Square-Enix asks fans about Remake of VII

Frankly with the cross dressing and the gay adventures in Mukki's tub, an M-rating wouldn't be too off the charts.

I've never tried to get Cloud all dressed up (Don always picked Tifa) so I never heard of the Mukki storyline until now. I looked him up after reading your post and I can't help but feel awkward knowing that my favorite FF character may have been raped in his sleep :thehell:
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I think Squeenix should stop teasing us fans for a FFVII remake, however I think they're always thinking about doing the remake, why would they be asking this question if they weren't?

I hope they do a remake of the game, it would be very awesome.

I've never tried to get Cloud all dressed up (Don always picked Tifa) so I never heard of the Mukki storyline until now. I looked him up after reading your post and I can't help but feel awkward knowing that my favorite FF character may have been raped in his sleep :thehell:

Did you play the game? :awesome: The whole Mukki storyline's one of the best bits in the game... not to mention it has Cloud having one of his 'episodes'.
On the fence of a remake, it'd definately sell quite alot but I still think that the original still has that charm.

Not my most favourite Final Fantasy but it's one I would not like to make a choice of if fans requested it and (in some cases) reject the idea of it.
Did you play the game? :awesome: The whole Mukki storyline's one of the best bits in the game... not to mention it has Cloud having one of his 'episodes'.

haha I never felt obligated to try that sidequest because Mukki weirded me out the first time I encountered him at the gym. Now, it seems my suspicions were right. Avoid Mukki or rape will ensue :gasp:

I actually kinda do wonder if they'll put this whole bit in the remake...
Well, they would have to put everything, just probably bump up the rating to M or something. You can't very well ignore the Mukki scene, the Don Corneo scene, Red XIII 'raping' Aerith, and.. well.. pretty much anything that happens at Costa Del Sol.
Red XIII 'raping' Aerith, and.. well.. pretty much anything that happens at Costa Del Sol.

l believe thats called Beastiality dude lol just gross man?

l imagine in a remake the whole Mukki scenario would be a Dating sim kinda thing just tweaked enough to make you cringe just a little bit more and only watch with one eye open while shuddering?

is this thing really going down 'coz that would be awesome if it happened next year sometime L hope they dont wait until the 20th anniversary to do this coz ill be 35 then eww now ive vowed to play games for a long ttime but thats just to much man
SE has said that the compilation will continue on with project(s) until it's 20th anniversary... so either a remake, or a conclusion after DoC is bound to happen somewhere.
IMO VII would be so much more epic especially with the technological advance that have been made. But SE really needs to stop holding the lollipop over the kids head, just do it!
Graphics, music score... those kinds of things I will completely trust SE with.

The main thing I'm worried about is the world map.

SE obviously removed it in X, XII and XIII because it will make the game unbalanced. say they just transformed VII into XII graphics; would it feel OK if cloud was half the size of the Gold Saucer on the world map? What if the places were of realistic size; then the map will be HUGE.

If the remake is to be done, then the movement between places will be just like in the mentioned FF's and without the movement on the ground of the world, which will definitely take vital things out of the game; moving around with the Highwind, chasing Ultima Weapon etc.

By all means if they find a way to strike the right balance for the world map I'll be delighted for a remake. However if they intend to change the style completely and discard the world map, I will not want it.
Whoa, that's the first time I heard about that kinda thing. But since you mention it, you're right. Whether or not they keep the world map exactly the same is a major thing.

Maybe, what they could do is make it a walk around where you have to go down certain roads or head through certain forests/landscapes so Cloud and Co. can reach certain spots?
Whoa, that's the first time I heard about that kinda thing. But since you mention it, you're right. Whether or not they keep the world map exactly the same is a major thing.

Maybe, what they could do is make it a walk around where you have to go down certain roads or head through certain forests/landscapes so Cloud and Co. can reach certain spots?

you mean like in XII?

well say they did, it will still not solve the Highwind problem; they'll need to make the airship like in X and XII where you just select the location and you just end up there. that means no bumping into Ultima Weapon's buttock and no bouncing off the barrier in Crater.

I was hugely disappointed when I found out I couldn't control the airship in X, I don't want to lose control of the Highwind too. I'm sure there are many that agree with me here.

I want the remake to be absolutely perfect, without any sacrifices. otherwise there's no point in remaking; the only improvement one can make with FFVII is with perfection.
you mean like in XII?

well say they did, it will still not solve the Highwind problem; they'll need to make the airship like in X and XII where you just select the location and you just end up there. that means no bumping into Ultima Weapon's buttock and no bouncing off the barrier in Crater.

I was hugely disappointed when I found out I couldn't control the airship in X, I don't want to lose control of the Highwind too. I'm sure there are many that agree with me here.

I want the remake to be absolutely perfect, without any sacrifices. otherwise there's no point in remaking; the only improvement one can make with FFVII is with perfection.
Oh, yea... Well, maybe they can just do the same with the Airship? Why wouldn't they be able to? It can't be THAT hard, right? I mean...would it?
Oh, yea... Well, maybe they can just do the same with the Airship? Why wouldn't they be able to? It can't be THAT hard, right? I mean...would it?

well like I said, if they can get it right and allow the player to control the ship freely, I'd be delighted.

Obviously I wouldn't know the complicating stuff since I'm not a video game creator, but let's be honest, SE would've done it in FFXII if they were able to don't you think? The fact that they didn't probably suggests that they thought it was a bad idea OR they concluded that it's just not possible.
well like I said, if they can get it right and allow the player to control the ship freely, I'd be delighted.

Obviously I wouldn't know the complicating stuff since I'm not a video game creator, but let's be honest, SE would've done it in FFXII if they were able to don't you think? The fact that they didn't probably suggests that they thought it was a bad idea OR they concluded that it's just not possible.
That's true. But they know VII is their Milk and Butter, I'm sure they'd try pretty dang hard on a remake for it.

Honestly, though. I have no idea whether or not SE would be able too. I hope they can, but I can bet they'd probably only try on the frickin' retcons. :starwars:
Jesus, they need to either stop teasing the fans or just bloody make one, seriously. :ffs:

Didn't read anything past this as it pretty much sums it up.

Although the more they tease they really are going to need to make the game extra special or it will have many people fans extremely upset.
I say let it fucking die.

Final Fantasy VII is like freakin' Sega Genesis and all the marketing stunts to increase it's goddamn lifespan. It's like the goddamn game's on life support already.

Just let it die while it still makes freaking sense. Somewhat.

I'm starting to seriously resent Square going Enix, especially because this only keeps on proving how stupidly unoriginal Square Enix has become.

Someone in this thread was saying something about them dedicating their time to new projects instead of going on and remaking/rehashing/creating sequels/prequels to older games.
Wanna know why? NO ADVERTISEMENT. Unfortunately, everybody who knows Final Fantasy knows what Final Fantasy VII is, and it doesn't take as much time as it takes money to just remake it or to keep adding more part of the story like a goddamn incoherent puzzle. The story is there, they don't even need to think that much.

Just think about what Squeenix has done so far that is original, hands down.

How about, NOTHING. There's absolutely nothing they've made that hasn't been backed up by stuff Hironobu Sakaguchi created. What, Final Fantasy XII? It's just a sad rip-off of Final Fantasy IX using Ivalice terms from Final Fantasy Tactics. Final Fantasy XIII? Don't fool yourself. I've finished it, and if you haven't, let me tell you right here and now: once the glitter of the graphics and marketing-stunt battle system fades away, you'll be bored to freakin' tears. Even the characters in it are rip-offs of others. Lightning has even been OFFICIALLY explained as a, I quite, "female version of Cloud". Snow sounds like a slightly grown Tidus wearing Seifer's clothes, and Vanille's just an Australian version of Rikku.

Why do they keep asking about remaking? I'll tell you why. This.
Getting us worked up about it, keeping us from forgetting the possibility of them doing something new and "exciting". That's why they keep saying yes, and no afterward. Square Enix, for as flawed as it is, are marketing geniuses, and they know exactly what will keep us thinking about them.

My thought is that a remake of Final Fantasy VII would simply kill off whatever respect I still have for the series. I would much rather see a remake of Final Fantasy VIII or IX, that is if a remake is ABSOLUTELY necessary.
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SQUARE ENIX has stated that the reason there will be no FF 7 remake and that there were no towns in FF 13 was because of the "difficulty of working in such a demanding graphical environment & Considering the amount of work to make graphics that deserve HD, it is hard to make towns in the conventional style."

Anyone else not buying this? Seriously there have been other older HD RPG's with towns Oblivion, Dragon Age, WNK. Granted Dragon Ages graphics were crap but that was largely due to the bad engine they took 4 years to make for it, if they had of used the UR engine like in Mass Effect 2 it would of been better.

HD games have been out for how long and now they're basically saying it's HD graphs that's killing towns in RPG's. So in a way they're saying HD killed RPGs and that's why FF 13 was so liner and had no towns...............................yeah OK.

I honestly don't think they're problem lies with creating graphics for HD (or room if were talking Blu Ray here.) It sounds like they're trying to use the whole "HD Graphics and towns are too hard for us" as a scapegoat. If they weren't so hell sell bent on trying to pass a movie for a game they could easily come out with another gem like FF 7.

FF 7 was actually an evolution towards western RPGs with choices how certain things play out, dialogue choices, romance mini games, mini games, optional battles, optional characters, more freedom for sidequests, exec, and since then they have been developing from it. Why who knows, I honestly think they just don't want to do it and are making excuses.
Graphics, music score... those kinds of things I will completely trust SE with.

The main thing I'm worried about is the world map.

SE obviously removed it in X, XII and XIII because it will make the game unbalanced. say they just transformed VII into XII graphics; would it feel OK if cloud was half the size of the Gold Saucer on the world map? What if the places were of realistic size; then the map will be HUGE.

If the remake is to be done, then the movement between places will be just like in the mentioned FF's and without the movement on the ground of the world, which will definitely take vital things out of the game; moving around with the Highwind, chasing Ultima Weapon etc.

By all means if they find a way to strike the right balance for the world map I'll be delighted for a remake. However if they intend to change the style completely and discard the world map, I will not want it.

What they need to do is make two versions of the remake sold as one game.

One version would be EXACTLY the same as the original FFVII only with improved graphics and voice overs. The world map would still be there but it would be graphically enhanced and alot more balaneced in terms of size and scale (Just compare FFIX's world map to VII's, now imagine what could be done with a much better graphic's engine). This version could be called FFVII Classic or something.

The second version could be remade as Square-enix saw best fit to retell the story with the current technolgoy (ie. no world map, no ATB, no random battles, small changes in plot, etc.)

This would take a lot of time and resources but it would be in their best interest profit wise. It would make the die hards happy by staying true to the original and it would appeal to those who don't want to spend money on a game they've already played. Everyone would be happy :-)
As for towns in XIII, I heard differently from other fans but I do agree about the direction Squeenix is taking is not being about original anymore. Nowadays it seems like everything has to be a clone or FFVII or is going to be an online game. Why is it difficult to be more original with FF or any other games nowadays? I guess large majority of the problems in current FFs is due to nostalgia, whether you are an old school or a new fan who happens to enjoy the old games more than the new ones there is bound to be something you hate in the new games.

However, the irritation of the fandom is justified that even when Square was making games for money, they were always about making quality games and not just cash cows. Look the pre FFF games, games during the Playstation, SNES and NES eras respectively, they were always about the quality and it was focused on making the game fun. Nowadays, all Squeenix has to do continue to whore out FFVII or any other franchise makes them money and forget about the quality of the game in general.

I fear for the remake because even if they make it would not be as "fun" as the original. The original game didn't take itself too seriously, it left a lot of things ambigious on purpose to give its fans something to wank over with other fans but then came along AC, CC, BC and LO, it ruined the mystery and intrigue the original game had. I also fear that they may change the story in order to accomodate the story of the new games, I don't believe that their should be a remake for the reason being that it just wouldn't the game I fell in love with anymore.