Skirmish of Ikel

Kamui could see Mizu clawing at the armour, if she could break it... well it would be for the best, he thought, then Dirakun would then be unleashed, then i wouldn't be able to countrol it, but on the other hand, i would be able to use, Finalex, but its risky...

The ice began to grow, "Mizu its stupid to try, none of those type of attacks can destroy this," the armour grew, as spikes grew out of his right shoulder, a second pair of smaller wings were formed under the the first pair, and the sword of Shirakun, glowed, as the ice condesnsed, and become sharp as its original blade,

"i must warn you though, if you don't stop this soon, you will die, but if you do... you will still die..." Kamui through Mizu back to the ground.
::Wullfe dances around the larger icicles, the wings on his back glowing. He decreases his weight to leap and lunge around the giant pillars of ice with ease. Shaking his head, he lands on a tree trunk, digging the now normal length "Masamune" into its bark, and using it as a perch.::

Wullfe: (Such unwieldy tactics will never hit home, young man.)

::As Mizu dashes for Kamui's ice armour, Wullfe lunges as well. He flies through the air headfirst, his body straight, arms held at his sides, his katana curving behind him, like the wicked tail of a scorpion. In a few seconds, he arrives in the air right above Kamui. He raises his arms in front of him, clutching the "Masamune" like a chef wielding a comically large butchers knife. He aims for a spot right in front of Mizu snout, so as to avoid her, but still smash the ice she's biting into. He lowers his weapon, and begins to fall headfirst, heading for Kamui. As he falls, he increases his weight and that of his weapon to two tons.::

Wullfe: "Reach Masamune!"

::At the same time, the "Masamune" grows to twelve feet. With a twelve feet, two ton "Masamune" screaming down at Kamui, Wullfe hopes to hit home since Mizu is holding him in place with her feral fangs.::

Wullfe: (We'll soon discover the capabilities, and more importantly the limitations of your armour, young man.)
"final level, ultimate, ice armour break," Kamui's said to himself, no one else heard, with the masamune comming down, there was no need for them to know what was about to happen, the ice on his left hand grew longer, as it formed a dragon's head, it meet the blade in mid air, and clund to it, moving kamui just, enough to dodge the blade, as it sunk backt to the earth, but he wasn't through with Wulfe yet, the dragon's neck continued to grow, and it began to spread along the blade back at Wulfe.
::The ice dragon starts to freeze over Wullfe's sword, creeping up to him. However, instead of trying to break away from the oncoming onslaught of ice, Wullfe just delves deeper in, trying to get as close to Kamui as possible. In doing so, the ice has crept over the vast majority of his blade, and almost to the hilt. Through this painful sacrifice, the tip of Wullfe's deadly weapon now rests a hairs width away from Kamui.::

Wullfe: (Perfect. He fell for it...)

"Let me tell you something about this armour Mizu, it continues to grow the more you fight..."

Wullfe: "I knew if I came into contact with your armour it would start to freeze my weapon. That's why my initial strike was only a bluff. If I slash at you, you can defend. Which is why I wanted you to attack me!"

Wullfe: (Anyone who knows a lick of fighting knows that if you attack, you leave yourself open to a counterattack!)

::Wullfe recalls Kamui bragging about how the ice armour upon his back would continue to grow and encase anything it touched in ice. He places his left hand firmly on the back of his blade relishing the feel of the cold steel pressed against his fingers. With his right hand, he holds his sword steady by the handle. In the blink of an eye, he feels the ice licking at the fingers of his left hand.::

Wullfe: "Lightning!"

::Normally, a bolt of lightning would explode from Wullfes palm, heading for whatever target he aimed at, however, since his palm is closed around the "Masamune", it acts as a lightning rod, carrying the deadly thunder across it, reducing any ice in the surroundings to vapor. The searing hot bolt is delivered all throughout the body of the steel blade, easily melting the ice and the head of the dragon. In a mere moment, the ice that had almost engulfed Wullfe is now reduced to nothing more than warm tropical mist. Since all of the ice in Wullfe's immediate surroundings had melted, the lightning grew more condensed, a larger, deadlier bolt now racing for Kamui. Who, if followed the conventional laws of basic physics and fighting, would be off balance, and in a bad position to defend himself...::
Kamui was hit full on by the blast of energy... well some of it was deflected by the shirakun aura that spung up to meet the lightning but the ice breaking away from his body... it fell away melting back to the earth as water, leaving Kamui just hanging there, breathing deeply... "the shell is gone," he said. The last of the ice fell away from his head, the ice helm melted, and he was just there as the boy was before all this began. His black cloak was ripped in several places, but that didn't matter, the last stage was beginning...

Kamui was breathing heavily... blood was slowly running down the side of his head, his eyes began to glow red, then yellow, then green but it stayed at the blood red look, he turned to Wulfe and bowed low to him, as though he was accepting what he had done, "Congratulations Wulfe, i have under estimated both off you, that was the first time that the ice aura death armour has been destroyed, now... i can finally have some fun... Dance Dirakun, Shine Shirakun." his whole body was swept as power began to surge around him, the dark energy began melding with the lighter energy that he had shown them before, the dark energy began to compress at one point... the tip of kamui's left hand, it took shape as a blade began to form, it was identical to the other blade that Kamui was holding in his right hand... but it was a darker version... his aura, began to magnify around his back, growing one black wing from his right shoulder... "It is almost time... for obliteration..." he whispered.
Mizu hopped back a few times, blood dripping down her fangs, ~......Oh dear....~ She breathed in deeply, nashing her teeth together and letting the blood mix with the water in her mouth. Mizu breathed in deeply, wind gathering around the pool of blood and water. Mizu make a 'cheh!' noise as a ball of condensed air went flying from her muzzle at Kamui, ~I won't stand to be obliterated just yet!~ Mizu growled, not at all willing to just hand the fight over to Kamui.
::While most would celebrate at the prospect of dealing such a solid blow, Wullfe's face doesn't even flinch. Instead of smiling, he frowns at the newly transforming Kamui. The whirling wind from Kamui's energy blows past him, sending his cape whipping behind him. Allowing the force to take him a few steps back, he leans forward and lowers his body to the ground, just a little bit. He draws his cape around him, to prevent himself from being an easy target.::

Wullfe: "That can't bode well..."

::He feels the force from the projectile fired by Mizu as it flies harmlessly past Wullfe, aiming to strike at Kamui. Forming a new plan, Wullfe leaps back, to land beside Mizu. Slowly, he inches away from her, allowing her room to attempt to defeat Kamui. His voice fraught with tension, he addresses her.::

Wullfe: "A truce perhaps? I don't see either of us defeating this monster singlehandedly..."

::All this time, Wullfe never takes his eyes off Kamui, his sharp mind following every move, analyzing every detail. The years of war and training he endured have led Wullfe's analytical skills to be quite keen. Depending on the way Kamui moves his hand, or the way he shifts his weight, Wullfe believes he can predict his next move. Contrary to his words, Wullfe's thoughts reveal his true plans.::

Wullfe: (At the rate this battle is going, were it just between him and I, I could defeat him. However, that would be quite a feat and take a tremendous toll on me. If I fool the wolf girl into being my ally, then I can make her do the dirty work, defeat this monster together, and then easily destroy the worn out wolf.)

::None of this confidence shows on Wullfe face. As a matter of fact, he seems to be weakening. By now the blood on his face and shoulder has dried, as his body begins to heal the insignificant wounds. With a slight look of pain, Wullfe reaches out of his cape with his hand to touch his shoulder tenderly.::

Wullfe: (It's such a shallow cut, which is why it bleeds so much but does no real injury. I guess, the blood is a good thing, since it grants an air of authenticity to my performance!)

::Wullfe, however, acts as if the injury is far more serious than it looks. For a moment, Wullfe tears his gaze away from Kamui and faces Mizu.::

Wullfe: "I won't be able to defeat him alone in this state... If we work together we will manage to beat him... somehow..."

::Even though it's unnoticeable, all the while Wullfe addresses Mizu, he keeps track of Kamui through his peripheral. His muscles tense, he's ready to move at a moments notice. By now, he's already played out numerous scenarios of what could and could not happen. And as he patiently awaits Mizu's answer, his mind musters more.::

Wullfe: (She could accept the truce and then my plan will bear fruition. She could accept the truce and attempt to betray me. She could decline the truce, in which case I'd have to kill her first... Regardless of whatever it is that may happen, I'll allow the two of them to duke it out, wasting their strength while I bide my time...)
Kamui had lost his mind, "YOUR ALL GOING TO DIE!!!" he shouted, he fired a dark energy began to be fired from the Dirakun Sword, it met the blast of air head on, cancelling it out, "IS THAT ALL!" he shouted, "I NEVER MEAN'T TO SHOW YOU THIS, BUT IT SEEMS THAT I HAD TO AFTER ALL, ITS BEEN TO LONG SINCE I WAS ABLE TO FIGHT LIKE THIS!"

The flew down to them, with both the Dirakun and Shirakun sword, he fired black moon fangs and heavenly chains at the two targets, as well as sent a force of ice at them. His dark energy growing along the Dirakun sword, he charged and began to strike
~This was supposed to be every man-woman for themselves, but I guess a truce is needed.~ She moved her head to the side and up, showing her neck for a second, a wolven custom that showed trust and willingness to work together. Mizu gnashed her teeth as she saw Kamui flying towards her and started to run, sending two consecutive blasts of sharp air flying at Kamui as she tried to dodge a chain. She snarled as one of the chain attacks hit her on her shoulder, and tore out a chunk. She breathed in and stomped her paws into the grown, a huge black thorn tree shooting up towards Kamui.
Two blasts and a tree, thought Kamui, to easy, this is fun, killing them... as one target rather then two... yes... "Thats right, killing you seperatly would be to easy!" he shouted, "Darkness Desends! Make me remember this, i haven't had this much fun in ages... you better not let me down, ahahahahahahah..." he mocked, laughing like crazy, then "die" he whispered to himself.

Both swords drawn, with the air and tree coming, he met the the blasts head on, cutting the, in half, "What you don't realise about air... Mizu, is that the blasts aren't solid enough to do enough damage when they are met head on," as for your tree, freeze, you forget, i may not be as strong in ice in this form, but i still can control it," the tree froze, and was re directed back into the ground, "None of those attacks will work, try a frontal attack next time,"

"Dark Aura blast!" the energy began to rain down as laser like blasts of dark energy came down on the forest, lighting dark fire, "I have no love of this world, or this body or my existence, thats why i can destroy, without any fear, or any emotion,"

The forest began to catch fire, dispite the rain, it continued to grow, it was dark fire, with a heart of dark energy, he flew into the heart of it, and absorbed its power, redirecting it as ice, into the forest.
OOC: I know, no worries, my character plans on betraying Mizu soon enough ;). BTW, don't let Kamui steal the show. I've read your character profile, and I R.P. with you often, you've got skills, miss. Show 'em.


::Wullfe understands that on this field of battle, the wolven and he have now become allies. The moment she exposed her neck, displaying a naked weak spot, Wullfe knew that neither he nor she would harm each other until they had dealt with the primary threat.::

Wullfe: (The primary threat being that one very angry young man...)

::Wullfe nods, acknowledging the pact they've just made. Satisfied things are going his way, he's about to turn to face Kamui once more when Kamui loses it. In a voice not all his own, he starts shouting threats and promises. Even before Wullfe looks completely at him, he feels the energy from the "Ten Sa Zan Getsu" flying towards him. Calmly, he raises his left hand, holding his palm out to greet the blast. It would appear that Wullfe's waiting to grab the beam, not at all fearing its sheer destructive force.::

Wullfe: "Lightning."

::A bolt of lightning leaps from Wullfe's hand, heading straight for Kamui's attack. The two meet in mid air and the thunder collapses. It disappears into nothingness as the "Ten Sa Zan Getsu" cuts right through it. Shocked, Wullfe has no time to react. The blast of energy catches his arm and sends him flying back, creating further room between him and Kamui...::
:-)D Come on Wullfe, let's show Kamui that our characters can kick some serious butt. ^_~)

Mizu panicked slightly, her heart pounding in her chest. She was a being of light and air, not of one of darkness. Mizu ran over the ice and snapped at the ice flying at her with her teeth, trying to push it back with her powers of water and ice. Mizu's fur rose as she felt everything just shift in the forrest. It wasn't natural at all anymore. She desperately needed some plan, but her attacks weren't working. The chunk out of her neck and back were really getting to her, and it was making her tired. Mizu blew another blast at Kamui, knowing it was useless, but still, she didn't have any attacks left to give. She rushed at him again, going for a full on kamikaze like attack, teeth bared and her claws extended. Wind whipped around her in a final burst, breaking the hard ice apart.

If there was anyway for the forrest and everybody around to survive this madman, Mizu indeeded to help find that way, even if it meant dying. If she could just give her 'partner' a chance to defeat Kamui, she could willfully use herself as a shield. Wheither he hid behind her to get close, or to give him time, she would do all she could. So she dodged the ice, running full speed at Kamui, her teeth lengthening as she used the very force of her will of life to push her body to it's limits. Her very Final Attack came forward, and the wind sharpened into a whistling vortex of air. It was compressed and very, very heavy on the senses. It was heavy on her as well, but if it could just rip at Kamui's body and ice.
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Kamui was enjoying himself, the demon inside him taking over, too long has it been since he has drank the blood of his enemies, to long has his other controlled him, too long, has it been since he was free, to dance the blades, to destroy, cut and make others suffer, this was fun.

Kamui didn't care anymore, the other was just to strong, with his emotions, he gave in, and let him have his fun

The blades kept dancing, and the fire kept growing behind him, as the energy radiated from every being from his body,

"Death Aura, Death Sky and Death hell, Hell walks," Kamui's aura intensified, the aura thicking over his body... and he bowed down before Mizu and Wulfe, as it was a curatisy to do this, "Armour began to compose him, of dark steel, and midnight alows, it glowed a death pale, as it's energy and aura stank of death, his eyes seemed to glow in fondness of this armour...

"Now lets get serious... shall we?" laughing like a mad man, his blades were glowing death pale, as it struck down on the earth, drawing forth their real power, the swords were firing arrows it seemed, as the tips glowed by energy, and blade beams decened from the sky, the blades danced

OOC: I apologize, however, I'm a tad bit confused. What's happening to the battlefield? Is it burning? Is it raining blades? Is it destroyed?

Thank you.

OOC: Thanks.


::Wullfe finally rises, clutching his left arm. At this moment in time, he's more concerned with his own well being rather than defeating Kamui. As he grips his arm, blood slowly trickles down his left palm, the palm that bore the brunt of the attack from Kamui. The force of the attack had knocked him flying into the trunk of a tree, not at all too gently. He releases his left arm and gingerly touches the spot of impact on his forehead.::

Wullfe: (It's a little above my hairline, and directly above my left eye...)

::As soon as he touches it, the blood begins to flow openly, blinding his left eye. With a sigh, he proceeds to wipe the blood from his eye, again with his right hand while his left hand hangs limply by his side. By now, he's managed to asses all of the damage to his body, and decides that perhaps he should help uphold his side of the bargain, the bargain he made with the wolven. Without looking, he grabs his blade which had landed behind him and he dashes forward, heading straight for Kamui.::

::As Wullfe runs, he leans into the wind, reducing his body area so that Kamui has a lower port of opening to attack. He comes to stand right beside Mizu, and kneels his, knees digging into the dirt to avoid a beam of energy which would have incinerated him, had he been standing. Panting slightly, he confesses his plans to Mizu.::

Wullfe: "Listen, from his last attack, my left arm is gone. I mean, it's still attached, but, I can't move it."

::As if to prove his point, Wullfe pokes at his left arm with his right. This provocation goes unnoticed by his left arm, and it wins to reaction.::

Wullfe: "However, this is not all bad news. He's angry now, and anger is blinding. He's tossing beams of energy left and right all willy nilly without aiming properly. And yes, while they would hurt, a lot, if they were to hit, they won't hurt because in this state, they're far too easy to dodge."

::Wullfe pauses a moment to stand and leaps to avoid another attack from Kamui. After landing safely, he continues his speech.::

Wullfe: "You see? It's a simple job to trace his attacks. As such, this is the plan. I'll rush him, and try to capture his attention, while you attack him from a blind side, while his attention is focused on me, you take advantage and make him bleed!"

::Hoping she'll stick to the plan and not betray him Wullfe rushes Kamui. He easily dodges the beams of energy and steps into the flames. Quick footed, he manages to step around all of the fire and come into within fourteen feet of Kamui. He kneels, and holds his blade close to the ground.::

Wullfe: "Shoot to death!"

::With that whispered command, his blade extends once more aimed directly at Kamuis ankles. At the same time, he begins taunting the already angry boy, to make him lose his center as well as his focus.::

Wullfe: "Wow! You dance so gracefully, almost like a ballerina. Are you sure you weren't a woman in a past life?!"

Wullfe: (Wait for the opening, miss...)
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Mizu looked after Wullfe, ears flicking as wind whipped around her. She was panting from the exertention it took to breath from the cut in her neck, but she kept on running and dodging the ice, ~Right then. Guess that's decided.~ Mizu crouched lower to the earth as she moved, her fur making it hard to see her among all the ice. She was moving towards the side of Kamui, waiting for an ambush. Her muzzle wrinkled in a silent snarl, "........" She was waiting for Kamui to make a move, and then she would strike with all her mite.
Kamui dancing, the other side taking over, so happy to finally be free of the mental chains that Kamui had placed on him, "I'M FREE, AND I WANT BLOOD... DIE!" the blade was coming, Kamui saw it, "SHIT, I LET IT GO TO MY HEAD... better not let that happen again," he dogded the blade by placing his two swords onto the on coming blade making leverage, to shoot himself upwards into the sky. He stopped firing for a moment, thinking it was probably better to fight properally and give pain rather then enjoy the freedom...
Mizu sprung up as Kamui stopped firing beams everywhere, her teeth aimed right at the back of his neck. Her claws were aimed right at his back, sharp and waiting to cut into his flesh if she could just sink them in. Her eyes gleamed.
Kamui turned around, in time to see Mizu coming at him... "SHIT," her teeth sunk into his chest, her claws began to strike at Kamui's throat... "DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN TI!!!!!" shouted Kamui, before Mizu stuck, Kamui went limp and still, his aura changing again... for the last time... "Mizu... Wulfe... sorry for that, i didn't realise... but now, let us begin the forgotten dance... in other words... TIME TO DIE..." Kamui's alter ego hadn't dissappeared yet, but Kamui's left should sprung another wing, his final wing, blood was dripping from his chest, he was breathing heavily, but he was back in countol now... and ready to kill them all... well thats what you get for having two ego's

"READY OR NOT... I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL..." then he whispered "finalex," no one heard,but his aura rose to the sky, the black fire disappearing to be replaced by Ice spreading fast and rising, energy came from the center as three dragons rose from it, one of dark energy, one of light and one of ice... they rose above the clouds, energy going everywhere, then he said "THIS IS FINALEX... goodbye... its more of a sucide attack, and the chance is that i'll die to...but there is also a chance that i will survive..." Kamui charged forward firing his blade beams, but this time... he was aiming, not just random fire."