

Feb 19, 2007
Bristol, UK
*Before I start I just want to say that I'm not good at this kind of thing, and sorry for my terrible plot :P I'm just trying to revive this forum*
The plot is really simple. This is almost a Freelance RP. The setting is the world today, so no crazy stuff. However your charactercan be as crazy as you like, though not overpowered.

Basically, we are in 2007, and one day, we hear news on TV that in South America there has appeared a huge glowing portal. Scientists have no explanation for it. There is some sort of barrier preventing u to get close to it. A day later there are reports that another one has opened in Canada. The day after that there is stuff coming out of the portal in the South. And by stuff I mean creatures. There are all sorts, animal-like creatures, human-like creatures. Either way the are evil :-)P). They have started heading North, killing people as they go. There are millions of refugees in America. Only a week later the portal in Canada begins to glow aswell...

From it comes more creatures. However they aren't trying to kill all of us. Instead they are trying to stop the evil guys, and help the humans. :P
That's essentially it. For Hollywood value it is set in California, though eventually you can go anywhere. Basically the aim of your characters is simply to survive, and perhaps eventually try and figure it all out and close/destroy the portals :-)P I say eventually since I haven't really figured that part out yet, maybe we could get ideas as we go along).
Now...for your characters. There are three groups. You have the Evil Supernaturals (from southern portal) The Humans and the Good Supernaturals (from the northern portal). I'm looking for at least a couple of humans, and although it would be nice if we had some of each supernatural, neither are really essential.
Post a bio vaguely like this if you want to join:

Appearance: (elaborate if you want to)
Background info:
Any Weird Supernatural Info We Should Know:

*Obviously some of those categories don't apply depending on which group you've chosen, so just leave them out.
I know it's not a great RP but it would be nice if we could get some new ones going. Also, I know I could have elaborated on the plot a lot more and made everything clearer, but I'm not good at that, so I'm afraid that's just how it's gonna be.

Just a couple of rules :-

If you're gonna be human, no stupid powers. You can be a martial artist or hitman (if you really want) but nothing silly. Any realistic weapons can be used.

If you're a Supernatural then you can be and should be more powerful than a human, but nothing ridiculous. Keep in mind that a group of 10 Humans must be able to kill you (with weapons). Also - it may be a good idea if you say that a few bullets won't kill you, just to allow more freedom in what we do.

Regeneration and abilities like that are fine, just use your common sense to find the limit.

OK I think that's it. Any questions just post here. I will post my bio in after dinner when I have more time. Oh and, I'm going to be a human.

~Guess I'll be the first to join. ^_^ Since your already human, I'll be the first to sigh up as a good supernaturals. If we have to many supernaturals, I can turn her human if need be.~

Name: Mizu La-La
Group: Good Supernatural
Sex: Female
Age: 39
Appearance: 5'4, 92 pounds. Mizu is very light and has light blue hair that goes down to her shoulderblades, and dark blue eyes. Mizu has a fairly humanoid appearance, which seems to flex and move the same as humans (except for being a bit quicker). The thing that gives her non-humaness away is that she has silvery-white-blue furry ears hanging back from the sides of her head, and a fluffy tail that is of the same color. She also has small fangs and claws, and can control elements.
Personality: Very friendly and motherish. Can't stand to see 'weak' little humans hurt. Thinks they need somebody to protect them and help out.
Background info: Has a mate and children, but many things of gone wrong in her life. This has made her empathetic.
Any Weird Supernatural Info We Should Know: Mizu can turn into a wolven, a slightly smaller, more supernaturally strong version of a wolf. The wolven blood in her gives her physical and elemental powers that humans only read about in fairy tales.
*For more info, look at her full profile. There's a link in my signature. Just click 'Mizu Profile' and you'll be sent to Galbadia Garden to her profile.
Ill join :D

Name: Rene Skylark
Group: Good Supernatural
Age: 14
Appearence: 5"4, 72 pounds. Rene has long slightly spiky black hair and looks like any human boy apart from his amber eyes. Has very good reflexes is very fast and can jump very high.
Personailty: Often brash and acts before he thinks he won't give a second thought about killing or saving someone. He also thinks humans are pathetic and weak til he befriends one because she saved him from dying.
Background info: Entire family killed by evil supernaturals and will do anything to have all their heads
Supernatural power: Can see people's memories and thoughts and can also control humans and some weak evil supernaturals but prefers killing them with his gun
Oooooh, goody goody, more people are joining! ^_^ Hopefully we'll get some evil supernaturals and more humans. :lol:

*Hopes to get started soon*
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Name: Wullfe

Group: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Wullfe stands at 5' 11" tall, roughly 150 lbs. His brown, chin length hair is parted down the middle and brushed back, however, due to his hectic activities, he often finds himself brushing his bangs out of his eyes. It would appear that his hair has a mind of its own, though, since even after tending to it, it almost right away hangs loosely to hide the sides of his face. His eyes confound any who care to stare into them, as they are both different colors. The right eye is a rich wine red, while the left eyes is a deep gold/ yellow, with tiny spots of gray. Due to his stoic nature, his eyes often remain expressionless, limiting his ability to express his inner workings. As a result, his eyes reveal nothing under situations which should warrant a much more emotional response. His mouth is often drawn into a taut cynical frown, and the only smile to ever decorate his lips is a sardonic one, bereft of any joy. Though he is no stranger to danger, his face is clean and without any scars or blemishes.
He has a toned swimmers build, a wide shouldered frame covered in muscle and sinew, however, far from overly muscular or being classified as burly. He has long fingers, most often associated with musicians, or seen on those proficient in the arts. He wears
Loose black pants, with a black duster coat bordered by dark red and a dark red button down shirt underneath. The word, “Sadistic” is etched on the back of the jacket in blood red letters. The outfit is complemented by a pair of humble leather, black gloves, and nondescript black boots.

Any Weird Supernatural Info You Should Know: None/ regular human being

Please note, I RP in the following manner:

::Indicates action.::
"Dictates speech."
(Expresses unspoken thought.)
Appearance: Standing 6'0 tall,roughley 170lbs.Skin colour is white.His hair colour is black and his hair style is a mullet.He wears a black suit with a black shirt while wearing black shades.He also wears black shoes.

Personality: He is a very tense and serious person when he is doing a contract killing but during his free time he is very relaxed.

Background info:He has spent most of his life as a assasin(its his job) doing contract killings while duing his free time he has 'fun' with good looking women.

Any Weird Supernatural Info You Should Know:none/unless being skilled at using guns count.
Right here's my character:

Very basic character, but I will build on him as we go through. As of now his personality is more important than skills as such.

Okidok so that's 3 humans and 3 goodies. It would be nice if we had some bad guys but they are not essential. I'll give it til Sunday or possibly Saturday if I'm bored, and then we can begin.
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i got a question, if i were to be a bad guy could i use this character instead of jing, because this one has swords and such, but he can be killed by normal people

i'll be a bad supernatural if i'm allowed to use this character, if not, ignore this post, if yes, forget the one about jing

Yep - if you're gonna be a bad character then you can pretty much have anything. That character is perfectly fine.
OK We can start today. I'm afraid I'm about to go out, so people can start whenever they please. I'll join in tonight probably. In everyone's first post can everyone state where they are in the world, so we can meet.

P.S. I'll be at the university in LA.
Mizu slowly crouched on all fours, sniffing around the glowing portal in Canada. She was a humanish looking thing, but there was still something off about her. She had silvery-white droupping wolf ears, for one, and a fluffy silvery-white wolf tail curling out behind her for a second. Mizu tilted her head to the side and stepped through from her side of the portal, ending up right in Canada. Mizu stood up slowly, her tail twitching, ".......?" She slowly started to jog in one direction, unknowingly going north, towards America. Her eyes glowed a dark watery blue in gathering darkness.
Name: Savior
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 5ft 11
Weight: 10.1 stone
Hair: Brown
Being: Vampire
Bad Supernatural
Personality: Pesemistic, Short temper
Weopon@ Dual Silver plated pistols
Appearance: Same as my other Rp's, loose fitting shirt, karhki coloured trousers green jacket
Special Ability:Blood Control if he sucks the blood of someone or something he can control it if he wants to.
Bio: Prefers to being alone, short tempered, both his parents died in a gas explosion when he was 7 leaving him alone to fend for himself, eventually he was taken into a war monestry and taught a few things
At skwl he was captain of the Gun and fencing team, both weopns he uses like a pro, in the gun's team he used and still uses two pistols which he inherited from his father.
He fell in love with a women at the age of 18, they got engaged and then married, he woke up one morning she had left him and turned him into a vampire. Because of this event he doesnt trust people much.

Il join if ul let me :)
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::Wullfe slams through a broken door, and rolls onto the dirt road outside. Behind him, he can hear the roar of the evil creature stalking him. Sparing not a moment, he rolls into a crouch, then springs forth, heading for another structure.::

Wullfe: "I can't see anything... I know I won't outrun it... I don't think I can take it down alone either..."

::After about a half a minute, the creature has managed to escape the broken building and now chases Wullfe down the dirt path. All around them are cornfields, as fas as the eye can see.::

Wullfe: "It looks like this might be it for me..."

::However, just at that moment, Wullfe spies a gas station, and his vigor renewed, he runs towards it.::

Wullfe: "If I can just make it there..."

Wullfe: (My hearts pounding so fast... I don't know if that's the sound of my heart racing or that thing racing after me!)

::Wullfe is now seconds away from the gas station, however, the monster behind him has managed to catch up to him, and with one swipe of its claws, sends him flying through the air. Wullfe crashes through the front window of the gas station, right into a rack full of potato chips.::

Savior stepped out of the portal in the south.
He was one of the more evolved vampires, not fearing light , so the sunlight did not harm him in anyway .
Savior sniffed, the smell of humans was strong, the smell made him hungry he hadnt eatin anything decent in a while food was scarce, but now this different world with so many people living so close tighether it was like a feast. He transfomed into a bat and flew towards the nearest town....
Mizu sniffed, and snarled when she smelled the evil powers of the supernatural. She transformed into a wolven (smaller, more supernaturally powerful wolf) and went running on all fours towards the smell. When she saw the 'demon' she leapt on it and started tearing into it's hyde. She had smelled the the human and it's weakness, and she didn't want something like that to be hurt.

EDIT: No offense to your character, he's just human. XD
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