Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

I heard Europe gets it in June...! I hope Australia gets it around then, too, so I can get it for my birthday! Kupopo!
Yes! I pray it is also so...
EDIT: I hadn't seen the previous posts that contained the picture my link was going to show...
My mistake...
Instead I shall add...
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Lacario's a shoto? So that's where all the old STreet Fighter team buggered off to.

Ice Climbers' Smash looks quite nasty though, as did Olimars', especially frightening since one of my friends uses Ice Climbers.

The FOx was pretty cool but once you have three characters all using it, the effect starts to wear off a bit.
I think that the Lucario/Shoto link is supposed to be slightly intentional.

The three Fox's is the thing that most people are complaining about which is stupid, there are 32 other characters to play with so there shouldn't be that much disappointment over this.

Luigi's FS was just weird, looked like he was high on drugs or something.
it seems snake might be an auto character, if he isn't then i'm gonna bug you guys to tell me how to unlock him rather than figure it out myself
I can't wait for this game to come out. When I saw Marth's FS, It was so crazy, seeing how he was able to OHKO three bowsers at 0%.

Yep! I've see it a few minutes ago =P Nice to see there C. Falcon and Luigi again! My favs! =D I hope that there's a stage from F-Zero as the one in Melee :D

There is an F-Zero stage in Brawl. It's Port town - Aero Drive from Fzero GX. They're also returning Big Blue from Melee back as well.
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After seeing the complete roster, I've got nothing left to complain about. There's tons of characters, maps, songs, game modes, and god knows what else...

This game could easily keep me glued to a controller for months. Can't wait for March to get here.
That 35-character roster is actually a rumor. It could be obtained via Subspace Emissary There is a reliable source, such as Famitsu, says that the roster size is 48.

Brawl will more likely not be the end of the Smash Bros. series, as the Wii lacks HD support. There should be an HD take on Super Smash Bros. The original Super Smash Bros. was in low definition. Super Smash Bros. Melee was in standard definition. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is in enhanced-definition, and Super Smash Bros. 4 would be in high-definition.
Whoa. Seriously?

What has Famitsu found that leads them to believe that the roster size is 48?
I call BS on a 48 man roster unless you show your source on this. I've heard about this as well and am sure it was shown to be fake.
Agreed, the 35 man roster sounds good plus is substantiated.
Show the source and I'll believe you.
Besides, there are numerous sources showing all 35 (substantiated) characters
And unless you can provide names, that makes that claim even less likely
If they put it back one more time I might scream. It's taking forever, I've been worked up about it from the first day I heard about it and for it to get pushed back this much is just frustrating! 35 was enough, no one would have seen my for a month or so, but if it IS 48 then...thats another half a month thrown on there XP
If it gets delayed again, I'll go insane. I'm outta games to play...and Brawl is to be my savior.

After browsing some topics on the web, it looks to me like the 48-man roster isn't gonna happen. Oh, well. Either way, I think the roster of characters is great.
Why does the creator of that video state that there's most likely more characters than the ones shown? I'd say it's likely that 35 is the limit.

With the exception of one character (
) the entire roster is shown on that video.