Smoking Can Kill You

So how about it...?

  • Smoker!

    Votes: 16 25.4%
  • Ewwww!

    Votes: 46 73.0%
  • I smoke when I'm loaded (socially, that is).

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
Smoking...ewwww! Definitely not for me. I don't see myself smoking in this lifetime...ever! XD
Smoking is gross... Drinking is gross... It's sad how many adults do it. And whats worse, how many kids do it. I guess it's the "cool" thing now to get hella fucked up at parties, and smoke a lot of pot all the time. Pot / cigarettes are different, but smoking is smoking. -shrugs- I'm disgusted with our generation.
no smoking is not cool , but i do it, it helps to me relax, and gets rid of the edge...

hey hey hey hey....smoke weed every day
Smoking is bad but they ( doctors and such ) say that 2nd hand smoke is worse than smoking itself because 2nd hand smoke they don't have a filter :|
Listen I never said smoking was cool, good for your image or healthy but i do it, why? because its addicting, its, like i said, relaxing and for you to tell me that I'm wasting my life, money and whatever else is not cool , you do not even know me. I'm not mad at you for saying it, your entitled to your opinion, but the funny thing with opinions is, there like assholes, every ones got one and some smell more than others.

Listen I never said smoking was cool, good for your image or healthy but i do it, why? because its addicting, its, like i said, relaxing and for you to tell me that I'm wasting my life, money and whatever else is not cool , you do not even know me. I'm not mad at you for saying it, your entitled to your opinion, but the funny thing with opinions is, there like assholes, every ones got one and some smell more than others.

...and i will quit when i feel i'm ready, and what a battle it will be
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niloc i meant no harm at all i was just saying that its not good for you

only saying
never even try smoking once you do you get addicted and once addicted .....

when did you try smoking
I see it as a waste of time and money. People who come in and buy a carton of cigs...$40+, and two days later, they've burned up their $40 with nothing to show for it.

"Hey Babaganoosh, where'd that $40 you got from Mrs. Bojangles go?
"Ahhh I burnt that junk and smoked it! It's all gone."
"Wow, whata waste."

Just my opinion. I'll spend my $$ on other things. :)

Whatever, it's not my money though. Do what you want. Not my business.