Sphere Grid vs. Level Up

What do you prefer

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For me, it has to be levelling up the traditional way, although I did like the sphere grid too. It was a job to find multiples of the level key spheres though. Im still hunting for copious amounts of level 3 and 4 spheres.
I found the Sphere Grid to be more challenging. So in that sense, I prefer the Sphere Grid over merely leveling up. However in the instance of eneding those few extra levels in order to gain a quick stat-boost, the Level system was much more convenient than travelling God-knows how many nodes before you pushed up the stat you needed. Hell, it might not even be worth leveling up for (the value for it, I mean). At least with the level system you had a definite increase value.

Howeverrrrrrrrr, I really, really liked the Sphere Grid.
i like the sphere grid more it was funner to use but do not get me wrong i like just to level up sometimes:D
the level up system seems easier to me, it is less work, but the sphere grid system gives you more freedom on what you want to power up.

however, i think i prefer the level up system slightly more than the sphere grid.
I'm not all that fond of of FFX itself, but I really liked the Sphere Grid. It was a nice change of pace.
For me it would be leveling system, as I just got used to it after playing so many RPG like that.

And the sphere grid was okay, but I prefeir leveling system.
Both are good but i think they should make the leveling system allow the player to become stronger like you could in the sphere grid.
the grid was good i was always waiting to see what goodies i could get next
but you'v got to love the good old leveling up system
Out of the two games i prefer the sphere grid - very fun and unique to use ^_^

but in the series overall i prefer leveling up as its simpler - however XII has the perfect fusion of spehere grid and leveling up IMO
i agree about the FFXII thing because i get bored with the plain leveling up but if i get the liscence points while doing it i get addicted to it
I liked the level system for the OTHER Final Fantasy games, but I was used to the sphere grid for X. So the change back was pretty gaystraight for me, I enjoyed deciding what I would and would not have everyone learn or gain. ;(
The Shere-Grid gave you the chance to control the progression of your characters by choosing a certain path to follow in order to gain certain abilities or attributes, so I prefer the Sphere-Grid even if Levelling-Up is alot easier
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i liked the sphere grid better cos u could basically make ur own character. but ffxii had a brilliant mix of both really