Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

This game does look like it's gonna be pretty damn good. I've always been a fan of Mario Brothers games. In fact, it's the only reason I actually still purchase Nintendo Consoles... Although, the Wii doesn't really appeal to me, I may just have to break down and buy one. :dry:
The Wii is great and this game will make it greater, does anyone know the UK release date for it?
Currently penciled in for the US 11th Feb and for Japan 25th of Jan. Europe still doesn't have a date.

The game still looks great as it is and the new accouncements every week impress but for me personally it still needs Megaman. After Snake and Sonic this would make it pretty much perfect.
sweet the guy from Mike Tyson's TKO or whatever it was called on the origional nes is in it also, and the pokemon kid.
I wonder if it will have pikmin
sweet the guy from Mike Tyson's TKO or whatever it was called on the origional nes is in it also, and the pokemon kid.
I wonder if it will have pikmin
You mean Ash from Pokemon and the actual person you controlled in Punch out?
I love smash bros.
My friend and I play it nearly everyday and it is always Falco vs Falco as he is unfairly fast compared to every other char. I mostly win, but sometimes I slip the odd suicide and lose which is still fun.
Brawl looks great. I hate Wii but you can use GC controllers for this game on the Wii which is a lifesaver. Also, I'm not too keen on the arrival of Solid Snake, as this is a game for Nintendo characters not Sony, but I greatly anticipate Sonic, he's sure to be the highlight of the release (he's Sega, but Nintendo and Sega are more alike than Nintendo and Sony).
Also, falco had better be in Brawl or I will walk into an active Bob-omb in RL.
You mean Ash from Pokemon and the actual person you controlled in Punch out?
well not Ash, because Ash was just for the cartoon, but basically the pokemon kid. I think if you pick him you play as some random pokemon. or if you are a pokemon such as Meowth he in the background. I know for sure Meowth is a playable character, and maybe squirtle. And yeah the guy you controled is punch out. It's freakin' awesome. He does look out of place though.
Solid Snake brings a different angle to this game for sure. Not sure why he was chosen to be in the game rather than Megaman, but whatever. If they were going to start going cross-platform characters, then Crash Bandicoot would be a good one for this game as would Spyro. MAybe even Pac-Man??
Megaman would've been a good idea, but Crash is probably too predictable. Pac-man would be better as an item, like Mr. Saturn, lol.
Bomberman would've been a good choice too.
Solid Snake brings a different angle to this game for sure. Not sure why he was chosen to be in the game rather than Megaman, but whatever. If they were going to start going cross-platform characters, then Crash Bandicoot would be a good one for this game as would Spyro. MAybe even Pac-Man??

Nintendo didn't choose to have Snake involved, Kojima himself wanted him to appear in it. To have Megaman involved Capcom would have to come to them to give them permission to use him, in the end Megamans inclusion would result in a huge joygasim.

When I saw this I thought that God must be smiling at me but when I realised that it's an assist trophy my soul was crushed but it's still cool nevertheless.

Edit: The site's been changed since I posted this, is was a Gray Fox assist trophy.
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Whoa, that site's awesome.

But is that ALL the characters that are gonna be in the game? Or has Nintendo not shown us all of 'em yet? I'll be highly disappointed if characters such as Captain Falcon, Luigi, Ness and Jigglypuff are left out.
oh that site doesn't show all of the playable characters. if you go to gamefaqs just look at the images for brawl to see screen shots of a couple more.
I think there is still another franchise to be represented I think which I'd imagine would be F-Zero so Falcon should at some point be available.

That Smash Bros site also makes daily updates I think every Mon-Fri so it's worth checking every now and again to see if there's anything big revealed.
Simply can't wait until SSBB comes out, I'm really intrigued by how multiplayer online will work out.

Also, I really want to see how Snake's final smash works out.

My fav characters will probably be Ike (I used roy from SSBM a lot), meta knight, pit, zelda (if sheik is also in) and Fox.
Im am really looking forward to this game and i cant wait to play it on Dagolu's Wii :D i always used Samus in SSBM and owned xD.
I can't frikking wait for this game.
Its gunna be the best game on the wii for a long time.

I can't wait! Seriously, This is going to be the best third part of a series that has happened to video games since Link to the Past.
I'm planning on maining either meta knight, pit or Ike.
Also, the stage builder is going to be great! I'm planning on something simple but difficult to be knocked out of. (probably a level with a flat ground but a closed roof and open sides.

I need to figure out how to hook my Wii up to the internet (my computer's on a different floor so wireless might not work)
For unorthodox reasons, I am not anticipating Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I have been criticized for my reason for nonanticipation. For those who ask why, be warned that my reason for rejecting the game is volatile.

If Captain Falcon is deleted, then it will be a backstep for F-Zero, and that would be unorthodox. I will be even more disappointed than I already am if Marth or Luigi are deleted.
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Tell us your reasons why you're not looking forward to it, I'd only complain if it was for something stupid.

And I'd be upset if there's a lack of Captain Falcon, both because he was a fun character to use and I'm a bit of a fan of the F-Zero series. It's the only big Ninty franchise not given a representative yet and one last franchise still needs to be shown so it's possible he'll still be in it.
Hey Quick thing.. As you should all know of the new people on the dojo......... Jigglypuff is in
A Chat with Snake's VA Tells us he wants to beat him/her and Pikachu