
Mind if I join?

Name:Hudson Jaleco (Last name is Portugese, so it's pronounced jal-ey-su). His capooeira name however is Artilharia, which is a name given to him in the spirit of his kicks, which are generally aimed high, and are usually quick and powerful.
Group: Humans
Sex: Male
Appearance: 6'0 and 160 pounds. Hudson has a thin, wiry, if athletic build, as his muscles eccentuate his above average level of flexibility. His dark brown skin color, makes his afro-american-brazillian heritage ever so evident. What's more, his green eye, natural smile and strong chiseled cheek line make him a natural lady-killer. In the streets, he generally prefers wearing an extra-large basketball jersey with a fitted cap, and a pair of comfortable tennis shoes. If he should enter a street roda, he just removes his shirt, shoes, socks, and has his pants rolled up.

Personality: Generally bright, optimistic, friendly and upbeat. He generally prefers place an importance on his abilities to have, fun, and is often known to make judgements based off of how fun something is. Normally, Hudson tries to live his life as carefree as possible; reason being is because "worrying is that thing that gives people heart attacks. Nobody wants to die from inside" Because of his care free and free-spirited nature, others tend to send him as either lazy of stupid. THis isn't the case at all, as Hudson himself has a prodigial IQ score. Which is why he's in his sophomore year of college. His excuse for being though of as lazy is that he just "doesn't feel like doing it". He will of course do what is required of him if the situation calls for it. Being the sort of person that he is, he has very few dislikes. These just so happen to be, bigots of any type,war, and just general worldly negativity because if bums him out.

On a side note, he does have a darker more wrathful side. As he's been known to become unrelenting his crusades to satisfy the wrongs done to him. A team player, all the way, Hudson would gladly give his life up at the drop of the hat for his friends, or significant others (some family, etc...), should they come to danger of harm.

Background info: He was born along the southern bible belt, and lived there until he was about 8 years old with just his mother. His parents had had a nasty divorce before his birth, leaving he and his mother penniless and to the subsequent mercy and care of friends and family. Hudson's father sued his mother in a coup de grace. The legal battle resulted in his father gaining custody of Hudson, and deemed his mother unfit to care as a parent. Forced to leave friends and family alike, he moved to Salvador brazil to live with his father, who, as a small perk, happened to be very rich. From the last he'd heard of his mother, he was told to come California when he was old enough. During his tiime in Brazil, he picked up the ancient art of the slaves: Capoeira, in the style of Sao bento grande Regional. And he picked it up at an expert level too. More surprisingly, he also learned Tae kwon do (A style, that he never imagined learning). He got accepted to college in Stanford University, and moved up to California as quickly as he could. To his dismay, however, he had found out that his mother had been mysteriously killed, which led him to fiercely supesct his father, who had (no pun intended) made a killing off of her death.

Any Weird Supernatural Info We Should Know: Things are known to spotaneously explode, combust, or set aflame around Hudson when he's angered (which isn't that much). Parts of his body are known to catch aflame as well. For whatever reason, the flames don't seem to harm his body. In fact, fire doesn't really harm his skin at all.

*Hudson will gain control of his ability later on in the story.
~I get what I need.~ Mizu leapt through the door of the bar, growling, ~Where did you GOOOOO?!~ She started a yelp of surprise as she saw the shotgun aimed at the door by Wullfe, ~WUU!~ She ungracefully went sliding across the slick wood to go crashing into a barstool. She sat up dizzily, ~Ooooo.~ She got up, shaking her head and trying to see straight, ~WULLFE!~ She sounded breathless as she stared out at the 'bad guys'.
::Frowning, Wullfe hoists himself over the bar to run and slam the door shut. He leans against it, sitting to ease the pain. With a sheepish grin, he looks up at Mizu.::

Wullfe: "Mizu? What are you doing here? I mean, I'm glad to see that you're safe..."

::Checking himself, he finishes his sentiments silently.::

Wullfe: (I knew you'd be okay. You're so strong. Not weak, like I am...)

::Dismayed, he looks away.::

Wullfe: "But I thought that daywalking vampire would have followed me here. I was prepared to do away with him..."

::Wullfe feels the door shudder behind him from the impact outside. Done planning, he gazes back to Mizu.::

Wullfe: "But it's even better you're here. It sounds like all hell outside. Did more people show up?"

::With a start, Wullfe rises and moves over to a nearby table, he kicks a chair over to the door and props it under the handle, creating a makeshift barricade. Once he's fortified the only door, he heads over to Mizu. Out of nowhere, he kneels by her and brings his face close to hers. With no warning, he places his hands around her neck.::

Wullfe: "Mizu, this is the plan. We're going to leave through the window in the back"

::He removes his left hand for a moment and motions to an unseen window, behind Mizu. Even though he tries to be gentle, he's so nervous that his hands clam up and are tight and rigid.::

Wullfe: "After that, we can figure the rest out, ok? And Mizu..."

::Wullfe stares deep into the Wolven's eyes, finishing the rest of his thoughts in his head.::

Wullfe: (Don't leave me. I think I'll be okay as long as you're here with me...)

::However, he just can't speak the words out loud.::

Wullfe: "Never mind. That's all..."

OOC serge68, i think you can join, but i didn't create this thread you have to ask them, but start for now and see what happens, but make it fit to ours, and start it away, like in some other part of the country, before you join okay?

IC: Kamui saw Mizu retreat into the bar... well more like fell into the bar but same thing, the fact is she is in the bar, so this is all i have to do... "Saviour you don't eat werewolves do you... or do you prefer humans? because if you don't... we can get rid of something that is in our way..."

He motioned to the bar, and said "well if i were to freeze it, it would get rid of that tiresome werewolf, and one thing that was in our way."
Mizu's muzzle broke into a sort of smile, ~Well, let's get goin' then if there's nothing else to say... But before I leave, I have to help that human outfront, I think his name was Leon...~ Mizu went out the window, looking back a second to see if Wullfe was coming. It wasn't her nature to leave living things in danger, ~Just watch the ice, it won't quit spreading.... I don't know how to stop it. Can you make fire here?~ She started to sneak around towards the front of the bar, listening and sniffing for Leon and any other humans. She wasn't to sure of that Bellicus person. He seemed dangerous in his own humany way.
''Im hungry, so at the moment il eat most things that have living blood coursing through there veins'' Savior chuckled.
Savior watched the wolven moving around inside, he then watched the human with her. what were they doing??
''So what do you propse we do Kamui??''
"Lets see now, how about this," The ice froze in the cracks of the old bar structure, opening the cracks wider, until it fell and opened the bar in half. "Now we can see inside, and everything inside is still in one part, rather then a million... now you may do what you wish, not that i'm giving you a order," Kamui looked inside at Wulfe, and the Werewolf "Now where is that other human...?"
((I'll post more later, sorry for the shortness))

(in portugese)
Para roda Capoeira, para vai ter que parar </B>
Eu não para roda Capoeira </B>
que cavalaria acabou de chegar </B>
Para roda Capoeira, para vai ter que parar
Eu não para roda Capoeira </B>
Os homens tão armado, ele vai te matar </B>
Para roda Capoeira, para vai ter que parar
Eu não para dejeito nenhum </B>
sou filho de Ogum e de pai Oxalá </B>
Para roda Capoeira, para vai ter que parar
Eu não para sou cabra ligeiro </B>
nasci mandingeiro, dou salto mortal </B>
Para roda Capoeira, para vai ter que parar
Eu não para repito de novo </B>
esse jogo de povo é vai continuar </B>
Para roda Capoeira, para vai ter que parar

Stop the roda, because it has to stop </B>
I won't stop the roda of Capoeira </B>
because the police has just arrived </B>
Stop the roda, because it has to stop
I won't stop the roda of Capoeira </B>
they are armed, he will kill you </B>
Stop the roda, because it has to stop
I will never stop </B>
I'm a son of Ogum and the father Oxalá </B>
Stop the roda, because it has to stop
I won't stop, I'm a fast guy </B>
a born mandingeiro, giving a mortal salto </B>
Stop the roda, because it has to stop
I won't stop, I will do it again </B>
this game of the people will continue </B>
Stop the roda, because it has to stop

The entire game was a blur. The chorus of fellow capoeiristas seemed to echo back and forth through time, filling his body with energy. From a distance, a random passerby would casually mistake what they were doing for fighting. But this wasn't the case at all. Because they...

...were dancing

Capoeira, the dance of war, the dance of death, and Hudson was flying through the air. Well, at the moment he was. But here he was, Hudson Jaleco, having his last regional style roda in California.
(One question to Serge68: What's a roda? ^^, )

Mizu stiffened as the bar was basically split in half, ~Aw, crud. Run, Wullfe. Get out.~ Mizu bolted out, snarling at the vampire again, "Grr." Her fur prickled as she tried to bite the vampire and knock the other one down, trying to give the humans a chance.
Savior jumped to the side and drew his pistols and aimed.
''Do you know what they do to mad dogs ??''
Savior chuckled,''They put them down.''
And with that Savior fired his pistols at the oncoming Wolven.
::Gritting his teeth, Wullfe takes a seat on the only wheeled chair. With a kick, he propels himself away from the battle, while still watching it progress. He raises his stolen shotgun, and aims a shot directly at the vampires chest. With no hesitation, he pulls the trigger, sending a barrage of deadly shotgun shells towards the lone assailant. At the same time, he crashes into the bar, knocking a few bottles of alcohol onto the floor. The bottles smash, quickly spilling their contents, and Wullfe prepares the next step in his attack...::
Mizu turned her head to let the bullets go into her shoulder, and rammed her head towards Savior's stomach with all her weight put into it, feeling the ice on her paws. Mizu ignored the shotgun shots, knowing that Wullfe had gotten a big weapon of some sort. She couldn't be stuck just that easily with ice, she was an arctic wolven after all.
*Uh sorry about not posting guys. Basically, I've left FFF, and uh, forgot to mention it. Anyhow, sorry about forgetting to tell you, and slightly messing up this RP (I'm sure you're fine without me XD).

Continue if you want, but I did notice that this has kinda died. IF you do want to continue, kill me off or whatever. I don't mind.

So um, see you around.
Name: Cain
Group: Evil Supernatural
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Appearance: Long black hair made up into ponytail. Only half his face can be seen the other half is covered by a black ninja mask (hides his mutant other side). Wears long trench coat and big black bikey boots with flickout knives. 6'6" tall and weighs 180lbs.

Personality: Lead a life of (quote Lord Shishio) "Weak are only food for the strong" (in a more literal concept of Dawinism). Is also an opportunist and will take adavantage of any better opportunities (will kill a friend for a price). Very playful, likes to torture something until they are willing to give up there life essence for mercy. Hunter by nature with animalistic tendancies. Holds personal vendettas against any persons who get the better of him.
Background info: Considered evil by his tribe when he killed his brother while hunting, cursed by villages which is how his body manefested to how it is.
Any Weird Supernatural Info We Should Know: Gains power from sucking the life esscence from peoples bodies (alive/dead). He is literally a vamp that lives off this essence. He can do this from a sword that is an extention of his arm. Needs this essence so the beastal instincts inside of him don't take over his mind. When he turns bestal looks similar to venom from spider man. BLACK and BRUTISH and EMO!

Name: Cain
Group: Evil Supernatural
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Appearance: Long black hair made up into ponytail. Only half his face can be seen the other half is covered by a black ninja mask (hides his mutant other side). Wears long trench coat and big black bikey boots with flickout knives. 6'6" tall and weighs 180lbs.
Personality: Lead a life of (quote Lord Shishio) "Weak are only food for the strong" (in a more literal concept of Dawinism). Is also an opportunist and will take adavantage of any better opportunities (will kill a friend for a price). Very playful, likes to torture something until they are willing to give up there life essence for mercy. Hunter by nature with animalistic tendancies. Holds personal vendettas against any persons who get the better of him.
Background info: Considered evil by his tribe when he killed his brother while hunting, cursed by villages which is how his body manefested to how it is. Exiled from village.
Any Weird Supernatural Info We Should Know: Gains power from sucking the life esscence from peoples bodies (alive/dead). He is literally a vamp that lives off this essence. He can do this from a sword that is an extention of his arm. Needs this essence so the beastal instincts inside of him don't take over his mind. When he turns bestal looks similar to venom from spider man. BLACK and BRUTISH and EMO!
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(Sorry guys i left so sudden i had to pay a visit to FFF jail)

The bullets flew through the air and embeded themselvess into Saviors chest.He was knocked to the floor, then he looked down and watched his crimson blood flow out of his body....
''Time to leave'' he thought.
Once again Savior chuckled quietly at first then getting louder. ''Nice try il give you that, but not silver so...'' He pointed down to his wounds,''I dont die, but not a bad try''.
(Darkfantasy X i think you should kinda help me now in some way)