...Only a Man Blinded by Foolish Pride Goes into a Battle he cannot possibly win." Balthier said to the man, and by the looks of it, Balthier seemed to feel as if he would be able to win against Hyne, since he wasn't lowering his weapon.

"Now...If i were you Id start leaving at this point. What i do with cosmos's warriors is of no concern to you. I can just as easily make you my mindless slave as well...Exit Stage Right I presume?". Balthier laughed slightly at his words. "Oh Really now? I believe you haven't been informed? I'M The Leading man of this little Story. Center Stage is where I belong, while you don't even deserve to be Backstage!...and that's where your wrong. what happen's with these Warrior's is just as much my concern as yours. In other word's, better get used to me, Since I'll be sticking around for a while...though the choice of whether I have to dirty my hand's dealing with a Piece of Garbage such as yourself, lie's with you 'Comrade'." Balthier said, Sarcasm dripping from the word 'Comrade'.

Out of the corner of his eye, He saw a Rustling in the Grass, and noticed Rydia Approaching the Fallen Warrior of Cosmos, and the one being controlled. He did nothing however, keeping his focus entirely on Hyne.
"open fields"
Your Favour you say? Tell me, Say the Girl was to bring an ENTIRE ARMY by her Side, an Army of Very Capable Warrior's of Light, perhaps even some resistant to this mind control you have...would it Still work into your favour then?Oh Really now? I believe you haven't been informed? I'M The Leading man of this little Story. Center Stage is where I belong, while you don't even deserve to be Backstage!...and that's where your wrong. what happen's with these Warrior's is just as much my concern as yours. In other word's, better get used to me, Since I'll be sticking around for a while...though the choice of whether I have to dirty my hand's dealing with a Piece of Garbage such as yourself, lie's with you 'Comrade'.

Hyne laughed. a Laugh the sounded more like nails on a chalk board. "Let her bring an army then. All they would see is a Dead Traitor lying in a pool of his own blood.!" Hyne laughed again. "Now back to your deluded opinion of centre stage....." Hyne quck as a wink snaped his fingers and incased Balthier in a circle of Ice spikes.

"Main characters dont die do they? unless...The players want a plot twist!" Hyne then shot a multitude of Holy speels at balthier. 'ill kill the traitor' Hyne thought.

(OOC: BATTLE TIEM. Fight back Light~ i want an epic battle.
Traitor or no Traitor...
Open Field's

"Let her bring an army then. All they would see is a Dead Traitor lying in a pool of his own blood!...Now back to your deluded opinion of centre stage....." The Smirk Balthier had on his face Vanished as the Ice Spikes Appeared in a Circle around him. "...Well, so much for the easy way..." He said, shaking his head, a Slightly bored look on his face.

"Main characters dont die do they? unless...The players want a plot twist!" As the Hoyl Spell's came his way, Balthier Readied himself. He Dodged the First Holy Spell, and Aimed his Gun at the Rest coming his way, Unleashing Open Fire And Firing Bullet's at each one, causing them to exploded before they caused impact with the Gunman. "Well, A Plot Twist huh?...How does A Civil War Sound!? Fira Energy Cannon, Fire!" Suddenly his Gun Fired again, but this time Instead of Firing Bullets, He was Firing Beams of Orange Energy at Hyne, each one seeming to Burn the air itself, Showing That they were a Fire-Based Attack.
"Traitor II:
"open fields"
Hyne smirked and shot Mutiple Blizzara spells at the Fira balls. As each one collibed They hurteled to the ground as molten rock.

"I suspected more from the Leading man" Hyne responded voice Suddenly blank. A Yellow orb surrounded him indicating He switched barriers. He quickly shot a Thundara spell in the form of boll lightning down into the circle of Ice. The lightning eletrocuted the Ice spikes making them crackle with electricity.

hyne smirked and switched barriers back to the blue one.

"Today I predict. a Hailstory of Holy magic!" and Hyne called upon Holy to rocket towards Balthier.