[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

hey Lightshock.... i'll review it soon XD just remember that you need to make your second character chaos XD also you may want to talk to connor as he will be yuna.. just to talk about bio etc XD

and @Mortel i see a picture... your bio is now approved :awesome:

Lol okay then...just trying to think what Bad guy to use for Chaos. Maybe Garland, since I've RPed him once before, but i'm just trying to think of anyone else I may want to play as...
Lol okay then...just trying to think what Bad guy to use for Chaos. Maybe Garland, since I've RPed him once before, but i'm just trying to think of anyone else I may want to play as...

it don't have to be a bad guy.. just the character you use have to be on chaos... for example someone is being squall but he is on the chaos side :D
Oh! I know Who to be! :P

Character Name:



God's Side:

Altair (Also uses Capella in EX mode)

Combat Style:

'Graceful Sniper' - Wielding a Long range Gun Weapon, Balthier prefer's not to Soil his boots by getting to close to his opponents. He excel's at Attacking from Afar, Blasting at his opponent's with his Gun, with unpredictable Method's of Shooting (Scattershot, Beam Blasts, etc.) . If faced with closer opponents, He instead uses the powerful Magick's that he possesses to Blast them back, Allowing him to return to his element and Shoot them down.

EX Mode:
When Transforming into EX Mode, Balthier uses the Mist floating in the Air to Power his Spirit and Body. Not only does his Magical Attack's Become more Deadly, but his increased Strength allows him to wield Two Guns at once, Wielding both 'Altair' and 'Capella', allowing for Double the Power (and Double the unpredictability). His EX Burst Has him use his Quickening's, First Barraging his oppenent's with 'Fires of War', then Attempts to Swamp them with 'Tides of Fate', then Incinerating them with 'Element of Treachery', And then, depending on how Well his Quickening's go, He will end with the 'Torrent', 'Whiteout', or 'Black Hole' Concerrence.


Point he/she got taken out of there game:
When it was believed that Balthier Died as the Bahamut Airship Crashed, Balthier in fact was Teleported Away to this alternate world before the Airship Crashed into the ground.

Balthier is a Sky Pirate who, despite being born into a High-Status Family, Resent's his Father, and even Abandoned the name he had given him. He and a Viera named Fran Travelled the Sky's in search of Valuable Treasure's.

Their Searches one day led them to Rabanastre, and into the Royal Castle, where they encountered Vaan, who was after the same Treasure they were after. It was also then that they were discovered by the Imperial Army, though they escaped. Afterward's, Balthier joined forces with Vaan, and after many occurences, Meeting's, and Battles, He, somewhat against his own Will, was Brought into an adventure to try and Restore Peace to the Land of Ivalice, though Balthier is still always' claiming that he is the 'Leading man' in this little Performance.

Toward's the end of Balthier's Adventure, It was believed that he and his Fellow Sky Pirate Fran were killed as an Aircraft called Bahamut Crash-Landed, however, before the impact, Balthier had felt an odd, Darkness envelop him, before he was cast away from Ivalice, and into a different world. thoguh confused, He still self-appoint's himself as the 'leading man' of this Struggle, Determined to find out what the meaning behind this is.
thank you... i'm reviewing them now :P i'll come back to you in a bit :)
Character Name: Sir 'Iron Tail' Fratley

Age: 25

Gender: Male

God's Side: Cosmos

Weapon: Lance of the Four Winds

Combat Style: Dragon Knight - Fratley is a master of aerial combat due to his jumping skills and experience fighting with dragons. However, many make the mistake of believing Fratley is lacking in close combat due to the reaching weapon of his lance. Fratley is actually very good in close combat, using his lance like a bo staff, and his kicks are very powerful (considering how much leg power is required for those powerful jumps). He uses magic attacks for ranged combat, like his spell 'Six Dragons', but most of his magic attacks are infused in his physical attacks, like 'Lancer'.

EX Mode: Trance - Like Zidane and Kuja, Fratley enters a Trance state in EX Mode. His attacks strike with greater speed and power, and his Jump attacks land sooner than normally. His EX Burst attack is Dragon Seal, though the appearance is much different than that of Freya's in game Dragon Seal spell. Fratley jumps up high into the air, makes the seal appear, and then lances through it. This causes Fratley will jet down with intense power as a dragon made of pure draconic energy envelops Fratley. Upon striking the opponent, the energy dragon explodes while Fratley summersaults backwards away from the explosion.


Point he/she got taken out of there game: Fratley was removed before he lost his memory. If anything, this Dissidia war is the point where he will lose his memory and develop amnesia.

Bio/History: Growing up in Burmecia, Fratley started out in life as an orphan. His father, a dragon knight, died fighting a swarm of Grand Dragons, buying his men time to escape and regroup. His mother died shortly after of an unknown disease. Fratley never got a chance to meet his father, yet stories of his father's heroism were told to him by the lady who ran the orphanage. This inspired Fratley to become a Dragon Knight.

When Fratley was old enough, he entered into the military for training. It was there he met Freya. She was the only female trainee, and was constantly badgered for the fact that she was a girl. But Freya had strength. She wanted to prove that she was as strong and skilled as any of the other trainees. Moved by her persistence and defiance, Fratley came to her aid.

Fratley and Freya became an inseparable team. Working together, they graduated their training at the top of their class. While Fratley was the better of the two, he would never allow anyone to ridicule her. In recognition of their skill, the king assigned Fratley and Freya to join his elite guard. During all they had been through, Fratley and Freya became lovers, yet never let their passions for each other come in the way of duty.

Fratley continued to prove himself, slaying Grand Dragons and defending Burmecia from mist monsters alongside Freya. Eventually, Fratley became a recognized warrior as being Burmecia's greatest. Fratley continued to strive to be better so that he could best defend Burmecia against any threat.

When word came to Burmecia that Alexandria and Lindblum were starting to increase their military might, Fratley took into consideration his own power, and the fact that if war erupted between the two nations, that Burmecia may very well be caught in the crossfire. Normally, Fratley would have taken Freya with him to train and scout out the situation. But if something were to happen while he was gone, he knew that he could trust no one else than Freya to protect Burmecia. It was a painful parting, but Fratley made a promise, many times, to return once his mission was complete. With a final kiss and goodbye, Fratley set out to head towards Alexandria to find the answers and hoping to test himself against the famed Red Rose general of Alexandria, Beatrix. But that was when things were about to change as Fratley found himself pulled into a war of a different kind.
Lightshock16 yours are great... can you take the deflect magic off tidus.. as this may make it a bit confusing.. apart from that.. yours are great

Sir Fratley and Emperor Lelouch do i even need to read that XD looks amazing :) yh Sir Fratley gets mine approval :)
Character Name:



Gods Side:

Blazefire Saber throughout including within EX mode

Combat Style:
Lightning is fast and deadly, she relies on her speed with quick slices and the option to turn her sword into a gun at a blink of the eye. The balance of the two gives her an advantage at both long and short distances and with the accompanied speed is an ideally balanced fighter.

EX Mode:
When Lightning enters her EX Mode, her weapons stays the same but the heavens above thunder strikes and she is able to harness that and use it to strengthen her attacks. When landing the blow she summons forth her companion Odin to give her hid blades to slice a spiral tornado at them.


Point he/she got taken out of there game:
As the end of FFXIII happens, lightning is about to hold her sister in her arms until she then crystallises and shatters but has in fact been transported to a new realm of in which was surrounding her with light.


Her real name is Claire Farron, She began using her code name of "Lightning" after losing her parents to escape the vulnerabilities and insecurities of her former self and in order to become a different person—strong enough to care for her younger sister Serah. However, this choice only causes rising tensions between them as she grew up to have a rather cold personality that has a tendency to look down upon others.

Her sister Serah was taken from her, she derails a train in attempt to save her on cocoon. A fellow group of resistance fighters help to save the citizens from the purge that is being put upon them. After a long gruelling fight lightning takes leadership with a group of people they all become branded as L'cie by the fal'cie anima, they are now been sent on a quest to rid cocoons problems.

On their quest they are intercepted by the sanctums Primarch Dysley who is himself a fal'cie called Bathandalus, a man wanting to use them to become Ragnarok (An ancient monster) to destroy their own world. This journey to destroy him and save cocoon made lightning see life and peoples views more differently and changed her as a person it had made her stronger.
SummonerAmaterasu and Mr_Fair both of yours are now approved XD

also .Mosh I'll review it now.. but from a quick look i can't see any problems

now we are just waiting on cody changes and to get my bios in XD after that... we should be able to get this started... we have more than enough people

Lol yeah. I put in my form that I went there at the end of FFX-2, when they were about to Re-unite...where did you say Yuna got sent? (also, they are both on Cosmos' Side this time. Yay~ XD)

Yuna got taken from the Via purifico. and Landed in the Snowy mountain area. (homage to mount Gagazet FTFW)


Also Lady Yuna. Are we allowed Romance?

EDIT: Why dose my Yuna Bio still say Reviewing changes? Do I need to change anything else?
.Mosh yours looks more than fine to me XD but can somebody else just take a quick look

i'm gonna make a start on my bios tonight :monster:
I will think of a chaos one by at least 10 tonight haha im just a little busy atm and lightning was hard to do due to her background being very limited
ok there you go i changed my vincent post on page 2 i hope its good i timed it a few months after FF7 n i found out how old he is i have FF7 on my ps3 hes 27 during that time sense it was only a few months hes the same age i wanted to keep it open incase someone wants to use any other FF7 characters n sense someone has Zack n Airis or her new name Airith after there deaths it wouldn't mess that up ^^