Square-Enix asks fans about Remake of VII

I would love to see a FF7 remake but I think they could very easily stuff it up at the same time and I am not sure if I want them to take that risk.

One thing that annoys me with remakes though is that 3 and 4 were made for the DS when really, I would have loved to see them on a home console. Especially 4! 4 would be almost perfect to me if it has better graphics but I can live because graphics aren't all.

They would be able to do more on a home console but at the same time, it would take a lot longer to make.

ANYWAYS: I think I would like to see 8 and 9 given more attention. I know 7 is available on the PSN but is 8 and 9? I actually don't know...

Overall, stop messing around and make a choice, if yes, be careful, don't mess with it too much. I would still like to see more 8 and 9 though
Aren't there enough versions/spinoffs of FFVII? I mean, they could certainly focus a little more energy on the other games. Now talks about new versions/spinoffs of VIII, so at least Square is starting to focus some attention elsewhere. I haven't heard or read anything about expanding on IX, and even though I'm not crazy about the game, it still has a strong following and a lot of love, so they really should consider doing something for it.

But seriously, way too much time and energy has been spent on VII that they really need to put more effort elsewhere, spread the love so to speak. Personally, I liked VII and I didn't play VII until after XII. I know that game left a lot of room for expansion, but enough is enough. All the remakes/spinoffs, in my opinion, only devalue the original game and the original story.
Why would they remake VIII? It's graphics are really good. At least they look human. And what spin off could they make for VIII? Rinoa lost her dress to a big evil and now Squall must find it before time comes to a stop. Sounds fun. >_>

We need a remake for VII because of it's past graphics, once good, just look ridiculous now. That's the point of a remake, to enhance.
I just don't see the need for a remake. Any responsible company, whether it be gaming or not, would not tease its fans about its products, say it's not possible and turn around to ask them if they'd like a remake of it. That's just theoretically stupid.

Talk of remakes needs to stop. It only brings on rumours, mostly which are false and causes such disputes to occur over whether the remake should be made or not. Which is hence the purpose of this thread. At this rate, I could go on forever about this ...
The game would have to cost like 120 bucks or more for them to warrant taking on a project that enormous, but I think it would be beyond awesome.
Honestly i'd prefer to see an FF8 remake, but the chances of any of this happening are slim to none.
forget the FFVII remake. Id take a FF8 remake over it definitely. Favorite in the series. But a remake it would have to be, not a sequel. Maybe some more Laguna prequel stuff like more added to the game would be fine, but a sequel wouldnt make sense.
forget the FFVII remake. Id take a FF8 remake over it definitely. Favorite in the series. But a remake it would have to be, not a sequel. Maybe some more Laguna prequel stuff like more added to the game would be fine, but a sequel wouldnt make sense.
I would love to see them go into the stories of all of the other characters after squall dies [if that's what they meant to happen when he got icicled] for 8. If its not what they meant to happen indeed a sequel would be teh suck.
Back on topic, FF7 remake... merr. do it or dont, if they screw it up i will pretend it doesnt exist.
I'd like to see it happen in my lifetime. However, if they tamper with too much I'd completely cut myself off from the FF series. As a majority, this is the fan favorite of the FF series. to implement something such as the XIII battle system would ruin it IMO. You could control every character in the actual game, so why wouldn't you be able to do so in a remake?
Square Enix should NOT remake FF7 unless they get the original team who made it to work on it, and I believe that SE wouldn't do that. Otherwise the remake would probably be transformed into a completely different game by game developers who only want to be recognized behind an already powerful game reputation. Even if this game gets remade I can tell people are going to already hate it. There are too many die hard fans of the original for people not to get mad. For example, take what they did to the Harry Potter books when they made them into movies. People were freaking out over Harry's eyes being blue instead of green in the movie and Hermione's dress being pink instead of periwinkle at the Yule ball in movie 3. It's ridiculous. I can't even imagine how over critical people would be over a FF7 remake. They shouldn't do it.
Honestly? I really don't give a shit.

For years we've been chasing the end of Final Fantasy VII.

I'm satisfied with telling them to go fuck themselves with their endless plot holes. :monster:
I guess they're testing the demand of both games, though they already knew there would be a ridiculous demand for a VII remake, so they are probably just being annoying. Either way I doubt the 10 year estimate is accurate, otherwise they wouldn't be talking about it so much.

People need to stop saying "if they remake VII, they better remake them all!" They don't have unlimited time and resources. They aren't going to randomly remake one without a massive demand. I'd love to see a VI or even a VIII or IX remake as well, but with the respective demands for those titles it's unrealistic (for time it currently takes to develop games.)
I don't see why SQUARE is doing this. They're like, playing hot and cold with this issue. It's almost annoying now. I know I want a remake solely for the graphics but dang, if they're going to mess with us, they can kiss my white butt.

I don't understand why they'd ask us, it's like they want permission from us or something...which is weird.

I can't lie, though, I am kinda hoping this is a remake but at the same time I'm not.:cry:

/facepalm. Agreed.

I'm one FOR the remake with the storyline left alone, but the updated graphics would be great. I mean it wouldn't hurt anyone, if people don't want it, don't friggin' buy it. o_O

I'm still for it. But I'm really not gonna pay attention to their fussy minds until there's a definite answer. Waste of time to read every article OMG WILL THEY DO IT?!

Fuck that. I'll see it arrive in store by the time they made it.
So if they get a lot of fans with the answer "yes" then they will plan to make it,not sure if i mentioned this before,but we got versus 13 in production,who would care about a ff remake game if versus will be a newly experienced ff game? im against my lines if square enix plans to add never before seen footage in the remake.
a remake of all the ps1 games would be wicked :)

Mod Edit: This doesn't really add to the thread. Can you please edit your post so that it's relevant to the topic? Thanks. :)
I'm gonna be honest with all of you, they really need to stop with VII imo. It's ruining the value of the game for me, and its being milked so hard. How many spinoffs does a game need, and do we need movies made as well too? If and IF this remake is infact done, then after that LEAVE 7 ALONE!
I've given up on a remake, and if any FF game was made, I'd like it to be IX, since that was my favorite.
I think FFVII is a bit overdone now, be better to close the doors too that one.
Well, Wada just said they would "explore" the possibility of a Final Fantasy VII remake, not long before you made that post, so I definitely wouldn't count out the possibility of this happening just yet.

With any good fortune, maybe there will be an official announcement to confirm it before the year is out. Maybe at TGS? It's a ways off, so it gives them a lot of time to weigh their options, and it is still this year if they make a final announcement on there being an FFVII remake or not.

Tbh, with what has gone on this month, I find that a remake is highly likely, as there is no question they know how well it would sell, and they are not going to help it's sales one bit if they keep playing this little game of "We would like to remake it" then "It's not going to happen", so they should end this little mind game of theirs sooner rather than later...

It's already later, this has been going on for too long already. xP
Honestly, remaking any game past VII wouldn't make sense. The graphics are good in games after VII, and isn't that the main point to making a remake? To have better graphics?

VII had great graphics back in 97. But now, they look like lego children with hourglass arms. And that's NOT pretty to look at. Not in the slightest. I remember VIII and IX looking pretty human-like, so what would be the point in remaking them?

I know veteran VII fans love the graphics, but c'mon, we still need them enhanced. When I first played the game at 11 I could have sworn Aerith was an elf and I thought Cloud was a young child.

The only games SE should EVER remake are games before VIII, and that's IT.
I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII all have bad translations and terrible graphics. Those are the games worth remaking, not the well translated and great Graphic games of later years. What would be the point in that?

With that said, I wish SE would remake VI before VII but it'll do.
The only games SE should EVER remake are games before VIII, and that's IT.
I, II, III, IV, V, VI,
They've already remade FF's I through VI. Some of those they remade more than once. Granted, none of them were in PS3 graphics or had voice acting.
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VII had great graphics back in 97. But now, they look like lego children with hourglass arms. And that's NOT pretty to look at. Not in the slightest. I remember VIII and IX looking pretty human-like, so what would be the point in remaking them?

And in 15 years time, when the PS3 graphics are vastly inferior, should SE remake it again? You could make that argument for a great number of the Final Fantasy games, but they're not going to spend time turning FF2 into a PS3 game are they?

FF7 could end being remade several times which would be pointless.


I'm sure there is some sentimental reason for people wanting a remake. I mean better graphics aren't a big deal. Is it going to be that much better now that you can play the exact same game but in HD?

Then again... if they announced that they would remake Chrono Cross... :hmmm:
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