Skirmish of Ikel

(I second the call on god-modding. That's not usually ever allowed in RPs, you can only control your own character. Please edit or I'll have to ask you to leave this RP if you continue to god-mod.)

~For now, I'll just ignore the last post and continue RPing so we won't have to wait.~

The fur in Mizu's wolven ears and tail rose as she felt the gravity field somewhere behind her. Mizu hopped up into a tree, leaning against it and feeling the dew from the morning rain around her. The dew collected in droplets around her, swirling and swishing as she walked along the branches, shooting them in Wullfe's direction. They were enhanced with wind that would shoot them faster and harder then the original bunch. They could easily cut through things such as wood and leather.
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::Wullfe kneels in the shade of a tree. He raises his right hand, his fingers twisted in a mystic symbol.::

Wullfe: "Shadows on the sun."

::With the incantation complete, Wullfe rushes out from the shadow of the tree, however, the shadow stretches with him, always keeping him in its cover. He feels the air around get colder and realizes a second too late that the woman had launched another attack.::

Wullfe: (Kuroi getsuei houkou!)

::He begins to draw in a deep breath. At the same time, he spins around, to face the attack, but his initial shock allowed two of the icicles to graze him. One passes harmlessly over the protective gauntlet covering his left arm, however, the next one draws a slash on his right cheek, spilling blood.::

::Wullfe lets loose with an earth shattering howl which moves so fast and so powerfully that the very air in front of him parts. The supersonic blast tears through the volley of icicles, shattering them. Having successfully nullified the attack, he ceases his howl, as it drains his energy. The once deadly icicles fall to the earth, now harmless snowflakes, Wullfe kneels and the wing bones on his back extend once more. He leaps, manipulating the pull of gravity on himself so that he can achieve greater distance, and comes directly in front of Mizu. From beneath his cape, he draws his katana "Masamune" and points it at Mizu. He lands on the branch of a tree, about twelve feet from her.::

Wullfe: "Not bad, but now it's my turn. Extend, Masamune!"

::The Masamune shoots out, its razor sharp tip pointed directly at Mizus throat, aiming to tear it open, at the same time, Wullfe leaps back, to create some more distance between himself and his opponent.::

Mizu gasped, and jerked hard, the tip of Masamune ripping a good piece of hyde out of the side of her neck. Mizu growled and launched herself upwards towards the top of the trees where her light weight could hold barely. She pulled out a waxy leaf from her pouch and pressed it against her bleeding wound to try and stop it. Mizu leaned against the tree, closing her eyes. The tree quivered and thorns started to appear all over it's surface, growing and aiming towards Wullfe. The already thick tree grew thicker and started to twisted underneath her, giving her a better perch. *He's fast... I might have to pull out my ace sooner then I thought.*
::As the thorns grew, aiming to maim Wullfe, he continued to leap backwards, moving further and further away from them. At the same time, Masamune shrinks back to its normal size, and Wullfe asses the situation.::

Wullfe: (I was wrong about her... I thought she could only use the air, water and ice to execute long range attacks... I had no idea she possessed such skilled close combat techniques... Until those thorns retreat, it would be tough to get at her.)

::He brings his hand back inside his cape, hiding Masamune.::

Wullfe: (If I had my broadsword, "Torture", I could easily parry the thorns, Masamune is excellent, but too thin...)

::Wullfe cracks his neck, and scans the forest for the other battler, while concocting a plan to break his current opponent.::

Wullfe: (The blow to her neck seemed deep, it was definitely more than a glancing wound... However, I don't know her anatomy. she could be healing, or not injured at all right now... The only way to know for sure is to witness her death...)

::Ready now, Wullfe leaps once more in the direction of Mizu, the wing bones on his back still extended and ready...::

Mizu twitched and started to climb up the tree, her sharp claws digging into it. She couldn't fly, but she could sure as heck get high into the air. Mizu dove down head first towards the ground, her body twisting with help from the wind. The water around her twisted with her, and water whirled around her in a tunnell. Water lashed out in all directions as Mizu tried to gain distance. The thorns shrunk as her nurturing energy withdrew from them, and went back to normal size.
::Satisfied, Wullfe lands on the tree that was once covered with thorns. Using his left hand, he digs Masamune into it, and uses it as a sort of perch, to hang sideways off the tree.::

Wullfe: "I know how to deal with you... water conducts lightning..."

::He lowers his right hand, palm open and aiming at the whirlwind of water.::

Wullfe: "Lightning!"

::A furious bolt of thunder rips away from his hand and flies straight for Mizu.::
Mizu gasped as the lightening hit her vortex of water. The water slowly fizzled out as her skin go burnt from all the voltage, and she fell to the earth and landed on her shoulder and arms, "UMPH!" She slowly stood up on all fours like an animal, her eyes flashing and her tail bristling. Her mouth extended to a muzzle, and her skin started to sprout into a silvery-bluish white pelt of fur. She stood up and stared at him with shining eyes, ~Nice shot, but I'm not done just yet!~ *I didn't wanna use my ace, but he found my weak spot...* She whipped her paw down in a slash and a blast of wind went flying at him.
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Oh sorry about that, i just wanted to make things intersting, but if that was god modding then i apologise, Kamui was watching this whole incident, Kamui saw that Wulfe was open at that moment, i don't think its time for one of us to die yet, Kamui jumped up, and flew to the blast before it hit Wulfe and fired his own version from his Shirakun sword, it met the blast in mid air, but wasn't enough to cancel it out completely, he took a small portion of the blast, and it grazed his cheek, drawing blood.

He lifted his fingers to feel where it had grazed him, he felt the warm blood trickle down his cheek, "That is one, two more to go he said to himself, now," Flying higher, he fired two more of the blasts at Wulfe and Mizu, the blade beams were drawing closer to them.
~^_^ Glad to have yah back. I guessed X is in a different time zone, we should limit our posts to 5 a day.~

Mizu snarled, not even noticing Kamui creep up. She bolted and twisted from the blast that was aimed at her. It missed, but stuff flung by the blast struck at her. Mizu curved around a tree and headed back into the fray, jumping through trees towards Kamui, *If I can just sink my teeth in!* Her eyes flashed as she tried to lunge at Kamui.
Mizu bit at the steel, her teeth click on the tough metal. Her saliva slid down her fangs and against the steel, the water in it starting to chill from the ice in her blood. The tempertature dropped around them as Mizu pushed the blade towards him with her teeth. It was cutting the inside of her mouth, but she didn't care. She just kept pushing against him and growling as ice started to grow by her mouth. Droplets of water started to drip around them.
~^_^ I guessed X is in a different time zone, we should limit our posts to 5 a day.~

OOC: Screw that, I post however much I want! J/j. Will stick to the limit of 5 every day :D

Kamui was watching this whole incident, Kamui saw that Wulfe was open at that moment, i don't think its time for one of us to die yet, Kamui jumped up, and flew to the blast before it hit Wulfe and fired his own version from his Shirakun sword, it met the blast in mid air, but wasn't enough to cancel it out completely, he took a small portion of the blast, and it grazed his cheek, drawing blood.

He lifted his fingers to feel where it had grazed him, he felt the warm blood trickle down his cheek, "That is one, two more to go he said to himself, now," Flying higher, he fired two more of the blasts at Wulfe and Mizu, the blade beams were drawing closer to them.

::As Kamui appeared in front of Wullfe deflecting the blast from Mizu meant to kill him, he swings around on top of the "Masamune", now using it as a ledge to stand on.::

Wullfe: (That was too close. I was relaxed, and had it not been for him, that last blast would have hit me hard. But... What is with these fools? Why would he sacrifice himself to save me? He's probably one of those geniuses who prefers to kill me himself...)

::Wullfe has finished analyzing the situation at hand, and decides on his next course of action. Right at that moment, the blast from Kamui's blade flies through the air at him. Prepared for an attack, Wullfe easily jumps off of the "Masamune" and falls away from the blast. As he falls, the wing bones on his back begin to glow once more. He jumps around to fall through the air behind the tree, at the same time, he decreases the pull of gravity on himself to such a small amount, that instead of falling to the earth, he floats lazily.::

::The blast from Kamui's weapon smashes through the tree, shattering it and freeing the "Masamune". As Wullfe's sword falls, he lands on one of the branches and propels himself to it. As he flies by, he grabs it and swings around to perch atop another tree. He kneels, settling in. The wind from the brawl rustles the folds of his cape, and he steadily aims the tip of his weapon at the battlers beneath him.::

Wullfe: (Now... which one to take out first?)
Kamui saw the ice begin to spread... "Oh you are a master of ice as well?"

Laughing, he let the ice consume him, his whole body... "Now Mizu, i shall show the ultimate attack there is in this element," shouted Kamui, "romra htaed arua eci!" the ice spread across his body faster, it consumed him, then it began to compress, leaving a mist around him, and from that mist he stood out, covered in a armour of ice, "Let me tell you something about this armour Mizu, it continues to grow the more you fight..." then his back erupted ice wings, then he throw Mizu off his ice covered sword, and giant ice shards began to rain onto the forest bellow.
Mizu growled jerking down towards the earth. Her fur shimmered as she tried to slow down the ice coming at her. Some was deflected, but other raked through her skin, bright red blood mixing with the white fur. Mizu bolted behind a tree, putting her nose against the bark. The tree twisted around up in a spire, and she began to climb above them, trying to get a good view of the battle.
Laughing maddly Kamui shouts, "Now this is the true power of ice," Ice grew out of his back and formed wings, "It shall just continue to grow stronger, unless you can destroy it, but if you do, well there will be a consequence," This armour hides a dark secret, thought Kamui, one that they won't realise until they destroy it,

Ice began to rain down from the sky aimed both at Mizu and Wulfe
Mizu growled, shooting a barbed thorny branch at Kamui, *Dang, if he can control ice and wind.... most of my long ranged attacks are useless.* Mizu ran up the tree, digging her small but sharp claws into the tree to climb quickly and efficiently to get out of the range of ice. She shook off the blood that was slowly crystalizing as drops in her fur.
::Wullfe witnesses Kamuis' transformation and is honestly impressed.::

Wullfe: "Not bad..."

::However, since Kamui transformed, Wullfe has decided to make him his target. Wullfe aims at Kamuis' back, right where his heart is, and commands his katana to grow.::

Wullfe: "Reach, Masamune!"

::The "Masamune" shoots out instantly, aiming to Kill Kamui in one deft blow... At the same time, the blades of ice Kamui fired fly towards Wullfe. Since he holds the "Masamune" in his right hand, he uses the gauntlet on his left forearm to block a few of the icicles, while maneuvering around the rest. Even though he's an excellent fighter, one icicle manages to graze his right shoulder. Not even fazed in the slightest, Wullfe holds his sword steady, unsatisfied until it finds its target.::
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The Masamune blade was drawing closer, "Idiot" the armour extened through the back and met the blade point on, it continued to grow as it consumed the water in the atomsphere, turning it into more ice to meet the blade"Is that all?" Kamui flew down to the tree that Wulfe was purched on and punched it, the ice began to spread from the tree, "You see, my attacks in this form isn't just impact damage, it spreads," The ice began to spread up the tree to where Wulfe was pearched, before he let the armour to proceed to level 2, the armour grew a tail, and his fingers grew claws, and the helm three pointed star grew bigger, he flew up back into the sky, the atomsphere grew colder around him, then he fired 5 giant ice shards in the general are of where Mizu would be, and 5 in a pentagon shape in the tree's surrounding Wulfe.
Mizu slid around towards the back of where Kamui was, dodging the ice only because it was a general throw. Mizu was still in the trees. When she reached level with Kamui, she ran along a branch at him and bit at the growing armor of ice. Her claws slammed at it, trying to break the ice. He was now her target to, since a change seemed to occur for the worst.