Squall or Cloud?

Squall was a TERRIBLE leader! o_O
He depended on everyone else to tell him what to do!

"Squall, let's go after the sorceress"
"Squall, you're the leader"
"Squall, give everyone some words of inspiration"

Cloud was a REAL leader
"Alright team, let's mosey" (lol.)
"Let's go after Sephiroth"
"This is what we're gonna do, team!"
Let's look at the facts:

Cloud maintains his composure in stressul situations, Squall does not.

Cloud is older, and a more experienced soldier, Squall has only been training for two years.

Cloud does not let his girlfriend get in the way of his primary objective, Squall goes out of his (and everyone elses) way in order to free a girl who's better off in confinement for the time being.

You tell me... :)


Cloud keeps his composure? Right. So being brought to your knees by memories is now considering staying calm?

Squall's been training for less time, and still manages to accomplish things of a similiar caliber to the "older, and more experienced soldier". That's pretty impressive.

Cloud, well, who would you consider Cloud's girlfriend? Aeris? I hope not. Her dying had a major impact on the main objective, wouldn't you say? I mean, why did Sephiroth kill her in the first place again? Tifa? That's because Tifa's tougher than most guys. Having to take care of her would be pretty easy. Rinoa had some magic and a dog for most of the game.

Of course,we're comparing apples to oranges here. Squall was definitely the reluctant hero, so judging him by his leadership skills is ridiculous.
You're the first person to reply to my super long post. ^_^

I'm not saying I *dislike* Squall...I really REALLY love FFVIII, everything about it, but when it comes to comparing the two, I just have to choose Cloud.

Cloud and Squall BOTH had their downfalls. I knew someone would use the whole 'horrible memories' tidbit against cloud. lol.
i didnt really get interested in ff8... so therefore i didnt like squall... i LOVED clouds character tho :)
Like I've said before...if FFVII had better translations, then the story and the dialougue wouldn't have come off as so cheesy...which of course would have made it much easier to respect the characters.
LOL. Don't you have anything good to say about him???
OK, Cloud was a good lead, but I say Squall was better. Squall didn't have that outspoken, loud personality that almost every other FF lead had. Squall is also the only lead to hve a Dark Hair colour and have a weapon related in someway to a firearm. But they did have their downfalls. Cloud had his little "I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM ANYMORE!" phase and Squall had his dreams about Laguna. but overall,

Squall > Cloud
They're both bizarre people if you really think about it. But let's think about what really matters... Omnislash vs. Lionheart... Buster sword vs. Gunblade... It's tough. I gotta say I think they're equal in my book. I wouldn't want to get in a fight with either one. :blink:

Cloud keeps his composure? Right. So being brought to your knees by memories is now considering staying calm?

Squall's been training for less time, and still manages to accomplish things of a similiar caliber to the "older, and more experienced soldier". That's pretty impressive.

Cloud, well, who would you consider Cloud's girlfriend? Aeris? I hope not. Her dying had a major impact on the main objective, wouldn't you say? I mean, why did Sephiroth kill her in the first place again? Tifa? That's because Tifa's tougher than most guys. Having to take care of her would be pretty easy. Rinoa had some magic and a dog for most of the game.

Of course,we're comparing apples to oranges here. Squall was definitely the reluctant hero, so judging him by his leadership skills is ridiculous.

Where do Aerith and Tifa come into play here? This post doesn't quite make much sense to me. Question though, if you had Sephiroth controlling your mind and making your head hurt wouldn't that bring you to your knees as well? Why did he kill Aerith? Obviously because she's the last Cetra, the natural protector of the planet and was also on her way to stopping Sephiroth, so Sephiroth had to put a stop to her before she thwarted his plans.I don't quite see where Tifa being toughter than most guys has anything to do this, but yeah.... Maybe if you could rephrase your post a bit, it might help to make better sense.
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I like cloud better cause of his hair :)
I thought squalls personallity was a bit boring
Better yet, I'll be sending you a PM. I don't appreciate being told how to do my job.
I'd have to go with Cloud. I just enjoy his character more. I do like Squall though. Some of his comments cracked me up and I don't think they were supposed too.
Cloud is an experienced, and genetically enhanced ShinRa soldier.
Squall is a Seed in Training.

Cloud's weapon is humongous, and can be alloted with materia.
Squall's gunblade is a typical bayonet.
Cloud over Squall anyday. Cloud idolized and learned from the best; Sephiroth.
Duh, Squall. He's cool and broody and allowed to be for he's a teenager. Cloud on the other hand (though I like him to some extent) is the majority of the time a moody a**hole, who in my opinion is secretly struggling to come to terms with the fact he he is aging.