[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

i won't be able to post until tonight... i'm in college until 4:30.. which is long :(
I'm waiting for Tidus to respond to Yuna before I send Necron in, which leaves the dragon to face Sir Fratley.
Lol yeah I need to go do something with Tidus, while I'm not really sure what to do with Balthier...I'd like maybe someone to find him. In fact, I've noticed quite a few character's haven't even done ANYTHING (Some coming to mind are Lightning and Cid Raines.).
Wooooaaaah. Sorry everyone for not posting. I spend so much time doing my coursework now and I keep forgetting this.
I mainly look in the newest replies section to see if anything has changed shortly after I posted.
Buuuut I'm gonna check this often now otherwise what was the point of me joining.
...Well I've just looked at the character list, and the only character's I have seen NO Action from at all is .Mosh's Characters, Lightning and Cid Raines. Every other character I have seen at LEAST 1 post from, probably more, but someone need's to message .Mosh and see if he's still up for being in this.
I'm gonna do my best to keep active here then.
It be interesting if Cloud has his story tied in with someone elses and that if he is visited by Cosmos to tell him he is a warrior of Cosmos.
Hey yeah I really like that. Cloud knows about his enemy Sephiroth thanks to the planets core. But Kadaj could know why CLoud was transported to the world od dissidia and knows his memorys. Just let me know when your going to reveal kadaj to Cloud so then I can go on to the last part of Forgotten Memorys. Then maybe I can create a new one or join other peoples.
well kadaj wont know that you dont know him as he was transported after fighting cloud in advent children... unsure how to make that work but ill tag you to the right post i promise
Yay! Thanks. You could always say to Cloud ''Wheres mother?'' and because Cloud knows about Sephiroth and Jenova he would exactly know what Kadaj is on about.
Is Stevie going to be controlling the Dragon, or should I just do the battle on my own?