[RP] Kingdom Hearts: Into The Dusk

Raven Otsdarva and Luna Thermidor
That's Not The Only Problem You Have

Excuse me. While i have intentions of following my comrades into the mission, I sincerely do hope you aren't hoping for the "minimal loss for greater good" angle. Unless you have plans, including extraction, that are more than just hoping for a miracle, I am inclined to suggest my friends in refusing this mission. From the data here, they barely came out from their last tangle. How is the squad suppose to survive after the fight, in the middle of their fleet and most likely within their flagship?

Desiree brought up a good point, even if they were going to take up this operation, all they know is that she is the commander of an entire Heartless Imperial Fleet, with probably a dozen ships in her command. Just penetrating the perimeter and getting to the flagship in a Stealth Frigate will be a daunting task.

"You will receive support from the Realm of Light Fourth and Fifth Fleets, and their combined fighter squadrons. They will be participating in destroying the enemy fleet. Your unit will receive your full mission briefing upon reaching our Fleet in the Realm of Darkness."

Raven closed to the file and leaned back on the chair, contemplating on what he's going to do. Even with support, the attempt will still be difficult, in fact all it would achieve is additional casualties just to take down a ridiculously powerful opponent.

The Defense Minister said, "I know this will be a daunting challenge, but your success will limit further casualties and end this war in very short order. All of the members of your team are very skilled, if your files are to be believed. You are the only ones we believe that can handle the task."

Raven immediately said, "Alright, we'll do it." He looked at the Defense Minister. "As much as I am going to probably regret this decision, I would rather have the war end as quickly as possible. I'd rather not do it with such insurmountable odds, even with military support on my side, but...I suppose there has to be some benefit, right?"

Luna looked at Raven for a moment there before placing her hand on her face. "Real convincing statement." She mumbled to herself on Raven's remark.

As the Defense Minister was about to speak, an aide just barged in the door. "What is the meaning of this?" He said with sharp tone of anger. "Sir, the Heartless Empire has launched a chemical weapons strike! Traverse Town is in a panic right now!"

At the hearing of this, Luna looked at the aide, "Traverse Town?"

"Yes, Traverse Town has been hit with chemical weapons. We do not know the identity of the assailant force, nor do we-"

"That's all I need to know. Raven, we need to head to Traverse Town right away."

"Okay, Minister?-" Raven said as he stood up off the chair, shortly after Luna did the same.

"I understand, We will notify the airport to load you up with the necessary equipment. Deal with this act of terror, we cannot let it affect the hearts and minds of our citizens." The Minister nodded, knowing what as to be done right away. "Deal with any threats that get in your way Task Force 108. Good Luck and godspeed."

"Come on you guys, let's go."
Raven said, moving to head to the elevator. He began to pull out his communicator and dialed for Elaine...
Elaine Chevalier
Trouble on the Horizon

As Elaine was about to continue, she heard something beeping, and immediately reached for her pockets. She would pull out her communicator, which she would activate. "This is Elaine, Did you sleep through the big briefing?" She said with such stinging sarcasm, but Raven paid no mind. "Elaine, you and Laleth return to the Normandy, we got a situation on our hands, I'll explain when we get there."

"Yes, sir." The communicator shut off and Elaine would say to Laleth. "Looks like it's time to go."
The memorial felt awkwardly silent. Laleth had listened to Eliane about the heroes that had fought in this war. She observed the place. If these heroes were so great why is this war still going on? she thought. She vowed to put an end to this war herself once she'd gotten her own priorities straightened out.

Eliane's voice continued on as Laleth observed. She realized they had both had something in common. Laleth debated in her mind if she spent any time with her family. She could barely remember the face of the man who called himself her "father". Her only family was Melissa...She shook the thought from her head.

She turned as Eliane answered her communicator. She could hear Raven's voice. The tone of it scared her a bit, but bravery always came first. "What's wrong?" she asked putting on a serious face.

"Looks like it's time to go."

"Awww but we just got here!" Laleth whined before straightening up. "Whatever, there's not much for me here anyways."

She wasn't going to find what she was looking for on this world. She had an invention waiting for her aboard the Normandy which would occupy all of her attention.
OOC: Well, I guess I'll make my entrance here within the chaos of Traverse town.

A lightning portal opened at the entrance of Traverse town as a woman stepped through it. On her back, her Sniper Scythe in it's gun form can be seen. Once through, the portal closed behind her as Eile Mizer looked around the town. People where screaming and running around in the general panic. Each and every single one of them ignored her as she stood there and she could spot a few craters of some kind.

"Thanks for the lift Ramuh. I'll look around here." Eile said to no one in particular.

She walked over to one of the random person there.

"Hey. What's happening here?" Eile asked looking at her.

"We were attacked. We don't know who's attacking. I just want to find my mother." The girl whimpered as she looked close to tears.

Eile sighed as she looked around for the girl's mother. Seeing no one coming to the girl, Eile turned back to the girl.

"Go find some place that is safe. I'll look into this." Eile replied as she started to find the source of panic.

"You can't go there. The Heartless will find you." The girl said quietly.

"I doubt these 'Heartless' can do more damage then an Eidolon can. I don't think it can do any sort of damage at all." Eile muttered as she grabbed her Sniper Scythe off from her back.

Making sure she had bullets in said weapon, Eile calmly started to walk toward a random direction, hoping to find the source of the chaos.

Chao and Kaufman

"You will receive support from the Realm of Light Fourth and Fifth Fleets, and their combined fighter squadrons. They will be participating in destroying the enemy fleet. Your unit will receive your full mission briefing upon reaching our Fleet in the Realm of Darkness."

Chao couldnt say she was too impressed. It was basically sneak in during a firefight of fleet level. A stray shot could possibly hole them and even foil the entire operation. Getting taken out in a ship, completely useless wasn't a way any Eastern Cloud warrior would want to go out as.

"I know this will be a daunting challenge, but your success will limit further casualties and end this war in very short order. All of the members of your team are very skilled, if your files are to be believed. You are the only ones we believe that can handle the task."

Not only are their lives going to be at stake with a highly suicide mission, a lot of RoL soldiers and pilots will perish just to get them in and they may not even survive, but a soldier is a soldier. Chao really couldn't flip and say no, particularly since Raven said that they would, despite being rather reluctant about it.

"Alright, we'll do it. As much as I am going to probably regret this decision, I would rather have the war end as quickly as possible. I'd rather not do it with such insurmountable odds, even with military support on my side, but...I suppose there has to be some benefit, right?"

It wasn't the most rousing speech a soldier would want to hear. It meant even Raven wasn't confident with the plan. It says a lot. Looking over at Kaufman, her disgust and dismissive of the plan was quite obvious, rolling her eyes and flicked her red hair, but she didnt make a complaint. That meant that she was going to go along with it. Chao felt like given the odds, Kaufman should have oped out of it, but the air was broken by an aide bursting in.

"What is the meaning of this?"

From the report, Traverse Town was being hit with chemical weapons.

"That's all I need to know. Raven, we need to head to Traverse Town right away."

"Okay, Minister?-"

"I understand, We will notify the airport to load you up with the necessary equipment. Deal with this act of terror, we cannot let it affect the hearts and minds of our citizens. Deal with any threats that get in your way Task Force 108. Good Luck and godspeed."

"Come on you guys, let's go."

Chao wordlessly stood up instead and followed behind without acknowledging the Minister. Kaufman, on the other hand, was much more vocal being the last out of the chamber.

You really are a horrid and heartless man, you old fogey. I do hope you can sleep well, given your penchant for gambling young lives in such bizarre and slim gambles.

And with that, she left the Minister behind, without waiting for a response.

Well Raven. let us hurry and get and save the town. At least it feels much more satisfying and possible than that mission. It would raise my morale at the very least...
Raven Otsdarva and Luna Thermidor
On A Pale Horse

"Major Otsdarva, Lieutenant Fuu and Thermidor..." An aide spoke. "...We brought in vehicles for you to take back to the Normandy."

"Any word yet from Lord Thermidor?" Luna asked, wondering if her father was okay. "We have received some contact with the Prince-Elector and his wife, but it seems the chemical weapons has caused some jamming issues, so we were not able to hold contact for long."

"Luna, we'll save your old man, least of all I don't want you worrying about him."
Raven said as the team made their way to their vehicles, a Troop Transport Warthog parked on the side of the street. "As soon as you arrive at the Normandy, try and patch a link to Capital District Command, they will provide you with any further intel that you may need on the situation."

"Roger that, try not to get the Minister to riled up..." Raven said with a bitter tone in his voice, very annoyed with the fact that his team wound up in a mission to take down what would most likely be a revanchist, and quite possibly tougher Warrior than Scinfaxi about a month ago. Raven and Luna would enter the vehicle, and as soon as Chao and Desiree would enter, would begin to drive as fast as he could to reach the Normandy.

Well Raven. let us hurry and get and save the town. At least it feels much more satisfying and possible than that mission. It would raise my morale at the very least...

"Yeah, I really do not like that guy, and I could care less about his plan. So let's do this mission instead." Raven said, a light smirk on his face.

Elaine Chevalier
On a Pale Horse Part 2

"Whatever, there's not much for me here anyways."

The way Laleth responded made Elaine giggle as she said, "Let's go Laleth, we can't keep the others waiting." Elaine would sit on the drivers seat, and as soon as Laleth entered would begin speeding off towards the airport. The state of emergency across Disney Town and the light traffic meant that there was little in the way of getting them back to the Normandy. It would be about 15 minutes before Elaine arrived at the Normandy as they were loading up what looked like canisters into the Normandy's hangar. A few minutes later, Raven's party had arrived via their Warthog.

"What's going on?"
Elaine asked as she stepped out of the car, while Raven parked beside her. "A lot, but we're headed to Traverse Town to deal with a terror attack." Raven said as more of those canisters were being loaded. While Elaine looked at Raven with shock at the news, he turned toward Luna. "I assume that's the anti-chemical dispenser thing?" Raven said to Luna, which she responded, "Yes, they'll have to be delivered via gummi ship though, so some of us will have to take care of the chemical dispensers from the air."

Elaine listened to all the drall, boring conversation that was probably was going to be brought up at the briefing, but she would speak out. "Aren't you two worried about what just happened here, that the Heartless are resorting to Weapons of Mass Destruction to terrorize the people."

Luna spoke, "I'm worried too, most of all so because Traverse Town is my Homeworld, but we can't afford to panic right now. So let's go, I'm sure we can come up with a plan. All of us." She said, looking at Desiree and Chao.

Raven would nod, "Alright, that's enough chatter, let's hurry up so we can get to Traverse Town." Raven said before driving the jeep up the Normandy's ramp and into the Hangar, Elaine would walk in as well, and once everyone was in, they would be ready to go.
(Short n sweet. I assume the anonymous Normandy crew can be controlled? )

Laleth Aires
The Procedure

Laleth sat alert in her wheelchair. It sounded like something action packed was taking place. She listened intently to Eliane and Raven's conversation. The hustle and bustle of the Normandy was a first sight for her. Heartless and weapons of mass destruction were two things she did not want to hear together in a sentence. Could they be up to this? she thought for a second.

She doubted it. This had to be the work of someone much more powerful. And she'd need to be ready and in fighting shape. This wheelchair just would not do. "I see." she mumbled. "This sound's bad. I'll get to the briefing a bit later then."

She gave the rest of the team a smile before she wheeled herself away. Upon receiving help onto the ship, Laleth found herself headed for the Med Bay. "Ah you've returned much faster than I thought." one of the crew remarked.

She smiled. "I'm ready to test out the invention."

"Ah yes I'll go get Pops"

"Can't wait." she smiled.

Laleth waited in her seat for the older man to return with her invention. Maybe he could make it even better than she designed! The whole process was so exciting that she'd forgotten about her black parasol completely.
Eile Mizer
(So this is a Heartless.)

The further Eile walked into the first district of Traverse town, the more damage Eile saw that came from the mysterious attack. It was almost like a battlefield was being reused for demolition.

"What forces could have done this much damage? It can't be just one person. But I doubt an army would attack here for fun." Eile muttered as she looked around.

She came by a light post when she saw the oddest thing. Some sort of mouse like black being rising from the ground. Two more of the beings rose in front of her as she eyed the beings.

"Hmm. This can't be the 'heartless' that the girl mentioned is it?" Eile muttered.

The shadow heartless launched at her. Almost on instinct, Eile fired a shot at the light post. The bullet ricochet off of the post and punched through the heartless before causing them to explode in a black fog. Eile watched as the hearts from the Shadow Heartless rose into the air and fade away.

"Hearts? So that's why they are called 'Heartless'. Interesting. I better hurry and find the source of this chaos before any more of those heartless comes back." Eile muttered as she rushed down towards an alleyway.
OOC: Yes they can, any Minor NPC’s can be controlled by anyone, all major NPC’s are controlled by me only.

Peter N. “Pops” Beagle”
Working on the Exoskeleton

Pops was in the armory, working with some fine-tune welding equipment. Ever since Laleth came up with the idea, he began working with the rest of the mechanics on staff on the idea of a powered armor, first working on the legs so she could walk. However he began making up additional concepts beyond just the legs.

“Hey Pops, Laleth’s looking for you.”

“Tell her to meet me in the Armory.”
Pops said, moving over to his electronic notebook, looking to calibrate the model. For all the good that Laleth’s idea is on paper and in appearance, it is still only a prototype, and thus, prone to a wide variety of flaws and failures. But if it works, then a lot of soldiers would benefit from the equipment used here.

Chao and Kaufman

"Major Otsdarva, Lieutenant Fuu and Thermidor...We brought in vehicles for you to take back to the Normandy."

"Any word yet from Lord Thermidor?"

"We have received some contact with the Prince-Elector and his wife, but it seems the chemical weapons has caused some jamming issues, so we were not able to hold contact for long."

No contact with the ground made Chao worried. Lord Thermidor was an acquaintance of her own father and given that there is chemical weapons present, outlook seemed grim. Chao really wanted for Luna's family to be ok but she was ever the realist.

"Luna, we'll save your old man, least of all I don't want you worrying about him."

Definitely. Everything and anything in our power Luna.

Ont he side of the street, an open Transport Warthog sat, ready to go for them. While lacking any armaments of sort, it could fit the entire team easily, making for faster travel. The two quickly jumped onto the transport and followed Raven all the way to the Normandy

As soon as you arrive at the Normandy, try and patch a link to Capital District Command, they will provide you with any further intel that you may need on the situation."

We'll need it. I dont want to be walking into field, then find out that the chemical weapon is airborne or that it has crippling effects on combat capabilities.

"Roger that, try not to get the Minister to riled up..."

Well Raven. let us hurry and get and save the town. At least it feels much more satisfying and possible than that mission. It would raise my morale at the very least...

"Yeah, I really do not like that guy, and I could care less about his plan. So let's do this mission instead.

Orders are orders. I hate it, but the results of efficiency is increasing difficulty of tasks given. Still, it is hard to believe we are on the back leg enough that we cannot match fleet battle with the Arbiter's own fleet.

I could care less if he likes me. I just find it wierd that WE are to go and deal with this, then expected to go straight into the potentially last mission of our lives. Are there no one else in this army or are the upper echelon that incompetent and insist on exhausting us by sending us everywhere and expecting perfect performance.
Raven Otsdarva, Luna Thermidor, Elaine Chevalier & Peter N. "Pops" Beagle

With everyone and everything needed on board, the Normandy now on its way to Traverse Town. Raven was still talking to both Chao, Elaine and Kaufman on their briefing the minister gave him.

Orders are orders. I hate it, but the results of efficiency is increasing difficulty of tasks given. Still, it is hard to believe we are on the back leg enough that we cannot match fleet battle with the Arbiter's own fleet.

I could care less if he likes me. I just find it wierd that WE are to go and deal with this, then expected to go straight into the potentially last mission of our lives. Are there no one else in this army or are the upper echelon that incompetent and insist on exhausting us by sending us everywhere and expecting perfect performance.

Raven himself thought the same thing. Ever since the offensive started, the team have been running themselves ragged, sending them everywhere that needed to get done. He then thought if Sora ever had that same problem himself, or even Hayner, the man who gave Raven his knife, and kept with in possession since. He then thought of his father, if he too had to go through the same deal due to an incompetent military system up top. It was fair note that it was probably because of that reason that the Realm of Light was on the losing end for much of the early part of the war 15 years ago, if his father's stories and what time he spent in schoolwork were any indication.

"Well, whatever...Let's just focus on what we have now."
Raven said calmly, trying his best to not let anyone else hear the slight tremble in his voice from all the troubles he has to deal with, and focusing on what must be done. "Say Kaufman? How good are you at flying fighter aircraft?" He asked, then looking at Luna who was checking out some of the fighters available on the Normandy's hangar. Hopefully, if Kaufman is capable enough, he could have 2 birds dropping the chemical neutralizing agents and help save Traverse Town from the terror attack.

Meanwhile Pop's arrived in time to unveil his device, the design fit to Laleth's schematics and fulfilling the basic purpose of helping her walk despite her leg injury. However, the finished model was made of a lightweight, durable material, which helped to protect her legs from further damage. "It took a little while, but me and the mechanics got to working on making this one." Pops said with a grin on his face, showing Laleth the working model.
Maximillian Thermidor, Prince-Elector of Traverse Town
State of Emergency

"Plumes of unknown gas identified across third and fourth district, sixth district is still being evacuated."
One of the aides said as he was walking through the administration complex, many of the others trying to get in contact with various services.

"We have Police Forces dispatched to the third and fourth district, but we're not prepared for chemical warfare."
Another aide spoke out.

As the aides continued to scramble around, a man wearing a court uniform emerged from the south door. He had short black hair, with few grey hairs laced between. As Maximillian looked at the aides moving helter skelter to position emergency vehicles and personnel to the respective areas, he began walking up to one of the individuals and spoke with a calm demeanor. "Has there been any word from Capital District Military Command?"

"Yes sir, there currently deploying a Realm of Light Marine Task Force Detachment, I believe it is Task Force 108."

"Task Force 108 you say?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good, we will coordinate our efforts with the Task Force once they arrive. Come with me."

"Yes sir." The Aide spoke as he followed his leader towards the communications room. The room had not seen much use, despite upgrades and maintenance, but it was to prove necessary in times of emergencies such as this.
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Chao and Kaufman

"Well, whatever...Let's just focus on what we have now."

Chao was taken aback for a second. Raven's word shook her mind and made her realise how bitter and unprofessional she just was. She had been whining and complaining when she knew that she should have maintained a soldiers dignity. With both hands, Chao slapped her own face several times to clear her mind and renew her determination. Any hesitation could result in error on the field. Even if she succeeds, there is the possibility that she may be mangled in combat to the point of being unfit for service. Whilst everyone else occupied themselves, Chao went and performed a formal traditional weapon maintenance ritual, more for nerves and tradition than anything. It could be potentially her last mission.

"Say Kaufman? How good are you at flying fighter aircraft?"

On the other hand, Kaufman's eyes shined when Raven asked her about fighters.

Oooo Hohohoho. How good am I? Deary me. Raven, dear, in my world, I was top fighter jockey. The number of downing counts i have on Syberia, my jet is innumerable. If you need me to fly any of your ships, give me a few minutes, the manual and i'll be zipping around like your fighter aces.

Kaufman was quite proud of her flying ability. Planes were the main attacking method where she lived and there was solid basis on her claim.
Laleth Aires

"It's a bit funny but it works!"

It felt like forever since she had stood upon her own two legs. There was no pain involved as she shuffled about the floor but it was odd for her to get a grasp on. She didn't know for how long she would have to wear the thing but for now it would do. She could only happily hug Pops for his work and send her thanks to all who'd worked on the invention. It made her wonder what other contraptions she could dream of. A sharp thought struck the back of her mind breaking her current happy state.

She still had a personal mission. No matter how long she'd have to travel with Raven's team, she could not forget or stray from her path so easily. Who knows where her mentor had gone? Or if the woman was still alive. Yet still she was like a mother figure, and Laleth told herself she had to try.

She shuffled a bit down a dark hall to her quarters. She'd set up a small part of the Normandy for her things in one of the rooms across the restrooms. It was quiet there, ad quite the distance, but it was adequate training for her walking skills. The contraption bound to her leg was far more stylish and advanced than she could have ever hoped for. Snug fitting, not too heavy, and seemed to assist with her placing her steps little by little. Her leg would spring back up on it's own and she'd place it one in front of the other until her shuffles became a slow paced walk.

It took the longest for her to reach the others for the last of the briefing and what she'd walked in on was something that held her interest.

Oooo Hohohoho. How good am I? Deary me. Raven, dear, in my world, I was top fighter jockey. The number of downing counts i have on Syberia, my jet is innumerable. If you need me to fly any of your ships, give me a few minutes, the manual and i'll be zipping around like your fighter aces.

She'd admired the woman's confidence in her skill. "We're flying planes now?" Laleth asked slowly walking forward so as not to fall.

She'd learned a bit about piloting from her time spent with engineers, but thought it rude to impose herself to fly. And the others would probably think it unwise for her at this stage to fight. She'd felt a bit useless at the moment. "Could I observe you flying?" she asked Kaufman with genuine interest. "I'd like to help in any way I can."

She held her parasol in a cane like fashion ready for what came next.
Raven Otsdarva

Oooo Hohohoho. How good am I? Deary me. Raven, dear, in my world, I was top fighter jockey. The number of downing counts i have on Syberia, my jet is innumerable. If you need me to fly any of your ships, give me a few minutes, the manual and i'll be zipping around like your fighter aces.

Something about what Desiree said made Raven smile a little. Other than her, Luna, Raven and Chao would make superb pilots, though he wasn't sure of the others. Still, he wanted at least two of his team members dealing with destroying the chemical weapons from the air while the rest of the team would support police efforts and track down the bastards responsible. Looking over to one of the mechanics, Raven asked, "Hey, you have a manual for this plane over there."

"Sure, we keep the manuals in the hangar library, give me a couple minutes." The mechanic moved directly for the bookshelf, pulling out a somewhat thick paperback book from the bookshelf, and proceeded to give it to Desiree. "Here you go, the manual on the X-02 Wyvern."

The Wyvern was developed as a fifth-generation Gummi Ship by an ally of the Union of the Realm of Light, the Kingdom of Plantagenia. It featured an unorthodox design, Forward Swept Wing configuration with Variable Sweep Wings. When the ship gains speed, the wings fold back and the stabilizers fold downward, granting it unparalleled mobility at the cost of armor. With a top speed of 1100 km/h in atmosphere and near hypersonic speeds in the lanes between, it is one of the fastest, and also one of the stealthiest fighters in the Realm of Light arsenal.

"We should be arriving in a couple hours, you think you'll be able to skim through that in time?"
Raven asked, looking over at Laleth, who also asked Kaufman a question about her being the wingman here.
Eile Mizer
(Cops and Gases)

Soon enough, Eile walked out of the alleyway and found herself looking at another crater with gases coming out of it. Looking around the area, it looks like she might have some time just to examine it.

"Hmm. Just gases and nothing else? Could the attacker be fighting with weapons using gas? That might be the best guess. But then where is the attacker and why a civilian location? That just doesn't make sense." Eile mumbled staring at the crater of gas.

"Freeze!" A voice from behind Eile yelled.

Eile turned to see several groups of officers with various weapons pointed at her.

"You. Identify yourself." One officer commanded.

Eile only sighed as she looked at the speaking officer.

"Where am I?" Eile asked.

"This area is District Three. Off limits to civilians." The officer muttered.

"Well then it's a good thing I'm not a civilian then."
Eile muttered as she raised her Sniper Scythe at the officers.

"Half of you, return to hq. Tell them we have hostiles in District three. A green c..." The speaking officer managed to say before Eile fired a shot into the man's forehead, instantly killing him.

"Go ahead and try to fight me. The Guardian of the Eidoloin
will not die so easily and I will not show anyone any mercy." Eile muttered as half of the officers started running back the way they came.

"Get her!" Another officer yelled as all the remaining officers charged her.

The battle was short as Eile made short work of the officers.

"I'll have to find high ground soon. They are going to come at me soon." Eile muttered as she sheathed her Sniper rifle and ran to find the closest ladder.
OOC: Upon reading Kaufman's line, i realised how bad the damn structure was. >.> Also, if memory serves me correctly, i think i said before i liked the Falken didnt i? Buuuuuuuut wyvern looks cool too, so thats ok.

Desiree Kaufman

"We're flying planes now? Could I observe you flying? I'd like to help in any way I can."

Kaufman was conflicted. She didn't mind having Laleth on as a co pilot. After all, four eyes are better than two, even with all the electronics shoved into the fuselage. The problem was IF the girl was going to be ok. She wasn't sure how Laleth was to observe within the cockpit or within the ship. Her injured leg meant she was unfit for combat, but Kaufman could see some frustration behind Laleth's face due to her inability to help.

Well... i guess its ok if she is capable of flying and quick to learn....

I don't see why not... providing you have flight experience. A co pilot would be good. After all, this is an aircraft i am not used to.

"We should be arriving in a couple hours, you think you'll be able to skim through that in time?"

Taking the offered manual for later read, Kaufman had to ask Raven for his opinion. As the leader, the planes were assets and this was combat. If he believed that Laleth was going to be more a liability, then that was that.

Oh, dont worry about that. I'll be absolutely fine. The thing is, i dont mind Laleth tagging along, but how would she do so? Any suggestions? Co pilot? Wingwoman? How would we do this? I do believe the Wyvern is a single seater right? Whichever way we go, I'd need to discuss and coordinate with her about the planes and plans, but your choice affects the content we discuss.
OOC: I know you like the Falken, but the reason I chose the Wyvern was because I was going to use the former as a plot point down the road for Part 2. I did consider using it though, but the version I was going to give you (ADF-01A) would not have TLS, like you're accustomed to have on the ADF-01F. I'm willing to discuss it further with you via PM/VM

Maximillian & Luna Thermidor and Raven Otsdarva
Father to Daughter Talk

Oh, dont worry about that. I'll be absolutely fine. The thing is, i dont mind Laleth tagging along, but how would she do so? Any suggestions? Co pilot? Wingwoman? How would we do this? I do believe the Wyvern is a single seater right? Whichever way we go, I'd need to discuss and coordinate with her about the planes and plans, but your choice affects the content we discuss.

That was an interesting question to ask. Looking back at the Wyvern, he noticed that yes, it indeed was a single seater. It didn't help that he recieved a message from the Communications Officer on the Bridge. "Major, we have someone hailing. It's the ruler of Traverse Town."

Raven wasn't surprised by that development, but seeing it as a way to ease Luna's mind he said, "Alright I'm on my way." Turning towards Laleth and Desiree, he said, "Right now, I don't know for sure how capable Laleth is as a pilot. I'll ask Luna if she'll fly a two-seater fighter. Sit tight Laleth." He said before running over to Luna. "Hey Luna, come with me for a second."

"Sure, what's up...Hey!"
She protested a little, as Raven grabbed Luna's hand and began running towards the elevator, pressing the button that would take her to the bridge. "What's going on Raven?!" She said, annoyed at being dragged away from what she was doing. "It's really important." Raven said, "Your old man got in contact with us."

"My dad?" Luna asked, bewildered. "Of course? Why do you think I'm dragging you around with me right now?" Hearing that caused Luna to blush a little, "Um...why are you...blushing?" Raven asked, a bit surprised, while Luna's face grew red like an apple. "I-I'm not blushing." Luna pouted, though in her head, Shiva was laughing her blue spirit butt off. "But I can see all over your-" Before Raven could finish that sentence, Luna would jab him hard on the side. "Okay, okay, I'll leave it alone...Jeez." Raven said, rubbing his side as the elevator stopped at the Second Deck. Raven would walk forward, with Luna following him as they went into the Briefing room. Pressing a button on the wall, the room shuddered, the seats and the table began to sink into the ground, and a series of orange lights swirled around in a circle around Raven and Luna. Within the circle was a silhouette of an aged figure. "Is this Task Force 108?" The man said, "Yes, my name is Raven Otsdarva, Commanding Officer of Task Force 108, known as 'Warwolf.' I believe you already know your daughter?"

"Luna? I'm glad to see you're safe."
Maximillian sighed, feeling a little relieved. Luna too felt relieved, "The same to you, Lord Father." Maximilian turned his attention to Raven, "I wish we could have met under less dire circumstances. As we speak, my aides are transmitting the coordinates of the gas emmitters to you. I assume you have fighter aircraft ready to deal with the threat?"

"We have a few fighters available, and some capable pilots as well."
Raven said calmly, and Maximillian nodded at that sentiment. "Good, I will see you when you arrive. Good luck, and godspeed." The signal would finally cut off, and the room would light up, everything going back to normal.
Maximillian Thermidor, Prince-Elector of Traverse Town

As soon as Maximillian cut the signal, he recieved another message from his aides. "We recieved reports of a mysterious group of assailants traveling along the second and third districts, most likely trying to escape the city."

Maximillian said calmly. "Get police posted across the 2nd, 3rd and 6th districts, ensure that they cannot escape."

The aide bowed and said, "Yes, Sir." Before moving on his way. Maximillian begn to leave te communications room as well. The situation has grown dire, and the fear of great death tolls crossed his mind. He knew that taking the war to the Heartless Empire was needed, but what was unneeded was outright invading Heartless controlled territories. How much more death can these nations take?
(OOC: I figure, maybe Laleth could meet or pick up Eile this way. I dunno)

"Oh I don't have to be a pilot." Laleth said.

She didn't want them to go out of her way. In fact the whole scene playing out before her was a bit embarrassing. "If it's too much trouble I can just drive a vehicle on the ground. I don't think I"m ready to go full melee just yet but I'm up for transport. My driving isn't bad. I've watched the engineers testing out the vehicles loads of times when I was in my chair. Would that be better?"

It was all fine if she couldn't fly. She preferred up close and personal. Whatever choice the others came to was fine, as long as they didn't treat her like some injured child. Laleth did not like the idea of that at all, being left on the ship once more while others got into the action. She was not particularly thrilled about piloting machines, no matter how fascinating they were, but if she could participate in the upcoming battles in any way she would.

"I could do transport of goods. Oh or maybe handle a turret. Oh please that would be fun!"
OOC: I'm game for that. But atm, she's more on high alert and more prone to start attacking.

Eile Mizer
Prone and Roll.

IC: Soon enough, Eile found a ladder leading up to a rooftop. Climbing up to the rooftop, Eile looked around. From the rooftop, Eile saw more people rushing into the area and towards the body of their comrades. Eile set herself up and got into a prone position on the rooftop while looking through the scopes of her Sniper Scythe.

"You people seek the destruction of this world. I will not allow that." Eile muttered as she lined up her shots with each soldier's head and took a shot.

Each shot that was fired landed on it's intended target, instantly killing them. Even from the rooftop, she saw more heartless starting to appear near the bodies. Quickly picking up her Sniper Rifle, Eile reloaded the weapon and stared down at the area.

"This will bring more people. Their dead comrade will be a good bait to take them out." Eile muttered looking at the bodies before stretching a bit and readjusting her hat a bit.
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(OOC: Short post as I wait for other people to post.)

Raven Otsdarva, Luna Thermidor & Elaine Chevalier
Mission Briefing

It has been nearly 90 minutes since the last communication with Prince-Elector Maximillian, and with all the intel that had been passed down by Central Command and by the ruling supporters of Traverse Town, they now had all the information available to them. They were now able to take part in the Chemical Warfare defense operation. Raven was in the briefing room in his usual clothes, waiting to go over the briefing with the rest of the group. Luna and Elaine were already there as well, Elaine in her usual clothing, while Luna was wearing a flight suit, so she would be ready to take to the skies as soon as the briefing is finished. "So what do you think we should be expecting from this?" Elaine said, whilst Raven responded, "You'll have to wait for everyone to show up. I'm not planning on wasting time repeating myself."
Chao and Kaufman

Chao was of course on time, sitting silently on one of the chairs. While the team was going to be split into pilots and ground soldiers, Chao was going to be pounding dirt. She was a competent gummi ship pilot, but dirt under her boot was most natural for her. Rather than still fume at the orders from upper echelon, Chao was more worried about Traverse Town. 90 minutes is a long time, even if battles sometimes span over days. She just hope things were in their favour. They didn't need any more disadvantages in the war, particularly losing Traverse Town.

"So what do you think we should be expecting from this?"

"You'll have to wait for everyone to show up. I'm not planning on wasting time repeating myself."

On command, the door slid open and Kaufman waltzed in in her flight suit. The mercenary didn't seem too pleased with her current outfit, tugging on her collar and sleeves.

Can't say i like flight suits. Never wore them, but i guess do as the Roman's do.

She could tell that there was tension in the air, so rather than trying to lighten the mood as she would usually do, Kaufman took a seat near Chao, being serious for once.