
Seymour's appearence got on my nerves quite a bit. His crazy hair and his horrible voice made me want to go :gasp:

Looks aside, I thought he was a pretty good villian. What I like most about him is that he had a valid reason for turning out the way he did, and I enjoyed finding out more about that as the story unfolded. A good villian to me is also one you want to beat the crap of, and I definately wanted to do that to him on more than one occasion (Wedding scene anyone?)
The most part I hated is when Seymour is at the wedding and kisses Yuna I swear I just feel like punching his face out!!! Yuna did the right thing to get away from Seymour. Well if Seymour would have gotten married to Yuna what would there child look like? By the way his voice is creepy.
The most part I hated is when Seymour is at the wedding and kisses Yuna I swear I just feel like punching his face out!!! Yuna did the right thing to get away from Seymour. Well if Seymour would have gotten married to Yuna what would there child look like? By the way his voice is creepy.

The wedding scene was awesome, but what was up with Seymours hat? it was like a dunce hat. You really really did just wanna kill Seymour at the wedding, Kinoc aswell. It was so annoying watching your characters wimp out after having a few rifles pointed at them.
I did not really even mind Kinoc it was really Seymour who I wanted to kill. Kinoc was Auron's friend but still he followed Seymour. How old is Yuna like 18 and Seymour is like 27 right? Or were not even sure how the guado's age lol.
I like Seymour, and the way he ties in with the story.

Sin is the big bad boss and main objective of the game, but Seymour is the main antagonist. The first time I played the game, because it was my first time I didn't know when to expect him, so when every battle against him came about I got quite excited because I did enjoy the fights against him.

As for his personality, I quite like him. His voice doesn't bother me, I actually think it suits his character quite well.

I like him, he's a good villian.
He is a pretty cool character even though the fights with him are hard as hell i kept losing at the one a gagazet but i won one time then the last fight i kept dying and dying it made me mad unitl i finally defeated him.
Everyone's got their own opinions, however, you are not presenting an argument at all. You're just bashing without grounds.

Seymour was Seymour. A unique character. He's not Sephiroth or Kuja or any other villain you love to hump; he's his own character.

His voice, his fighting style, his evil intentions, all new and unique to fit his own personality and the plot overall.

He was marrying Yuna so he could form a bind with her to become the Final Summon and be the eternal hero that defeated Sin, for however brief the Calm was. He didn't just get married for the Honeymoon sex; he had greater visions in mind. His battles were actually quite interesting as well. You fight Seymour at very spaced out times at the game; not back-to-back. And of course one of those battles is right before the final boss in Sin (which makes me wonder how he got inside Sin anyway...?)

Seymour was a stand-alone villain. He doesn't model anyone, and he doesn't follow in anyone's footsteps. He's the baddy, and if you don't like it, take it up with him.
I hated seymour!!! Talk about the nemesis of final fantasy! He was horrible! I enjoyed fighting him the last time though because the battle theme was one of the best in the game.

The lines on his face drove me crazy!
Well I agree that he was a really good villian and he played a very villanous role. Yeah seymour was just good at being a villian but you do not know how much times I wanted to punch him in the face!!! Yuna made the right choice to fall of bevelle because she purely hated seymour but what was the kiss for?
although i dont tend to play X that much i have to say he really does get on my nerves so much, he's just so GAH i just reallllyyy wanna stab him repeatedly in the head, does anyone else share the sentiment?
At first, Seymour's voice irritated me SO much. That and his little laugh. It frustrated me, but then I realized that it made me want to defeat him so much more. I think that the way he acts just encourages people (like me) to want to destroy him even more, so he is a pretty decent villain.
I hated seymour!!! Talk about the nemesis of final fantasy! He was horrible!
Nemesis of Final Fantasy? In that you thought he was... an abomination to the series? A disappointment? Poor villain? He filled every criteria of villainy, adding his own sadism and theories to justify acts of murder. What's not as perfectly villainous as that?

I enjoyed fighting him the last time though because the battle theme was one of the best in the game.
A boss was fun because of the music? :wacky:

The lines on his face drove me crazy!
That's part of his Guado lineage - ugly or not, it's signifying the unity of race, the progression of civilisation in accepting Guado traits on a human being; those "lines" were significantly symbolic to the plot.

Yeah seymour was just good at being a villian but you do not know how much times I wanted to punch him in the face!!!
"But"? Wanting to punch a villain physically is telling the public that the antagonist in question is correctly serving his role as villain sufficiently, and not just gliding through it as a bit of a pain.

what was the kiss for?
Probably a 'seal' for the marital ceremony, I'd imagine.

although i dont tend to play X that much i have to say he really does get on my nerves so much, he's just so GAH i just reallllyyy wanna stab him repeatedly in the head
See above. His 'annoyance' is perfectly well justified due to his ultimate role in the game, so any vexation is excused as far as I'm concerned [obviously being part of my opinion :wacky:).

At first, Seymour's voice irritated me SO much. That and his little laugh. It frustrated me, but then I realized that it made me want to defeat him so much more. I think that the way he acts just encourages people (like me) to want to destroy him even more, so he is a pretty decent villain.
^This, but without the hate. >_>
Ugh... hate when people break down posts like that. lol The quoter never makes any real points, just a long string of caddy comments like they secretly pretend to be one of the Sexy & the City girls...

Anyhow, yea... Seymour was a weak villain. Again, he was more than just a superficial villain (like Gilgamesh) in that he did have his own plot... but he was hardly a deep or complex villain. His daddy hid him away for political reasons and he has a screw loose... sure he has theories about the world but it doesn't jive with the style of the game. Kefka's madness was epic because it fit so well. Seymour just seems out of place. They gave Seymour plot and depth but they never needed to. They could have completely deleted his character and replaced his boss battles with random boss battles and the plot never would have taken a hit. He doesn't affect the plot or backstory of Sin, Tidus, Jecht, Braska, Auron or any of the other main characters. He just plays a small role as a distraction with Yuna and that's about it. He's useless.
Ugh... hate when people break down posts like that. lol The quoter never makes any real points, just a long string of caddy comments like they secretly pretend to be one of the Sexy & the City girls....

Future posts containing comments like these will be deleted without any warning, and the appropriate infraction will be applied.
I thought Seymour was an okay character. I didn't like his voice even though I don't have a problem with the guy who did his voice (Alex Fernandez) because he is a decent actor himself. When it came to battling him, he was annoying but at the same time it was quite fun because of his battle music which I love by the way. I just can't stand the way he looks with the odd blue hair and bad wardore, that was just beyond annying to me. I don't think he was the best villian overall but he knew how to play his cards right so I'll give him credit for that.
Seymour seems to take alot from Yunalesca in what he says. After all, he and his mother travelled to Zanarkand so his mother could become a fayth, so they obviously met Yunalesca.

So from what Yunalesca says about death ending suffering to Yuna and co. before and after your fight from her, it seems Seymour actually took what she said on board and agreed with Yunelesca's chain of though, but obviously hyped up the wacky alot more.
Yeah seymour is definitely gay
I mean what kinda villain has that VOICE?!?!
(well probably kuja would be worse if he had a voice... we´ll have to wait till the day they decide to do a FFIX movie)
Anyway, he is really an idiot
Remember the scene with the smoke grenade?
It was like "watch out, grenade!" and he looks at the grenade what an ASS lol
Anyhow, yea... Seymour was a weak villain. Again, he was more than just a superficial villain (like Gilgamesh) in that he did have his own plot... but he was hardly a deep or complex villain. His daddy hid him away for political reasons and he has a screw loose... sure he has theories about the world but it doesn't jive with the style of the game. Kefka's madness was epic because it fit so well. Seymour just seems out of place. They gave Seymour plot and depth but they never needed to. They could have completely deleted his character and replaced his boss battles with random boss battles and the plot never would have taken a hit. He doesn't affect the plot or backstory of Sin, Tidus, Jecht, Braska, Auron or any of the other main characters. He just plays a small role as a distraction with Yuna and that's about it. He's useless.

Using this formula you could also say characters like The Turks and Seifer are also useless in that removing them won't affect the main plot. The Turks needn't have existed, their boss battles could have easily been replaced with random monsters and such. You could go as far as even saying that they didn't even need the Rufus character - president ShinRa would have sufficed. Seifer is the same way, his main purpose in the game was to be the rival character to Squall, but other than that they didn't really need him to carry out the sorceress time compression storyline.

The main purpose of these secondary nonvillains is to create juxtaposition to the heroes. This in turn gives more insight to the themes of the story, and accentuate the protagonist's more outstanding qualities. Much like Seifer is the foil to Squall, Queen Brahne is the foil to Garnet, Seymour can be said to be the character foil to Yuna (you can say that Yuna fits into the "hero" role more than Tidus does, even though he is the protagonist). The main question is thus: did Seymour succeed in his role, as past secondary villains have? My answer is yes, he did, though that is purely subjective. Admittedly I haven't read the thread in its entirety, but if someone could present a view of how Seymour doesn't succeed in his role as a villainous character foil then I'd be glad to read it.
I would argue that my statement stands true for both The Turks and Seifer. And in many ways, they are only there for aesthetic appeal. The Turks are pure awesome and I would not remove them, even though they really do not add to the plot. They are just a small part of the whole, one mere brushstroke to the painting as it were. Still though, while I could see other pointless villains being deleted... I wouldn't delete the Turks on a simple cool as fuck factor.
I would argue that my statement stands true for both The Turks and Seifer. And in many ways, they are only there for aesthetic appeal. The Turks are pure awesome and I would not remove them, even though they really do not add to the plot. They are just a small part of the whole, one mere brushstroke to the painting as it were. Still though, while I could see other pointless villains being deleted... I wouldn't delete the Turks on a simple cool as fuck factor.

But then, you could also argue that FF7 could have been told with only half the main party. All you really need to make the plot is Cloud, Barett, Aeris, Sephiroth, Jenova, Shinra and Hojo. None of the other characters affect the main plot, so why have them? In fiction, the majority of secondary characters don't have a significant impact on the overall plot, but their presence heightens the conflict and often give futher insight to overall themes.

By using this standard of "usefulness", it's not really fair to judge characters. If this were systematic, it would eliminate a slough of great characters - some of them even great literary figures. Would you say To Kill a Mockingbird could do without Boo Radley? Would The Catcher in the Rye have the same depth if Holden and his sister were the only characters? The stories would be told, but alot of the exposition relating to the depths of the story would be lost.

JRR Tolkein's "There and Back Again" is about a character named Biblo Baggins who wants to steal treasure from a dragon named Smaug. That's all that's really necessary to tell the story, but that's not the reason why it is, and probably forever will be, an acclaimed piece of literary masterpiece. Every little piece of "useles" digression adds depth to lore and magic of the story... but who needs that if the story doesn't require it? Bilbo and Smaug are the only characters necessary.

By no means am I comparing the writers of Final Fantasy to greats such as Harper Lee, Salinger or Tolkein, I'm merely trying to establish the idea that minor characters who do not often contribute to the central plotlines are fundemental in adding complexity to a story. It applies to all storytelling.

Unless you felt Seymour's presence awkward in the game (which I certainly do not, as his role has sort of become a Final Fantasy archetype if you will), I don't see how he really imposes anything. I genuinely believe that if he were eliminated it would likewise eliminate alot of the exposition of Yuna's character (who IS detrimental to the story). That's what character foils are for - think Cloud to Zack, Seifer to Squall, Brahne to Garnet etc.
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