
He hovers over the town and sees a small child on its own.
He flies down on to the ground trnasforms back in to a vampire anbd walks over to the kid.
It looks like it hasnt eaten in a while. He walks up to it and tells it tocome closer and offers it some food.
The child steps closer not sure at first but its mind driven by hunger persuades him.
As the childgets closer Savior grasps it by the shoulders and sinks his teeth into its neck. Savior drinks and drinks until he drains the child dry. He dumps the body nehind the bins transforms and flies of, full of energy...
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Mizu sniffed, and snarled when she smelled the evil powers of the supernatural. She transformed into a wolven (smaller, more supernaturally powerful wolf) and went running on all fours towards the smell. When she saw the 'demon' she leapt on it and started tearing into it's hyde. She had smelled the the human and it's weakness, and she didn't want something like that to be hurt.

EDIT: No offense to your character, he's just human. XD

OOC: None taken :D


::Wullfe lies sprawled on top of the snack rack. Groaning, he sits up and proceeds to pull the many shards of glass out of his body. Outside, he hears the spawn of evil roar and howl.::

Wullfe: "He doesn't sound too pleased... Then again, I've never heard a happy roar..."

::Done for the moment, he rises and peeps out the stores now shattered looking glass, only to find the beast battling what appears to be a small wolf.::

Wullfe: "Huh... I guess I'm called 'Wullfe' (Pronounced "Wolf") for a reason..."

::Recovered for now, he jumps outside, and while the beast is kept busy, he sneaks around behind it. He approaches one of the gas pumps, and with some work and the help of a crowbar, he manages to smash it open. Gas starts pouring out, drenching the floor. Smiling, Wullfe takes the crowbar and begins to walk away from the pump, dragging it along the concrete, creating a trail of oil back to the pumps. Once he thinks he's far enough, he starts jumping and screaming at the ogre that was chasing him.::


::Since the beast saw easier prey, it decides to retreat from the wolven for now and begins to tear after Wullfe... Straight onto the oil spill. Right as the beast steps foot onto the oil spill, a grinning Wullfe strikes at the concrete with his steel crowbar, creating a spark which in turn ignites the trail of fuel leading to the gas pumps, which explode in awesome fiery might. Wullfe shields his eyes and ducks, to avoid being hit by shrapnel, assured that the beast had been defeated...::
Mizu shook her head, glancing at the demon now on fire, "......" She sniffed, and jerked at the smell of gasoline. She trotted up to Wullfe and sat, staring up at him, ~Are you alright, human?~ Her mouth wasn't actually moving, but you could still hear her soft voice, ~Yes?~ She looked around, looking for other demons.
Savior sacnned the horizon for any sign of any other supernaturals, the traitors that helped
the humans, to Savior humans are a food source, nothing else.
::Wullfe should be surprised, but for some strange reason, he's not. Frowning, he sits besides the strange wolf and continues to pull the glass and debris out of his body.::

Wullfe: "I'll live... You know, I should be shocked that wolf is talking to me, but with all the crazy stuff that's been happening... with all the things I've just seen, this doesn't seem all that strange..."

::Not one to take to company at all, amazingly, Wullfe feels a kinship with this animal.::

Wullfe: (Perhaps it's our nature? My name and her being?)

Wullfe: "I'm Wullfe, by the way. What's your name? And er, what are you?"

::Wullfe looks at the wolf inquisitively, finally finished with his injuries.::
~I never really realize until you pointed it out, wolven, Wullfe. XD~

Mizu's tail wagged and she seemed to smile, ~Mizu's my name. And for what I am, you'll just have to decide for yourself.~ Her hackles rose as she smelled the flesh of Savior, ~But I suggest we get moving.... something dead is coming.~ She trotted off, the pads of her feet barely making any noise or stirring up anything at all. She was a pale white, with silvery-blue streaked all through her fur. She seemed arctic. ~I'm not the only strange thing around at this time....~
::Wullfe nods and begins to follow her, although, not quite as stealthily.::

Wullfe: (Her ears must be far more keen than mine... she must sense another one of those things coming after us.)

::As they trot along, he can't help but to notice the beautiful hue of her fur, and how thick her coat was.::

Wullfe: "You know Mizu, I've never seen a wolf like you before... you're quite..."

Wullfe: (Beautiful?)

Wullfe: "Unique."
Mizu flicked her ears and nodded, ~Thanks. I guess humans aren't used to seeing my kind here....~ She put her nose to the air, sniffing and nudged his leg, ~Wullfe, do you know about vampires? It seems me have one around here. I dunno how he got to this world.... Maybe he used a portal like I did, but you'd be good food for him.~
::Wullfe grins at her last statement.::

Wullfe: "I'll take my being good food for him as a compliment. But... It's day right now? Can't they not come out in sunlight?"

::Wullfe looks to her and smiles.::

Wullfe: (I want to pet her, but I shouldn't. It'd be wrong and I'd probably insult her...)

Wullfe: "And I don't think I'm any good to fight one. I'm beat up pretty badly from the last one... Whatever it might've been."
Mizu trots right beside him like a tame dog, not caring that people were staring at her unusual colors, ~Well, I'm not gonna leave. I need your help to get around here. I'll lose my my.~ She was only half telling the truth. She just prefered having company. Especially with a daywalking vampire around, ~I dunno why he's walking in the light, but he here, I can smell him. And you might actually come in handy, you humans always end up surprising me.~

(Hey Wullfe, since it seems everyone has vanished, do you want to just continue the fight RP so we don't rack up pages upon pages for them to look through when they get back?)

Kamui sat in his ice castle, in the mist of Antarctica, he had arrived there earlier, from a mysterious portal that opened up for him... i like it here, he thought, in his cruel voice, he had manipulated the ice, and created the castle, now lets have some fun on the inhabitants of this planet.

The antarctic ice shelf began to grow biggerm and spread across the ocean towards the base of Chile and Australia, it got colder and colder as the ice formed the mist which brought it there. on the ice, demons were hungry for warm flesh to consume, they had waited, and could wait another 1000 years to feast again, but they were hungry and they were waiting, for the mist to spread and the ice to consume and form the bridge they would travel on.

Kamui stood up, and flew to the top, looking down at the progress... soon, this planet will freeze and i will rule, another planet in my collection.
Savior watched the scene of the wolven and the human fighting the demon.
He wondered to himself why does she help them what does she get out of it ?''
The fighting amused him if it hadnt have been for human interferance she probaly wouldnt have won.
She would have to be got rid of, he had a trick up his sleeve, they didnt beleive that he could be out in the light hehehe..... For the time being he flew off, he'd be back ....
In a bar in canada...

"Sure is quiet here" Bellicus said to himself as he began drinking from the whisky bottle.The bar was usually breaming with life but now it seemed like no one had been in here for the past couple of days.
A strange creature that resembled the werewolves you see in most movies was slowly walking towards Bellicus from behined properly to have its next victim.
"Ah so your the reason its so quiet" Beliicus said before pulling out his customized Desert Eagle.He aimed it at the strange creature and without looking he fired 3 shots into its chest causing it to collapse on the floor.He got off the stool and headed towards its body.He looked very carfeully at it wondering what the hell was going on.

Soon he heard shots getting fired towards his direction.He quickly jumped down to the ground to avoid the shots waiting for his new attacker to show itself.

He heard someone walking into the bar shouting "I know you foul beasts are here show your selves!!".
Bellicus jumped back onto his feet causing the the attacker to stumble in shock.Bellicus noticed his attacker was the bartender and the bartender realized he nearly killed a human being.
"Im so sorry" The bartender said as he approached Bellicus.Bellicus aimed his gun at the man before firing a shot into the old man's chest.
The old man leaned against the wall before collapsing onto the ground.
"Im not after an apology" Bellicus said as he began leaving the bar.
Mizu's ears twitched as the gunshots echoed, *What's goin' on......* She started to trot towards the noises cautiously, hoping another human wasn't in danger. She looked around, loosing the main scent of Savior. She shook her head, *We'll find him.* She was starting to get confused by all the strange new scents and sites in this world.
OOC: Sorry I'm so late in starting. I basically forgot :P I said I was going to be in America but screw that. Road Trip!!!


Leon relaxed, the cool breeze in his face. It had certainly been something - driving 20 hours a day, he, Dan and Faye had spent the past week all the way across America. They had crossed the border into Canada a couple of days ago, and had since been lost. They had driven around and around, looking for places to stay.

Since noon they had been driving their van towards a small town on the map. The map didn't show a name, but it was the largest of any civilisation withing a 10 mile radius. As they drove slowly down the high street gunshots rang out on their right. "Holy sh*t". The three of them got out of the van, left in the middle of the road.

Leon looked to the building on his right. It was a bar. Just then a tall man, dressed all in Black burst out. In his right hand he held a large pistol, still smoking. "Oh my God..." He grabbed his friends and pulled them behind the van.

"What the hell is up with Canada?" said Dan.

OOC: Some please kill off Dan and Faye :P
OOC: :P I said I was going to be in America but screw that. Road Trip!!!

OOC: Sweet!

"What the hell is up with Canada?" said Dan.

OOC: Some please kill off Dan and Faye :P

OOC: LOL @ both comments!


::Sensing Mizus urgency, Wullfe jogs to keep pace with her.::

Wullfe: (Gunshots... That means that it's a human being! Another person is still alive! And kicking too, by the sounds of it...)

::Wullfe nods to the only bar in sight.::

Wullfe: "Mizu, I think the commotion is coming from in there... You wait here, I'll go check it out."

::Without waiting for her consent, Wullfe runs a little faster, aiming to spy the activities taking place in the pub. However, as he nears it, he witnesses Bellicus running out, gun still hot. At the same time, Leon and his party arrive in their vehicle, all apparently surprised. With a quick glance at Bellicus' gun, Wullfe stops. Instinctively, he moves to stand in front of Mizu, hiding her from the mysterious man.::

Wullfe: (He looks angry... And he doesn't look like he's out to make too many friends... Which is fine, me neither, however, I don't trust him with that barrel anywhere near Mizu...)
Savior had heard the gun shots and had flown to see what was happening, he transfomed and sat.Savior watched with intrest from the top of a building.
He watched a man come out of an inn with a pistol in his hand. He could also see the Wolven disguised in the form of a human her back facing to him, he thought to himself ''It might fool the humans, but no me.''
Savior smiled to himself, pulled out his two pistols, and fired two bullets at the defencless Wolven. ''Goodbye my freind, its time to die'' Savior chuckled...
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As soon as Bellicus saw the van he knew that was going to be his way out of this place.He didnt know how he got himself into this mess because the only reason he came up to this town was to kill some guy called Wullfie.Bellicus didnt care about the reason his current employer wanted Wullfie dead because to him the money was all that mattered. He began to take a few steps towards the van before seeing a young man looking directly at him.He could tell the man was hiding something but he could not be botherd to find out what it was.Once he got near the van he heard some gun shots.
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