Square-Enix asks fans about Remake of VII

The Witch

I myself am strange and unusual
Oct 30, 2008
Rinoa Heartilly
Squall Leonhart
Tifa Lockhart
SQUARE ENIX recently asked fans about their opinion for a remake of FF7 on their official Square-Enix Members Twitter. Lots of positive replies came in, so many that they asked people to stop.

This is pretty much the first time Square-Enix themselves asked people about a remake.

Here are the links to the twitters or tweets what ever the hell they're called:seabass::


Also, I guess it should be mentioned, they also asked fans about about what they'd think about an VIII remake.


So, what do you all think?

EDIT: Maybe this should be moved to FF General since it's about 7 and 8?
Jesus, they need to either stop teasing the fans or just bloody make one, seriously. :ffs:
We keep getting new news about how either "there are no plans for a remake", or "I would love to do a remake" and such, it's getting beyond the joke tbh. :rage:

I don't mind either way, if they don't make one fair enough, if they do, i'll see what it's like. Although the hype and fan based views have been putting me off a bit for a potential remake, since it'd probably just flare all the "FFVII is teh best" arguments up, which would greatly annoy the majority of fans, like myself.

Although a FFVIII remake sounds alright, although if they're doing that (and I say if loosely) then why are there no FFIX remake cards on the table? FFIX was a great game as well, it's not all about FFVII, yes, it was a good game, but I think a few of the other FF's deserve a remake more, in fact, i'd prefer VIII or IX to be remake rather than VII at all, since I find them superior games. I do like it as a game, but it's getting beyond the joke now.
That's a little bass-ackward. Didn't they announce not that long ago that a remake would be hard to do given with the current technology and with the style of game VII and VIII were? So why the hell of the sudden did they want to ask about that? I thought they were getting a lot of requests about remakes already. I don't know maybe it's something they're gonna consider in the future like after the PS3 and 360 are gone, since they only have a few years left. Then again it could happen on a smaller platform like on a PSP type of console, it would piss a lot of people off but it would be a lot easier to make and it could be done in about 1/3 of the time it would take to remake it on a PS3 type of platform. Come to think of it the PSP has gotten a few other remade titles like Medievil Resurrection was a remake of Medievil from PSone. Dracula X Chronicles was a remake of Castlevania Rondo Of Blood from the PC Engine and Symphony of the Night from PSone. Mega man got a remake on psp as well. I don't maybe I'm assuming too much but we have gotten so locked that when we hear "remake" and "VII - VIII" we automatically think of PS3. I'm just throwin the possibility out there.
Square needs to stop D=

They should either say that they will do it or not. Don't say how long it will take and how unlikely it would be one day, then go around asking fans whether they would like it or not, making us feel happy the next :mokken:

This game of up and down needs to stop. I want the remake, but if they are going to keep saying "yes, no, maybe, I don't know", I would rather they don't make the remake at all, to be honest. They are just raising our hopes, just to crush them the next week. What's up with that. If you, as the creators don't want to do it, then don't strain yourselves with what is clearly fan-service. Do it or don't, make a decision!
All this crap has to stop. Who cares if it gets remade anymore?

I say leave the game as it is for heaven's sake. VII has gotten far too much attention and Square need to work on more original projects instead of going back and forth with an old one. Seriously, stop teasing around and leave the game be.

As for a VIII remake, I actually wouldn't mind it. But I'm not too bothered either way since that game hasn't been whored out like VII. Yet.
They should just make up their sodding minds instead of building up hopes and annoying others. I hope they dont make a freaking remake as its getting bloody daft now. Square needs to focus more on future Final Fantasys, not going backwards! If 7 gets a remake, then its only fair, the others do IMO!
I'm sure they will eventually make one. They know how much the public wants it, and how its a very good business decision for them as well. They are evil for doing this though haha.
Oh please - why can't SE just come to a decision already? They have told us that a FFVII remake would take too long and will require too much resources. They told us that they can't make it in the window of a year. They told us that since they cannot do it in a year, they cannot undergo a remake now - obviously because there are NEW games to develop.

Though a FFVIII remake would be something I'd rather see than a FFVII one, it will cost a lot of time and money as well. I would just rather they leave these games alone (besides - when was FFVIII ever asked to be remade?). Stick to the schedule of making new installments to existing franchises as well as perhaps new IPs. Leave FFVII be. We've all played it - it's not essential that we need a remake. Just stop all this - it's really doing my head in.
I dont think it will be made ever,it was rumoured for like many years now for a remake if you never knew.it sounds like a good idea but imo it wont happen,they still got material and project for other ff games such as versus,agito,ff 14,and ff 15!
I don't see why SQUARE is doing this. They're like, playing hot and cold with this issue. It's almost annoying now. I know I want a remake solely for the graphics but dang, if they're going to mess with us, they can kiss my white butt.

I don't understand why they'd ask us, it's like they want permission from us or something...which is weird.

I can't lie, though, I am kinda hoping this is a remake but at the same time I'm not.:cry:
i think i have an answer for all of you...

let's say employee X suggests to the higher-ups that a remake for the company's most famous title would be highly successful. The higher-ups are doubtful and start talking among themselves, and after a while they summon employee X and tell him/her to show them proof that there would be enough buyers to cover the cost of making it as well as make a good profit. employee X now has to find a way to show them that there is a huge market for the remake. he/she thus starts by first asking a few of the major directors in the company, and eventually moves on to asking the public directly.

something like that probably (maybe) happened.
Well, what ever it is, I hope they do it...wait...I don't know. I don't want them screwing with any cute scenes or storyline.

Ugh, I think this probably proves we'll get a remake, though.
Square says its not likly to happen because the remake would take 10 yrs to make
Its seriously getting real old I agree. The only way SE is going to give the green light is if they hand the developing over to matrix like they did with FFIII and FFIV with DS. I believe those are the only final fantasy games that are not developed by square-enix. But, lets say they give matrix the green light, or any sub contracted developer from the west, which SE has been reported to be looking to do for western style Final fantasy spin-offs, would you even be excited? I mean FFIII and FFIV were pretty good, but messing with a FFVII is kinda like messing with our emotions if SE isnt behind the development IMO.
I don't even really want to see a remake of ff7. I love the original just the way it is. they will go to do it and they will manage to mess everything up by changing the direction of the art style or something and it will just be horrible. On the other hand if they did it right, i would love to play through it...
SE are starting to look very unprofessional IMO. Back and forth we go, different people within the company saying contradictory things...
I mean, SE surely know that there is interest in the FF7 series. That's why they keep milking the series and cranking out very average games that they know people will buy because it says FF7 on it.

I suspect a remake will be made and I think SE know that as well.

Personally, I've downloaded the original from the PSN. I quite like the original, not a massive fan but it does me fine. IMO, the charm of the game is the fact it's on the PS1 and the graphics, music and text boxes make it the game it is. Plus I'm not a fan of the FF voice acting all that much.

I would rather SE remake games like Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story and FF Tactics. They had awesome gameplay and stories. Or even better, make another stand alone Chrono game.
I would probably 'jizz in my pants' if they did that.
I hate to say it but SE has made the whole "remake" thing into this constant bipolar obsession. They chop you down saying it can't be done (to which I fully agree) but then they'll shortly come back around doing stupid shit like this. They know that if they did one remake like of VII that shortly after there would probably be a demand for VIII or IX. Why do that with people's emotions?
Nope, nope, nope, and.... No.

It would never be the same.

I 'aven't played the I-VI ones on the latest Gameboy, whatever the latest GB is called, but I'm willing to best that to the oldies who played them, they simply aren't the same.
If they remake 7 I will go buy whatever system it is on so I can play it. As long as all they do is tighten the graphics of course.