sephiroth ruler of planet?

3) Ah yeah, now you mention it, all the remnants gathered to where Sephirothwas in North Crater, so that does make sense.

4) I think the time after the pure lifestream healed Cloud in ACC was showing Sephiroth's grip weakening, and after Cloud beat him, the pure lifestream then healed everyone in the spring in Midgar's church.

5) I just meant their pure physical strength (at least in BFA's case) could probably at least match Sephiroth, blow for blow xD

4) IMO the spring that healed cloud of his geostigma was aerith`s influence in the lifestream, since she was related to water n` all that in the movie.

5) Yea, maybe. I`d have to review this BFA`s feats. Though i know who greiver ultimecia is, i have no idea who you , mean by BFA XD
Braska's Final Aeon, apart from Sin he seems to be the most physically strong enemy you fight, appearance wise /FF10 :gasp:

As for 4) I think that Aerith's ability to speak to the planet is what allowed her to one-up Sephiroth and start healing people who were afflicted with Geostigma. Sort of like how she tried to do with Holy in FF7.
Braska's Final Aeon, apart from Sin he seems to be the most physically strong enemy you fight, appearance wise /FF10 :gasp:

As for 4) I think that Aerith's ability to speak to the planet is what allowed her to one-up Sephiroth and start healing people who were afflicted with Geostigma. Sort of like how she tried to do with Holy in FF7.

Ahhhh that guy. Yea he seems pretty strong:gasp:

Though size is no matter for someone like cloud who swated bahamut SIN to the ground while dying. And cloud is sephiroths rival.

Yea, aerith was trying to maintain the infection sephiroth`s soul was causing on the lifestream(and it`s funny because sephiroth could have taken control of the planet while dead, but after he died his goal dramatically changed from absorbing the lifestream to regaining his body) and was almost killed herself by sephiroth in the lifestream(lol i know, again right?).

IMO Sephiroth must have created his negative lifestream from the original lifestream.

So to anwser the original issue, in my opinion, i`d have no problem in classifying sephiroth as a god or demigod by FF7 standards.
Ya, I won't argue on demigod, an actual god just seems a bit too high for him, since at that point he'd be pretty much invulnerable. And if Kefka is anything to go by, killing Sephiroth would only make you lose something natural to the world.

I believe, if Sephiroth's plan had succeeded, that he would then be a god, he just seemed a bit lacking at the point where you stop him.

And I think you're pretty much spot on with the lifestream, I think it said in ACC that Sephiroth entered the lifestream and then polluted it with his will and that's how he began to take over it and turn it against the planet. Aerith and Cloud being the planet's last shot at survival since once all the humans died of Geostigma i'm not sure if they would circulate the natural way with the lifestream becoming lethal.
Ya, I won't argue on demigod, an actual god just seems a bit too high for him, since at that point he'd be pretty much invulnerable. And if Kefka is anything to go by, killing Sephiroth would only make you lose something natural to the world.

I believe, if Sephiroth's plan had succeeded, that he would then be a god, he just seemed a bit lacking at the point where you stop him.

And I think you're pretty much spot on with the lifestream, I think it said in ACC that Sephiroth entered the lifestream and then polluted it with his will and that's how he began to take over it and turn it against the planet. Aerith and Cloud being the planet's last shot at survival since once all the humans died of Geostigma i'm not sure if they would circulate the natural way with the lifestream becoming lethal.


God is a little too much since he was a human to begin with IMO(even if he was half alien).

Though he is stronger than minerva by creator`s own admittance(and really minerva dosen`t seem THAT strong for being the personificaion of the planet. Sephiroth and Cloud by the end of VII both had a will more powerfull than her`s).

And honestly Cloud is just a human(granted he has mako and S-cells), but a human who can fight a demigod.

And many other FF heroes follow the like. So for me stations are only as good as you make them :D
Ya, for the closest thing to an earthly god, it sure doesn't match up well to humans. Zack actually beat her and Sephiroth is obviously superior to Zack and Cloud displays strength and skill to surpass them both (though with Sephy it's more desperate really)

As a villain though, Sephiroth falls short of a lot of FF villains, however I won't deny that if he fought the majority he would come out on top of a good few of them :hmmm:
Ya, for the closest thing to an earthly god, it sure doesn't match up well to humans. Zack actually beat her and Sephiroth is obviously superior to Zack and Cloud displays strength and skill to surpass them both (though with Sephy it's more desperate really)

As a villain though, Sephiroth falls short of a lot of FF villains, however I won't deny that if he fought the majority he would come out on top of a good few of them :hmmm:

Yea i forgot that zack beat her. And sephiroth beat zack before he became super-powerful. Cloud and sephiroth reach their peaks at the end of ACC. By that time they both could defeat zack worst than he was bested in the reactor.

Yea sephiroth may be the faster villain of the series due to mor expostiton and such. IMO he`d end up tied in 3rd(with kefka), or stay in 4t or 5th.

Simply put there are just villains that make speed and strenght somewhat irrelevant(kefka, neo-exdeath, ultimecia).
Yeah, the majority of villains have different intimidation values than Sephiroth's strength and ability. Exdeath had the void and could send you there with just a thought if he wanted to, Kefka had his Light of Judgement and if he wanted to he could shift the faces of the earth if he got bored, Ultimecia could literally be anywhere at any time and cause chaos in any era she pleased. If not for the party keeping her away from Ellone she would've been unstoppable.

However, Sephiroth's merit in his own abilities is the fact that when it comes down to it, he's just a man, the fact that such a simplicity can inspire fear in people when you have Exdeath, the immortal tree, Kefka the God of Magic, Ultimecia the Witch of Time etc. The fact that Sephiroth isn't any real race (human-alien hybrid aside) beyond human does give him a bit of special value among the other antagonists :hmmm:
I'm not sayin they're the best, I'm just saying that Sephiroth isn't the strongest villian in the series; those mentioned above could beat him. It's opinionated to whom is the best villain; I would say either Exdeath or Kefka.

Here's where I have to be the annoying Devil's advocate that I am, Although, I'm in total support of Sephi, I have to talk about Ulti, cuz I love her too...

Ulti Did Erase everything... except your party. EVERYTHING. Time and Space. The Whole World. Except your party. (Protags always win). So if we're comparing achievements, the Ulti takes the cake, Kefka only destroyed some of the world correct? Sephi destroyed millions of people, burned down Nibelhiem, and Destroyed Midgar to a point where only the DeepGround was truly livable (take that for what you want too... I wouldn't wanna live in that place personally...) and also, I'd like to point out that most of the clones in FFVII were "Sephiroth Clones" AKA, they were him, so maybe he just has a lot of Phoenix downs and the "W/Item" materia? Anywho, kuja destroyed a whole planet, and attempted to destroy another, (So far he's in the lead) and finally we have Ultimecia, She destroyed EVERYTHING in the UNIVERSE except 6 people. Methinks that takes the win by at least uncountable numbers of planets...
I will say Sephiroth is one of the greatest but not the greatest, he was an intriguing villain in his debut but after he got overrated by fans and Squeenix. To be honest, Sephiroth is not that powerful at least compared to the other villians in the series. I know the wiki is not the absolute word on anything but it mentions in an interview that Wada(or some other person) saying that Sephiroth is the most powerful despite evidence to the contrary.
I will say Sephiroth is one of the greatest but not the greatest, he was an intriguing villain in his debut but after he got overrated by fans and Squeenix. To be honest, Sephiroth is not that powerful at least compared to the other villians in the series. I know the wiki is not the absolute word on anything but it mentions in an interview that Wada(or some other person) saying that Sephiroth is the most powerful despite evidence to the contrary.

Yes, it said sephiroth was the most powerfull only on the FF7 universe.

Truthfully he's either in spot 4(behind kefka) or 3(tied with kefka) IMO. Since he's way too fast to be tagged by anyone other than these guys.

Spot 1 belongs to Ex-death, and 2 to ultimecia in my opinion.
Braska's Final Aeon, apart from Sin he seems to be the most physically strong enemy you fight, appearance wise /FF10

Really if you could count sin and Braska's final aeon as a villain (after all killing them was the main goal) then Sephiroth,Kefka,Kuja,Ultimecia etc etc...........are NOTHING......The thing I realised is villains like Sephiroth and Kefka need to call on a higher power in order to destroy the world..........Sin/Final Aeon can wipe out like half the world using themself. :mokken:
They too need to call on their own power though :monster:

Jecht has to transform into the Final Aeon

Sin isn't technically a living thing, it has a conciousness in the form of Jecht, sure... But Yu Yevon is the main controller, inside it :hmmm: Sin is nothing more than a machine tbh.
They too need to call on their own power though :monster:

Jecht has to transform into the Final Aeon

Sin isn't technically a living thing, it has a conciousness in the form of Jecht, sure... But Yu Yevon is the main controller, inside it :hmmm: Sin is nothing more than a machine tbh.

Yes true but as the main boss of it's Kefka and Sephiroth....Sin is definately stronger than them.......of course its not a villain (well I wouldn't call sin a villain :hmmm:) its still the strongest main boss of the entire series.
Yes true but as the main boss of it's Kefka and Sephiroth....Sin is definately stronger than them.......of course its not a villain (well I wouldn't call sin a villain :hmmm:) its still the strongest main boss of the entire series.

Do you mean stronger storyline wise or gameplay wise?

Because if you mean storyline wise, then i`d have to disagree, i think both sephiroth and kefka are far stronger than him.
Do you mean stronger storyline wise or gameplay wise?

Because if you mean storyline wise, then i`d have to disagree, i think both sephiroth and kefka are far stronger than him.

Neither i meant physically.........Sin would easily do more damage to the world than Sephiroth and Kefka could by themself without calling on meteor or the warring triad.
Neither i meant physically.........Sin would easily do more damage to the world than Sephiroth and Kefka could by themself without calling on meteor or the warring triad.

Yea maybe. Though SIN would have to fire thosands of blasts to really hurt his planet.

But still sephiroth could destroy the world without meteor easily after FF7.

In AC he flicks his wrist and the apocalypse starts.

I mean he could simply use his lifestream to make the planet his spaceship, since he was basically already dominant over the planet the time of his return in AC. He could alter the weather, and even call his own lifestream from the planet. And he probably would have had cloud not defeated him
Yea maybe. Though SIN would have to fire thosands of blasts to really hurt his planet.

But still sephiroth could destroy the world without meteor easily after FF7.

In AC he flicks his wrist and the apocalypse starts.

I mean he could simply use his lifestream to make the planet his spaceship, since he was basically already dominant over the planet the time of his return in AC. He could alter the weather, and even call his own lifestream from the planet. And he probably would have had cloud not defeated him

I don't think so..........If he could destroy the world using himself he wouldn't really of called meteor in the first place. Altering the weather doesn't really do much does it? :wacky:........anyway I do think that him by himself could greatly damage the world more so than other villains.......but definately wouldn't be able to do as much damage as sin.......In Spira everyone live in constant fear of Sin...........And like you said simply USE the lifestream.......he's again calling on a higher power.
Here's where I have to be the annoying Devil's advocate that I am, Although, I'm in total support of Sephi, I have to talk about Ulti, cuz I love her too...

Ulti Did Erase everything... except your party. EVERYTHING. Time and Space. The Whole World. Except your party. (Protags always win). So if we're comparing achievements, the Ulti takes the cake, Kefka only destroyed some of the world correct? Sephi destroyed millions of people, burned down Nibelhiem, and Destroyed Midgar to a point where only the DeepGround was truly livable (take that for what you want too... I wouldn't wanna live in that place personally...) and also, I'd like to point out that most of the clones in FFVII were "Sephiroth Clones" AKA, they were him, so maybe he just has a lot of Phoenix downs and the "W/Item" materia? Anywho, kuja destroyed a whole planet, and attempted to destroy another, (So far he's in the lead) and finally we have Ultimecia, She destroyed EVERYTHING in the UNIVERSE except 6 people. Methinks that takes the win by at least uncountable numbers of planets...

Let's back up here...Ulti didn't destroy everything in the universe. Did you like, quit the game after her battle? If she destroyed time the heroes wouldn't be able to go back to their time. And when they all went back to their times they were back in their original world/time/space. She didn't destroy everything. That Russian bitch clearly got pwnd before she could destroy/compress time. She did however rule the future time and killed SeeDs. Plus I don't remember her goal being to "destroy everything" so why would she?

Now Sephiroth is NOT....ahem.... NOT the best villain in the series. Now the only and I repeat ONLY reason he's considered to be so popular is because of the development of the FF7 world. Half the abilities described behind reasons of his power being superior are from the movie and various spinoffs. Now when you compare that to another FF game, say, FF6 or 8 or whatever, it is completely unbalanced. Now if other games got movies of course the villain would try to come back and what not giving them new powers as well and all that. Sephiroths supporting arguments often contain the phrase "he's cool" or "he strikes fear" and so many vague small things. Sephypoo is a decent villain, but to go all out and say he's the best is stretching it. Many FF villains can wrack up the same, if not more body counts than he's wracked up(Emperor from ff2, Sin, Ultimicia(in her own time she killed off the SeeDs), and many more.). In some cases the villains even come back JUST-LIKE-SEPHIROTH AMAGAAA!!! -__-. (Does anyone even REMEMBER the emperor from FF2?) Villains are villains and are mostly always stopped in their goals so it doesn't matter if they have achieved AND maintained them, even though Kefka actually accomplished his goal for the most amount of time he still achieved something.

As it is, I believe that it is pure fact that sephiroth is not the best villain. I mean he's decent but not really "OMGAMAZIIIING". You spend like half the game playing hide and seek with his ass, chasing him and what not. And for me it felt like Jenova was bigger of a villain than he. Jenova is the cause of his going mad, and it's is the reason so many are suffering in FF7. It's the root of all evil XD But as it lies FF7 has an unfair advantage over others because of it's having multiple spin-offs, developing new abilities/stories/crap and such. But anyways compared to other villains of FF Sephiroth is nothing special.

Please, if you are going to argue against a villain, make sure you play the game so you know what you're talking about. People boasting Sephi is the best villain when half of them haven't even played other FF games and dismissing other villains as nothing just make me facepalm.

FF2 emperor(whose often forgotten), Kefka, Ex-Death are beasts when it comes to my main FF villain list. If you don't believe me play the games for yourself to find out <3
I don't think so..........If he could destroy the world using himself he wouldn't really of called meteor in the first place. Altering the weather doesn't really do much does it? :wacky:........anyway I do think that him by himself could greatly damage the world more so than other villains.......but definately wouldn't be able to do as much damage as sin.......In Spira everyone live in constant fear of Sin...........And like you said simply USE the lifestream.......he's again calling on a higher power.

Indeed, but ACC sephiroth >>>>>>>> FF7 sephiroth in power.

Considering the dude has his own lifestream. SIN could damage the earth physically more than anyone, but conquer it or whatever seph can do it better.

And it's not really calling on another power if it's his lifestraem, not the planets.