[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

As I just finished the battle. Yeah.... Besides I liked the fcat that Rydia saved Zell and Ramza. it seemd to fit. Hyne is pissed though. I think Ill make him go to Pandemonium next.. So he can Rage at the walls while trying to find a new subject... Anyone else heading there?
Ayumi Hamasaki and Emperor Lelouch
Leluch I know you wanna fight Chaos and all, but I was thinking since Setzer and Zack are still in Discord where this battle will take place, that we both or one of us can jump in and fight you, and then this is your chance to join Cosmos side seeing as we will probably brand you a traitor anyways, that and Setzer wants Chaos to stay alive so that he can have his possession back.
@SummonerAmeratsu - HEhe, youw ere Right, Balthier Escaped, but He indeed, didn't get out unscathed...let's just say he'll be bringing his A-Game next time those two meet...what will he do now though? He's going to be branded a Traitor. This'll be interesting XD
I guess eh could be neutral. But that mean both cosmos and chaos would be after him.

Which would be an awesome Idea. But if so Bathier would die. tot he combined forces of Hyne and someone else.
Or...perhaps HE is indeed hunted by Chaos' Warriors, but perhaps he at least earn's the RESPECT of Warrior's of Cosmos, so that they don't neccesarrily target him...ehhh, I dunno...

Anyway, I'm off for the night. Sleepy tiem! I'll see you guys tomorrow! <3
Question for Sir fratley and Tidus. I made Yuna become confused cuz of the Magic gas in Kefkas tower. Do you want to fight her? or find some other way to save her?

EDIT: ciao light~
Well, I'm going to have Fratley move into the castle and tell Tidus to try and get through to her, and the Dragon should command Necron to deal with the two feuding lovers, so Necron's going to watch what happens and then confront Yuna and Tidus while Fratley moves on to confront the dragon.
the RP gone really quiet tonight :ahmed:

I bet everybody is waiting for people to post..... because I know I am :wacky:
i'm not saying you have to post :wacky: i cba to post today either XD

and just to warn ya i won't be posting on saturday... cuz let just say... i'm 18 XD
Sorry I was busy all day :( my mind is fried, but i'll try to post a little something before my mind goes blank :D
I might not be posting tomorrow, due to finals. I have two take home finals to write up (Psychology and Sociology), and I have my Clinical Experience lab final tomorrow as well.