[RP] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

Into the Darkness
Sir Fratley

Auron shrugged a bit. "So you two only saw your fears, nothing of your most important moments, those moments most special to you? I saw his, defending a young girl form a group of her own peers. However, as we talk here, the warriors of Chaos and those of Cosmos have begun battling, and some of Chaos's pawns are starting to rebel. But right now the path to chaos has few guarding the path, both those few are very powerful. Your path is clear. Head to the dragon, slay him, defeat Chaos, and this game ends." Auron instructed.

Auron them moved to stand in front of Yuna. "I appologize for having you do this twice for me, unless you came from a time past in which case this will be your first. I need you to send me. And don't worry. It's not as bad on the other side as you may think. But, cherish your memories." Auron spoke before looking over to Fratley. "Especially you. Death isn't the only thing that can rob us of our memories. Your story...is going to take an interesting turn." Auron spoke as he waited for Yuna to send him to the Farplane once more.
((Trying to think of good music for this. I say either FFXII Esper Battle FFVII Those who fight further LOL))

Traitor or no Traitor...II
Open Field's

"I suspected more from the Leading man" Balthier Sneered at Hyne's confidence, but blinked as he suddenly seemed to change colour. He then gasped as he saw the Icicle's surrounding him Glowing with Thunder, which was entrapping him in the circle. He Scowled. "Always treating me like a Caged Animal...well, If your smart enough, you'll know-!"

"Today I predict. a Hailstory of Holy magic!" Balthier seemed unphased by the approaching Holy. "-That an Animal is always most Dangerous when Cornered!" Balthier then Quickly Blasted at some of the Ice Spikes in front of him, Shattering them...which also disrupted and destroyed the Thunder Barrier Trapping him. He lunged forward, Rolling out of the Circle JUST before the Holy Spell Struck him. Mid-roll, He jumped up into the air, Taking Aim. "See you in Hell Freakshow!" His Gun this time, Fired normally, but at increased rate, more like a MAchine Gun than anything else, raining Bullet's down on the Mad Sorceror.
"The sending"
Yuna nodded Silently. tears slipping down Her normally happy face. She bowed to Sir auron and began to dance.

She raised Her staff High and Swiped it across the groud. Before Raising it up again and Spinning. Pyreflies rose up from the ground and pushed Her up onto a Spinning mass of Pyre flies. As Yuna danced. Auron's figure became les and less pronounced. As though someone was erasing him with an Eraser. Pyrflies floating at random angles only to be swpt off into the Tronado by an ivsible hand. More tears dribbled down Yunas face as she though of this. It was like she was correcting a Mistake.

Yuna finished Her dance as the Final pyrefly flew into the Tornado. With a final prayer to the heavens. The pyreflies dispersed. Gently lowering Yuna to the ground. she went and stood beside Tidus. Leaning Her head on His shoulder. Letting Her tears fall. as the last remnants of the pyreflies Made an almost Ethereal glow in Memoria. Just like a Setting sun.

(OOC: This is by far my favourite post Ive written for an RP. such a tender moment...EDIT: :ninja:s FTL)

"So you two only saw your fears, nothing of your most important moments, those moments most special to you? I saw his, defending a young girl form a group of her own peers. However, as we talk here, the warriors of Chaos and those of Cosmos have begun battling, and some of Chaos's pawns are starting to rebel. But right now the path to chaos has few guarding the path, both those few are very powerful. Your path is clear. Head to the dragon, slay him, defeat Chaos, and this game ends."

Tidus sighed slightly. Yeah, All he had seen was what he feared the most. However, he nodded at Auron's advice. "Exactly! no matter how strong these guy's might be, they can't stop all of us, surely! We'll do this guys...we've got to...Auron." Tidus then Walked forward, as Yuna was sending him.

He tried to put a hand on his Shoulder, but he gasped as he ended up putting his hand THROUGH him. "Ahh...man, I need to get used to that...Just...IF you see my Old Man...Give him a Punch from me, okay?" Tidus grinned at Auron slightly, though he, like Yuna, was crying. As the last Pyrefly flew away, Tidus stepped back, holding Yuna's head as she leant against his shoulder. "...Just as Suddenly as we meet again...we're torn apart once more...I hate this world already. I say we end this as quickly as we can..." He said, looking down at the ground, wiping the tear's from his eyes.
"Traitor III"
"Open fields"
Hyne didnt make a move. When Balthier fired his bullets by jumping He laughed and switched to the yellow barrier. Shooting of a Thundara. Being in the air The lightning was cnducted perfectly in a straight bolt Charging at Balthier.

Hyne spoke: "Impudent fool. There is no point to you fighting me. you Yearn to die so soon. Well..ill grant you that one last wish."

Hyne then Started walking towards the Ice cage. A simple burst of Magic would End this traitors life.
"The sending II"

Yuna stayed relitively Silent at Tidus's short conversation with Auron. She opted to looka t Sir fratley and monotor His movements. She gave him an Encouraging smile. and turned back to Auron and Tidus just in time to see them dissapear.

She gave a silent Nod to The now vanished Auron and walked up to Tidus and Fratley.

She garbed both their arms and directed them to face the now Ethereal light cast by the fading pyreflies.

"Just Stare and remember.." Yuna replied. "just stare and remeber. to make our jourey one worth remembering."

It was a jumble of words that Didnt quite make sense. but even so Yuna stared and Rememberd everything that happened.

She would not forget this journey. not now. not ever.

(OOC: ..Tender moments are so lovely. :cry:)
The Lion Confront's Discord Part I
Edge of Discord((Chaos' Throne))

Squall walks up the step's to Chaos who is seated in his chair,his four arms crossed and glareing forward,Squall stands his ground and leers at Chaos showing no fear in what he's about to say

Squall:...Chaos I have something to ask you..Why are you protecting this dragon and Why were we forced into this world..

Squall keeps his hand on his sword in case Chaos attacks me for just asking these questions

((OOC:Im gonna pretty much do what Cloud did in 012 story and challange chaos))
Back in control
Location: Open fields​

Ramza suddenly felt hmself in control of his body again. 'Did I break it? or did he let me go?" Ramza wondered when he heard a voice from some tall grass "Hey over here!"

He looked around then saw a young lady, one that he remembered from Cosmos side, Ramza saw two warriors were about to fight, so Ramza felt the need to at least hid for that time, so he crawled over to the young lady in the grass. "Thank you my lady." Ramza said quietly and bowed a little, still feeling the effects of being controlled. Ramza looked around for the warrior that faught against the one one that controlled him.

"There was another man, he faught with his fist, did you see him anywhere my lady?" Ramza asked her looking around for him to see if he was still alive or dead or if he ran.
Traitor or no Traitor...III
Open Field's

Balthier's eye's widened as the Bolt of Thundara was shot in a straight line. It shot straight through the barrage of Bullet's, and Balthier quickly moved midair to avoid the ightning, but he Grimaced as he still felt the Bolt Graze his Shoulder, leaving a Nasty Burn.

"Impudent fool. There is no point to you fighting me. you Yearn to die so soon. Well..ill grant you that one last wish." Balthier Landed in the ICe Cage again, and looked up, Gun still aimed at Hyne. "...I think you've Misjudged your Mark. You Approach, Thinking to expect nothing more than Gunfire..." As he spoke, Balthier seemed to be glowing in a Similar way that Hyne had been...perhaps signalling Magic of his own? "Blizzaga, Drop!" Suddenly, Balthier had Conjured a Massive Chunk of Ice Above Hyne, and after a second, the Great Mass of Ice fell from midair, intending to crush the Mad Mage underneath...and even If that didn't hit his Mark, as soon as the Magic had been conjured, Balthier had also Taken Aim with Altair, and Fired Another Array of Beams, though this time the Beam's were Light-Blue, and seemed to freeze the air around them as they flew toward's Hyne.
The Lion Confront's Discord I
Edge of Discord

As Chaos sits in his chair, thinking of how his warriors, he hears footsteps on the stairs. could this be, a force wanting to face the dragon. just then, he sees a man with a Gun like Sword. It's one of Chaos's own warriors, coming to see him. he thinks about the reason this man coming to see him

"...Chaos I have something to ask you..Why are you protecting this dragon and Why were we forced into this world..." this pawns questioning his own master, the creator of the world. chaos thinks on what the pawn could possibly doing. "Sooo, the Lion has come to question his master, the dragon is my creator, that is why I protect him" he then stands up and walks slowly towards Squall "Why does the soo called 'Lion' Questions your Master and Your god"
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"Traitor IV"
"Open fields"
Hyne kept walking and quicky changed barriers to shoot a Fira into the sky. The heat mized with the cold created a spray of water that splashed onto the ground. Hyne Charged at the barrier Shooting Blizzara at it. the barrier was being re inforced..

"Learn your place amonst the Failures that have died before you." Hyne growled.

He reached the now Tall wall of Ice and Charged up a holy spell. He smirked and Pushed it aginst the Ice. The ice wall began to glow and crack. He smirk grew as he let Holy go full force. The power Created a Giant wall of Holy and ICe missles. so closely packed together. It was like a Tidal wave. He watched as its power Enveloped the rest of the cage.

"Pathetic fool..Let Chaos feast on your soul..." With that. Hyne turned around. with a swish of his cape. He realised with a growl. That ramza and Zell were gone. He snarled again and Vanished in a Blast of bright light.

(OOC: END OF EPIC BATTLE TEIM. That move he used at the end? Thats strong as all hell but easy to escape. Bathier is obviously going to live through that. But It wont leave him without a scratch. Your own your own Balthier/Light)
Saving a Warrior
Open Fields

After calling the Warriors, she remains hidden in the grass, just then she hears a mans voice "Thank you my lady." she turns around to see the man that was under the Chaos's pawns control. he must of have gotten his body back. maybe it was because he was focused more on fighting his own ally. Just then she hears the man talk to her again, "There was another man, he faught with his fist, did you see him anywhere my lady?" she looks back at the field where the fallen warrior was laying, to the left she sees the fallen warrior laying there. ""There he Is, we need to get him out of here, but how are we gonna do that without been seen" she then begins to think about a way she could grab the fallen warrior without being seen
The Lion Confront's Discord Part II
Edge of Discord((Chaos' Throne))​

"Sooo, the Lion has come to question his master, the dragon is my creator, that is why I protect him"

Squall:Such a Simple reason..For a God your not very complex..

Squall Carefully watches as Chaos Approaches him

Why does the soo callec 'Lion' Questions your Master and Your god"

Squall:Simple..You dragged me from my home into this mess you call a world..and I decided..

Squall Raises his blade and uses Blasting Zone next to Chaos

Squall:I Decided I don't want to follow your orders!

Squall places his sword still obscuring the air from the heat on the blade and glares at chaos

Squall:I have friends on the other side even though I'm your "Pawn" I have a mind of my own!

I wont be used by a False God!
Escape from Ice Imprisonment
Open Field's

Balthier Scowled as he saw his Blizzaga Countered. It seemed as If Magic Definately wasn't the way to deal with this guy. He was just able to counter it easily with his own Magic.

"Learn your place amonst the Failures that have died before you." He was still able to See the Skeletal Being Approaching the Ice, and He could see the Magic he was Readying. Balthier Raised an eyebrow. "My My, quite the Predicament he's put me in...Still, Nothing is Unavoidable! HRRAAAARRGGHHH!!" He shouted as he now pointed Altair at the ground below him. He Blasted the ground with an Explosive Fira Beam, which helped Propel Balthier into the sky, since Hyne had neglected to seal the top of the Ice Tower. He Escaped, Though his Left Leg Had Got a Blast of Searing Hot Holy Magic as the Ice Tower below him was destroyed.

He landed a few second's later, his Left leg giving away under him. "Argh! Damnation!...Pathetic Clown. I'll make sure you rue the day you messed with a Sky Pirate..." He growled, his hand holding his left leg in pain, looking around, but Hyne was nowhere in Sight. "...He probably fled. his MAgic Strength was probably weakening...coward..." He grumbled, still wincing from the pain in his leg.
The Lion Confront's Discord Part II
Edge of Discord

Simple..You dragged me from my home into this mess you call a world..and I decided.. the pawn said as he raised his blade, then all of an sudden, Chaos sees a beam of engery coming off Squall's sword attempting to attack Chaos. The pawn then lifted the sword and gave a glare at Chaos "I have friends on the other side even though I'm your "Pawn" I have a mind of my own! I wont be used by a False God!" Chaos raised his hand and started gathering a red energy into his hand. "Soo the lion decided to go against his master. A Lion Cub should Learn from his mistakes, NOW TASTE THE POWER OF DISCORD" Chaos pointed at Squall as he let off a free like energy from his hand. The energy that looked like it came from a deep iscord was travelling at high speed towards Squall.
-Through pain and power
-Zell Dincht
-Open Fields

Act 1 scene 4

[Zell, hurt and defeated though he was, would not let himself be taken. He stood up slowly, mounting all his will and courage as he stood at his full height]

[he winces in pain as he masters his own body once more. He looks around to see the person that had been used as a shield against his attacks, and another girl with him]

[hoping she was on the right side he turned his attention back to the others that were now fighting. He slowly stepped away from the battle and towards the woman]
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To the Dragon's Lair
Sir Fratley
Kefka's Castle

"I am sorry for your losses. He was a true warrior, but the time to grieve must be postponed. We must deal with the heart of the problem, which is the dragon and Chaos. We cannot afford to stand idle while the targets remain so lightly guarded. And your friend's actions will not have been in vain." Fratley spoke to Yuna and Tidus. There would be even fiercer battles ahead, and he knew that now was the best time to strike. If what Auron said was true, then so long as the forces of chaos were in the state of chaos, the heart of the problem would be exposed.

Fratley headed up a strange stairway that seemed to spiral in almost every direction. Gravity seemed to have no meaning in Memoria. When Fratley entered a doorway that was set in a floating eye in the sky, he found himself standing rightside up in front of what looked like a dark and dreary castle made of black steel. Pieces of broken mechanized weapons were scattered everywhere while rainless lightning rolled across the sky. The roar of a giant beast came from the top, a roar familiar to the ears of a dragon knight. "He is there." Fratley commented as he headed into the entrance of the castle. The walls of the castle were too high for even Fratley to jump up over. He would have to climb the castle from within.
The Lion Confront's Discord Part III
Edge of Discord((Chaos' Throne))​

Squall gets knocked backwards from the burst of energy Chaos sent towards Squall,he blocks some with his sword but gets thrown backwards anyway,he lands on he butt his body smoking from the blast

Squall:So much power..but.. I wont faulter!

He Stand's up and takes up his sword again,but he hear's a couple of voices coming this way

Squall:Now what...

((OOC>:(Justice Ramza @Ayumi Hamasaki you guys can enter now,@Lady Yuna They wanna enter this scene so please wait =D))
"Danger approaches"
"Kefkas Tower"
Yuna nodded at Sir fratleys words of comfort. Responding with a simple. "thank you." She proceeded to follow Fratley into a new area. Machina dangled off random peices. Magic smoke spews from eevry corner. It was toxic. At least to Her. She became rather Dizzy and coudnt see straight. Her Aeons were oulsing with disgust and warning Her of Danger.

Yuna looked at her surroundings. Shadowy figures Creeped out from every corner. but what cught her attention was the two standing closet to Her. One with a Spear and one witha a sword. They were so close she Screamed and jumped back. She couldnt find Tidus or Fratley anywhere.

"What did you do to my friends!" she said to the shadowy figures. "Ill make you tell me where they are!" and with that. she raised Her staff.

(OOC: No. Fratley and Tidus didnt get killed by Those figures. The gas made Yunas aeons become tainted with darkness. too much magic. that closed off Her senses. She thinks Fratley and Tidus are enimies.)
Distracting the Lion/Branding a traitor
Location: Discord/Chaos Throne​

Well Zack and Setzer were discussing where to begin Setzer saw Squall at Chaos's throne, then saw him raise his sword at him.
"What is he doing!" Setzer said to Zack pointing at Squall, "He's suppose to be on our side!"
Setzer reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple darts, "We have to help Chaos, I need him alive so he can give me what I want!" Setzer said to Zack, "If you want to help me, then attack him when I rush in and throw the darts."

Setzer not giving Zack a second to think about it rushed at Squall and when he was in range, Setzer threw his darts at him, hoping Zack was right behind him, Setzer moved to the side keeping his distance while pulling out more darts.
Flight or Fight
Zack Fair

Zack heard the Setzer’s words, and ran toward the throne, pulling his sword off his back.

"If you want to help me, then attack him when I rush in and throw the darts."

Zack had planned to do just that. Rushing toward Squall he prepared to slash with his word, hoping ot end him in one go. He didn’t have much faith that he would, looking at the other’s weapon, he wasn’t even sure what it was. He hoped for the best as he ran toward Chaos and Squall.