Skirmish of Ikel

Mizu howled in pain as a beam hit her, splattering her white fur with still more crimson blood. Mizu began to pant as she pushed herself harder and harder to dodge all the oncoming beams, blowing sharp gusts of wind at Kamui. She was dog-on tired, and it was showing as her moves became more sluggish and more beams hit her. She snarled at him, eyes glinting as another tornado whipped up from around her. She was trying to destroy him along with herself.

(Since this battle has gone on for quite awhile, I want to ask some sort of RP Mod to judge this battle and say who wins. Or if a member with 100+ posts wouldn't mind judging, please post.)
::As Mizu sank her fangs into Kamui's chest, Wullfe draws his katana back. by instinct, he readies himself to perform a cartwheel to angle himself better to attack Kamui, but catches himself halfway.::

Wullfe: "Damn! I still can't move my left arm!"

::Carried by the momentum of his initial leap, he spins, turning to face Kamui. Just then, Kamui sprouts his final wing and fires a beam aimed to incinerate Wullfe. Racing, faster than the beam falls to the earth, shadows cast from Kamui's dragons wrap around Wullfe. Wullfe kneels and holds the "Masamune" behind him.::

Wullfe: (I've only got one chance if I'm to survive this.)

::In his mind, Wullfe counts down the distance from Kamui's beam of energy to himself while chanting the incantations to cast his spells.::

Wullfe: (100 yards...Shadows on the Sun!)

::By now, the shade from Kamui's dragons have smothered Wullfe in shadows as dark as the very night. Suddenly, an earth shattering howl tears from the shadows. The howl is so loud, and so powerful, that the very shadows themselves are visibly altered. As the waves of sound head towards the oncoming beam, they tear and claw at everything in their immediate surroundings creating a massive crater.::

Wullfe: (
Kuroi getsuei houkou! 80 yards! 70 yards!)

::At that exact moment, the two attacks meet in midair. At first, Kamui's beam plows easily through the blast of sound, however, Wullfe roars even louder, now literally shaking the ground. Trees tumble as if an earthquake were rocking the battlefield to its very core. the inhabitants of the forest are by now either long gone or dead.::

Wullfe: (60...55...)

::By now, the "Black Moon Howl" has managed to slow down Kamui's blast of energy a considerable amount. Drained, the shadows dissipate from Wullfe, releasing him from their fetters. At the same time, Wullfe whispers one final command, leaving his fate to this attack.::

Wullfe: "...Lightning!"

::At once, the heavens are shrouded in black thunderclouds. The battlefield is sparked randomly with deadly bolts of thunder. Instead of water, lightning rains from the heavens. A swirling cloud of destruction forms directly above Wullfe and just as Kamui's beam of energy is about to strike him, a thousand lightning bolts all fall at once. Halfway to the earth, they dance, intertwine and combine with each other to form one massive bolt of destruction. In an instant, it slams into Kamui's destructive beam and the immediate battlefield is bathed in a blinding white light...::
The lightning was coming, and Kamui knew it, "NO!!!!! I'M NOT DONE YET! FINALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled, it wasn't like him, the clouds parted, the ground had a giant hole in it, one of light one of darkness and cold and despair in between, he thought, that is my life... that is why i am Kamui...

He just hovered there, swords by his side thinking, the three dragons circling into their domains... maybe there is more to human existance... maybe this is what i have been wrong... *sigh* it doesn't matter any more, the lightning was drawing closer... Kamui just looked up to it, so Finalex... it seems that this is the real end to all this...

the three dragons all rose at one, and meet the blast head one, each one getting destroyed, by the oncoming lighting, light was blinded by another force, ice cracked, and the darkness remained, darkness and light are opposite thought Kamui, you can't have one without the other, the real yin and yang, the dragon fought on at the lighting, which was slowly winning, "Kinda sad really, these humans are so sad, maybe thats what makes them human..."

Slowly the blast from the lightning was drawing closer to Kamui, the hell hole and the sky hole was starting to glow faintly, "My last resort was always Finalex, congrats, for making me show you,"

Kamui flew to the dark dragon, the beam of light was growing stonger, the hell hole and sky hole opened completely, as energy came out of them at the lightning blast, with ice fired from Kamui himself

Dark dance, light dance, and the ice dance, all three have been used so the forgotten dance, Finalex was used, but i have burned my self up it seems...

The ice around him began to freeze... as it fired into the lightning, it canceled the attack, Wulfe's last resort, my last resort... thank you... Kamui was glowing as the two ripes in the sky and earth began to close, Kamui was slowly descending back to the earth, he collapsed onto it, finalex is gone he thought, so, that is what it is... he stood up, the last dance of Finalex he thought, begins now...

Dark energy and light energy erupted from Kamui, then he fired one last attack into the skay, in the form a of a dark dragon, it flew up into the sky, and back down splitting into two, aimed at one at Wulfe and another at Mizu, every ability is combined into one attack that is what Finalex is, he thought it would freeze and destroy...

Kamui's whole being began to glow, as the ripes opened again, but this time, they shone onto Kamui with light and darkness, taking away, looks like i lost... to bad... it was fun, and i use finalex for my first time, and last time... you really are sad creatures, you and i...

The dragons were descending, this is my last tribute... he thought... the last thought he had.

OOC: looks like i lost, well what about you, are you going to survive the last attack?
:-)D Great fight! And Kamui won't go down alone. ^_~)

Mizu eye's widened and she started to bend her head down, as if to turn and dodge. But all the wind had been taken out of her from that last hit, and it had drained her. Her front right leg went limp and she crumpled, ~No...~ The beam hit dead on, and blood splattered around her. Mizu was blasted back a few good feet from the heavy blast, and her fur was ripped straight from her shoulder all the way down her back, along with her right cheek being scraped really hard all the way down to her neck. She looked like some feral beast had mauled her, or some cruel hunter had stopped skinning her halfway through. All her back was now, was a mixture of mud, blood, and matted bits of skin and fur.

Mizu laid on her side, eyes dulling, feeling her heart slow down, ~We did it... we..... beat him, Wullfe.~ Her paws twitched with the last remains of her lifeforce, and her eyes closed slowly, her breathing ragged, ~...It's the end, for me....~ Her body was numb, there was so much pain coursing through her. She just laid there, and slowly died.
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