[RP] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

A Reunion of Cadet's

Squall looks to the left of him and see's Zell,Surprised he walks over to him and rubs his forehead

Squall:So..You were dragged here as well..Zell?
Did Chaos Drag you to his side as well or are you with Cosmos..?

Squall dident want to fight but knowing how Zell Over-react's they may have to fight each other
Of Hot Dogs and Fighting
"So where do you want my twins to lend their help?" I summoned this warrior, well at least he is willing to help me guess i should give him an answer

so Cosmos turns to the man in fount of her looking very anxious for an answer to his question "Well you could start by searching the aera to see if any warriors of darkness are around, we don't want them to attack us now" as she looks at the warrior a bit more.. thinking about how anxious he was for an answer. "Also, you may want to talk to a few of your fellow warriors, as you may be with them for a while"
The challenge
Zell Dincht

Act1 Scene 2

Zell - Well as you can tell squall, im with cosmos over here, dont tell me you on the other team!"

[he starts the sentence almost laughing but at the end he sighs]

Zell - Aww man It would suck for me to have to fight you now

[he kicks some dirt.
He adds casually]

Zell - Tell you what give me a while to train up then ill give you a fight worth being at ok?"

[he holds his hand out after wiping it on his shorts. when squall doesnt put his hand out zell put his down and says]

Zell -
Same as always

[he now turns to cosmos and replies to her dialogue]

Zell - oh yeah im sure i should get out there then"

[he headed off waving to both squall and cosmos]
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Losing Control
Open fields​

Ramza felt his mind suddenly stop, as he couldnt control his own body, he felt his whole body turn around and heading back towards Cosmos. 'Must....resist...' Ramza told himself as he struggled to try and get his own body back. Suddenly with as little strength as he had left he screamed "Why are you doing this! Theres no reason to..f...i..ght..." Suddenly Ramza felt himself fall into what seemed like a deep sleep while he was still aware of what was going on he couldnt control his body, and only still saw things threw his eyes, as if it was a dream or something.
"My sweet Minion"

He felt the warrior try to resist. "dont resist.." he growled. and forcefully pushed the darkness into the boys mind. His eyes were Wide and unseeing. Quite simply. he looked dead. by Hyne knew he wasnt. Just simply Possed.

"ahh....the perfect minion...." HE stared down at his pet. Such a strong warrior now on Chaos side.

"Minion follow me...we are going to pay a visit to your enemy...Show me your strength when you get there. i want to see you Kill her.." Hyne laughed and walked off towards the Sanctuary where the light was pusleing. Ramza trailing patheticly behind him.
The Challange

Squall watches as Zell run's off without letting him respond to his challange..

Squall:Who said I wanted to fight you Zell...He hasent changed a bit...

Squall Turns back to where he was headed and decides to walk back to the Land of Discord,He begins to think of what he should do..Should he assist Cosmos and betray Chaos or Stay with Chaos and be forced to fight Zell and the other warrior's to the death..

Squall:...I need some time maybe I'll go rest...

((OOC:Im done for now so I'll leave Squall on his way back if someone wants to meet Squall or see him just Tag me and I'll respond tomorrow))
A Journey Back to Sanutary
Open Field

After seeing what happened to her fellow warrior, Rydia starts heading back to Sanutary to see Cosmos about him, and to see if their is anything she could do to help him. on the way she thinks about her own world, and about a friend she lost not long before she got summoned here "I hope Cecil and the others are OK, I haven't seem them since I was taken to the home of the summons by Leviathan" she thinks of the friends she was forced to leave due to this conflict. "Curse you Dragon, why did you have to create this world? Why cause all this pain just so you can get power?"

Rydia sees the Sanutary in sight and she can also see the shimming light from Cosmos "Yes just a little more, then I can talk to her about that man that was in trouble" She runs towards Sanutary and to where Cosmos sits.

(OCC - I'm out for the night :D if you need my character just mention me and i'll post in the morning :D been a fun first night :wacky:)
-Leaving sanctuary
-Zell dincht
-Sanctuary - fields

[Zell walks out of the main building and almost straight into an unmistakable dark force]

[zell was taken aback at just how evil this person was as he had never seen anyone like that, nor had he ever seen someone quite as strange as this person he now faced but there was no mistaking that aura, surely this man was dark]

[He readies an attack and is about to launch it when he spotted the other person, his aura wasnt evil but something wasnt right about it either, this made him hesitate, but not for long. He leapt up at hyne with the full force of his punch rush behind him and tried to hit the man with a 5 punch flurry]
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"Fighting Idiots"
"Open Fields"
Hyne saw the man run up and attempt a punch combo. Hyne switfly dodges and pushed Ramza in front of him. Allowing the man to get hit for it. He snickerd and pushed Ramza out of the way. and retaliated with a Fira spell. switched barriers to cast Thundara and switched to the white barrier in order to cast Holy and Blizzara for a four hit element combo.

"Die you pathetic idiot. No one dares fight aginst me!"
-Fighting back
-Zell Dincht
-Outside the walls of sanctuary

Act 1 scene 3

[Zell was lucky to remain just alive after the fira spell but with his honed training skills he managed to dodge the rest of the spells, he casts regen on himself and uses a potion before concentrating back on the person at hand]

Zell - he seems to change element as quickly as he changes those barriers so ill try this Fira!

[he cast it on his fists and then feinted an attack to the front that actually put him right behind his opponent before he unleashed a powerful fire punch]
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"Fighting idiots II"
"open fields"
Hyne smirked and Changed barriers to the white barrier. The fire punch that Hit him was rendered Useless and the punch itself was weak.

"Heh" he wiped around slapping The Idiot across the face with his cape before Uses holy on Zell's stomach.

"enjoy your trip to hell." and with the aftermatch of Holy He slammed a Blizzara onto Zell. watching Its effects.
((I'm guessing Auron is an NPC))

Battle of Heroes
Sir Fratley

As they stepped into a new area, Yuna's spiritual companions sensed great danger. The area was unlike any other. It was a single large room with several mirrors. Upon one mirror showed a scene of the training halls of Burmecia. Several trainees were picking on a lone female trainee. As one of them threw a punch at the young female, a much younger Fratley intercepted the punch, grabbing the assaulter's fist and tossing the assailant to the ground. The group backed away and then fled. The younger Fratley helped the young female Burmecian to her feet.

The other mirrors would show memories special to Yuna and Tidus. But then the mirrors would reflect each one's worst fears. Fratley's wall mirror showed Burmecia burning to the ground as strange steeple-hat beings slew every Burmecian man, woman and child, while a fat elephant-like woman, a female human general, and a strange cross-dessing mage stood in a half-circle around a fallen Freya.

"Memoria. A place from your world, knight. It shows the memories of our hearts, and it reveals our fears. And for some, those fears can become reality." A warrior's voice spoke from the shadows. The man walked into the lighted area, a man dressed in a red trench coat, black underclothing, and holding a massive blade with one hand. His other arm was slung along the inside of his jacket.

"My world? But I've never seen nor heard of this place. Still, who are you? Are you the one the summoner sensed?" Fratley asked, spinning his lance into an attack pose. The man looked over to Yuna and Tidus and gave a nod of his head. "I am. At one time, I was their ally and mentor. And now it seems that fate has put me on the side of the enemy to test you. If you cannot defeat me, then you have no hope of winning against the dragon, much less Chaos, who is the true threat. But allow me to introduce myself before we battle. I am Auron, a former guardian of Yuna's and a sent soul that has been forced back to life by the dragon."

Fratley kept his combat stance, but gave a nod to the man before him. "I am Fratley, dragon knight of Burmecia." Fratley replied in a calm yet focused tone of voice. After he spoke, a wall of darkness encircled the two, sealing Yuna and Tidus off from Fratley.

"I already know of their skill. I was there when they defeated Yu-Yevon. But you are the one I am interested in. Fratley, slayer of dragons, show me your story!" Auron yelled out. Both combatants charged at each other. Auron swung his blade low, aimed at Fratley's legs, but Fratley used his legs, jumping over the man with ease. As he landed, Fratley swung his lance to the right and behind, aimed at Auron's head. Auron blocked his attack with his sword and swung his blade downward at Fratley. Fratley sidestepped the attack and launced a roundhouse to the side of Auron's head.

The force of the Burmecian's kick was like being hit by a shupuff, sending the undead warrior flying a good few feet. Auron landed on his feet. His blade began to crackle with electricity. Swinging his sword up and then striking the ground, Auron caused a shockwave of lightning to rip forward through the ground and towards Fratley. Fratley jumped to try and avoid it, but the electric spike rose high, tagging his leg. Auron jumped upwards at Fratley, swinging his blade upwards at the Burmecian. Using his lance like a staff, Fratley used the metal shaft to block while infusing his lance with draconic magic. Spinning around in mid-air, Fratley struck Auron with his Lancer attack. Not only did the attack hurt Auron, it siphoned some of his life energy to restore Fratley's own. Both warriors landed apart from each other, though Fratley's landing was smoother.

Auron's blade once again began to spark as he unleashed another Electric attack at Fratley. Fratley, however, was about to attack with his own ranged spell. Driving his lance blade into the ground, he spun once and that pointed his lance atthe incoming attack. As his blade moved through the ground, several different energies became spheres upon the lance blade. As the lance left the ground, the spheres turned into mini dragons, one of each of the seven elements: Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Lightning, Holy and Darkness. The spell, seven dragons, rushed forward. The earth element dragon intercepted the lightning attack, while the other elemental dragons struck Auron hard.

Auron was barly standing, but he still had a trick up his sleeve. Bother warriors were injured, but Auron had suffered more damage overall. His blade turned into the Massamune, his most powerful sword. As the two warriors launched their attacks renewed, Fratley found Auron much stronger and faster. While he kept up with the speed of Auron's attacks, blocking them was much more difficult and exhausting. However, Auron made one fatal opening in one of his attacks. Auron swung high, using both hands, aiming to try and bringhis blade crashing down on Fratley when the sword reached the peak of the swing. Fratley ducked uner the attack and used his powerful legs to spring forward, striking auron across the chest and along the underarm. When Fratley landed, the circular dark wall vanished. Fratley held his lance forward, facing his allies while Auron, behind him, fell to one knee as his body began to shimmer in a rainbow light.

"It seems you're capable enough to handle the job, but I'm just a taste of what's to come. Don't let your guard down. And, hold your memories close to your heart. Anything can happen." Auron spoke as he finally stood and walked over to Yuna. "Well, not the most ideal circumstances, but it was good to see you both again. Your friend is quite the capable fighter. I hope neither of you have been slacking any." Auron spoke. Fratley stood, saying nothing. This now was between Auron, Tidus and Yuna.
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"Fighting a past friend"
Yuna's mind was a blur. They had just walked into this place. apparently called memoria. and then suddenly Her gaurdian Auron appeared!. Charged at Sir fratley and started to duel.

Sir fratley eventually won. Leving Auron injured.

Yuna faced Auron with Tears In Her eyes.
"Sir Auron..W-hy are you doing this? whya re you fighting the warriors of Cosmos! You cant be a Chaos warrior....can you..?"

Yuna stared at Auron waitng for a Reply.
Not by Choice
Sir Fratley

"There are plenty who are warriors of chaos, not because they want to be, but because they have a darkness inside them that the dragon sensed and used to make them pawns of Chaos. However, those pawns still have minds of their own. Each of them feel they have to comply in order to return to their worlds or gain something beneficial to them in exchange. I was made an unsent once more, though not by choice. Some are inherently good, while others are purely evil." Auron spoke.

"The offer was to live again. However, I do not desire it. My story is long since finished. When I saw you and Tidus, I figured I would join you, but I saw your companion, and I sensed both a great power, and a story that has yet to be realized. But without tempering and testing, a slab of iron can't become a sharp sword." the man continued.

"What do you mean by a story not yet realized?" Fratley asked as he approached. Auron turned to face him. "You saw it in the mirror. Your worst fear, and it is going to become reality. But it is not the end of your race's story, nor is it the end of hers. But it will be if you do not succeed in defeating the dragon." Auron cautioned.

"So Yuna, Tidus, what did you both see in those mirrors?" Auron asked.
Yuna tried to remember what She saw Then she realised: "I saw Us failing our pilgrimage...Seymour bacomig Sin and destroying Spira.." Tears Filled Her eyes..

"T-tidus..What did you see?" She asked Tidus who was Still standing motionless.

(OOC:mOur Tidus is asleep. Soo..?)
Trying to break free again...
Location:eek:pen fields​

Ramza felt his body getting thrown into somebody... a guy fighting with his fist? He felt the bonds that were holding him from controlling his body breaking apart, he figured the person who was controlling him was fighting the guy he was thrown into.

Ramza felt his hands again, trying to break free of the bonds that kept him from controlling his body, but somehow he wasnt able to break free enough yet. But he still tried to control his own body again, so he could at least talk, or run or fight or anything at all.
(Sorry about the late entry in, had work and the forum went down again and what not)

A warrior Born Again
Location: Sanctuary

"I sit here not knowing what had come to be, I could only remember when I was to hold my younger sis-AGH!" Lightning clutched her head through the pain of not remembering how she got here or wherever here was for that matter.

Lightning looks up at the sky above which looks to be covered in streams of green energy. She pinched her own arm to make sure she was real and that this world was real. She began to walk as she saw a figure in the distance but could not make out what could be seen.

A revival
Cid Raines

"I have trundled this path for as long as I remember being here, this place seemingly changing in shape and form. Is there not an exit to this world? a way out maybe?" Cid continues to walk down this long bridge which around him seemed to be a destroyed city of some sort. He keeps his hand close to his blade in holster as he see's an exit door get closer.

"For all the times I speak of an exit, one is displayed before me. I must know who awoke me and what is their intension to use me, am I just another playing piece.....a pawn once more?" Cid continues his rambles whilst walking through the door in front of him.

Once through the world flashed before his eyes and slowly dissolved away to reveal a man...demonic in form sat upon a throne. Surrounding them was fire and lava and death of innocents hanging from chain.

"I do not know of your trickery my dear foe but if it is a fight you are wanting, then I will happily comply with it!" As Cid pulls out his blade and stands in a ready stance.
The Lion Meet's a Young Knight

Squall walks back to Chaos' Throne but on the way he see's a young man in Red Armor,with slick back brown hair

Squall:...Who's that..?

Squall Walks over to the Man,Glancing at his eye's which look like they have seen alot of bloodshed,yet he doesnt feel like evil person..

Squall:Who are you..?Are you with Chaos or Cosmos..?And what are your doing here..?

As Squall Asked these questions he kept his Sword over his shoulder just in case he get's attacked
A chance encounter
Delita Heiral

Who are you..?Are you with Chaos or Cosmos..?And what are your doing here..?

Hearing a voice up ahead Deita cautiously turned to face this stranger, a man weilding a weapon the likes of what he had never seen, considering firearms were a rarity in his world, seeing such an enhancement of weaponry put Delita on edge.

"I support neither cause, but I suppose circumstance puts me with Chaos, and you are?"

Delita observed his opponent, if they were a Cosmos Warrior, as it would appear based on where they had come from, he would have no choice but to dispatch them and proceed. The last thing he needed was an obstacle.
A chance encounter

"I support neither cause, but I suppose circumstance puts me with Chaos, and you are?"

Squall was pleased to hear he was for neither side but was worried that his motives may not be helpful to getting out of here

Squall:My name's Squall..I dont really support this war either..but I got thrown to Chaos' side as well.

Why are you here alone?

Wonder's what the Young Knight is planning to do,If the Knight say's he wants to leave he may share what Cosmos told him earlier..

Squall:Are you trying to figure a way to get out of this war as well..?
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